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精品新人教版选修8高中英语unit1 section1warming upprereadingreading过关习题及答案.docx

1、精品新人教版选修8高中英语unit1 section1warming upprereadingreading过关习题及答案Unit 1Section 单词拼写 1_(移民) in the 1980s was very common2Only a few of shopkeepers thought highly of the plan The_(大多数) were against it3Thanks to the good policy,economy is_(繁荣),which has created job opportunities4They_(选举) a new president l

2、ast year5 What_(百分比) of the students were absent?6Radio and television are important_(方式)of communication7A strong man will bear_(困苦) without complaining8There is often no clear_(区别) between them9An_(飞机) has to overcome the resistance of the air10Most_(种族的) discrimination is based on ignorance答案:1Im

3、migration2majority3booming4elected5percentage6means7hardship8distinction9aircraft10racial完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1我借助报纸上的一则广告找到了我的自行车。I found my bike_ _ _a notice in the newspaper2科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。Scientists say they are beginning to_ _in the fight_cancer3彼得说当他第一次来到这个城市时,真的不道如何适应。Peter s

4、aid when he first came to the city,he really didnt know_ _ _ _ _4我们七月初要去日本。Were going to Japan_ _ _ _July5他当演员的梦想终于现了。He finally_ _ _of becoming an actor His dream of becoming an actor finally_ _6保育员尽量让孩子在室外多活动。The nurses keep children out of doors_ _ _ _7我有一些困难,但是比起你的就算不了什么。Ive had some difficultie

5、s but they were nothing_ _yours8该岛人口约78,000。The island_ _ _ _about 78,0009她绝不贫穷。际上,她相当富有。_ _ _ _ _poorIn fact,she is quite rich10据说他成为一名教师了。_ _that hes become a teacher答案:1by means of2break through;against3how to make a life4at the beginning of5realized/achieved his dream;came true6as much as possib

6、le7compared to(be nothing compared to sb/sth 表示“比起算不了什么”)8has a population of9By no means is she10Its said完形填空When I was an eightyearold girl, my father decided to work far from home The only_1_was coming back home only twice a year I was too young to accept his unexpected and sudden_2_at that time;

7、I thought he did not love me anymore and left me_3_mother explained the reason to me so many times,I could not help_4_himWhenever I saw parents send their children to school _5_, I felt that I was the only one unable to get encouragement from fatherClearly I did not understand how_6_for him to suppo

8、rt a whole family I would give a cold shoulder to him,never called and_7_him unless he gave me a phone call He did not know how to_8_to my attitude,for all he could do was work harder and make me and mother live _9_10_,things have changed One day,I got a bad cold and ran a high fever;lying in bed,I

9、felt all my_11_had given out Suddenly my phone rang It was my dad I picked up the phone;_12_my surprise,I heard my dad was weeping I never saw him_13_even when my grandfather passed away,even when he left home to_14_,but now,he could not say any word but sobbing After a while he said, “You would nev

10、er know how_15_I am If there is even onethousandth chance that I can get back to you, I will not have any _16_However, I cannot, sometimes one has to_17_something in order to take his real_18_I cannot think of anything but you when you are suffering pain; you do not know how much I_19_you Every time

11、 I hear your voice,I cannot stop blaming myself for_20_you;the only thing I want you to know is that I love you I really do”文章大意:本文作者先抑后扬,赞美了深沉浓重的父爱。父亲因外出工作遭到女儿的误解,但最后女儿终于理解父亲,走向了成熟。1Apower BcostCwish Dadvantage 答案:B后文提到作者是不愿意父亲一年才回两次家的,因此只能选B项,此处是说唯一的代价是每年只能回两次家。2Aoffer Baccident Cdecision Dchange答

12、案:C第一句中的decided是提示。作者当时太小,接受不了父亲作的这个突然的决定。3AEven though BNow thatCAs if DIn case答案:A根据句意可此处应该选择表示转折意味的词语。even though即使,尽管。4Amissing BphoningCcheating Dblaming答案:D前文提到作者不能接受父亲的决定。此处是说即使母亲多次给作者解释,但是作者仍然禁不住责备父亲。5Adelightedly BcarefullyCsecretly Dproudly答案:A每当看到别人的父母送他们的孩子高高兴兴地上学,作者就会感觉不愉快。6Aimpossible

13、BeasyCimportant Dnormal答案:C作者此时还是不能理解父亲供养家庭的重要性。7Arefused Bconcerned Ccalmed Dhated答案:B此处是作者有意不理睬父亲的一些做法:冷淡父亲,不给他打电话,不关心他。8Arespond BleadCturn Dagree答案:A父亲面对女儿的态度显得束手无策,不道怎么应对。9Alonger BbetterCmore confidently Dmore peacefully答案:B将整个部分补全可,他所能做的就是更加努力工作使母女生活得更好。10ABesides BThereforeCThus DHowever答案:D

14、空后面的内容显示此处与上文是转折关系,因此选择D项,however“然而”。11Ahope BstrengthCknowledge Dcourage答案:B所选词在句中作主语,谓语动词是give out,再结合自己发烧这一事可,自己感觉到一点力气都没有了。12Ato Bin Cfor Dat答案:Ato ones surprise使某人惊讶的是。13Asmile Bcry Cshout Dstop答案:B由上文的weeping和下文的sobbing可选B,此处是说作者从没看到父亲哭过。14Astudy Blive Cwork Dtravel答案:C前文已经提到过父亲外出工作,因此选择C项。15

15、Alonely Bguilty Ctired Dlazy答案:B父亲因为道女儿生病而哭泣显示了他对女儿的疼爱,也表达了自己的愧疚之情。16Ahesitation BdemandCdisappointment Ddetermination答案:A这是父亲在表达对女儿的疼爱之情,哪怕是有千分之一的机会父亲也会毫不犹豫地回到女儿身边。17Ahand in Bshow off Cgive up Dturn out答案:C根据语境应该选择C项,give up放弃;hand in上交;show off炫耀;turn out结果是。18Adamage BillnessCloss Dresponsibilit

16、y答案:D一个人要真正负起责任就必须有所放弃。take responsibility负责任。19Apay for Bowe toCdepend on Dworry about答案:D此处仍然是父亲对女儿的倾诉内容,女儿受苦,做父亲的非常担心(worry about)。pay for支付;owe to欠;depend on依靠。20Afooling Bupsetting Ccheating Dleaving答案:D第一段提到过父亲外出工作离开女儿。阅读理解Christmastime in the city brings forests of trees already cut and waiti

17、ng to be sold But some people like to drive to tree farms Others wait for their trees to come to them They order one from the pages of a catalog or on the Internet Some say the easiest thing of all is to buy a manmade tree with Christmas lights already on it No falling needles to have to clean upThe

18、 National Christmas Tree Association says 33,000,000 real trees were sold last year, compared to 9,000,000 manmade ones Manmade trees generally cost more, but they can be reused Most natural trees are cut up and recycled, but some people buy trees that can be plantedMost Christmas trees are now grow

19、n on farms instead of in forests Twentyone thousand tree farmers in the United States grow Christmas trees on more than 180,000 hectares Oregon was the leading producer last yearTwentytwo percent of people who bought real trees last year chose them at a farm Two percent of those people cut the trees

20、 themselves The next most popular places were big stores like Walmart and Home DepotGroups like the Boy Scouts also sell Christmas trees But some people pay nothing for theirs They steal itCornell University in Ithaca, New York, has many pretty evergreens Some years ago, a university worker found a

21、way to keep them there A month before Christmas, workers treated them with “pink ugly mix” It contains water and red food colour The bright colour starts to disappear after about a month It can take longer, however Cornell decided not to use the mix this year, but the idea has spread1Manmade trees a

22、re chosen for Christmas partly because_Athey cost less than real onesBthey are usually sold with giftsCthey look prettier than real onesDthey can be used for more than once答案:D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可,可重复使用是人造圣诞树的优点之一。2What can we learn from the passage?AOregon produced the most Christmas trees last yearBMos

23、t Christmas trees come directly from the forestsCAll real trees for Christmas are recycled by AmericansDManmade Christmas trees are more popular with Americans答案:A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Oregon was the leading producer last year”可,去年Oregon生产的圣诞树最多。3People can get their Christmas trees from the following pla

24、ces EXCEPT _AOregon BHome DepotCBoy Scouts DCornell University答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段可,康奈尔大学不生产也不销售圣诞树。4The passage is mainly about_Athe important festivals in AmericaBthe origin of Christmas as a holidayCthe way Americans celebrate ChristmasDthe popularity of Christmas trees in America答案:D主旨大意题。本文通过具体数据说明

25、了圣诞节时圣诞树在美国的销售情况,进而揭示圣诞树在美国很受欢迎。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How can parents express high (but not too high) expectations of their children?Set realistic goals_1_Be aware that setting goals that are too low can be boring, while setting goals that are too high can lead to disappointmen

26、t and possible failureEncourage special talents Dont expect your child to become a doctor or lawyer just because they are respected professions_2_If your child loves dance, voice your expectation that he or she works hard to become better at what he or she loves If your child loves science, voice yo

27、ur expectation that he or she enters the science fairTalk about the future_3_But talking generally about your expectations for the future (expecting him or her to attend college or expecting him or her to work toward a profession he or she loves) can help him or her better form his or her own aspira

28、tions and dreams_4_If you are working toward your own goals and improving yourself in a way that your child can see, he or she will learn not only to achieve what is expected of him or her from others, but also to expect himself or herself to achieve through hard work and planningDont get too specif

29、ic While it is healthy to expect your child to achieve and make great progress in school, it is not healthy for either parent or child to expect to win a state championship_5_AShare your expectations of yourselfBYour child may feel discouraged or depressedCYou should set challenging but possible goals for your childDSetting overly specific goals about the future can lead to disappointmentEEncourage your child to set goals for himself or herself and then work toward themFSetting very high and detailed standards for your child

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