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低压汽油喷油器SAE J1832中英对照原版.docx

1、低压汽油喷油器SAE J1832中英对照原版3. Standard Test ConditionsUnless otherwise specified, the following test conditions are implied:标准测试条件除非另有说明,隐含下述测试条件:3.1 Test Fluid(see appendix) Normal Heptane is recommended for measurement of injector performancecharacteristics as required in the section on “Basic Characte

2、ristics and Definitions”. Evaluations conductedunder the “Application Related Parameters and Tests” (Section 5) are to be performed with fluids appropriateto the section of these test standards or specified by the user.测试液体(见附录)在“基本特性和定义”一节中要求的喷油器性能特性的测量推荐采用正庚烷。3.2 Fluid TemperatureShould be measure

3、d at the injector inlet and stabilized at 21C2.0C (see 6.1).液体温度应该在喷油器入口处测量,而且稳定在21C2.0C。3.3 Injector TemperatureShould be stabilized at ambient temperature 21C2.0C prior to test.喷油器温度测试之前在环境温度21C2.0C条件下温度稳定。3.4 PressureThe differential pressure across the injector will be determined by the applicat

4、ion and held to within0.5% of this value throughout the test. It should be specified in (kPa) units and measured at the injector inlet(see 6.1).压力通过喷油器的压差由实际应用决定,而且在整个测试过程中保持在这个确定数值的变化在0.5%范围内。3.5 Period (P)The time elapsed between the beginning of one injection pulse to the beginning of the next pu

5、lseshall be 10ms0.001ms.周期(P)一次喷射脉冲开始到下次喷射脉冲开始之间的时间,应是10ms0.001ms。3.6 Pulse Width (PW)The increment of time (ms) that the injectors are commanded to deliver fuel each injectionperiod shall be determined by the type of test being conducted and held within 0.001ms.脉冲宽度(PW)由每个喷射周期输送的燃油决定的喷油器的时间步长(占空比)(

6、ms)将由进行的测试类型决定,而且保持在0.001ms的变化范围内。3.7 Injector DriverDetermined by application and of instrument grade quality (see 5.1 for typical driver types).Voltage supplied to the driver shall be 14.0VDC0.05VDC. Driver type and operating characteristics shallbe recorded on injector performance data sheet.喷油器驱

7、动由实际应用和仪器质量等级决定(见5.1的典型驱动类型)。驱动电压应是14.0VDC0.05VDC。在喷油器性能数据表中记录驱动类型和操作特性。3.8 PolarityMaintained constant throughout all testing and same as that used in the application.极性在整个测试过程中保持不变,而且与实际应用中使用相同。3.9 Test ApparatusThe type of flow fixture used will vary depending on the particular injector parameter

8、 beingevaluated (Section 6).测试装置流体夹具类型根据特定的喷油器的被评价参数而变化。3.9.1 INSTRUMENTSStabilized per manufacturers recommendations.仪器根据每个制造商的建议,仪器稳定3.9.2 INJECTOR POSITIONThe injector should be mounted vertically unless otherwise designated in the relativetest procedure.喷油器位置喷油器应该垂直安装,除非在相关的测试过程中另外标明。3.9.3 PRECO

9、NDITIONINGPurge injectors and test apparatus with test fluid to remove all air, vapors, and shippingfluids. Flow injectors for 10000 pulses at 5ms PW and 10ms P. Discard purge fluid.预处理用测试液清洗喷油器,去除所有的空气、蒸气和运输时的液体。循环清洗喷油器10000个喷油脉冲,脉冲周期为10ms脉宽为5ms。3.9.4 FLOW MEASUREMENTFlow rate may be measured by ei

10、ther volume or mass flow with the latter being thepreferred method. Data should be reported in mass flow units (g/s or mg/pulse) and all pertinent informationshall be recorded (number of pulses, fuel mass, etc.). Prior to flow measurement, the injector should bewarmed up for a minimum of 5000 pulses

11、 at 5ms PW and 10ms P. Dynamic flow measurement shallalways precede the static flow measurement.流量测量用后面提到的首选的方法,通过体积或质量流量测量流量。数据应采用质量流量单位(g/s或mg/pulse)记录,而且所有相关信息(脉冲数,燃油质量等)应进行记录。流量测量之前,喷油器应当以周期10ms脉宽5ms的脉冲准备工作5000个脉冲。动态流量的测量应该始终先于静态流量的测量。4. Basic Characteristics and Definitions基本特性和定义4.1 Functional

12、 ParametersThe following are parameters used in describing and/or measuring the basic functional characteristics of the injector.功能性参数下面的参数是用于描述或/和测量喷油器的基本功能特性的参数。4.1.1 PERIOD (P)The reciprocal of the frequency of injection; that is, the time elapsed between the beginning ofone injection to the begi

13、nning of the next injection, expressed in units of (ms/pulse).周期(P)喷射频率的倒数;即一次喷射开始到下一次喷射开始所需要的时间,用单位(ms/pulse)表示。4.1.2 PULSE WIDTH (PW)Increment of time that the injectors are commanded to deliver fuel for a single injectionevent (ms/pulse).脉冲宽度(PW)喷油器一次喷射输送燃油所需要的时间步长(喷油脉冲占空比)(ms/pulse)。4.1.3 STATIC

14、 FLOW RATE (QS)The rate of fuel delivered (g/s) by an injector when energized in the fully openedposition. It is the maximum flow rate of the injector and can be used to approximate the slope (ma) of theinjector flow curve (see 4.1.11).静态流量(QS)喷油器完全打开时燃油的供给率(g/s)。它是喷油器的最大流量,而且能够用来近似喷油器流量曲线的斜率(ma)(见4

15、.1.11)。4.1.4 DYNAMIC FLOW (Qd)The measured fuel delivered per pulse of the injector (mg/pulse) when energized at aspecified PW.动态流量(Qd)在规定的脉冲宽度PW条件下,测量的每个喷油器脉冲供给的燃油量(mg/pulse)。4.1.5 DYNAMIC FLOW RATE (Q)The fuel delivered per unit of time when energized at a specified PW and P. Thisterm is used to i

16、ndicate the flow rate of the injector in units of (g/s). See Equation 1.(Eq. 1)动态流速(Q)在规定的脉宽PW和周期P条件下,单位时间供给的燃油。这个术语用单位(g/s)来指示喷油器的流量。4.1.6 DYNAMIC FLOW CALCULATED (Qdc)The calculated fuel delivery per pulse of the injector at a given pulsewidth based on the calculated (linearized) flow curve specif

17、ied in mg/pulse. (See 4.1.10, 4.1.12, and 4.1.13.)See Equation 2.(Eq. 2)计算动态流量(Qdc)基于用mg/pulse来表示的计算(线性化)流量曲线上,在一个给定脉冲宽度条件下每个喷油器的脉冲计算的燃油供给量。(见4.1.10,4.1.12和4.1.13)见等式2。4.1.7 DYNAMIC SET POINT(PWXX)The PW specified in (ms/pulse), at which a specified fuel delivery is set duringmanufacture of the inje

18、ctor. It establishes Qsp(see 4.1.8), the dynamic performance and offsetcharacteristics of the injector.动态设置点(PWXX)用(ms/pulse)表示的脉宽PW,在这个脉宽条件下,在喷油器的制造期间设定的一个指定的燃油供给量。它建立了Qsp参数(见4.1.8),喷油器的动态性能和偏移特性。4.1.8 DYNAMIC SET POINT FLOW (QSP)The measured fuel delivered per pulse of the injector in mg/pulse whe

19、nenergized at the PWxx. This flow is used for incoming inspection and quality control.动态设置点流量(QSP)在动态设置点PWxx,测量的每个喷油器脉冲的燃油供给。这个流量用于进厂检验和质量控制。4.1.9 LINEARITY DEVIATION (LD)Ideally, the flow from an injector should be linear and directly proportional topulse width over the full flow range of the injec

20、tor. This is not the actual case, for significant deviation fromlinearity occurs at the extremities of the flow curve (Figures 1 and 2). In order to measure the deviation fromlinearity, a least squares regression analysis is performed on five intermediate flow points at 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7ms PW with a

21、 P of 10 ms/pulse. Qd and PW are, respectively, the dependent and independent variables.The resulting curveis referred to as the linearized flow curve. Deviation from linearity is then defined as thepercent difference between the measured or actual flow (Qd) and calculated flow (Qdc) taken at a give

22、n pulsewidth divided by the calculated flow. See Equation 3.(Eq. 3)线性偏差(LD)理想的喷油器的流量将是线性的,而且在喷油器的整个流量范围内与脉冲宽度成正比。对于流量曲线线性化时在端点(图1和图2)产生的重大的偏差的实际情况并不是成正比关系。为了测量线性化的偏差,对中间的周期为10ms/pulse,脉冲宽度为3、4、5、6和7ms的五个流量点进行最小二乘法回归分析。动态流量Qd和脉冲宽度PW分别是相关和独立变量。所得到的曲线被称之为线性化流量曲线。线性化偏差定义为测量的或实际的流量(Qd)与给定脉冲宽度下的计算流量(Qdc)之

23、差与计算流量的百分比。见式3。4.1.10 SLOPE (M)The change in Qd per unit of PW based on the calculated linear regression flow curve (mg/ms).See Equation 4.(Eq. 4)斜率(M)基于计算的线性回归流量曲线(mg/ms)中每单位脉宽的动态流量Qd的变化。见等式4.4.1.11 SLOPE APPROXIMATED (Ma)An approximation of the injector flow curve m using the Qs expressed in units

24、 of(mg/ms) when the P and PW are equal (see Figure 1). See Equation 5.(Eq. 5)逼近(近似)斜率(Ma)当周期P和脉冲宽度PW相等(见图1)时,用单位(mg/ms)表示的静态流量QS的喷油器流量曲线的一个近似(逼近)。见等式5。4.1.12 TIME-OFFSET(X)The displacement of the calculated linear regression flow curve from the origin along theabscissa or PW axis(Figure1).时间偏移(X)沿横坐

25、标轴或脉冲宽度PW轴在原点处的计算线性回归流量曲线的偏移量(图1)。4.1.13 FLOW-OFFSET (Y)The displacement of the calculated linear regression flow curve from the origin along theordinate or Qd axis (Figure 1).流量偏移(Y)沿纵坐标轴或动态流量Qd轴在原点处的计算线性回归流量曲线的偏移量(图1)。4.1.14 FLOW RANGE (LFR AND WFR)An important characteristics of an injector is th

26、e usable minimum andmaximum fuel flow. Flow range, specified as a ratio of the maximum to minimum dynamic flows, is used as ameasure of this capability. Two methods are used for calculating the ratio: LFR (Linear Flow Range) andWFR (Working Flow Range).LFR is the ratio of the maximum to minimum flow

27、 of a single injector, defined by a linear relationship betweenthe pulse width commanded and the delivered fuel flow. It is useful in comparing the linear performancebetween injectors of different design or manufacture.WFR is the ratio of the maximum to minimum flow of a sample of injectors and does

28、 not require a linearrelationship between the commanded pulse width and the delivered fuel flow. Instead, the ratio is based on alimited acceptable variation in flow between individual injectors that represent a population.Ideally, a vehicle calibration utilizing a linear flow curve which also has a

29、 good working flow range is desired.Typically, a commanded fuel quantity will be more precise when operating within the linear portion of the flowcurve, due to the common practice of representing the injector flow curve by a linear equation. Some controlsystems do have the ability to model non-linea

30、r flow curves, usually in the low pulse width regions. This canresult in a possible loss of precision dependent on the amount or type of non-linearity. In general, it isimportant to understand the range of linearity of the injector flow curve, the variation of the flow in the linearregion, the range

31、 and predictability of the non-linear flow, and the variation within the non-linear flow region.This provides the required information needed to predict the fuel control error over the complete operatingrange of the injector.流量范围(LFR和WFR)喷油器的一个重要特性是能够使用的最小和最大流量。流量范围描述为最大到最小动态流量的比,作为能力的一个测量。有两种方法计算这个


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