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1、版高考英语三维设计大一轮复习教师用书外研版必修3教师用书 Module 1Europe写得准用得活积得多1.across prep.横过;穿过2.face vt. 面向;面对3.range n. 山脉4.symbol n. 象征;符号5.project n. 计划;项目;工程6.ancient adj. 古代的7.head n. 领袖;领导人8.representative n. 代表9.produce n. 产品;农产品10.continental adj.大陆的;大洲的continent n.大陆;大洲11.situated adj.位于(某处)的situation n.形势;情况;位置s

2、ituate vt.使位于;使处于12.located adj.位于location n.位置locate vt.位于vi.定位;定居13.opposite prep.在对面 oppose vt.反对14.sign vt.签署signature n.签字;署名15.agreement n.协议;契约disagreement n.不同意;分歧16.govern vt.统治;治理government n.政府用所给词的适当形式填空1.Faced with such a fact that he had to live in the room with the door facing north,

3、he was prepared to face cold in winter.(face)2.He has a wide range of interests, ranging from stamp collecting to skating.(range)3.Situated at the foot of the mountain, the small village enjoys a good situation.Due to the fast development of tourism, it has become a holiday resort.(situate)4.Our new

4、 office is located within the centre of the town, and the location is convenient for me.(locate)5.They were in disagreement with us first, but after many talks with each other, we signed an agreement.(agreement)1.a开头高频词全接触across prep.横过;穿过ahead adv. 在前面await v. 等待arise v. 起来;出现aloud adv. 高声地abandon

5、vt. 抛弃achieve vt. 完成;取得award vt. 授予2.说说“七大洲”Asia 亚洲Europe 欧洲Africa 非洲Antarctica 南极洲Oceania 大洋洲North America 北美洲South America 南美洲3.ive结尾名词大观园representative 代表detective 侦探native 本地人relative 亲戚;亲属progressive 进步人士写得准用得活积得多1.in_the_south_of在南部2.work_on 从事;努力做3.because_of 因为;由于4.of_all_time 有史以来5.be_known

6、_as 作为而出名/闻名6.ever_since 自从一直7.in_terms_of 据;依照8.on_the_other_hand 另一方面;反过来说9.have_control_over 对加以控制10.little_by_little 一点点地;逐渐地选用左栏短语填空1.In_terms_of quality and service, the car is the best choice you can make.2.On_the_other_hand,_some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like p

7、hotographs.3.You should have_control_over the naughty boy in case he will make greater trouble one day.4.If you study regularly, your vocabulary will increase little_by_little.1.work相关短语大全work on从事;努力做work at 致力于work out 计算出;解决out of work 失业2.由little by little想到的side by side 肩并肩step by step 一步一步地one

8、 by one 一个接一个地face to face 面对面back to back 背靠背背原句记句式会仿用1.Between France and Spain is another mountain range the Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉比利牛斯山脉。地点状语位于句首,引起完全倒装结构。窗户边坐着一位年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。By_the_window_sat_a_young_man with a magazine in his hand.2.Their work has influenced other writers ever since.他们的作品影响了后

9、世的作家。ever since常与完成时连用。他答应我不再吸烟了,从那时起他再也没吸过烟。He promised me he would not smoke, and he has_never_smoked ever since.3.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, twice as big as the population of the United States.扩展后的欧盟人口超过五亿,是美国人口的两倍。倍数asadj./ .。这条新公路是旧公路的

10、三倍宽。This new highway is three_times_as_wide_as the old one.1.face vt.面向;面对 n.面孔;表情;正面教材原句France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.法国是欧洲第三大国家,隔英吉利海峡与英国遥相对望。(1)be faced with 面临,面对face up to 勇敢面对(2)make a face 做鬼脸face to face 面对面in (the) face of 面对

11、;在面前lose ones face 丢脸In_(the)_face_of her new naughty students, Sally worked out ten rules to regulate the students behavior.(2015广东高考满分作文)面对淘气的新学生,萨莉制订了10条规定来约束学生的行为。I suggest we should communicate with our friends face_to_face instead of sending text messages so that we can maintain our friendship

12、.(2014重庆高考满分作文)我建议我们应该和朋友面对面交流而不是发送信息,这样才能保持友谊。2.range n.山脉;排;(变化等的)幅度;(知识等的)范围;射程;种类 v.排列;分布;(在一定范围内)变化,变动教材原句Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps.在意大利和法国之间有一座山脉叫作阿尔卑斯山脉。(1)in/within range (of sth.) 在射程以内;在范围内beyond/out of range (of sth.) 在射程以外;在范围外a wide range of 大范围

13、的;各种各样的(2)range .in rows 把排成排range from .to ./between .and . 在范围内变化;从到之间的各类事物Their jobs widely range_from government officials and athletes to drivers, teachers, artists and so on.(2014广东高考满分作文)他们的工作多种多样,从政府官员和运动员到司机、教师、艺术家等等。In addition to these traditional activities, we have a_wider_range_of choi

14、ces such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.(2013辽宁高考书面表达)除了这些传统活动外,我们有更广的选择,诸如旅游和走亲访友。3.opposite prep.在对面adj.对面的;相对的;对立的adv.在对面n.对立面;相反的人;反义词 经典例句The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.(朗文P1771)坐在我们对面的那些人看上去很面熟。be opposite to 在对面;与相反just the opposite 恰恰相反Many people th

15、ink that listening is a passive business.It is just_the_opposite.许多人认为倾听是被动的行为,情况恰恰相反。The result was quite opposite_to what we had expected.结果和我们所期望的完全相反。4.sign vt.签署;签名;打手势;示意 n.符号;记号;手势;迹象教材原句France and Germany arent going to sign the agreement.法国和德国不打算签署这项协议。(1)sign to do sth. 打手势让某人做某事sign

16、 in/out 签到/退sign up 签约雇佣(某人);报名参加(2)a sign of 的迹象/征兆/标志For safety reasons, please sign_in when you arrive at the building, and sign_out when you leave.为了安全原因,你到达大厦时请签到,离开时请签退。Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.因此,应建议学生尽快报名参加。.基础点全练(单句语法填空/单句改错)1.How many representat

17、ives (represent) have been sent to the UN conference?2.Governed (govern) by a cruel king, people in that country live a bad life.3.What you say must be in agreement with what you do.4.Do you think this shirt is too tight across the shoulders?5.Youd never know theyre sisters they are completely oppos

18、ite to each other in every way.6.The city, situated (situate) on the coast of the Yellow Sea, has become a modern industrial center.7.The gallery, locating in the center of the city, is the landmark of the city.locatinglocated8.He was made the head of the workshop.去掉第一个the.重难点多练1.face全扫描(1)用face的适当形

19、式填空Faced with so much trouble, he didnt know what to do.The building facing the river is likely to be destroyed by the flood.(2)完成句子面对危险,他表现出了巨大的勇气。He showed great courage in_(the)_face_of danger.他年龄太大不适合这项工作,但却不愿面对这个事实。He wont face_up_to_the_fact that he is too old for the job.2.range面面观(1)写出下列句中ra

20、nge的含义Cups and plates were neatly ranged on her shelves.排列This weapon can kill at a range of 200 yards.射程The houses are sold out within this price range.范围The factory makes a whole range of tools.种类The prices of the dolls range from $10 to $50.变化(2)单句语法填空That is a place with a wide range of temperat

21、ure.Students, ranging (range) from 13 to 18, are welcome here.The hunter failed to shoot the animal as it was beyond range of his gun.3.sign多棱镜单句语法填空He signed to the workers to_stop (stop) for a break.Her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three.A red sky at sunset is a sign of good weath

22、er.阅读词汇专练1.根据语境选出across的词性和词义(A)prep.横过;穿过;在对面 (B)prep.与交叉(C)adv.横过;穿过;在对面 (D)adv.宽I can swim across the river in 10 minutes._A_The river is 20 meters across._D_We got into the boat and rowed across._C_He laid two sticks across each other._B_2.根据语境选出opposite的词性和词义(A)prep.在对面 (B)adj.对面的;相反的(C)adv.在对面

23、 (D)n.对立的人或物;对立面Do you know the woman sitting opposite?_C_Its easy to find because there is a church just opposite my house._A_She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect._B_I thought she would be small and pretty, but shes completely the terms of据;依照;就

24、而言教材原句In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?就面积和人口而言,欧盟与中国相比有多大?in the long/short term 就长远/短期而言be on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人交情好/不好come to terms (with sb.) (与某人)达成协议;妥协What they have done is good for the environment in_the_long_term.从长远来看,他们所做的事情对环境是有利

25、的。We have been_on_good_terms_with our neighbors for all these years.这么多年来我们一直和邻居关系很好。2.on the other hand另一方面;反过来说教材原句In France, on the other hand, the head of state is a president.另一方面,在法国,政府的首脑是总统。on (the) one hand .; on the other (hand) .一方面;另一方面(常用于引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)by hand 用手工at hand 近在手边;在附近in

26、hand 在控制之中hand in hand 手拉手;齐头并进;密切关联地On_(the)_one_hand he wants to test us; on_the_other_(hand) he wants to help us become braver.一方面他想考验我们,另一方面他想帮助我们变得更加勇敢。She spent the whole afternoon cutting the cloth and making a shirt for me by_hand.(2014重庆高考满分作文)她花了整个下午的时间裁剪布料,为我用手工做了一件衬衫。They walked hand_in_

27、hand in silence up the path.他们手拉手,默默地沿着小路走去。3.Between_France_and_Spain_is another mountain range the Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉比利牛斯山脉。此句为完全倒装,其正常语序为Another mountain range the Pyrenees is between France and Spain。(1)表示地点、时间、方位等的副词及介词短语位于句子的开头时,可构成完全倒装。常见的副词有here, there, in, out, up, down, away, now, the

28、n等。常见的介词短语有in front of, in the middle of等。(2)该倒装结构中谓语动词的单复数要和其后的主语保持一致。The door opened and out rushed_the_children.门开了,孩子们冲了出来。Into the complete silence of the waiting class came_the_teachers_sweet_voice,_“Good morning, children.”(2015湖北高考完成句子)在全班同学静静的等待中传来了老师甜甜的嗓音:“孩子们,早上好。”名师指津上述结构中,当主语为人称代词时,则不倒装

29、。Look! Here comes the taxi.Here it_comes.看!出租车来了。它(车)确实来了。.基础点全练1.单句语法填空Bill got a good job, and little by little he paid off his debts.Radio, television, newspapers, magazines and so on are known as the mass media.He was forced to drop out of school because of his illness.The government has been wo

30、rking on the project to reduce pollution ever since then.He moved to Jinan in 2012 and has_lived (live) there ever since.He had no control over his emotions and burst out crying.In the south of school stands our library, which covers an area of 1,200 square metres.The new movie promises to be one of the biggest moneymakers of all time.2.运用所学短语完成片段Our school is situated in_the_south_of (在南部) our city, which is_known_as (被称为) “our second home”.In_t

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