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1、吸血鬼日记第一季第一集台词英汉对照看吸血鬼日记学英语 Vampire Diary 第一季 01 -Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret;century: 世纪 secret: 秘密一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活。Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.hiding: 隐匿 shadows: 有阴影的藏身暗处,独自一人。Until now, I am a vampire.vampire: 吸血鬼直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。And this is my story.这是我的故事。-Darren

2、: An hours drive to hear that crap.crap: 屎;垃圾一小时的车程都听这种垃圾。You know, it wasnt even a band. A guy with a guitar.连乐队都称不上,只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。An hour each way.还有回来的一个小时。-Darren wife: He wasnt that bad.没你说的那么糟。-Darren: He sounded like James Blunt.听着像James Blunt。-Darren wife: Whats wrong with that?不是很好么?-Darren:

3、We already have a James Blunt. Ones all we need.我们已经有一个James Blunt,一个就够了。-Darren wife: So why did you come?那你为什么要来?-Darren: Because I love you.因为我爱你。-Darren wife: Nicely done.nicely: 漂亮的嘴真甜。Whats with all the fog?fog: 雾这雾是怎么回事?-Darren: Itll clear in a second.马上就会散去的-Darren wife: Watch out!watch out:

4、 密切注视;当心小心!-Darren: Are you ok?你没事吧?-Darren wife: We just hit someone! Oh, my god!hit: 碰撞我们撞人了! 我的天呐!-Darren: Call for help.打电话呼救-Darren wife: Come on, come on!快接!快接!-Darren: Please be alive!alive: 活泼的;活着的千万别出人命啊!Oh, my god.老天!-Darren wife: Theres no signal! Darren!signal: 信号没有信号! Darren!Darren?Darr

5、en?-Stefan: I shouldnt have come home.我不该回来的。I know the risk. But i had no choice.risk: 冒危险我知道风险很大,但我别无选择。I have to know her.我必须认识她。-Elena: Dear diary today will be different. It has to be.亲爱的日记: 今天会是不同的一天,一定要。I will smile, and it will be believable.believable: 可信的我会发自内心地微笑。My smile was Im fine, tha

6、nk you.告诉别人我很好 谢谢。yes, I feel much better.嗯,我已经好多了。I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her longer: 不再 lost: 失去我不再是痛失双亲的,那个可怜的小女孩儿了。I will start fresh, be someone new.fresh: 新鲜的我要打起精神,重新开始。Its the only way Ill make it through.make it through: 度过难关只有这样我才能够支撑下去。-Jenna: Toast. I

7、can make toast.toast: 吐司吐司,我会做吐司。-Elena: Its all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.Jenna阿姨,有咖啡就行。-Jeremy: Is there coffee?有咖啡吗?-Jenna: Your first day of school and Im totally unprepared.totally: 完全的 unprepared: 没有准备你们开学第一天,我还完全没有准备。Lunch money?午饭钱要么?-Elena: Im good.我不用-Jenna: Anything else? A number two

8、pencil? What am I missing?还有别的吗? 2B铅笔? 我还忘了什么?-Elena: Dont you have a big presentation today?presentation: 介绍;陈述你今天不是有个很重要的报告么?-Jenna: Im meeting with my thesis advisor at. Now. Crap!thesis: 论文 advisor: 指导老师我和论文导师约在. 现在 糟糕!-Elena: Then go. Well be fine.快去吧,我们没事的。-Elena: You ok?你还好吧?-Jeremy: Dont sta

9、rt.别提-Bonnie: So grandmother is telling me Im psychic.psychic: 巫女奶奶说我是个巫女。Our ancestors were from Salem, which isnt all that, I know crazy,ancestor: 祖先 我们的祖先来自塞伦,还不止呢!可不是吗?疯了吧!but shes going on and on about it, and Im like, put this woman in a home already!可她一直唠叨个没完,我都想把她送去敬老院了。But then I started th

10、inking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger,predicted: 预言 但之后我想,我料到Obama当选,还料到Heath Ledger英年早逝。and i still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands.break off: 中断 resort: 休闲度假之处我还相信佛罗里达会分裂,变成一个个旅游小岛。Elena! Back in the car.Elena! 回过神来吧-Elena: I did it again, didnt I?

11、 Im sorry, Bonnie.我又走神了么? 抱歉,Bonnie。you were telling me that.你跟我说.-Bonnie: That Im psychic now.我现在能通灵了。-Elena: Right. Ok, then predict something. About me.哦对,那就预言下吧!预测下我。-Bonnie: I see.我看到了.What was that? Oh, my god! Elena, are you ok?那是什么? 我的天! Elena 你还好吧?-Elena: Its ok. Im fine.我没事。-Bonnie: It was

12、 like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.好像是只鸟还是什么,不知道从哪儿就飞出来了。-Elena: Really, I cant be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.freak out: 抓狂说真的,下半辈子我可不能一直对车有阴影。-Bonnie: I predict this year is gonna be kick ass.kick ass: 很厉害;了不起我预言今年一定很棒。And i predict all the sad and dark times are ove

13、r and you are gonna be beyond happy.beyond: 远处;今后我预言所有悲伤黑暗都将过去,你会无比幸福快乐的!Major lack of male real estate.lack: 欠缺 male: 男性 estate: 时期如今真真是男生人才凋零。Look at the shower curtain on Kelly beach.curtain: 窗帘看看凯丽泳滩上有多少浴帘就知道了She looks a hot- can I still say tranny mess?她看起来. 还兴不兴说人妖化?-Elena: No, thats over.不,已经

14、过时啦!-Bonnie: Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. Its a busy year.常言道,谈恋爱吧,让日子充实起来。-Elena: He hates me.他恨我。-Bonnie: Thats not hate.才不是恨呢Thats you dumped me, but Im too cool to show it,dump: 倒垃圾他在说你甩了我,但我不屑于表现出来。but secretly Im listening to air supplys greatest 供应实际上我是悄悄在听 空气补给乐团的精选专辑-Carolin

15、e: Elena. Oh, my god. How are you?Elena 谢天谢地 你还好么?Oh, its so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?能见到你真好 她怎么样? 还好吗?-Elena: Caroline, Im right here. And Im fine. Thank you.Caroline 我就在这儿啊,我很好,多谢!-Caroline: Really?真的吗?-Elena: Yes. Much better.嗯,好多了。-Caroline: Oh, you poor thing.噢,小可怜。-Elena: Ok, C

16、aroline.好了,Caroline。-Caroline: Ok, see you guys later?那好,回见了!-Elena: Ok! Bye. 好!再见No comment. Im not gonna say ment: 评论无语,我什么也不想说。-Jeremy: Dont take more than two in a six-hour window.六小时内不要多过两片-Tyler: Hey, Vicki. I knew Id find you here with the crackheads.crack heads: 瘾君子嘿,Vicki!我就知道你跟这帮瘾君子混在一起。-V

17、icki: Hey,嘿!-Tyler: Pete Wentz called. He wants his nail polish back.nail: 指甲 polish: 使发亮Pete Wentz打给我了,他想把指甲油要回去。-Jeremy: Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?Pete Wentz是吧? 你丫几十年代生的呀? Carson Daly的粉丝?-Vicki: Oh, Tyler, be nice. Be nice. Thats Elenas little brother.Tyler,别冲动

18、!别冲动!那是Elena的弟弟!-Tyler: I know who he is. Ill still kick his ass.我知道,一样要给点颜色瞧瞧。-Bonnie: Hold up. Whos this?等等,这是谁?-Elena: All I see is back.只能看到个背影。-Bonnie: Its a hot back. 很帅的背影。-Teacher: Your records are incomplete.record: 记录 incomplete: 不完全的你的档案不全。Youre missing immunization records, and we do ins

19、ist on transcripts.immunization: 免疫 insist: 坚持;一定要 transcripts: 学生成绩报告单没有你的免疫记录,我们还要求有成绩单。-Stefan: Please look again.请你再看看。Im sure everything you need is there.我肯定你要的都在这儿。-Teacher: Well, youre right. So it is.你说得没错,都在。-Bonnie: Im sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.sense: 感觉 Seattle: 西雅图人我觉得是个西

20、雅图人,他还会弹吉他。-Elena: Youre really gonna run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?你还真开始通灵了是吧?-Bonnie: Pretty much.差不多。-Elena: Ill be right back. 我马上回来。-Bonnie: Please be hot. 千万要长帅点。-Man: Whoa! Pants down, chick. chick: 少女裤子掉了,小妞。-Elena: Great. Its the first day of school and youre stoned.ston

21、ed: 迷幻了的好啊,开学第一天你就嗑药!-Jeremy: No, Im not.我没有。-Elena: Where Is it? Is It on you?在哪儿呢? 在你身上?-Jeremy: Stop, all right? You need to chill yourself, all right?chill: 变冷住手,你冷静点儿,行吗?-Elena: Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool.冷静点儿?这算什么?瘾君子的忠告?诶,老弟!你可真行啊!-Jeremy: Look, stop! I don

22、t have anything on me. Are you crazy?住手,我身上什么都没有,你疯了吗?-Elena: You havent seen crazy, Jeremy!你还没见识过我疯的时候呢,Jeremy!I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself.destroy: 摧毁暑假就这么算了,但是现在我不能再看着你堕落了!No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead. Keep it up.go ahead: 前进 keep up: 继续不不不,你继续吧!继续!

23、But just know that I am gonna be there to ruin your buzz every time, you got it?ruin: 毁灭 buzz: 嗡嗡声但每次磕在兴头我都会来捣乱的,听到了吗?Jeremy, I know who you are. And its not this person.Jeremy,我了解你,你不是这样的!So dont be this person.所以别再这样了!-Jeremy: I dont need this.用不着你管我-Stefan: Thank you.谢谢-Teacher: Youre welcome.不客气

24、-Stefan: Uh, pardon me. Is this the mens room?不好意思,这是男厕所吗?-Elena: Yes. Um, I was just, umI was just对,呃,我只是我刚刚只是Its a long story.说来话长Just.就是.Thank you.谢谢。-Mr. Tanner: Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861,Virginia: 弗吉尼亚 confederacy: 邦联我们弗吉尼亚州曾在1861年加入了美国南部邦联。It created a tremendo

25、us amount of tension within the state.created: 造成 tremendous: 巨大的 amount: 重量 tension: 紧张致使州内局势异常紧张。People in Virginias northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional Deep South.region: 区域 traditional: 传统的 Deep South: 南方腹地;来自西北部地区的人民,和南部保守居民态度不同。Then Virginia divided in 1863 wi

26、th the northwest region joining the union.divided: 分裂 union: 联盟所以弗吉尼亚州于1863年分裂 西北部加入了同盟军HAWT-E.STARING U. HAWT-E = hottie STARING = stare at帅哥在盯着你看呢-Elena: Dear diary, i made it through the day.亲爱的日记,我熬过今天了。I must have said, Im fine, thanks, at least 37 times.我很好,谢谢这句话至少说了37次。And i didnt mean it onc

27、e.可都不是出自真心。But no one noticed.notice: 注意不过没人知道。When someone asks,” how are you?当别人问你,你好吗?They really dont want an answer.他们并不是真想知道些什么Ok. Hi, bird. Thats not creepy or anything.creepy: 毛骨悚然的好吧!你好,小鸟。没什么好怕的。Thats what i thought.我就说嘛!-Stefan: You ok?你还好吗?-Elena: Were you following me?你在跟踪我吗?-Stefan: No

28、, I, uh, I justI saw you fall.不,我我刚刚看到你摔倒。-Elena: Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery.cemetery: 墓地啊,那你是恰巧在墓地这转悠。-Stefan: Im visiting. I have family here.我来扫墓的,我家人葬在这。-Elena: Tactless. Im sorry.我太失礼了,对不起。Its the fog, its making me foggy.就怪这雾气,我也被搞的晕乎乎的!And then back there, t

29、here was this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second.在那边有一只鸟,那一刹那像极了希区柯克电影里的场景。That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?希区柯克关于鸟的那部,对吧?(指群鸟 经典悬疑片)Im Elena.我是Elena。-Stefan: Im Stefan.我是Stefan。-Elena: I know. We have history together.我知道 我们一起上历史课-Stefan: And English and French.还有语文课和法语课。-

30、Elena: Right.没错。Thanks.谢谢。Nice ring.戒指很漂亮。-Stefan: Um, its a family ring, yeah. Im kinda stuck with it. Its weird, huh?kinda: = kind of stuck: 卡在喉咙 weird: 诡异的哦!家族的戒指,好像把我套牢了,奇怪吧?-Elena: No, no. Its just, i mean, there are rings and then theres that.不不。我的意思是,戒指么,就这样。-Stefan: Did you hurt yourself? Did you hurt yourself?你受伤了吗?你受伤了吗?-Elena: Oh, uh, i dont know.噢 我不知道Look at that. That is

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