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1、初中英语句型50个初中英语句型来源1. as soon as 一就 2. (not) as/soas 不如 3. asas possible 尽可能地 4. ask sb for sth. 请求,要求 5. ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. 请教/告诉某人如何做 6. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 请/告诉某人做/不做某事 7. be afraid of doing sth. / that 害怕做某事/害怕,担心 8. be busy doing 忙于做某事 9. be famous/late/ready/sorry for 以著名 10

2、. be glad that 高兴 11. bothand 与两者都 12. buy/give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sb. sth. 为某人买某物 13. eitheror 要么要么 14. enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing 喜欢做某事 15.get+比较级半功倍 变得越 16. get on with 与相处 17. get ready for/get sth. ready 为做准备 18. give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/ tell sth to sb. 把给某人 19.

3、had better (not) do 最好做/不做 20. help sb (to) do/help sb. with 帮某人做某事 21. dont think that. 认为不 22. I would like to/would you like to? 我想做 23. It takes sb some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事 24. its bad /good for 对.有害处 25. its important for sb to do sth. 对于某人来说做是重要的 26. Its time for/to do sth. 对于来说是做的时间了。 2

4、7. Its two meters (years) long (old) 它两米长。 28. keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 29. keep/make sth. +adj. 让一直保持 30. like to do/like doing 喜欢做 31. make/ let sb. (not) do sth. 让某人做/不做某事 32. neithernor 既不 也不 33. notat all 根本不 34. not onlybut also 不仅而且. 35. notuntil 直到才. 36. onethe other/ someothers 一个另一个 37. see

5、/hear sb do (doing) sth. 看见某人做了/正在做某事 38. sothat 如此以至于 39. spend.on (in) doing sth. 在方面花费 40. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 41. stop to do/doing 停下来去做某事 42. take/bring sth with sb. 随身携带 43.The+比较级, the+比较级 越越 44. There is something wrong with 出了问题/毛病 45. tooto 太以至于不能 46. used to 过去常常 47. What abo

6、ut/How about? 怎么样呢? 48. Whats wrong /the matter with? 出什么问题了? 49. Why not? 为什么不做呢? 50. Will (Would, Could) you please? 你愿不愿意做.呢? . 否定句型1) 一般否定句I dont know this. No news is good news.There is no person (smoke)/not a person/not any person (smoke) in the house.2)特指否定He went to his office, not to see hi

7、m.I am sorry for not coming on time.I dont think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right.3)部分否定All the answers are not rightAll is not gold that glittersI dont know all of them.I cant see everybody/everything.Both of them are not right.4)全体否定None of my friends smoke.I can see nothing/nobody.Neith

8、er of them is right.Nothing can be so simple as this.5) 延续否定You didnt see him, neither/nor did I.You dont know, I dont know either.He doesnt know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of (更不用说) French.6) 半否定句We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing.I know little English. I

9、 saw few people.7) 双重否定You cant make something out of nothing.Whats done cannot be undone.There is no sweet without sweat.No gain without pains.I cant help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it.No man is so old but (that) he can learn.8)排除否定Everyone is ready except you.He did nothing but play.But for y

10、our help, I couldnt do it.9)加强否定I wont do it at all.I cant see it any more.He is no longer a boy.2. 判断句型1) 一般判断句It is important for us to learn English.It is kind of you to help mesincere means honest.The boy is called/named Tom.We regarded/consider it as an honor.2)强调判断It is English that we should

11、learn.It is he who helped me a lot.3)弱式判断Your sentence doesnt sound/look/appear/feel right.You look/seem as if/as thought you had been there before.Maybe/Perhaps/ she is ill.He is probably ill.He is likely ill. It is possible that he is late4) 注释判断He can remember so many English words, that is (to s

12、ay) he is a living dictionary.(活字典)5) 正反判断That sounds all right, but in fact it is not.6) 比较判断It is more a picture than a poem.7) 互斥判断He or you are wrong.Either he is right or I am.3. 祝愿祁使句式1) 一般句式Study hard and keep fit.Be brave! Dont be shy!Get out of here.2)强语式Do tell me.Never tell a lie.3) 委婉祈使句

13、Please tell me the true.Would/Will/Wont do me a favor?Would/Do you mind my smoking?What/How/ about going on foot?4)建议祈使句Let us go. Let us know the time.Dont let the fire out.Lets not waste the time.Youd better start early.Shall we listen to some music?Why dont you get something to drink?Suppose/supp

14、osing you pick me up at about six?I suggest we (should) take the train.5)祝愿句Success to you!Wish you a good journey.May you have a happy marriage.Heres to your success!Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship!4. 感叹句型How well he speaks!How kind she is!What a nice weather it is!Here he comes!Such

15、is life!Wonderful! Help!5. 疑问句型1) 一般疑问句Is he a doctor?Do you the way to the station?2)反意疑问句He is a teacher, isnt he?It is quite cheap, dont you think?3) 特殊疑问句What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare?Who is he?What is he?(干什么的)What is he like?How is he?How do you like him?What do y

16、ou think of him?What ever do you mean by saying this?4)选择疑问句He is a doctor or a nurse?5)间接疑问句Do you know how old he is?Tell me if (whether) you like it.What do you think/say/suppose I should do?6. 数词句型1) 表数目It is exactly ten oclock.It is five miles away from here.He is more than/over/ at least not l

17、ess than 20.He is under/at most/no more than 20.2)表年月日He was born on April 22 1994/in 1994 on the morning of Oct.1.3)表年龄He is 20 years old/years of age.He is at the age of 10.4)表倍数It is four times that of last years.This is four times as big (again) as that one.This is four times bigger than that on

18、e.The income is double what it was.The output of coal was 200% greater than in 1998.5)表计量It is 10 meters long/wide/high.It costs me 100 yuan.I spent 10 hours to finish it.It took me 10 days to finish it.It is worth 100 yuan.7. 关联指代句型1)两项关连I have two books, one is Chinese; the other English.I have fi

19、ve books, one is Chinese; the others English.To say is one thing, but/and/ to do is another.One the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other hand, I am also you friend.Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.2)先后顺序First/firstly, I wish good health, second/secondly success in y

20、our study, third/thirdly good luck in everything.First stop, then look, finally cross.At first/in the beginning/ he word hard. Later/Afterwards he is not so diligent.3)修饰限制This is the same book as I lost yesterday.This is the same book that I lost yesterday.(同一本书)Dont trust such a man as over praise

21、 you.He/One/Those/They who should come failed to appear.A man/A person/The one/Anyone/People who saw her liked her very much.The day/time/moment will come when China is strongest in the world.4) 两项连接He can speak not only English but also French.The book is both interesting and instructive.It is neit

22、her cold nor hot.Please either come in or go out.The old worker has experience and knowledge as well.5)加和关系Besides literature, we have grammar and writing.Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air.In addition to if, there is many other conjunctions that can introduce conditional claus

23、es.I must go now, incidentally, if you want that book.You seem to like tea, so do I.8. 比较句型1)等比句He is as tall as I.He is the same height as I.She is no less diligent than he.The lab is no better than a cottage.2) 差比句I speak English worse than he does.He is not so/as tall as I am.Our knowledge is muc

24、h inferior to their.3) 极比句He is the tallest of all in the class.None/No one/ is so blind as those that wont see.Nothing is so easy as this.4)比例句The more a man knows, the more he feels his ignorance(无知).5) 择比句He is taller than any other boy in the classIt is better late than never.They would die than

25、 live as slavesHe prefers doing to talkingHe prefers to do rather than to talk.He prefers mathematics to English.Id rather stay here.6)对比句You think me idle, but on the contrary, I am busy.They are working hard while you are wasting your time.9. 比喻句型We must work like him.He behaves as his father does

26、.He speaks English as if/though he was a foreigner.10. 条件假设句1) 一般事实If we succeed, what will the people say?Suppose it rains, what shall we do?Persevere(坚持) and youll succeed.2)虚拟条件句If I were you, I would go.If you had seen it, you would have been moved.3)反条件句Unless you try, youll never succeed.Dont

27、move, or/else/otherwise Ill shot.4)唯一条件句If only I have another chance, I shall do better.Only in this way can we learn English well.So/As long as we dont lose heart, well succeed.5)推论条件句Since that is so, there is no more to say.Now that you are grown up, you must stop this behavior.11. 时间句型1)一般时When

28、 I see him, Ill tell him.2) 表同时Youll grow wiser as you grow older.Work while you work, play while you play.He worked, at the same/in the meantime he listened to the music.3)限制时Every/each time when I went to his house, he was out.By the time that we got there, he was out.4)交替时Sometimes he sings, some

29、times he dances.At one time the baby cries, at another it talks.5)先时I stopped hem before he began to talk with me.6)后时Ill tell you after I finish it.7)紧接时As soon as I see him, Ill tell him.Once you begin, you must continue.The (very) moment/instant (that) I saw him, I recognized him.On hearing the n

30、ews, she bust into tears.Hardly had I seen the light, when I heard a loud thundering.8)延续时I havent seen him since I came here.A friend is never know till/until a man have need.12. 地点句型1) 一般地点Where have you been?Where there is a will, there is a way.2)方位Hebei lies in the east of China.Japan is lies to the east of China.The house faces (to) the south.He is sitting at the front of the classroomHe is standing in front of/before me.He is sitting at the back of/behind me.He is sitting in the back of/at the rear of the classroom.He is sitti

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