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6、eseproblemsandensurethatthefutureorournationthatis,theyoungsters,haveamorepromisingfutureaheadofthem.2. Should parents be responsible for the kids crime?A recent report showing a 14-year-old child has killed her grandmother. The incident itself is very stunning to the public. Just as shown in the to

7、pic, crimes are not supposed to be done by younger people who are not legally responsible for what they did. What seems urgent to us is my appeals for those parents who should take the responsibility for any thing like this which should be prevented in advance.The most sounding reason for this is ch

8、ild should be supervised not only by school but also by his direct custody-his parents. No matter what blame we could put on child who has limited awareness of knowing what is correct to do and what is not, parents are not free from the duty that is already endowed by the society to watch their kids

9、 growing healthily. Moreover, parents have inevitable duty to educate their kids, let them know more about legal issues and right behaviors which is their basic lesson for life. We could be sure a kid is a good kid without any discipline of their parents.In terms of discipline, parents should also t

10、ake the responsibility to face some punishment as they are supposed to be disciplined by the cruelty of society. Any kind of the crime indicated by the above itself means a lot to them and they should face the all around blames from the society and neighborhood. The loss of such a lawsuit will resul

11、t in both the loss of face of their dignity and the loss of money in order to cover the compensation for the victims. So far so good, as for the age of kids who should take legal responsibility to such crime, the law has already settled for it. Countries around the world vary greatly. There is no fi

12、xed line, but one thing is sure, as soon as you grow into adult you should be responsible for what you do in society3.Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television, someone says it could make bad consequence; this kind of media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or

13、 not agree?范文1Withthecrimeratehoveringathighlevel,theprintmediaaswellastheelectronicmediadedicatelargeproportionsoftheirspaceorairtimetodetailedcrimecoverage.Whetherthemediashouldpresentdetailedaccountsofcrimeshastriggeredspiriteddebate.Manyassertthatthenewsmediashouldstopgivingdetailsofcrimes.Speak




17、c.Hence,suchreportsbecomenothingmorethananattempttosatisfythecuriosityofsomebaseminds.Without thevictimsconsent,graphicaccountsofcrimesmaybecomenightmarestothem.Insum,detailedcrimecoverageinthemediaunderminesourlivesinseveralways.Iamconvincedifsuchreportscontinuetogouncontrolled,itwillexertevenmoreb

18、anefulinfluenceonindividuals,communitiesandsocieties.范文2There is no doubt that the detailed descriptions of crimes have been given by most of newspapers and television programs these days. Based on this, some people think that this is adverse for the children. This is partly because such kind of des

19、criptions will give them a deep negative impression. Surely, I agree that detailed descriptions of crimes should be limited by the government.Also, I believe that the detailed descriptions of crimes will increase the incidence of crimes. They point out that thousands of criminals learn how to commit

20、 a crime from TVs or films. It is well aware that the crimes in young children are increasing annually, and it would associate with a wide range of crimes which children watch every day. For example, the same means, as the films show, is similar to the crimes in the actual society, such as robbery,

21、sexual crimes and murders.On the other hand, other people argue that it is pointless to restrict this kind of media. They probably think that the detailed descriptions of crimes are beneficial for people to prevent crimes. It seems that people will improve alert sense, when they see the crime means

22、as TV programs show. However, they hardly realize that the negatives outnumber the positives. In the meanwhile, people can learn how to prevent crimes by the other means such as Internet and books.In conclusion, I would like to express that the detailed descriptions of crimes should be restricted, b

23、ut also that the government should appeal to people to learn how to keep away from crimes or dangers.4.In many countries, crime is increasing.What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?Although it is arguably impossible to pinpoint a single cause for the recent ris

24、e in global crime, the main culprits are thought to be poverty and political oppression. A commonality between the two appears to be the dissatisfaction of a people. Thus, it is argued that global crime can be reduced through measures that promote public feelings of well-being and security. To prove

25、 this, strategies that reduce poverty and oppression will be analyzed.Firstly, encouraging prosperity among poverty-stricken areas can be a very powerful tool when combating crime. For example, a once dangerous area of my hometown in Ottawa has undergone major infrastructural development over the pa

26、st twenty years. The addition of schools, libraries and quality health facilities led to the establishment of a new economical status for the people who lived there. With the rise of this new affluence came a major fall in crime rates. This clearly shows how tackling the issue of poverty creates inr

27、oads against violations of the law.In addition to this, providing people more political freedom can also reduce crime. For instance, over the past ten years China has increasingly allowed critical comment of its ruling party to appear in local newspapers. Despite the fact that this level of freedom

28、pales in comparison with many other countries, it is felt this thawing of political control has done a lot to reduce crime rates across the country. Thus, providing increasing levels of political freedom can be seen as a measure to combat crime.After analyzing the reduction of poverty and political

29、oppression, it is felt that crime is best tackled by reducing the causes of unrest among people. By following this course of action, major reductions in global crime rates are expected.5. Prison is not a cure for crime. To reduce crime in the long-term, courts should significantly reduce prison sent

30、ences and focus on education and community work to help criminals not to re-offend. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?范文一There are many different opinions on the best way to reduce crime. The traditional solution is to be hard on criminals and put them in prison for a very lo

31、ng time. An opposing view is expressed by people with more modern ideas. They think that education and job training are the long-term solutions to cutting crime. So who is right - the traditionalists or the modernists?People in favor of reducing prison sentences often argue that prisons should not simply be places of punishme

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