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1、09届高三英语各册句型汇编必修1句型 1. There is an increase/decrease in the number of 的数量有增长或下降 e.g.女性可选择的工作数量有所增长。 There is an increase in the number of jobs available to women. Ex.与灾难相关的书的数量有所增长。2.倍数表达 A is three times as big as B. A is three times bigger than B. A is three times the size of B. e.g.这个大厅所容纳的认识原来老礼堂

2、的5倍。 The hall holds 5 times as many people as the old one. Ex.他的哥哥跑得比另一个运动员快两倍。3. sth of A is nothing like that of B. e.g.沈老师的教学法完全不同于我初中时老师的教学法 Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. Ex.我的裙子完全不同于我三班一个朋友的裙子。4. Would you mind sth/doing? e.g.介意帮我回答这些

3、问题吗? Would you mind answering the questions for me? Ex.你介意我坐在这吗/5. Hows sth going? e.g.你的新书进展如何? How is your new book going? Ex.你在新的班级学习进展如何?6. So/Neither/Nor +have/can/be/do/did +sb/sth.e.g.(1) -I have just been to my first language class. -So have I.我也是。(2) -I can ride a bike. -So can I.我也会。(3) -I

4、 dont like rock music. -Nor / Neither do I.我也不喜欢。(4) -Xiaohong is a good student. -So she is. 确实如此。Ex.(1)- 他上学期进步很大。 - 确实如此。 (2)-我是个学生。 -我也是。7. have problems/ difficulty / trouble with sth have problems/ difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth e.g. Americans have no difficulty in communicating with Engl

5、ish people. 美国人和英国人沟通起来没有问题。 Ex.我操作这个新的MP4有困难。 8. so . that 结构得,这样以便;如此以致。 e.g. 我们已经做了安排,使得我们之中总有一个人在值班。 We have so arranged matters that one of us is always on duty. so that 结构,口语常将 that 省略以便,为了;所以。 e.g. 说话说清楚,以便他们能够听得懂你的意思。 Speak clearly, so that they may understand you. 他很自满-自满得忘乎所以。 He is compla

6、cent - so much so that he does not know what he is worth. Ex. 把这个做完,好开始另一个。 9.with 的复合结构 e.g. I will do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me. The thief was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. With so much work to do, I dont know whether I will be free or not this weekend. The stor

7、m died away at last with the golden waves beating the shore in peace. Ex. 我讨厌有人嘴里吃这东西说话。 10. It is +adj /(a +n.)+ to do sth. e.g.看到不同国家间学校的差异是很有意思的 。 It is interesting to look at differences between schools in different countries. Ex.坐船去大连旅行是很好的一种体验。 11. sb/sth is considered (as/ to be ).某人或某物被认为是 S

8、b/sth is considered to have done. 某人或某物被认为做过 e.g.这被认为是有史以来最重要的发明之一。 It is considered (as/ to be) one of the most important inventions in history. Ex.人们认为他打碎了窗户。 12. What do you think of=How do you like? 你认为怎么样? e.g. 你认为我们提出的计划怎么样? What do you think of the plan we raised?13. Would you mind if?如果你介意吗?

9、 e.g. 如果我坐这里你介意吗? Would you mind if I sat here?14. This/It is the first time that sb have/has done这是某人第几次做某事。 e.g.这是我第一册拜访你的故乡。 This is the first time that I have visited your hometown. Ex. 那是我第二次去美国。 15. I feel very fortunate (in) sth/doing sth. e.g. 和你一起工作我感到很幸运。 I feel very fortunate (in) living

10、here.16. What is sth like? e.g.英国气候是什么样的? What is the climate like in Britain? Ex. 今天天气怎么样? 17. This is one of the most +最高级 I have ever done. e.g.这是我去过的最有吸引力的地方之一。 This is one of the most attractive places I have been to. Ex. 这是我看过的最有趣的小说之一。 18. It (has been)/is +years since 常见时间状语 since 1980 ever

11、since so far / up to now / by now / till now e.g. 他买这辆车已经三年了。 It is 3 years since he bought the car. Ex. 他来这里10年了。 19. sb be supposed to do某人应该 e.g. 我以为今天我会领到薪水呢。 I thought were supposed to be paid today. Ex. 他应该三点就到这里的。 20. The more, the more越, 就越 e.g.你离的越近就看得越清楚。 The closer you are, the more you w

12、ill see. Ex.我读的书越多,了解的信息就越多。21. 形容词或副词比较级前常用词Come a bit closer. We need rather more than that. It weighs a little more than before. It will be a lot heavier than that. Is it any heavier? We need a piece which is much bigger than that.22. In the last twenty/ years, sb/sth 现在完成时态. e.g.在过去的20年里,七位加拿大科学

13、家赢得了诺贝尔奖。 In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientists have won the Nobel Prize. Ex.在过去的两年里,他们已经从政府得到2000余本书。 23. sb made it possible for sb to do 某人使有可能 e.g. Berners-Lee是每个人都有可能使用互联网。 Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet. Ex.科学家们使人类有可能登月球旅行。 24. sb/sth is expected to

14、 do某人或某物预期会 e.g.中国的手机使用者到2007年预计会达到5亿。 The number of mobile phone users in China is expected to reach 500 million by 2007. Ex.这个新食堂预计在完工后可容纳600个学生。 compare A to B.某人将A比作B A cant compare with B. A不能与B相比 Compared to/with B,A is .与B相比,A e.g.诗人在诗中将他的爱人比作玫瑰。 The poet compares his lover to a rose in

15、 his poems. 行走无法与飞行相提并论。 Walking cant compare with flying. Ex.与我的同学相比,我很勤奋。 必修2句型 1. sb would rather do 宁愿做 e.g.我宁愿吃片水果! Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit. Sb. would rather do than = sb would do rather than 宁愿做而不愿做 Ex.他宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去锻炼身体。 2. adj / adv. + enough (for sb.) to do sth. 足够而可以做某事; 非常居然做某事

16、 e.g.这里的水源水量足够让这里的人们生活了。 The water here is much enough for people to live here. Ex.这个男孩已经在很努力的解决这个难题了。 3. the first / second/ third to do sth. 第一/二/三个做某事 e.g.他是第一个跟我提出意见的人。 He was the first to raise suggestions to me. Ex.他总是第一个来最后一个走。 4. be likely to do = It is likely that e.g. 这场比赛我们队很可能赢。 Our team

17、 is likely to win the game. = It is likely that our team will win the game. Ex.他很有可能出席这次会议 。 5. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. 被用于做某事 be used as sth. 被用作为 e.g. 一些学生已经习惯了熬夜。 Some students have got used to staying up late. Ex.在这个美丽的小村庄过去有许多人住在这儿。 6. Itissuc

18、halovelytoythatitsellswell.=Itissolovelyatoythatitsellswell. e.g.这么小的虫子吃谷物吃得这么少,这没什么可惊奇的。 Itisnotsurprisingthatsuchlittle(小的)wormseatsolittle(少的)grain. Ex.他是一个学习如此努力的学生,以至于其他同学都很欣赏他。 7. when可以表示突然 e.g.他刚要离开突然天开始下雨。He was about to leave when it began to rain.我正在看电视突然他进来了。 I was watching TV when he ca

19、me in. Ex.他刚睡着突然电话响了。 8. Having done .,sb did (完成之后,某人做了某事) e.g.在那工作了30年之后,Haydn 搬到了伦敦, Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London. Ex. 完成作业之后,他离开了图书馆。 9. By the time ,sb has/had done 到时间为止,某人已经 e.g.到他14岁时为止,莫扎特已经做了许多首曲子。 By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces of music.

20、Ex.到我们到达学校时,丁丁已经读完了两篇课文。 10consider sb. adj.e.g. 他们认为我太年轻,干不了这工作。They considered me too young to do the work. 大家认为这样做是不合法的。It was not considered lawful to act that way. Ex. 我认为他是一个能干的人。 11. The first time,第一次的时候,for the first time 第一次做某一件事e.g. The first time I went abroad, I could hardly understand

21、what they said.第一次我出国的时候,我几乎听不懂他们说什么。At the beginning of the term, we met for the first time.学期开始我们第一次见面。Ex.我第一次到这的时候,我就爱上了这个城市。 12. 强调句式It is /was +强调部分+that e.g. 是这些特别的特征使我们最感兴趣。It is the special characters that interest us most.Ex. 就是当他到达学校时,我们才开始讨论。 必修3 句型1. 最高级前可以有序数词修饰 e.g.法国是欧洲第三大国。 France is

22、 Europes third largest country and Ex.黄河是中国第二长河。 2. e.g.巴黎是法国的首都,是法国最大的城市,座落在塞纳河畔。 Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. Ex.这是城里最大的酒店,座落在海河畔。3. while 表对比、对照 e.g.挪威排在榜首,而美国却排在102 位。 Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 102. Ex.他希望租一间房子,而他

23、妻子想要买一套新的。 4. Its up to sb. to do sth.由某人决定做某事。 e.g.由你来决定我们见面的地方。 Its up to you to decide the place where we will meet. Ex.由他来为下一次讨论选定一个主题。 5. It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人忽然想到要做某事 It occurs to sb. that 某人忽然想到 e.g. 我想到要去看看我的老师。 It occurred to me to visit my teacher. Ex. 我怎么也没有想到他会遇上麻烦。 6. Where was

24、 /were when it happened? 当事情发生的时候,在哪里? e.g. 当地震发生时,他在哪? Where was he when the earthquake happened? Ex.当事故发生时你在哪? 7. causing现在分词短语表结果 e.g.平均而言,美国每年有800次龙卷风,导致80人死亡1500人受伤。 On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. Ex.这次地震发生在下午,导致将近69,000人死亡。

25、8. A is which/that usually A就是 e.g. 导游就是一个在你的旅途中充当向导的人。 A tour guide is someone that will guide your tour. Ex.参考书是能够帮你找到这些问题答案的书。 9. appear to be/to have done显得 e.g.中国近些年因为沙漠化,沙尘暴显得增加许多。 Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”. Ex.这些城市在改革后显得非常活跃。

26、 10. sth makes it difficult to do 某事使困难 e.g.浓雾使得很难看见交通标志。 The thick dust makes it difficult to see the traffic sighs. Ex.可怕的地震使得到达这个小村庄很难。 11. 否定词与最高级连用,表最高级。 e.g. I couldnt agree with you more. (= I agree with you completely.) It couldnt be worse. (= It could be the worst.) Ex.这是我去过的最美的城市。 12. on c

27、ondition that conj. 只要,条件是 e.g.你可以休息一会儿条件是之后要完成一篇作文。 You could have a rest on condition that you must finish a composition after that. Ex.我可以把电脑借给你,条件是你周五还给我。 13. The reason why is that . 的原因是 e.g.人与动物不同的原因是人是生性善良的。 The reason why man is different from animals is that man is good. Ex.他感到高兴的原因是他通过了所有

28、的考试。 14.人之初性本善。/人人生来平等。 Man is born good. (Man is born equal.) 15. sb suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 sb suggest that sb. (should) do sth. e.g.老师建议我们充分利用这次机会。 The teacher suggested that we should make full use of the chance. Ex.他建议我们应高提前半小时到车站。 16.Were you pleased/surprised to ?你喜欢 /你对惊讶吗? e.g.你对拥有这样的机会感到惊

29、讶吗? Were you surprised to have such a good chance? Ex.你喜欢和朋友们聚会吗? 必修4句型1. rely on it that 可以放心, eg. 你可以放心,这项工作将提前完成。You may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time. Ex. 你可以放心,他会准时到的。2. not all = all not 并非所有eg. 谚发光的东西未必都是黄金。 All that glitters is not goldEx. 不是所有儿童都有机会完成中等教育。3. 祈使句, +

30、 and + 陈述句(通常为一般将来时) eg. 明天早点儿起,你就不会再迟到了。Get up early tomorrow, and you will not be late again. Ex. 充分利用你的时间,这样你可以及时完成工作。 4. There is room for sb. to do sth. 有地方/空间使某人做某事 eg. 没有可供我们睡觉的地方。There was no room for us to sleep. Ex. 地方够不够一次三个人同时进?5. There is no way (that) 是不可能的 eg. 我无法解决这个问题。 Theres no way I can solve the problem. Ex. 他一旦全神贯注于他的工作,我不可能劝他去睡觉。6. Its against the rules (for sb.) to do sth. (对于某人)做某事是违反规则的eg. 在足球中以手触球就是犯规。 Its

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