1、装载舱单报文结构定义装载舱单报文结构定义一、XML报文示例 备注:1、 数据特殊说明1:在舱单备注结尾处增加码头代码及抄送方,以“”为分隔符,码头代码和抄送方以冒号进行分隔,例如:DCTDL:MSADL:CIQDL;二、报文结构循环次数 节点名称 1 Manifest 1 |_ Head 1 | |_ MessageID 1 | |_ FunctionCode 1 | |_ MessageType 1 | |_ SenderID 1 | |_ ReceiverID 1 | |_ SendTime 1 | |_ Version 1 |_ Declaration 1 | |_ Carrier 1
2、| | |_ ID 1 | |_ BorderTransportMeans 1 | | |_ JourneyID 1 | | |_ TypeCode 1 | | |_ ID 1 | | |_ Name9999 | |_ Consignment 1 | | |_ TransportContractDocument 1 | | | |_ ID 1 | | |_ LoadingLocation 1 | | | |_ ID 1 | | | |_ LoadingDate 1 | | |_ ConsignmentPackaging 1 | | | |_ QuantityQuantity 1 | | | |
3、_ TypeCode 1 | | |_ TotalGrossMassMeasure 1 | | |_ TransportSplitIndicator9999 | | |_ TransportEquipment 1 | | | |_ EquipmentIdentification 1 | | | | |_ ID 1 | | | |_ CharacteristicCode 1 | | | |_ FullnessCode 9 | | | |_ SealID 1 | | | | |_ AgencyCode9999 | | |_ ConsignmentItem 1 | | | |_ Commodity
4、1 | | | | |_ CargoDescription 1 | |_ AdditionalInformation 1 | | |_ Content三、报文节点详细说明element Manifestdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1typeManifestpropertiescontent complexchildrenHead Declarationannotationdocumentation装载舱单complexType AdditionalInformationdiagramnamespaceur
5、n:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1childrenContentused byelement Declaration/AdditionalInformationannotationdocumentation补充信息element AdditionalInformation/Contentdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef 0annotationdocumentation105 Free text 备注complexType Bor
6、derTransportMeansdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1childrenJourneyID TypeCode ID Nameused byelement Declaration/BorderTransportMeansannotationdocumentation运输工具信息element BorderTransportMeans/JourneyIDdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef
7、 0annotationdocumentation149 Conveyance reference number 航次航班编号element BorderTransportMeans/TypeCodediagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef 0annotationdocumentation183 Mode/type of means of transport crossing the border code 运输方式代码element BorderTransportMeans/IDdi
8、agramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef 0annotationdocumentation167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border code 运输工具代码element BorderTransportMeans/Namediagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef 0annotationdocumentat
9、ion160 Identification of means of transport crossing the border 运输工具名称complexType Carrierdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1childrenIDused byelement Declaration/Carrierannotationdocumentation承运人信息element Carrier/IDdiagramnamespaceurn:Declaration:datamodel:standard:CN:Name:1propertiesisRef 0annotationdocumentation050 Carrier identification 承运人代码complexType Commoditydiag
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