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1、大学英语四级考试710分全攻略答案及解析全 大学英语四级考试710分全攻略答案及解析(全) 大学英语四级考试710分全攻略答案及解析 第一部分 听力部分 第一章 短对话 第三节 专项训练 1【预测】介词+地点名词选项表明,本题是问对话发生在何处的场景题。 【原文】W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns, its really beautiful. M: It sure is. The architecture of the

2、se buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here. Q: What are the speakers talking about?/T9 【解析】选C。本题如果听到了开头部分的关键词campus,简直是易如反掌。 2【原文】M: Id like to buy a copy of Professor Franklins book on the American culture. W: Im sorry. The book has been out of print for some time.

3、Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?/T3 【解析】选C。录音原文中的动词buy a copy是解题的关键。 3【预测】选项中出现了定冠词the和代词his,都表示特指,因此本题不会是问对话发生 的地点。要注意听细节和问题。 【原文】M: Hello, this is John Hopkins at Riversides. Id like to speak to Mr. Jones. W: Im sorry, Mr. Hopkins. My husband isnt at home. But I can give yo

4、u his office phone number. He wont be back until 6 oclock. Q: Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now?/T1 【解析】选D。女士说要把丈夫办公室的电话号码告诉V1,显然她认为丈夫现在在办公室。 4【预测】多数选项用了To+地点,问的一定是动态性的方位问题去哪里。 【原文】M: Can you stay for dinner? W: Id love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking u

5、p thechildren from school. Q: Where will the woman go first?/T8 【解析】选C。女士回答时用到了but表转折语气,她说自己现在要先去寄信然后去接 孩子放学。but是一个信息指示词,后面的内容要着重听。before在听力中表时间的先后时,可以直接翻译成然后,这样就不用颠来倒去的套中文,省事儿多了。 5【原文】W: Look at that big field of cotton. And theres a farm with some beautiful houses. M: You really get to know the co

6、untry when you go by train, dont you? Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place?/T10 【解析】选D。本题如果听到了关键词go by train,选出正确答案不费吹灰之力。 6【原文】W: Where did you say you found this bag? M: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building. Q: Where did the man find the bag?/

7、T6 【解析】选D。本题关键词为between and 。 7【原文】M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? W: Sorry, I dont know for sure. But I guess its an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalog. 1 Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?/T2 【解析】选A。本题关键词为oil painting。8【原文】W: Oh, dea

8、r! Im starving, I cant walk any farther. M: Lets go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. Q: Where are the two people?/T5 【解析】选D。本题关键词为across the street。 9【原文】W: You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you? M: Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit at a

9、clothing store and I had my hair cut. I had studied almost everything about finance and economics. Q: Where is the man probably going to work?/T10 【解析】选A。从finance and economics来看,说话者是想在银行工作。 10【原文】M: Excuse me, Id like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper. W:

10、 Ok, but you have to run your advertisement all week. We cant quote rates for just Sunday. Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place/T9 【解析】选D。本题的关键词是place an advertisement, Sunday edition 及your paper。11【原文】W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early ne

11、xt month? M: Did you fill out a request form? Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?/T7 【解析】选C。本题属于推理身份关系题。女士说:华生先生,我想知道我是否可以在 下月初休假。男士说:你填了申请表了吗?根据对话中的请求休假与填申请表,可以推断说话人之间的关系是经理与员工。 12【原文】W: John, what are you doing on your computer? Dont you remember your promise? M: This is

12、 not a game. Its only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?/T3 【解析】选D。本题的关键就在于要听到your promise和increase my vocabulary,女士 严厉的语气也很重要。 13【原文】W: I heard you got a full mark in maths exams. Congratulations! M: Thanks! Im sure you a

13、lso did a good job. Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?/T1 【解析】选C。本题的关键词是mark,exams。听到这两个词,马上就知道对话应该与 学生有关。再听到V2中的also did a good job,立刻就能做出判断这是同学之间的对话。 14【原文】W: I often mistake Jim for Bob. Can you tell them apart? M: No, they look so much alike that they even confused thei

14、r mother sometimes when they were young. Q: What is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob? /T1 【解析】选A。本题只要听到their mother,选出正确答案简直易如反掌。15【原文】M: So, when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in ten minutes .We cant wait here forever. W: Its 10:30 already. They are su

15、pposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15./T3 2 Q: When does the train leave? 【解析】选D。本题是计算题。男士问:那么,其他人什么时候到啊?还有十分钟火车 就开了。我们不能就这样一直等下去吧。女士说:已经十点半了吗?他们这个时候应该在这儿呀。告诉大家十点十五分在这儿见面的。 十点半加十分钟,火车当然是是10:40开。因此答案选D。 16【原文】M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 oclock. W: Her husband said

16、 she left home at 4: should be here at 5:10, and 5:15 at the latest. Q: What time did Suzy leave home?/T7 【解析】选C。本题是计算题。V2说她丈夫说她四点半离开家的,直接就出现了正确答 案。这种几个数字在对话中都出现的题目,听的时候应该在选项旁作笔记。例如本题可以做出下面的笔记: A 5:15. latestB 5:10. should be here C 4:30. left home D 5:00. wonder if 当然实际考试的时候,可能没有足够的时间写下这么多。那么完全可以用符

17、号代替,只要自己能明白就可以了。 17【原文】M: What do you think of the prospects for on-line education? Is it going to replace the traditional school? W: I doubt it. Schools are here to stay, because they are much more than just book learning. Even though more and more kids are going on-line, I believe few of them will

18、 quit school altogether. Q: What does the woman think of conventional schools? 【解析】选C。V1中最后的那句一般疑问句问的是网上教育是否会取代传统的学校教育。 预测的答案多半是会或者不会,这样可以迅速排除B和D;听到doubt 这个词,就可以排除A。V1的话中带问句的地方是关键,解释的地方可以不加注意。同理,V2肯定或者否定的回答的部分是精华,解释部分也可以当作没听到。 18【原文】W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences. M: Hes c

19、ertainly in a position to make that comment. Hes been there so often. Q: What dose the man say about Bob?大学英语四级考试试点考试样卷 T13 【解析】选A。女士:鲍勃说西雅图是开会的好地方。男士:他当然站在自己的立场 上给意见了。他常常去那。其实,本题相当简单。只要听到Hes been there so often.,就会很容易地选出正确答案A他去过西雅图很多次。 19【原文】M: This article is nothing but advertising developers. I

20、dont think the houses for sale are half that good. W: Come on. David. Why so negative? Were thinking of buying a home, arent we? Just a trip to look at the place wont cost us much. Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? 大学英语四级考试试点考试样卷 T17 【解析】选D。男士:这篇文章其实就是一个房地产商做的广告。我觉得那些出售的房 子没有他说的一半好。女士:大

21、卫。不要这样嘛,为什么这么消极呢?我们正在考虑买房子呀,不是吗?只是去那个地方看一看也不会花多长时间的。女士提到Just a trip to look at the place wont cost us much.,而男士的意见正相反,就是不愿去看房,故选D。 xx年纪很小就为补贴家用而工作和D项男士认为让8岁孩子买东西不安全均属语意干扰项。从女士的话中可以得到答案,即A项在Bronx区长大,女士没有感觉到任何危险为正确答案。 25【原文】M: Madam, I hear you have an apartment for rent. Can I take a look at it? W: S

22、ure, youre welcome any time by appointment, but I have to tell you the building 4 is close to a railway with the noise. You might save the trip. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?新四级/T18【解析】 选B)。本题属于综合判断题。男士说:夫人,听说您有公寓要出租,我能看一 下吗?。女士说:当然,约好了,什么时间都可以,但是我要告诉你房子离铁路很近,会有噪音,但你也免了跑路。A项女士不能容忍噪音,C项男

23、士错过了约会和D项女士将乘火车旅行均属语意干扰项。从两人的话中可以得到答案,即B项男士在找公寓为正确答案。 第一部分 听力部分 第二章 长对话 第五节 专项训练 Answers: 1-5 ADBCC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 BDABA 16-20 BDCBC 21-25 ABCCB 26-30 ACBAC 31-35 CBDAB 36-40 CDCDC 41-44 CADB Script for the following 12 long conversations: Conversation 1 W: I havent seen you here for a couple week

24、s. Have you stopped eating or something? M: No. Does it look like Ive stopped eating? Ive been spending a lot of time in the library. W: Working on a paper? M: I wish I was working on a paper!Im working on three different papers: anthropology, English lit., and history. W: Wow, that is a lot of work

25、. M: Yeah, and whats frustrating is that Im studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I cant just write a single paper for all three. W: Why not? M: The professors wont let me. Even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length. W: Thats too bad. Could you w

26、rite your papers on three aspects of one topic? M: Hmmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind? W: Well, lets see. HmmMaybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohwrite your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of t

27、he Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, thats not a bad idea! Ive already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you? W: You want to write up my chemistry lab for me? M:

28、 Id love to, but Ive never taken chemistry, so Im not sure youd like the results. W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes. M: OK, Ill try. See you later. Questions: 1. What has the man been

29、busy doing all week? 5 2. What does the woman suggest the man do to make his work easier? 3. Why does the woman mention Romanticism? 4. Why doesnt the woman want any help from the man?Conversation 2 M: Hey, Michelle, Look what I just found. Right here in the sand. W: A piece of wood? Oh, Driftwood.

30、Interesting shapeAlmost like some sort of modern sculpture. M: Yeah. And feel how smooth it is . W: Hmm. Mustve been in the water a long time. It couldve been drifting in the ocean currents for months, or even years. M: In the currents? Doesnt the wind just blow things around out there? W: Well, sur

31、e. But the currents are always moving, too. Almost like rivers, but underwater rivers, flowing through the ocean. M: So how do they find out where these currents go?Stick a message in a bottle and throw it in the water? W: Dont laugh. In fact, I was reading in a science magazine that oceanographers have released huge numbers of bottles into the oce

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