1、英语简单句中五种基本句型S+V(主语 +谓语动词-不及物动词)1. 8月和9月期间汽车价格波动。The price of cars fluctuates between August and September.2. 1995年至1998年,男生的人数保持稳定态势。From 1995 to 1998, the number of male students stabilized.3. 电视观众的人数在晚上8点到10点之间急剧上升。The number of TV viewers climbs significantly between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.4. 从2000年起数
2、目开始缓慢下降。Since 2000 the figure dropped slightly.5. 全球一体化时代已经来临。The Era of Globalization has already come.6. 人们对此事持有不同看法。Views on the issue in question vary greatly.7. 人们对此热门话题的观点不一。Notions about this hot topic differ widely.8. 一些尖锐的问题已经出现。Some acute problems have already arisen.9. 随着经济的迅猛发展,环境也在不断恶化。
3、The environment has been deteriorating along with the rapid development of economy.10. 肥胖的人身心都受到伤害。Overweight/ Obese people suffer greatly psychologically and physically.S+V+O (主语 +谓语动词-及物动词+宾语)1. 有毒气体危害人民健康。The toxic gases endanger peoples health.2. 在表明观点之前,我将探讨一些这具有争议的事件的正反方。Before presenting my v
4、iew, I will explore both sides of the controversial issue.3. 资助艺术浪费我们有限的公共资金。Art funding lavishes our limited public funds.4. 安装摄像头侵犯人们的隐私。The installation of cameras violates peoples privacy.5. 打游戏机浪费父母的血汗钱。Playing computer games squanders parents hand-earned cash.6. 被动吸烟可导致诸如眼睛发炎、头痛、咳嗽、喉咙痛、头晕和恶心等症
5、状。Passive smoking can cause symptoms such as eye irritation, headache, cough, sore throat, dizziness, and nausea.7. 艺术提升城市的形象和地位。Art upgrades the image and status of the city.8. 收藏品和展品反映了文化和社会的多元化。Collections and exhibitions reflect the cultural and social diversity.9. 不良的生活习惯有害健康。Improper living ha
6、bits impair our health.10. 义务兵役制度破坏学习的连贯性。Compulsory military service breaks the study momentum.11. 旅游业无限制的发展破坏生态平衡。Unrestrained development of tourism breaks the ecological balance.12. 跨文化交流有助于消除偏见和敌意。Cross-culture communication can remove prejudice and hostility.13. 沉迷于看电视扼杀创造力。Indulgence in watch
7、ing TV kills creativity.14. 投资艺术项目,如博物馆和展览馆等,能改善城市形象。Investment in artistic projects, such as museums and galleries promotes the city image.不及物动词可以通过跟介词或副词结合构成及物用法VI + Prep = VT: approve of, deal with, look into, complain about, result in, lead to, dispose of, subscribe to, side with, contribute to,
8、 give up, appeal to1. 有关部门应在两天之内处理这一不愉快的事件。The department concerned should deal with this unpleasant matter in two days.2. 你能否调查一下我的现状。Would you please look into my present situation?3. 很多居民投诉整天发出巨大噪音的工地。Many residents complain about the construction site which makes great noise day and night.4. 过分沉
9、迷于电脑游戏导致肥胖和近视。Overindulgence in computer games leads to obesity and myopia.5. 贵公司登载于广州英文早报的广告吸引了我。Your advertisement on Guangzhou Morning Post appeals to me.6. 过量使用肥料和杀虫剂可能导致环境的恶化。Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides may give rise to the deterioration of the environment.7. 我很难认同后一种观点,理由有以下几方面。I can
10、 hardly side with the latter opinion for the following several sound reasons.8. 艺术丰富人们的生活。Art contributes to the enrichment of the lives of people.9. 文化发展展示了一个现代、充满活力和展望未来的社会。Culture development contributes to the image of a county as a modern, dynamic, and forward-looking society. 10. 过量摄入脂肪和热量导致一系
11、列的健康问题,如肥胖、冠心病和高血压。Excessive intake of fat and calorie results in a host of health conditions such as obesity, coronary heart disease and hypertension.11. 同伴之间的竞争导致嫉妒,而嫉妒导致暴力行为。Competition among fellow teens leads to jealousy and jealousy leads to violent acts.12. 为了身体健康,我们应该避免烟酒过度。In order to stay
12、health, we should give up excessive drinking and smoking.13. 很少人赞成动物权益保护者提出的建议。Few people subscribe to the proposal set forth by animal-rights advocates.VI + Adv. + Prep = VT: make up for, look down upon, do away with, put up with1. 今晚我将邀请你去喝一杯以示将功赎过。I will make up for my fault by inviting you to ha
13、ve a drink tonight.2. 我们永远都不应看不起来自少数民族地区的人民。We shall never look down upon people from minority areas.3. 我们应该抛弃久坐的生活方式以减轻体重。In order to lose weight, we should do away with the sedentary lifestyle.4, 为了年轻一代着想,我们应该废除体罚。For the sake of our younger generation, corporal punishment should be done away with
14、.5. 我很难忍受你们饭馆低劣的服务。I can hardly put up with the poor service of your restaurant.S + V + O2 + O1 (主语+动词+间接宾语/人+直接宾语/物)1. 手握厚重的一卷书,我们感受到难以名状的快乐。The touch on a thick volume gives one inexpressible pleasure.2. 反对者向我们展示一些具有说服力的证据。The critics show us some convincing evidence.3. 该表格向我们展示了关于性别和爱好之间关系的调查结果。T
15、he table shows us the results of a survey on the relationship between gender and hobbies.4. 间隔年为中学毕业生提供了一个宝贵的机会去认清自己的职业兴趣和目标。A gap year offers high school graduates a valuable opportunity to identify their career interest and goal.5. 我祝Tom一路顺风。I wish Tom a good journey.6. 实行男女共校制度的学校给学生提供了现实社会的微型版。A
16、 coeducational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature.7. 跳槽给人们展示才艺的机会Job-hoping offers people an opportunity to display their versatile talents.8. 摄像头的安装给居民强烈的安全感。The installation of cameras brings residents a strong sense of security.9. 博物馆给人们名族自豪感和归属感。Museums give people a sense of national pride and belonging.10. 通过为社会做贡献,学生从兼职工作中获得一种成就感。Part-time jobs give students a sense of achievement through contributing to society.
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