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1、六年级英语6A六年级英语6(A)单元试卷(一)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(20分)一、 听录音,选出所听到的单词。(听2遍)(10分) ( ) 1. A. question B. quietly C.carefully ( ) 2. A.take B. talk C.walk ( ) 3. A.must B. mean C.mask ( ) 4. A. brother B.cousin C.sister ( ) 5. A. smoke C.nose二、 根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听2遍)(5分)( ) 1. A.yes , it do. ,it is

2、not . C.yes,it does.( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B.No , he cant. C.No,she cant.( ) 3. A. Hes from USA. B. Hes from England. C. Hes from Japan.( ) 4. A.It means DO NOT TOUCH. B. Its a sign . C. Its interesting.( ) 5. A.Shes cleaning the windows. B. Shes taking a walk. C. Shes doing homework.三、 听录音,在句子中填入所缺的

3、单词。(听3遍)(5分)1. What does this sign mean? It _ No SMOKING.2. Ben and his cousin are taking a walk in the _ .3. We shouldnt _ noise in the library .4. Jack _ has a lot of questions.5. Can I _ here? No, you can not.笔试部分(80分)一:补全单词,写出汉语意思(10分)1sh_ _ ld _ 2、 p_bli_ _ 3、q_ _st_ _ n _ 4、_lw_ _s _ 5、g_ _ss

4、_ 6、s_g_ _ 7、p_ ck _ 8、sm_k_ _ 9、m_st _ 10、_ sk _ 二、英汉互译(10分)1、 禁止吸烟_ 2、请勿触摸_3、公共标志_ 4、散步 _5、保持安静_ 6、No littering_7、make noise_ 8 danger _9、in the park _ 10、keep of the grass _三:用所给的词的适当形式填空(10分)1、It means we _(should)smoke here.2、I can see many _( public sign) in the street.3、There _(be) a lot of p

5、ens on the desk.4、What _(do) the sign mean ?5、This sign means “No _(park).”四、选择(10分)( )1、There are _signs here. A、 a lot B、 much C、 a lot of D、 a( )2、 _ many books on the desk. A、 There is B、There are C、have D、 has( )3、We shouldnt walk _ the grass. A、in B、on C、 at D、 of( )4、 _ does this sign mean ?A

6、、 Which B、What C、 Who D、Here( )5、It means you shouldnt_ photos hereA、 takes B、 taking C、take D、 took( )6、I like playing basketball _my friends. A、in B、 on C、 at D、with( )7、pass the pen to _A、 I B、his C、him D、he ( )8、Everyday we have different _A、 a class B、 class C、classes D、many classes( )9、We know

7、 a lot _ public signs. A、about B、of C、for D、in( )10、That policeman is asking _some questions_his family. A、him about B、his of C、he of D、hes about五:句子配对(10分) ( )1、What does it mean? A.Yes, I do.( )2、Can I watch TV , mom? B.Yes,I am.( )3、Dont touch it. C.Its under the bed.( )4、Do you like reading ? D.

8、Yes, you can.( )5、What day is it today? E. Ok.( )6、Whats in the classroom? F. I like red.( )7、What time is it? G.There are many desks and chairs .( )8、What colour do you like? H. Its sunday.( )9、Wheres my shoes ? I. It means “Danger”.( )10、Are you lily ? J、Its 9 oclock now.六、请你根据中文完成下列句子(分)、这个标志是什么意

9、思? _ _this sign mean ?、墙上那个标志是意思是:“不要在这儿拍照”That sign on the _ means _ _photos here.、你必须远离那建筑物,很危险! You must stay _ _that _.Its very _!4已经十点半了,你现在必须去睡觉。 Its already half past ten .You_go to bed now.七、阅读理解,请你根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写()错误的写()(10分)Su Yang and her sister Su Hai are walking in the park.They are go

10、ing to draw pictures. Suddenly, Su Hai says ,”Danger!Dont stand there !”Oh ,a litte girl is standing near the lake ,Then Su Hai and Su Yang come up to her quickly .Su Yang says to her ,”You should stay away from the lake .Where are your parents?The girls shakes her head(摇头).So they have to (不得不)take

11、 her to the police.( )1、Su Hai and Su Yang want to draw pictures in the park.( )2、Su Yang draws pictures carefully ,but Su Hai doesnt.( )3、A little girl is standing near the lake .( )4、Su Hai and Su Yang come up to her quickly .( )5.The litte girl goes to the police at last(最终),because his parents a

12、re policeman .八 作文 10分请你给班级制定一份班规,规范同学们在班级和校园里的行为,例如1. 不能在走廊追打吵闹.2. 不能随地乱扔纸屑.等等六年级英语6(A)单元试卷(二)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_(听力部分20分)一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。(听2遍)(10分) ( )1. A. March B. much C. June ( )2. A. fourth B.four C. first ( )3. A. when B.what C. where ( )4. A. sign B. should C.shoot ( )5. A. twenty B.twentieth C. twe

13、lfth二、听录音,选出合适的答句。(听2遍)(5分)( )1. A. Its on the 16th of october. B.Its on the 23th of november C. Its Sunday. ( )2. A.I am going to buy him a birthday present. B. Id like some CDs. C. I want to go shopping. ( )3. A. Its Friday. B. Its on the 23th of november. C. Its the 4th of June. ( )4. A. Its Hele

14、n. B. Its Helens. C. Shes Helen. ( )5. A. Yes, he does. B. No,she doesnt. C. Yes, she is.三、听录音,将对话补充完整。(听3遍)(5分) A: Helen, happy_ to you.This is for you.B: Thank you.I _ it very much. Plaese take a seat. What _ you like to drink?A: _ like to drink some juice.B: Do you want to _ cartoons?C:Yes, I do笔

15、试部分(80分)一、 从栏中选出与栏相对应的句子。(10分) ( )1. Whats time is it? A. Im from China.( )2. What would you like? B. It means Keep off the grass.( )3. Where are you from? C. The one in the white skirt.( )4.What date is it today? D. Its five oclock.( )5. What does the sign mean? E. Its a cage.( )6. Which one? F. Id

16、 like a Walkman. ( )7.Whens your birthday? G. Its the first of February.( )8.Whats this in English? H. Its on the 12th of June.( )9.How old are you? I. Hes my brother.( )10. Whos the boy? J. Im only four years old.二、请你来当小小翻译家,英汉互译(10分)1. go home together_ 6. 我的生日_2. the third of March _ 7. 放学后 _3. h

17、ave a birthday party_ 8. 吹灭 _4. a Japanese cartoon _ 9. 什么时候 _5. as a birthday present _ 10. 八月六日 _ 三、请你用括号里的单词的正确形式填空(10分)1._ ( Helen ) birthday is on the first of January.2.Tom _ (have) a birthday party at home .3.Look ! Yang Ling _ (draw) a picture.4. I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .5. Do t

18、hey like _ (swim) 6.Can you _(make) a model plane for me ? Yes, I _(make) a model plane now.7. What are those in the bag? Theyre _ (strawberry).8.What does your brother_? He_ playing the piano. (like)四、选择填空(10分)( )1、What _ is it today? Its Tuesday.A、date B 、day C、week D /( )2、My birthday is _May of

19、1995. A、 on B、 in C、 at D、 to( )3、What _is it today?Its the 1th of Apirl. A、date B、 day C、week D、 /( )4、_is your birthday? A、what B、who C、whose D、when( )5、What would you like _a birthday present? A、 for B、 to C、 as D、 /( )6、Its _of October today. A、twelve B、the twelve C、twelfth D、the twelfth( )7、Are

20、 you going to _ a birthday party? A、having B、had C、has D have( )8、Would you like _TV? A、 watch B、watching C、watch D、to watch( )9、_is the first day of the new term. A 、Sunday B、The fifteenth of September C、Monday D、The first of September( )10、Would you like to _ my birthday party? A、pick up B、picks i

21、t up C come to Dcome it to五、连词成句(10%)1. on, the, my, birthday, is, January, of, twenty-first (.) 2. like, to, would, you, come, to, birthday, my, party (?) 3. date, what, it, is, today (?) 4. would, you, like, what, as, birthday, your, present (.) 5. does, this, what, mean, sign (?)六、请你根据中文完成句子(10分)

22、1、你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?Would you like to _ _my _party?2、你想要什么作为生日礼物?What _you like _ a birthday present?3、孩子们正在给本唱生日歌。The children are _”Happy _to you” _Ben.4、今天是新学期的第一天。Today is _ _day of the new term.七、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写(T)错误的写(F)(10分) Today is my birthday .Its the 26th of February and its Saturday . I get m

23、any presents from my family and friends .They are very lovely. My father gives me a football.My mother gives a red cap to me .My little sister doesnt buy anything.But she does housework for me .I like the MP3.Because I like listening to music very much .( )1、My birthday is on Saturday.( )2、My birthd

24、ay presents are only from my family.( )3、My mother gives me a MP3.( )4、My litte sister doesnt give me birthday present.( )5、I get a football and a red cap from my father.八、书面表达:以 “My birthday”为题写一段话, 描写你生日发生的事情或有什么活动.(10分)六年级英语6(A)单元试卷(三)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(20分)一选出所听到的单词或词组(10分)( )1. A.go B.goes C.ago (

25、 )2. A.glasses C.past()3. C.time()4. A.exercise B.exciting C.excited()5.A. just now B.take off C.just a minute二、 根据你所听到的内容,将相应序号写在题前的括号内(5分)()1.A.It is on the chair.B.Its on the second of October. C.Its Tuesday.()2.A.Its three oclock now. B.Its two yuan. C.There are two.()3.A.Kee

26、p off the grass.B.Yes, it does. C.No,you can not.()4.A.No, I cant. B.Sure ,thank you. C.Yes, please. I like it.()5.A.They are on the desk.B. They were on the desk.C. Its on the desk.三、听录音,填入所缺的单词(5分)1A: _ are my shoes? B:Theyre _ the bed. A: No ,They _ there now. B: They were there a moment _ . A: L

27、ook, theyre near the _.笔试部分(80分)一、从栏中选出与栏相对应的句子。(10分) ( ) 1.Wheres Sam? A. I have PE , English and Art.( ) 2. What day is it today? B. All right.( ) 3. What does this sign mean? C.I was in my room just now.( ) 4. How old are you? D. Ive got a cold.( ) 5. How are you? E. It means Keep off the grass.( ) 6. What lessons do you have? F. Hes at home.( ) 7. Do you have any hobbies? G. Im twelve.( ) 8. Whats wrong with you? H. No, I dont.( ) 9. You should go home now. I. Its Friday.( ) 10. Where were you? J. Fine, thank you.二翻译(10分)1. Sports Day_ 2. 赛跑_3. a moment ag

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