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1、新PEP小学英语五年级下册unit1unit6练习题Unit1练习题班级:姓名:一、选出不同类的单词。()1.A.when Bplay Cdo() Busually Coften() Bwash Ccook()4.A.breakfast Bbusy Cdinner() Bin Cneed二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1I often eat b_ at 7:40 am.2My father always goes for a w_ after dinner.3Tom usually takes a _ (舞蹈) class on the w

2、eekend.4Do you like playing s_?Yes,I do.5.My mother often goes _ (购物) in the afternoon.1I often _ _ (游泳) on Sundays.2I usually _ _ (做运动) with my friends on Tuesdays.3I usually _ _ _ (打扫我的房间) on Saturdays.4I usually _ _ (打乒乓球) with Mr Monkey on Friday.5I usually _ _ _ _ (散步) with my friends after din

3、ner.1They _ _ _ (早锻炼) at 9:30 every day.2I _ _ (吃早饭) at 7:00 am.every day.3They usually _ _ _ (上音乐课) at 5:30.4We often_ _ (进行体育运动) after school.5Tom usually_ _ (吃晚饭) at 6:00.三、单项选择。(10分)()1._start at 2 oclock.AClassBClassesCA class()2._ do you do housework?I do housework at 4:00 pm.AWhat BWho CWhen(

4、)3.He _ goes shopping on Sunday.Ais Busually Cdo()4.I sometimes _ at 6:00 am.Ahave Bgoes shopping Cget up()5.I always do morning exercises _ the morning.Aat Bin Cof()1.When do you go home?I go home _ 5:00 in the afternoon.AinBatCto()2.When do you play _ sports?Aa BThe C/()3.When do you eat _?At 6:00

5、 pm. Abreakfast Blunch Cdinner()4.My father works _ night.Ain Bon Cat()5.Usually I go shopping on Saturday _ Sunday.AbutBorCon()1.What _ you often do on the weekend?I often do my homework.Adoes Bare Cdo()2.My father _ last night. Awork Bworks Cworked()3.I _ get up at 10:00 on Sunday.Aam Bare Csometi

6、mes()4._ do you go home?At 5:00 in the afternoon.AWhat BWhen CWhere()5.Why are you _ today?Awatch TVBcleaning your room Cshops()1.I _ last night.Awatched TVBhave music class Ccook dinner()2.That sounds like a lot of _AfunBa fun Cfuns()3.Why are you _ today?Ashop BshopsCshopping()4.I often play footb

7、all _ my father on the weekend. Abut Bwith Cand()5.I often play sports and have art class,but _ I visit my grandparents on the weekend.Asometimes BoftenCusually四、连词成句。(10分)1work,When,you,go,do,to (?)_2eat,you,do,When,dinner (?)_3watch,I,about,TV,4:00,at (.)_4do,at,I,exercises,8:30,morning,usually (.

8、)_5in,When,you,morning,do,the,finish,class (?)_五、按要求完成下列句子。1Linda usually gets up at_7:00_am. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Linda usually _ up?2dinner,eat,you,When,do,usually (?) (连词成句)_3late,too,Thats (.)(连词成句)_4start,at,oclock,three,Classes (.) (连词成句)_5home,eat,lunch,We,at (.) (连词成句)_1I often play_football on the

9、weekend.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ on the weekend?2I get up at_6:40(对画线部分提问) _ _ you get up?3robot,you,help,You,a,to,need (.) (连词成句)_4dinner,cook,I,Sometimes,also (.) (连词成句)_5go,I,often,my,swimming,father,with (.) (连词成句)_七、小作文。(10分)以“My weekend”为题写一篇小作文,介绍平时你是怎么样过周末的。词数为4050。_ Unit2练习题班级:姓名:一、选出不同类的单词。()1.A

10、.colourBseasonCbeautiful()2.A.swim Bsunny Cwindy()3.A.autumn Bflower Cspring()4.A.cold Bfall Ccool() Blook Clike()1.A.what Bwhich Cwith()2.A.sunny Bplay Cwindy() Bplant Cswim()4.A.autumn Bseason Cwinter() Bsummer Cwarm二、单项选择。()1._ season do you like best?Autumn. AWhatBWhichCW

11、here()2.Whats the weather like in spring?Its _ Ahot Bbusy Cwarm()3.Its windy _ cold in winter. Aand BOrCbut()4.Of all the subjects.I like English _AgoodBnice Cbest()5.There are _ seasons in a year.Atwo Bthree Cfour()1.I often go _ a picnic with my family.Aat Bon Cin()2.When is the _ time to go to Da

12、lian?Summer.Agood Bbest Cbetter()3.Which season _ Amy like best? AdoBis Cdoes ()4._ do you like winter best?Because I can play in the snow.AWhat BWhyCWhich()5.In summer,I can _ Aplay in the snowBswim in the seaCmake a snowman ()1.We can see lots of _ in winter.AsnowsBsnowCa snow()2.I want _ this wee

13、kend.ASwimBSwimsCto swim()3.Christmas is in _ in Australia. Aspring Bsummer Cwinter()4._do you like spring?Because I can plant trees.A.WhichB.WhyC.When()5.I like _ days.AsunnyBsun Ccloud()1.Summer is good._autumn is my favourite season.AButBAndCOr()2.In spring,I _ fly a kite with my friends.Acan Bha

14、ve Cam()3.Whats the weather like _ April in Beijing?A.on Cat()4.In autumn the _ are colourful.Aleaf Bleaves Cleafs()5.There is _ snow in winter.AmanyBlot of Clots of三、选词填空。AWhatBWhereCWhenDWhyEWhich()1. _ do you like rabbits?Because they are cute.()2. _ do you usually go to the store?On Sunday

15、afternoon.()3. _ skirt do you like?The red one.()4. _ are these?They are my pictures.()5. _ are my shoes?They are under the,are,because,at,with1Look _ my new picture!2Spring is green _ flowers and songs.3Todays weather _ good.4There _ many flowers everywhere.5I like spring best _there are bea

16、utiful flowers.四、按要求完成下列句子。1I like autumn best.(对画线部分提问)_ _ do you like best?2Summer is my favourite season.(改为同义句)I _ _ _3Why do you like winter? (补全答语)_ _ _ make a snowman.4like,summer,vacation,Because,I(.)(连词成句)_六、连词成句。1nice,weather,Because,is,the (.)_2everywhere,is,It,colourful (.)_3trees,Look,g

17、reen,at,the (.)_4snow,in,can,play,I,the (.)_5do,What,on,Day,you,Christmas,do,usually (?)_七、小作文。(10分)请用英语描述一下,一年中有几个季节,你喜欢的两个季节以及在这两个季节中你可以做的事情。至少写五句。_ _ _ _ _ Unit3 练习题姓名:班级:一、选出不同类的单词。()1.A.trip Bnext Cparty()2.A.usually Bcontest Cmeet()3.A.Monday BMarch CMay()4.A.children Bparents Cmonth()5.A.sing

18、ing Binteresting Cplanting()1.A.comeBsingCthing() Boften Cusually()3.A.trip Bcontest Cfun()4.A.singing Bmaths CChinese()5.A.May BApril CEaster()1.A.autumnBfavouriteCwinter()2.A.cook Bmake Ccard()3.A.story Bsing Csay()4.A.September BAmerican COctober ()5.A.letter Btell Cwrite 二、单项选择。()1._ is

19、 the school trip? Its usually in May. AWhat BWhen CWhere()2.There are a few _ on the desk.Abook Ba book Cbooks()3.We will have _Easter party tomorrow.AaBan C/()1.Winter is _ favourite season. AIBmyCme()2.When is the school trip _ this year?A/Bin Con()3.Ill eat a big dinner _ my family tomorrow. Afor

20、 Band Cwith()4.MidAutumn Day is in September _ October. Aor Bbut Cand()5.Teachers Day is in _AAugust BSeptemberCOctober ()1.She will make _ wish at her birthday.AaBanCthe()2.My father is good _ football.Ain BatCto()3.When is Aunt Marys birthday?_ birthday is in December. AHerBHis CMy()4.Lets _ a bir

21、thday cake for Mary.AMakeBmakingCmakes()5._ her birthday in May? AWhen BDoesCIs三、写出中国每个季节所含的月份。1spring _ _ _ 2summer _ _ _ 3autumn _ _ _ 4winter _ _ _ 四、选词填空。(10分)AofBatChaveDforEwith ()1.I usually _ a school trip in autumn.()2.I will make a card _ my mother.()3.Thats very kind _ you.()4.My brother often shares some chocolate _ us.()5.The Easter party will start _ 7: 00 pm.五、连词成句。1in,April,usually,is,It (.)_2February,vacation,Winter,is,in (.)_1often,with,I,sp

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