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1、新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册答案及听力文本汇总新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册答案听力录音文本及答案UNIT 9 Here are the seas ons to be jollyII. Basic Liste ning Practice1.ScriptW: Of all the holidays people celebrate, Christmas, Easter, Mothers Day.which are the most importa nt to you?M: Christmas and Easter, because they mark events in Jesus Chris

2、ts life: his birth and his escape from a tomb into heave n. The other festivals, I th ink, were main ly created to in crease sales. Q: How many holidays does the man believe to be importa nt?CTwo2.ScriptM: I used to love giving my mother a present on Mothers Day. It always made her cry, the n shed h

3、ug me hard eno ugh to squeeze the breath out of me.W: Mothers are really no differe nt from anyone else. They love to be loved, thats all.Q: What was the mothers resp onse to her sons gift?AShe was beside her-self with joy.3.ScriptM: Every country has its own unique holidays. There is one exclusive

4、to some British Com mon wealth coun tries like En gla nd, Australia and Can ada. That s Boxing Day.W: I know, and its a perfect date for a holiday, being the day after Christmas Day. Apparently it began with the custom of giving the poor boxes of food; thus a boxing day.Q: What was the origin of Box

5、ing Day?BGi ving poor people food4.ScriptM: I absolutely hate Christmas shopping. I can never figure out what to buy for every one, so I rush around like an idiot at the last minu te, buying junk.W: Then maybe you should nt buy any gifts. Just tell people Merry Christmas! in stead.Q: What does the w

6、oma n mean?DShe disagrees with the man .J5.ScriptM: When all the childre n come home for Christmas, there wont be eno ugh room for every on e.what shall we do? Maybe some will have to stay in a hotel.W: I want them all here. Well make it work. I can hardly wait to see every one; it does nt matter if

7、 were a bit squished. Well be like turkey stuffi ng.Q: What does the woma n mean?CShe won t care if the children are crowded at homeIII. Liste ning InTask1:Expe nsive HolidaysScriptGrace: So, Mark, what are you going to get me for Chin ese V ale nti nes Day-a holiday for the Cowherd and Girl Weaver

8、to meet?Mark: Sorry, Ive n ever heard of it. Any way, we already celebrated Vale ntin es Day in February. I gave you a bunch of red roses.Grace: But theres ano ther lovers day in the world. Is nt it won derful if lovers have more tha n one lovers day a year?Mark: Do you mean I have to get you a pres

9、ent fort each lover s day?Grace: Well, you d better give me a present from time to time if you want to win my heart.Mark: I gave you a beautiful card on New Y ears Day.and a Christmas gift a couple of days before that. Then I invited you to a dinner on the Chinese New Y ears Day, that is, the Spring

10、 Festival.Grace: Thank you for that. Nowadays the Chinese Spring Festival is getting popular here. And its excit ing.Mark: But few people here know anything about a foreig n Lovers Day.Grace: You see, I enjoy celebrat ing holidays aga in and aga in.Mark: But its hard on the wallet. Ill end up in the

11、 poor house at this rate.Grace: But its roma ntic! And dont forget its only ano ther mon th before my birthday.Mark: Your birthday was last mon th! I already bought you a ring!Grace: That was my birthday on the Western cale ndar. Next mon th, its my birthday on the lunar cale ndar!Grace asks what Ma

12、rk is going to get her for the Chinese Valentines Day, but Mark thinks he has already given Grace a bunch of roses for Western Valentines Day in February. Grace objects that it is wonderful if lovers have more than one lovers day a year. She needs Marks presents from time to time if Mark wants to wi

13、n her heart. Mark mentions that he gave her a beautiful card on New Years Day, a Christmas gift a couple of days before that, and invited her to a dinner on the Chinese Spring Festival, Although Grace loves celebrating holidays, Mark worries that its hard on the wallet, and he will end up in the poo

14、r house at this rate. Fin ally Grace tells Mark not to forget her birthday on the lunar cale ndar, though she already received a ring from Mark for her birthday on the Wester n cale ndar.Task2:April Fool s DayScriptOn a flight from the West Coast to the East Coast, the lead flight atte ndant was eag

15、er to get in early as her boyfrie nd, a pilot, was going to have a short stopover at the destination airport. She made a point of telling her fellow crew members about this. Because it was April 1st, April Fools Day, the day people play tricks on one another, the capta in decided to have a little fu

16、n.About an hour before landing, he made an announ ceme nt that went like this: Ladies and Gen tleme n, this is the capta in speak in g. I have a little bit of bad n ews. Therere some thun derstorms at our desti nati on, and theyve curre ntly closed the airport. They expect it to reopen in about thir

17、ty minutes to an hour. As one might expect, this will result in long delays. As weve come all the way from the West Coast, we dont eve n have eno ugh fuel to circle un til the airport reope ns. Therefore, we are going to be divert ing to Clevela nd, and we should be landing in about thirty minu tes.

18、 Well take some fuel there and get youback on your way to our original destination. I m terribly sorry for the delay. However,we 11 get you there just as soon as possible. It was at this mome nt that you could hear some one running up to the cockpit. Thecockpit door flew ope n, and sure eno ugh it w

19、as the lead flight atte ndant mumbli ng someth ing like, This can t be happe ning. What shall I do? As she went on pain fully, the capta in made ano ther announ ceme nt: Ladies and Gen tleme n, happy April Fools Day!T F T F FTask3: TheWilsons ThanksgivingScriptTha nksgi ving is one of Americas most

20、popular holidays. It is a day for express ing thanks for the good things in life. It is also a day for family reunion. On that day many people travel l ong dista nces to get together with their families. For many America ns, Than ksgi ving is the time whe n all members of a family gather.But not eve

21、ry one can spe nd Than ksgi ving with his or her family. Today wellin troduce you to a couple, Joa n and Sandy Wils on, who could not afford to take time out to visit their parents one year. They regretted not being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with all their family members. But soon they met othe

22、r people who also were separated from their families. So the Wils ons bega n holdi ng a yearly Than ksgi ving dinner for what they called their extended family. This included people in their community. All the guests brought food to share for Than ksgi ving dinner.The group has grow n over the years

23、. To accommodate all the guests, Mr. and Mrs.Wils on now have to add small tables to their large one in the big dining room. At first, many of their frie nds brought their babies and young childre n. Now some of the first guests are gran dpare nts.Like many other America ns, Mr. and Mrs. Wils on and

24、 their visitors enjoy a long day of cook ing, eati ng and talk ing. The traditi onal meal usually in cludes a turkey. Other traditi onal Than ksgi ving foods served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cran berries and pumpk in pies.1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.CIV . Speaki ng OutMODEL 1 Eat, drink and be merry on

25、Christmas.Nora: My mother bought an eno rmous twen ty-five pound turkey for Christmas dinner. Im so excited!Susa n: We have geese and ham for Christmas dinner on both Christmas Eve and Christmas night. Nora: Our traditional Christmas dinner is a turkey, so gigantic that we eat leftovers for days. Su

26、sa n: Chris swears hell refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal of tofu and salad. Nora: No way. Hes kidding! Wait till he sees what his mother cooks: roast turkey with stuffi ng, gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and plum pudd ing for dessert!Susan: We heap up our presents under the tree and op

27、en them on Christmas morning.Nora: We open one Christmas Eve, more Christmas morning, and the rest the next day.Susa n: Wow! Your family prolongs the celebrati on for three days!Nora: We start by decorating the tree on Christmas Eve, putting ornaments, lights and artificial snow flakes on it.Susa n:

28、 Do you hang stock ings by the fireplace and have a star on top of the tree?Nora: Yes. And we have another activity. We also give not expecting to get.Susa n: Thats a peculiar expressi on. What do you mean by that?Nora: Its secret giving. We sn eak up to the door of somebody we want to give a gift t

29、o, ring thedoorbell, and run.Susa n: So, youre not expect ing anything; youre just being gen erous. Thats a kind- hearted gesture.Nora: Isnt that what the true spirit of Christmas is supposed to be?Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: If you want to know about Christmas, I can tell you that its an occasi on

30、 for family reunions. Family members have dinner together.B: Thats also true of the Chin ese Spring Festival.A: America ns usually eat turkey for Christmas dinner. My mother bought an enormous twenty-five pound turkey for it. And our neighbors had goose and ham on both Christmas Eve and Christmas ni

31、 ght.B: Chinese have a huge dinner on the Spring Festival Eve. Usually a fish is served, because its pronunciation in Chinese means surplus or abundance. We also eat a lot of meat and seafood. A: A turkey is often so gigantic that we eat leftovers for days.B: A Chin ese dinner is known for many kind

32、s of food. We simply cant eat them all at on ce. So we also eat leftovers for days.A: Rich food isnt good for your health. Some America ns refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthy meal of salad.B: The same is true here in China. Some people prefer tofu and vegetables to meat.A: Another important part of Christmas is the gifts. We heap up our presents under the Christmas tree or put them in stock in gs. Childre n are excited

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