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1、无锡初三总复习完成句子50句一1.我花了半年时间教我的鹦鹉说话。It took me half a year to teach my parrot to speak.2.黄山与芦山的景色大不相同。The view of the Yellow Mountain is quite different from that of Lushan Mountain.3.我们期待着尽快收到你的来信。We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.4.请稍等,我还有些别的话要告诉你。Wait a minute. I have something else to

2、tell you.5.当我到达的时候, 一个十八岁的年轻人以已经独自把火扑灭了。An 18-year-old young man had put out the fire on his own when I arrived.6.水里不含卡路里,因此你可以放心喝而不用担心发胖。There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without worrying about getting fat.7.约翰记忆力很好,但是数学较薄弱。John has a good memory, but he is poor at maths.8.导游叫我们走另

3、一条路去杭州。The tour guide told us to take another route to Hangzhou.9.我们将在太湖边享受完整的一天。We will enjoy a full day by the Taihu Lake.10.我的英语书忘在家里了,你介意和我合用一下吗?I have left my English book at home. No you mind sharing yours with me?二1.我弟弟自学了如何在因特网上查找信息。My younger brother taught himself how to look for informati

4、on on the Internet.2.这些画上的兔子看起来像真的一样。The rabbits in the picture look like the real ones.3.谢谢你为我保守这个秘密。你是我真正的朋友。Thanks for keeping the secret for me. You are my true friend.4.那个玻璃制成的房子在阳光下闪闪发光。The house made of glass looks shiny in the sun.5.我和杰娜是五年前相互认识的。Jina and I got to know each other five years

5、ago.6.当看到埃菲尔铁塔时,我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the Eiffel Tower.7.布朗先生面带微笑,告诉我们那个令人兴奋的消息。Mr.Brown wore a smile on his face and told us the exciting news.8.我们上周旅行去了趟天目湖。We went on a trip to Tianmu Lake last week.9.因为大雨,上周所有的工人都休息了两天。Last week, all the workers had two days off

6、because of the heavy rain.10.昨晚,她看了一篇郭敬明写的文章。She read an article written by Guo Jingming last night.三1.我希望所有的学生都对学英语感兴趣。I hope all the students are interested in learning English.2.日本海啸冲走了数千座房子,许多人丧命。The tsunami in Japan washed thousands of houses away and many people were killed.3.当我们去观鸟时,我们有时得走很长一

7、段路。When we go birdwatching, we sometimes have to walk a long way.4.铃声一响,学生们匆忙回到座位。The students were in a great hurry to go back to their seats as soon as the bell rang.5.我们为贫困地区的孩子提供了一些文具。We provided the children in poor areas with some stationery.6.许多年轻人喜欢独自居住。A number of young people like living o

8、n their own.7.火灾发生时,人们惊恐地四处逃散。When the fire happened, people ran in all directions in fear.8.怀特老师经常鼓励我们不要轻易放弃。Mr. White often encourages us not to give up easily.9.当大地开始抖动时,我感到了一阵恐惧。When the earth began to shake, a moment of fear went through my mind.10.如果农民持续攫取土地的话,大熊猫就没有地方可住了。If farmers keep takin

9、g the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.四1.这家工厂过去经常把废弃物倒进河里。The factory used to dump its waste into the river.2.这条轻轨已经投入使用许多年了。The light rail has been in use for many years.3.孩子们在迪士尼乐园游玩时不停地喝可爱的卡通人物拍照。The children couldnt stop taking photos with the cute cartoon characters during their vi

10、sit to the Disneyland.4.阳光镇这些年变化大吗?Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years?5.在某些方面我同意孽观点。In some ways I agree with you.6.香港的天气和北京的很不同。The weather in Hong Kong is quite different from that in Beijing.7.政府已经意识到问题严重并且采取行动来减少污染。The government has realized it was a very serious problem and has tak

11、en action to reduce the pollution.8.我得说这是我看过的最好的语法书之一了。I must say that this is one of the best grammar books I have ever read.9.傍晚时分鸟瞰香港感觉真是好极了。It is really wonderful to have a birds-eye view of Hong Kong in the evening.10.我的父母已经和老师面谈过了,是吗?My parents have had an interview with my teacher, havent the

12、y?五1.当时学生们正躺在草地上,仰望着蓝天。The students were lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky at that moment.2.他们经常散发传单叫人们不要乱扔垃圾。They often give out leaflets to ask people not to litter about.3.收音机已经开了几个小时了,请关掉它,好吗?The radio has been on for several hours. Would you please turn it off?4.热水必须放在远离孩

13、子的地方。The hot water must be kept away from the children.5.这个游戏通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。This game helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.6.他过去经常因考试而感到紧张。He used to feel nervous because of the exams.7.你的电脑可以用来收发邮件吗?Can your computer be used for sending and re

14、ceiving e-mails?8.你想在这部戏中扮演教师的角色吗?Would you like to play the role of a teacher in this play?9.只有年满18周岁,你才能开车。Only if you are over eighteen years old can you drive a car.10.演出的最后,观众们兴奋地叫喊起来。The audience shouted with excitement at the end of the show.六1.这个老人病的很厉害,得马上动手术。The old man is badly ill and sh

15、ould be operated at once.2.史密斯一家习惯于早起。The Smiths are/get used to getting up early.3.我们不应该嘲笑他,而是应当向他学习。We should learn from him instead of laughing at him.4.慈善行走开始前,孩子们被按照年龄段分成了三组。The children were grouped into three teams according to their ages before the charity walk.5.许多病人感激王医生治愈了他们的眼疾。Many patie

16、nts are grateful to Dr Wang for curing their eye problems.6.他很自私,总是只关心自己。He is so selfish that he always cares about himself.7.这课很乏味,我们差点说着了。It was such a boring lesson that we almost fell asleep.8.病人已被告知要继续他的治疗。The patient has been told to carry on with his treatment9.你还有其他什么要说的吗?Do you have anythi

17、ng else to say?10.我们希望通过给慈善机构捐款来帮助更多的人。By donating money to charities, we hope to help more people.七1.老师告诉我们自行分成6人小组,参加这次歌唱比赛。Our teacher told us to group ourselves into teams of six and join in the singing competition.2.你最好计划好明天会议上你准备将什么。Youd better plan what to say at the meeting tomorrow.3.如果你想参加

18、学校郊游,你应该注意些什么呢?What should you pay attention to if you want to join in the school trip?4.我们应该尽力帮助那些需要帮助的人。We should try/do our best to help the people in need.5.他太累了,一上床就睡着了。He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he went to bed.6.香港作为一个国际化的大都市而闻名。Hong Kong is known as an international city.7

19、我们还需要两天才能完成这个任务。We need two more days/another two days to finish the task.8.他盼望着参加下星期的圣诞晚会。He is looking forward to taking part in the Christmas party next week.9.所有的成员必须带上足够的水喝干的衣物。all members must take enough water and dry clothes.10.我们应该为困境中的穷人募捐些钱,帮他们度过难关。We should raise money for the poor in di

20、fficulty to help them out.八1.杰克很受欢迎,虽然他有时自私了点。Jack is very popular though he is selfish at times2.特立独行的人很不好相处。Those who hate to be like others are not easy to get along/on with.3.据说双鱼座的人喜欢幻想一切。Its said a Pisces likes dreaming about everything.4.他很有耐心,可以久等而不生气。He is patient enough to wait for a long

21、time without getting angry.5.米莉的创造力足以使她成为艺术家。Millie is creative enough to be an artist.6.对每一个人来说,具有良好的个人品质是很重要的。Its important for everyone to have good personal qualities.7他很活跃,而且不介意为学生会做额外的工作。He is active and doesnt mind doing extra work for the Students Union.8.你们班谁喜欢喝别人争论?Who likes arguing with o

22、thers in your class?9.出生在同星座的人性格相仿。People born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.10.我妈妈很友善,一直帮助别人。Mom is kind enough to help others at all times.九1.你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗?Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow、2.我宁愿去找他,也不愿在这儿等他。Id rather go to look for him than wait for him h

23、ere.3.穿红色衣服能使你更容易采取行动。Wearing red can make it easy for you to take action.4.丹尼尔心情不好,整个下午都不跟任何人讲话。Daniel was in a bad mood and didnt talk to anyone the whole afternoon.5.据报道,颜色能影响我们的情绪和生活。Its reported that colours can affect our moods and lives.6.这本书使我想起我多年以前看过的一部电影。This book reminds me of a film I s

24、aw many years ago.7.如果你在学英语方面有困难,你最好向老师请教。Youd better ask your teacher for help if have difficulty in learning English.8.当你寂寞时,你能找到可以说话的人吗?Can you find a person to talk to when you feel lonely?9.红色和白色是很好的搭配。Red and white are a good much.10.老师经常建议我们尽可能多读英语。Our teacher often advises us to read English

25、 as much as possible.十1.那个害羞的男孩没有勇气跟她争论这个问题。The shy boy has no courage to argue with her about this problem.2.你能告诉我怎样在玩和学习之间取得平衡。Can you tell me how to achieve a balance between play and study?3.爱德华学习很努力,因而他的德语取得了很大的进步。Edward works so hard that he has made great progress in his German.4.为了完成所有的练习题,昨

26、晚他没有其他的办法只能熬夜。He had no choice but to stay up late to complete all the exercises.5.布朗先生希望在他度假时不被打扰。Mr Brown wants to be left alone when he is on holiday.6.到不前为止,和同龄的学生们尚未找到如何解决压力问题的好方法。By now, the students of my age havent found a good way to solve the problem of stress.7.填表登记后方可入住本旅店。You are not al

27、lowed to stay at the hotel until the form is filled in.8.必须在周末前上交关于学生视力的报告。Reports on students eyesight must be handed in before the weekend.9.我想知道你的外国朋友是否已经回复你的电子邮件了。I wonder whether your foreign friend has replied to your e-mail or not.10.凯特的妈妈之所以生她的气是因为她毫不理会自己的错误。Kates mother was angry with her b

28、ecause she paid no attention to her own mistake.十一1.该节目包括许多不同种类的体育项目,如篮球、足球和游泳。The program covers different kinds of sports, such as basketball, football and swimming.2.那部名叫乡村小屋谋杀案的影片不适合十岁以下的儿童观看。The film named Murder in a Country House isnt suitable for the children under 10 to watch.3.他每天在11点到12点之

29、间吃午饭。He has lunch between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. every day.4.每晚七点到九点我做作业。I do my homework from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.5.直到这部电影的结尾你才会找到答案。You wont find out the answer until the end of the film.6.每年成千上万的歌迷在网上投票支持他们最喜欢的歌手。Thousands of fans vote online for their favourite singer every year.7.聚会后父母要求孩子们把他们的玩具收拾好。T

30、he children were required to put away the toys after the party by their parents.8.如果你运气好的话,你会免费得到两张音乐会的门票。If you are lucky enough, you Can get two free concert tickets.9.以下是体育方面所发生事情的一周综述。Here is a weekly round-up of what is happening.10.那部由一位新导演执导的恐怖电影值得再看一遍。The horror film directed by a new direct

31、or is worth watching.十二1.伟大的科学家钱学森去世了,他所做的一切对我国的科学事业产生了巨大的影响。Qian Xuesen, a great scientist, passed away. What he did had a great effect on the scientific work of China.2.自从她进入中学以来,她一直把全部精力投入到学习中去。She has put all her effort into study since she entered middle school.3.郭明义把他的一生奉献给了帮助那些需要帮助的人。Guo Mingyi devoted all his life to helping the people in need.4.这部一小时纪录片提醒我们应该保护环境。This one-hour documentary reminds us that we should protect the environment.5.这些数字标志着这次实验的成功。These numbers

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