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1、7天突破考研英语小作文7天突破考研英语小作文第一章:方法与技巧考研作文有两类,其中的小作文,多是辞职信、道歉信、感谢信等应用文体。它的形式是给出提示要点,要求考生根据要求表达清楚要点。尽管它并不需要华丽的词藻和吸引阅卷人眼球的文采。但是,它还是需要考生在平时的复习中点滴积累,适当训练。以言简意赅的词句及一定的逻辑性,将事情叙述清楚,表意明确。万事都有方法和尺度,只要找到了小作文的写作技巧和复习方法,这部分的分数还是很容易拿到的。复习方法 1、精读会写的前提还是多读。看得多学得多了,自然就会有话可说。对于小作文来说,考生在平时的复习过程中,应该注意熟悉一些应用文的格式,及英语的应用文表达习惯。考

2、生可以找来历年真题。先是自己写,然后找来当年真题的范文,对比着学习。思考范文的得分点和闪光点。 2、背诵背诵不能不说是积极备战快速提高写作成绩的一条捷径。考生可以选择历年真题的范文和一些与真题作文相近的文章进行背诵。同时,基础稍好些的同学们,可以背一下小作的优秀模板。然后,依据模板进行训练。 3、勤练小作文和大作文一样,需要把功夫落在平时,勤写勤练是提高写作能力的又一有效捷径。加强实际写作练习有着至关重要的作用。练习的重点是要检查文章表达是否明确,有无严重的语法错误等。写作技巧小作文满分为 10分,因为其更加套路化,所以它比大作文更加容易得分。但是,得高分的前提是要在格式、语言和要点等方面下功

3、夫。格式 1)称呼 英语应用文称呼有这样的特点,如果是不认识的人,一般称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,Dear Sir or Madam;如果是写给关系正式的某团体或个人,称呼为敬词 +尊称+名。例如, Dear Mr. xx或 Dear Ms.xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名。 2)正文正文格式一般格式为首段开头空四个字母,段落之间不空行;现在流行的格式,每段开头不空格,但是各段之间空一行。考生在格式方面可以根据自己的习惯进行选择。只要让阅卷人看得舒服,且完全符合应用文要求的文体就可以。语言用词准确是最基础的要求之一。其次,句型多变。例如既有并列句,也有复合句,还有从句。注意语法运用要正确。再者


5、让阅卷者对你的文章结构及表意一目了然,注意关联词或衔接词的运用;接下来,应该对个人的观点进行阐述(在写作有此必要的时候)。最后,行文间要注意简化描述。用简短的语句代替冗长的语句。在作文完成的时候,应该检查、修改,以免遗漏一些需要表达清楚的要点和细节。 第二章:经典范文 2.1、投诉信参考范文 Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has

6、 friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and: 1) ask for a new room next term, 2) you would prefer a single room, 3) explain your reasons. Dont sign your own name at the end ofyo

7、ur letter, using“LiMing”instead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissa

8、tisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities conc

9、erned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (136 words) 2.2、求职信参考范文 D

10、irections: You want to apply forthefollowing post/position: Waiter/waitress required for evening work. Write a letter: 1) show your interest, 2) describe your previous experience, 3) explain why you would be suitable for the job. Do not sign your own name at the end ofyour letter, using “Li Ming” in

11、stead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress. Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous work experience and qualifications. Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candida

12、te for the job, my personality is well suited to working as a waitress. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all ages. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your restaurant. Thank you for your cons

13、ideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Li Ming(119 words) 2.3、建议信参考范文 Directions: You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize inhistory, in which he is very interested, or c

14、omputer science, which offers better job prospects. 1) Give your suggestions. 2) Explain the reasons. 3) Other recommendation. Dear Wangcai, You have asked me for my advice concerning/regarding whether you should study history or computer science at university, and I will try to make some useful/pra

15、ctical/conducive suggestions/proposals/recommendations. You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career. There is no doubt that the field of computer science offers far wider job opportunities than history. Besides, for the foreseeable future,

16、not only will it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be necessary to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living. Of course, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time. Yours sincerely, Li Ming(111 words) 2.4、请求信参考范文 Directi

17、ons: You find your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher: 1) you need to withdraw from two courses, 2) explain the reasons, 3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund. Dear Professor Shakespeare, I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction t

18、o Elementary Education and Teaching Methods. The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. I would also like to request a tuition refund. I

19、 am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the kind considerationyouhave shown to me. Thank youfor your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look for

20、ward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming(134 words) 2.5、邀请信参考范文 Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually: 1) Invite them to the party. 2) Elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held. 3) What activities will be

21、arranged for them. Dear Xiaobao, I will hold a dinner party at my house on April 1, 2006 to celebrate Mr. Old Fishs marriage with Miss Fujiwora. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven oclock i

22、n the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of

23、 your company. Yours sincerely, Li Ming(118 words) 2.6、道歉信参考范文 Directions: You have already had a date with your friend but suddenly have another thing to do and you have totellyour friend thatyou cantgo.Expressyour reason clearly in about 100 words. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. U

24、se “Li Ming” instead. Dont write the address. Dear Jane, I am excessively sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p.m. to meet an overseas visitor from Australia. I really have kept our date in my mind all these days. However, I receiv

25、ed my bosse-mail this morning, and he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad. Its sudden and urgent and I must go. Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make another time? We may meet again and I hope to see you soon. S

26、incerely, Li Ming(115 words) 2.7、感谢信参考范文 Directions: While your family was on vacation, your friend, Mary looked after your dog, Smart. Now you came back, write a letter to her to show your gratitude. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your ow

27、n name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead. Dear Mary, I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for your taking good care of Smart while we were on holiday. He was such ahappy dog when we gothome. We knew hemusthavehad lots of loving attention. When we picked up him from the kennel i

28、n your home he would whimper and carry onfor hours. You not only saved us some money, but also spared us the worry about him while we were away. Your kind help is very appreciated, not only by Smart, but also by our whole family as well. Please accept our thanks again. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (107

29、words) 2.8、询问信参考范文 Directions: As part of a student social survey project, you are leading a group to visit an exhibition in a small town. Write a letter: 1) ask for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, 2) the dates of its opening and closing, 3) any discounts. Dear S

30、ir or Madam, I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. I am writing the letter in purpose of inquiring/seeking/obtaining/requesting information concerning/regarding the following aspects. First of all, what is the size of the exhibition, what is it

31、s theme and what objects are on display? Secondly, what are the dates between which the exhibition will be held, and what are the daily opening hours? I must point out that I hope to bring over students to the exhibition. So I would like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tick

32、ets for students. I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming(116 words) 2.9、推荐信参考范文 Directions: One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers. Write a letter: 1) Recommend him/her. 2) Describe his/her past experience. 3) Explain the reasons. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Zhou Botong, for this post. With his o

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