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1、英文合同制式词汇短语长句英文合同制式词汇、短语、长句English contract sentences and words characteristics1.句式结构特点(Sentence Structure) 句式结构特点( 句式结构特点 )A. 句子冗长,结构严谨,语序复杂 )句子冗长,结构严谨, 英文合同为了准确、严密、清楚地表达, 多以庞杂的从句和/或短语并列,语序复杂 多变的长句面目出现,很少以简单句为主。 A主句的状语的位置,一般放在助动词后, 主句的状语的位置, 行为动词前,与基础英语频度副词如; often,sometimes,always,never, seldom的位置相

2、同 The Company shall, at all time during the term of the Joint Venture, effect and maintain full and adequate insurance against loss or damage by fire and such risks as are customarily issued in connection with the operation of the Company.合资公司应在合资期间的任何时候,就火 灾以及此类与公司经营相关的其他风险所 造成的损失或损害进行投保,并保持充分 和适当的

3、保险。 B从句复杂,从句的状语,往往放在连词之后,从句的句子之前。例如: 之后,从句的句子之前 If, at any time during the execution of the Contract, either of the Parties to the contract is prevented from executing the Contract in case of Force Majeure such as war, serious fires, flood, typhoon and earthquake, etc., the time for execution of the

4、 Contract shall be extended for a period equal to the affect of those causes. 在合同履行期间的任何时候,合同任一方, 由于受到战争、严重火灾、洪水、台风和 地震等不可抗力事件的影响而不能履行合 同时,合同履行期应予延长,延长期限相 当于事件影响的时间。 C主从复合句,从句经常用简略形式。 主从复合句,从句经常用简略形式。A party dissatisfied with the judgment may, within 15 day upon receipt of the judgment, file an appe

5、al to the next upper Peoples Court.如不服本判决,该方可于接到判决之日起十五日 内向上一级法院提起上诉。 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangement for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport.除合同另有规定外,承包人应自行安排从当地或 其他地方

6、雇用的所有职员和劳务人员,以及他们 的报酬、住房、膳食和交通。 2 否定前置与倒装 ) 否定前置与倒装(Negative Fronting and Anastrophe)A. 否定前置:(Fronting)Nothing in Article 12.3 shall prevent Party A or any of its affiliation from continuing to carry on any of their present businesses.合同第十二条第三款规定不得妨碍甲方或其分支 机构持续经营现有业务。 Neither party, without prior co

7、nsent of the other, may assign or transfer to any third party any equity interests held by its side.未经对方同意,任一方不得向任何第三人转让其 持有的股权。 B .否定倒装:(Anastrophe)In no event shall the Seller be liable for lost profit s, delay, injury to goodwill or any special or cons equential damages howsoever any of the same

8、are caused.对于利润损失、延误、商誉损害或任何特别或间接的损害赔 偿,不论任何原因引起的,卖方概不承担责任。 In this case, Party B shall refund to Party A the amount which Party A has paid to Party B plus the related interest at the rate of 10% per year immediately, but in no case shall such refunding by Party B exceeds 30 days from receipt from P

9、arty A of the notice to terminate the contract.在此种情况下,乙方应立即返还甲方已支付给乙方的款项并 按年利率10%加算利息,但不论怎样乙方该返还不得超过收 到甲方终止合同通知后30日。 3 被动语态 Passive VoiceFailure to notify Party A shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement.未能按上述要求通知甲方的,则视为构成 实质违约。(作谓语) Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy

10、 the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 按如下列明的条款,卖方同意出售,买方 同意购买下述商品:(作后置定语) The payment of all the expenses under this contract shall be made through Bank of China, Shenzhen Branch and the bank designated by Party B.所有合同项下的费用均应通过中国银行深圳分行 和乙方指定银行进行支

11、付。(作谓语和后置定语) Upon termination or dissolution of the Partnership,the partnership will be promptly liquidated, with all debts being paid first, prior to any distribution of the remaining funds.合伙企业一经终止或解散,合伙企业立即清算, 在分割剩余财产前,首先偿还所有债务。(作谓 语和状语) 4 . 用词特点 赘语Doublets and TripletsAble and willing=willing Fu

12、ll and complete= complete Null and void= void Legal and valid= valid Dispute, controversy or claim=d ispute Cancel, annul and set aside=cancel Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the follo wing commodity under the terms and conditions set out below:甲方同意按照下列条款向乙方购买如下商品: Party A shall be unauthori

13、zed to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20.自9月2O日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。 Any partner or his/her agent, may review any and all accounting or other records at anytime.任何合伙人或其代理人,可随时审查任一或全部会 计账目或其他记录。 The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding u

14、pon both parties。该仲裁裁决为终局裁决,双方均受其约束。Final和 binding属相关词连用。 The Company hereby releases and discharges Party A from further performance of, and any duties, obligations or liabilities under, the amended Agreement.本公司特此解除甲方已修正协议的进一步履行及其 修正协议下的义务和责任。Release和discharge相 关词连用,duty,obligation和liability属近同义词连

15、 用。 If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null or void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect. 如果承包人切实履行并遵守上述合同的所 有条款、条件及规定,此义务即告终止, 有条款、条件及规定,此义务即告终止, 否则将保持完全有效。 否则将保

16、持完全有效。 5 Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词 介词构成的古体词基本规则:Here代表this,there代表that,where 代表which或what即here/there/where+介词=介词 +this/that/which or whatThe parties hereto=the parties to this contractThe parties hereby declare=as a result of; by this meansThereafter, The products shall be stored in a warehouse=afte

17、r that timeWhereat =at which Whereupon=immediately after which Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特 此,由此,兹等意。例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned goods subject to the following conditions:买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下: Herein:in this。此中,于此。 例句:The minimum royalty herein specified sha

18、ll be paid by Party B to Party A.在此规定的最低特许权使用费应由乙方付 给甲方。 Hereof:of this。关于此点,在本文件中。 Hereunder:under this. 本文件规定。 例句:Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicabl

19、e negotiation.合同双方就本合同规定交易任一条款的适用和解释所产生的所有争议同意力求通过 友好协商予以解决。 Hereto:to this.本文件的。Thereof:of that.它的,其。Thereto:to that 与之,向 那里。 例句:“Licensed Products” means the devices and products described in Schedule 1 annexed hereto together with all improvement and modification thereof or development with respe

20、ct thereto.“特许产品”系指在本协议附件1中所述的装 置和产品,及其全部改进和修改的产品和与之相关的产品。 Herewith:with this.与此,附此。Thereby:by that means.因此,由此,从而 例句:If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract or any document executed in connection herewith shall be invalid of unenforceable in any respect under any applicable

21、law, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected thereby.如果根据现行法律,本合同及与此有关的已经履行的文件 中有一项或多项条款被视为无效或不能履行,本合同其余 条款的效力和履行将不因此受影响。 Thereafter: after that,afterwards.此后。 例句:The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from

22、a period of two years thereafter. 本合作经营企业合同,此后应持续有效两年。 Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect.在那里;在那点上;在那方面。 例句:The Leased Premises are deemed to be fit for occupation when the building therein is substantially completed.当在那里的建筑物实质完成时,该租赁房屋才认 为适合占有居住。 Therewith:with that.以此;此外

23、。 例句:The Employer shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor against and from all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising there out or in connection therewith.业主应赔偿所有索赔、诉讼、损害赔偿、 支出、花费、费用,不论因本合同产生或 与其相关,并保证承包人免于承担上述责 任。 Translation Practice 1. The investors

24、do hereby form a joint venture pursuant to the laws of the State of New York in order for the Venture to carry on the purposes for which provisions are made herein.2. 投资方特此依照纽约州法律设立合资公司, 以实现本合同规定的合资公司的经营目的。 Translation PracticeNo party shall have the right to withdraw his capital contributions or de

25、mand or receive the return of his capital contributions or any part thereof , except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.除非本协议另有规定,合资方无权撤回全部或部 分出资,也无权要求或收取全部或部分出资。 英文合同中常见的用词及句型( 英文合同中常见的用词及句型(Usual Wordings and Sentence Patterns) )英文合同中常见的用词和句型有其相对固定的含 义和用法,不仅可以帮助准确理解掌握合同条款 的含义,而且这些成熟的表达方式可以为提高

26、、 完善草拟和翻译合同所借鉴,达到事半功倍的效 果。 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function 英文合同常用虚词( Words) )1 Notwithstanding: in spite of, despite. 即使,尽管。 即使,尽管。例1:Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits shall be subject to approval of all the parties.即使有与本合同相悖的规定,保险范围和 责任限制应以合同各方同意为准

27、。 例2:Notwithstanding Article 2.2, the parties may agree to extend the Expiration date to such date as is reasonable in the circumstances if any of the conditions precedent referred to in Article 2.1 is not satisfied or waived on or before the Expiration Date, any such agreement or waiver to be in wr

28、iting.尽管有本合同第二条第二款规定,如上述 第二条第一款规定的先决条件在合同期满 日之前既未实现又未放弃,合同各方亦可 根据具体情况,约定合理延长合同的期满 日。 2 As 合同英语中as出现的频率极高,而且用法灵活多 变。在某种意义上讲,as使用的熟练程度可以衡 量合同英语的造诣。具体用法和含义见以下实例: As 放在代表规定的provide,stipulate,set forth, prescribe等词的过去分词前,含义为“依照某某 规定”。 例1:For purpose of this, Capital Account shall be adjusted hypothetical

29、ly as provided for in Section 4.6 herein.基于此,应依照本合同第四条 第六款调整资金账户。 例2:based on their respective Venture interests as set forth in Section 5.2 hereof.基于本合同第 五条第二款规定的各方在合资公司中的权益。ts. To indicate that one has a discretion to do that thing: The parties to this contract may assign the benefits under this c

30、ontract To indicate a wish: The parties intend that the signature of this contract may signal the beginning of mutually beneficial cooperation between them. Translation Practice1.The investors do hereby form a joint venture pursuant to the laws of the State of New York in order for the Venture to ca

31、rry on the purposes for which provisions are made herein.投资方特此依照纽约州法律设立合资公司, 以实现本合同规定的合资公司的经营目的。 Translation PracticeNo party shall have the right to withdraw his capital contributions or demand or receive the return of his capital contributions or any part thereof , except as otherwise provided in

32、this Agreement.除非本协议另有规定,合资方无权撤回全部或部 分出资,也无权要求或收取全部或部分出资。 英文合同中常见的用词及句型( 英文合同中常见的用词及句型(Usual Wordings and Sentence Patterns) )英文合同中常见的用词和句型有其相对固定的含 义和用法,不仅可以帮助准确理解掌握合同条款 的含义,而且这些成熟的表达方式可以为提高、 完善草拟和翻译合同所借鉴,达到事半功倍的效 果。 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) )1 Notwithstanding: in spite of, despite. 即使,尽管。 即使,尽管。例1:Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits sha

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