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1、寒假生活七年级上册答案寒假生活七年级上册答案【篇一:2013七年级上册寒假生活指导答案】class=txt语文:温和委婉的话叫_婉_言 有关牛的谚语:九牛一毫莫自夸,骄傲自满必翻车。 有关牛的名言警句:横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛. -鲁迅 根据例句将句子补充完整 事业说:人生就是建筑历史的第一块砖石 友谊说:人生就是帮助别人攀登的阶梯 奋斗说:人生就是与风浪搏斗的那双撸; 勤劳说:人生就是耕耘大自然的那头牛; 困难说:人生就是那条坎坷曲折的山路; 挫折说:人生就是那在暗礁中行进的船; 西游记的作者是_吴承恩_ 一个老师批改作文学生作文滥用“而”,老师批改说:“当而而不而,不当而而而,而今而

2、后,已而已而 这句话的意思是:应当用“而”的地方而(却)不用“而”,不应该用“而”的地方而(却)而(用)“而”,而(像)现在这样用法,日后也而(这样),你的水平也就不过已而(如此)已而(而已)了。 关于雪的诗句: 王维观猎草枯鹰眼疾,_雪尽马蹄轻 卢纶塞下曲欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀 王安石梅花:墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。 遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。 柳宗元:江雪: 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。 刘长卿逢雪宿芙蓉山主人_:柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。 岑参白雪歌送武判官归京:山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处。 猜谜语 1.二画大,二画小(打一字)_秦_ 2.短一些,再短一些(打一字)_此_ 3.劈岩移山,修田值

3、柳(两个字的果实名):石榴 4.约十二时(打一姓氏):许 5.舌头没有了(打一姓氏):古 6.后弈介绍拿手功夫(打一姓氏) :谢 7.上面小山,下面才是山(打一姓氏) :岳 8.多一画教书,少一画带兵(打一姓氏):师 帅 9.头在水里游,为在天上发光(打一姓氏) :鲁 10.左边绿,右边红;右边怕水,左边怕风(打一姓氏) :秋 写出论语中的五句话 1.学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎? 2.巧言令色,鲜亦仁! 3.吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习胡? 4. 不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。 5.道不同,不相为谋。成语故事 (光答案) (1)

4、大意:燕国寿陵小子学习赵国本事,却把自己的本事丢了。 成语:邯郸学步 含义:不要盲目的学习别人的东西 (2)大意:珠宝用精致的盒子装着,商人买下了盒子却还回了珠宝。 成语:买shu(一个木+一个卖)还珠 含义:形容目光短浅,取舍不当之人 (3)大意:剑掉入湖中,却在舟上做记号,舟行.剑不行,剑就丢了。 成语:刻舟求剑 含义:世上的事物总是不断发展变化的 生物: 我认为是由于水生生物将污水中的某些成分当成了营养所致,才进行了大量繁殖。 增加阳光照射时间,控制湿度,让环境干燥,降低水份,加入石灰增加土壤的生命值。 要充分利用浒苔。 让大棚内的温度常年不变。 采集黄瓜花的花粉。 让黄瓜长得快。 表明

5、ab是对照实验。 30度。 6毫克。 应用各种栽培技术。作出假设。 错误。 乙。 喝酒,吸烟,吸毒,吃变质食品。 政治:从情况分析开始 正确。 发扬优点、改正缺点。 正确的评价自己、认识自己。 正确。如果一个人不去行动,得不到什么成绩,这个人的生命也就没有什么意义、价值。 错误。因为这是首次举办活动,班级又信任他,不能因为学习而推迟活动,所以应该去参加活动。 正确。因为我们面对灾难,不能逃避,要勇敢的面对灾难,所以我们只能选择对待灾难的态度。 正确。因为青少年的主要任务是学习,不应该干一些闲杂的事情。 正确。因为自己有自信成为第一,不准别人超过,有永远保持第一的自信心,所以任务自己永远是第一。

6、 对,要有信心活下去,保护自己。 对,要有勇气面对现实,不要退缩。 我会像这个女孩一样做,不放弃对生活的信心,有勇气的面对困难。 探究实践(略) 充分张开自己,让自己生活在负有创造的世界里,尽显生命的魅力,虽然人的生命是有限的,同时也是短暂的,但是没有一个人白白的在这个世界上,就因为自己心中有着“我最重要”“世界需要我”的这两个信念,终究会成为一只“美丽的蝴蝶”。 数学:p14一开始: 判断:错错对错错对 选择:dcaabdbccda 填空:a的2次方-b的2次方,经过两点又且只有一条直线,65度,-3,4厘米,3.6元,6个三角形。 四(只答案):-2,-2,19a-17b,-2m+13、1

7、9 27.(只答案):负三分之五,四分之三。 。历史 1 皇帝 太尉丞相 御史大夫 郡 县 2.圆形方孔币,利于全国经济文化交流与发展。,这里终年 寒冷干燥,无植被,无人居住。 英语:p21 a:dictionary 1、boring 2、cousin3、excuse4、hotel 5、lunch 6、many7、sunday 8、uncle 1、sale2、school 3、science 4、see 5、short6、spell 7、star8、swim c:2、things around you3、colors 4、making new friends 5、things in the c

8、lassroom 6、the family7、things around the house 8、spending time withfriends 9、food10、shopping 11、dates 12、movies 13、joining a club 14、daily routines 15、school subjects p22b:what am i ? tree singkite sunsnowmanbird p23c: what,where,who,why,how much,when,do,are,is,how 1、who 2、what 3、how4、 how 5、where 6

9、、how much 7、what8、what9、why 10、when am,is,are,has,having 1、am 2、is 3、are 4、are 5、ride 6、do like 7、has 8、to read 9、doesnt likelikes10、does,dod:is,the,are,on,is,box,on,quilt,the,floor a: a:6b:3 c:1d:2e:4f:7g:5 b:happy new yearp25任务2: 不影响整体理解的生词:few,loudly可以猜出大概意思的生词:sitting,seat,lose影响理解必须擦词典的生词:catch

10、,laughsp26:2、sex 3、age 4、place of study5、favorite6、mobile telephone7、email address【篇二:初一上册寒假生活指导答案】ass=txta)听对话选择正确的图片。(听两遍) 1. where does jack come from? a. b. c. 2. where is the dog? a. b. c. 3. where does the woman chat with his mother? a.b.c. 4. what is madee doing now? a. b.c. b)听对话回答下列问题,选择正确答

11、案。(听两遍) 5. when is daniel going to help helen with her english? a. this morning.b. this evening.c. tomorrow morning. 6. where are they? a. in the shop. b. at home. c. in the restaurant. 7. why does mike like winter best? a. because he likes snow. b. because he enjoys skating. c. because he enjoys sw

12、imming. 8. how many students are there in class one? a. twenty-three. b. forty-three. c. forty-one 9. how often does millie hear from her australian friend? a. once a week. b. once a month.c. twice a month. c) 听对话回答下列问题 听第一段对话,回答第10-12小题 l0. which season does the man like best? a. spring.b. winter.

13、c. summer. 11. when does the summer holiday finish? a. in july.b. in august. c. in september. 12. what does the man like to do in summer? a. go shopping with his uncle. b. swim with his uncle. c. play with his uncle. 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 13. what does the man want to buy? a. eggs. b. apples. c. bananas.

14、 14. how much is the lantern? a.23 yuan.b. 22 yuan.c. 32 yuan. 15. are there any bookshops in this shopping mall? a. yes, there is one. b. no, there aren?t.c. yes, there is some. 听短文,回答第16-20小题。 16. joan is from _. a. chinab. japan c. the usa 17. joan likes speaking _with us after class. a. chinese

15、b. englishc. japanese 18. joans _ is an english teacher. a. father b. mother c. father?s brother19. how often does joan go to the shop? a. often. b. every sunday.c. sometimes. 20. how many people are there in joan?s family? a. four.b. there. c. two. . 单项选择(从四个选项中找出最佳答案 每题1分,满分20分) 21. my favourite p

16、et is _cat. _fur is grey and white. a. a.its b. the.its c. d. a.a 22. -does mary usually go to the buddy club? -once a week. a. how often b. how long c. how far d. how much 23. the boy always looks. now he?s looking at his new drawing. a. happy; happily b. happy; happy c. happily; happilyd.

17、 happily; happy 24. what?s your best friend like? a. he is fine. thank you.b. he looks like a doctor. c. he likes making friends. d. he is helpful and generous. 25. chinese students have weeks in the summertime than american students. a. more; on b. fewer; onc. more; off d. less; off 26. therean exc

18、iting softball match on tv this evening. a. will haveb. are going to havec. are going to bed. is going to be 27. there are many tall buildings onof the busy street. a. both sideb. all sides c. each side d. every side 28. i havefriends than you, but i havetrue friends than you. a. more; more b. less;

19、 more c. fewer; more d. more; less 29. if you live near the shopping mall, yougo far to buy things. a. have to b. haven?t to c. don?t have to d. needn?t to 30. _ tim?s help, i found my pet dog in the end. i should say thanks to him. a. along with b. without c. thanks tod. because 31. only two of the

20、 students worked the maths problem out correctly. _ all did it wrong. a. other b. others c. the otherd. the others 32. -david, your mother?s birthday is _. let?s think about how to celebrate it. -ok, dad. a. coming up b. picking up c. closing down d. looking up 33.-because the petrol(汽油) price is go

21、ing up , _people will choose to own a car, i think. -i have the same idea as you. a. more and more b. fewer and fewer c. less and less d. less and fewer 34. there few great changes in our city 10 years ago. a. wereb. had c. was d. are 35. - why didn?t you arrive there until three days later? -becaus

22、e the heavy rain added to_ of the journey(旅程). a. the difficulties b. more difficult c. the most difficult d. the difficult 36. - how was your interview(采访) last monday? - _. a. not at all b. it was okc. that?s right d. good luck 37. -you don?t like rock music, do you?-_. i think it is too noisy.a.

23、yes, i dob. no, i don?t c. yes, i don?td. no, i do 38. lucy is _ of the twins. a. slimmer b. slimmest c. the slimmer d. the slimmest 39.vivien has a good sense of humour. she is very good _telling jokes. a. to b. forc. in d. at 40. the 2012 american action film ?the expendables 2?makes me _great. a.

24、 felt b. feel c. feelingd. to feel 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) from monday to friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and at weekends they are free and like to _41_ themselves. some watch television or go to the cinema, others _42_ sports. this is decided by their own _43_

25、. there are many different ways to spend our _44_ time. almost everyone has some kind of _45_: it may be something from collecting stamps to _46_ model planes. some hobbies are very _47_, but others don?t cost anything at all. some collections are worth(值) _48_ of money, others are valuable(有价值的) on

26、ly to their owners. i know a man has a coin collection. it is worth several dollars. a short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的) fifty-cent piece .it _49_ him $250! he was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. on the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. he

27、 has almost 600 of them, but i want to know_50 _ they are worth any money. however, _51_ my brother they are quite valuable. _52_ makes him _53_ than to find a new watch box for his collection. that?s what a hobby means, i think. it is something we 54 to do in our free time just for the 55 of it. th

28、e value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is. 41. a. loveb. work c. enjoy d. play 42. a. look like b. take care of c. think about d. take part in 43. a. lives b. interestsc. jobs d. things 44. a. working b. free c. own d. whole 45. a. hobby b. thing c. makes d. way 46. a. sen

29、ding b. making c. eating d. looking 47. a. interesting b. exciting c. cheapd. expensive 48. a. a little b. a fewc. a lot d. a number 49. a. paid b. cost c. took d. spent 50. a. that b. if c. whatd. in 51. a. tob. on c. with d. in 52. a. everything b. anything c. nothing d. something 53. a. happier b

30、. worse c. more happily d. happiness 54. a. haveb. needc. refused. like 55. a. moneyb. workc. fun d. time 四、阅读理解(共15小题;a篇每题2分,b、c篇每题1分,共20分) a john is 14 years old. he is a student of grade eight. he was a very active and happy boy two years ago. but everything changed after he started to play compu

31、ter games. he never plays basketball or football with his friends any more. and when he sits in the classroom, he can?tlisten to the teachers. he sleeps in class. and he spends less and less time in studying. so he gets bad scores in tests. but he is very different after school is over. he stays in the net bar until it is closed. ah, he loses himself in computer games. his parents can do nothing to stop him. every morning in the school, when we see that he is so

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