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1、五年级英语上册unit1unit6练习题Unit1练习题( ) 1.- Whos your English teacher?- _ A. Miss Wu. B. Shes strict. C. She is hard -working. ( ) 2. - Is your brother helpful? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I do. C.Yes, she is. ( ) 3. - Is she young? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt. ( ) 4. My new P.E. teacher

2、is tall and strong. Who is he? A. B. C. ( ) 5. -_ - Hes very funny. A. Whos that boy? B. Whats he like? C. Whats she like? ( ) 6. -Whats she like? -_ A. Her name is Amy. B. Shes polite. C. She likes apples. ( ) 7. - Who is he? -He is _music teacher. A. our B. me C. I ( ) 8. - What are these? - They

3、_ potatoes. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 9. - _ he like? - Hes hard-working. A. whats B. Whos C. Whats ( ) 10. You cant judge a book by its cover.这句谚语的意思是? A. 熟能生巧。 B. 不能以封面断定一本书。 C. 不能以貌取人。 五、连词成句。(15个知识点)1. is what he like (?) _2. she is strict (?) _3. he our English is teacher (.) _4. is who maths your

4、 teacher (?) _5. my is mother funny (.) _Unit2练习题一选择题( ) 1. - _ do you have on Mondays ? - We have P.E. and art. A. How B. Who C. What( ) 2. John _ Mondays and Fridays. A. like B. likes C. have( ) 3. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is _. A. Friday B. Tuesday C. Thursday( ) 4. - _ is it today ? - Its Tu

5、esday. A. What time B. Whats day C. What day ( ) 5. What do we have _ Fridays ? A. on B. at C. in ( ) 6. We _ English, science and P.E. on Mondays. A. has B. are C. have( ) 7. What do you have on _ ? - We have English, Chinese and math. A. tomorrow B. today C. Wednesday( ) 8. _ is the first day of t

6、he week. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday( ) 9. I often _ on Saturdays. A. read book B. read books C. watch books( ) 10. We have P.E. tomorrow. I need _. A. a pair of sneakers B. a box of crayons C. an apple五、选择划线部分发音与众不同的单词: (10分)( ) 1. A. tomorrow B. cow C. how ( ) 2. A. day B. play C. Monday( ) 3.

7、A. house B. about C. young( ) 4. A. have B. active C. what ( ) 5. A. do B. homework C. who六、根据句意和图片,补全单词: (10分)1. I often _ _ after supper. 2. Do you _ _ in the evening ? 3. I often _ _ in the morning. 4.Today is _. We have _ class. 5. We have _, science and _ on Fridays. Unit3 练习题一根据问句选择合适的答句。( )1.

8、 What would you like to eat? A. Pears.( ) 2. Whats your favourite food? B. Fish.( ) 3. What would you like to drink? C. Id like a hamburger .( ) 4.Whats your favourite fruit? D. Id like some tea.( )5. Do you like ice cream? E. Yes, I do.二连词成句。1. dont grapes like I (.) _2. favourite your food Whats (

9、?) _3.Id a hamburger like orange juice some and (.) _4. would What like you to drink (?) _5. My food favourite chicken is (.) _三根据单词的首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1. I like salad. Its h_.2. -What would you like to drink? - Id like some t_, please. 3.I would like some noodles. They are d_.4.Id like a _(三明治)5.- Is it

10、_?(辣的) - Yes, it is.四单选。( ) 1.Im hungry. -I can get some_for you. A.water B.bread C.chairs( ) 2.-What would you like to eat?-_A. Some apples, please. B .I dont like pears. C. Id like to go home. ( ) 3. I dont like beef _ chicken is OK. A. and B. but C. too( ) 4.I like salad. _tasty. A. Theyre B.its

11、C. Its( ) 5.What would you like_ eat ? A. for B. in C. to ( ) 6.I_ bananas . A. likes B. like C. not like( ) 7.What _your favourite food? A. is . B. am. C. are.( ) 8._ you like bananas? -Yes, I do. A. Are B. Do C. Would( ) 9. - What would you like to drink? - Id like some _.A. sandwich B. hamburger

12、C. tea( ) 10.They_ sweet and yummy. B.are C.amUnit 4 练习题1、找出画线部分发音与其他三个不同的词。( )1.A. book B. cook C. goodbye D. too( )2.A. at B. class C. have D. Saturday( )3.A. food B. afternoon C. foot D. balloon( )4.A. song B. not C. who D. hot( )5.A. speak B. tea C. sweat D. great二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.What can y

13、ou _(do)?2.I can _(clean) the classroom.3.My sister can cook the _(meal).4.I can do many things at home, so Im very_(help).5._(be) you ill today?三选择填空。( )1. What _the monkey do?A. are B. can C. do D. cans( )2. I can _the clothes.A. put B. away C. put away D. ( )3. -Are you helpful at home?-_.A. Yes,

14、 you can. B. Sure. C. Yes, you not D. No, you not.( )4. Can you play the pipa?_.A. No, I can. B. Yes, I cant. C. No, I cant D. No, I cant.( )5. Is she in the kitchen?_.A. Yes, they are B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she can D. No, she is.( )6. I can _a computer well.A. uses B. use C. to use D. using( )7. Wh

15、o _they?A. be B. am C. is D. are( )8. What can you_?A. do B. to C. are D. /( )9. Can you do the _?A. dish B. dishes C. a dish D. dishing( )10. -_can make clothes?-My mother can.A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose四、连词组句。1. can, What, do, you (?) _2. can, Sarah, sing, songs, English _3. you, speak, Can,

16、English (?)_4. can, I, play, ping-pong (.)_5. can, do, any, you, kung fu (?)_Unit5-6练习题一、填入所缺字母,完成单词。1.河流r _ v _ r 2.山脉 m _ _ nt_ _n 3.房子 h _ _ se4.花 fl _ _ er 5.森林 f _ r _ s t 6.建筑物bu _ _ ding7.公园 p _ _ k 8.照片 _ _ oto 9.桥 bri _ _ e 10.干净的 cl _ _ n二、翻译下列短语。 1.在学校附近_ 2.在椅子下面_3.在墙上 _ 4.在门后面_5.在窗户旁边_ 6

17、.在书包里_7.在房子前面_ 8.在书桌上方_9.紧挨着图书馆_ 10.在两棵树之间_三、单项选择。 (20分)( ) 1. There _ some rice in the bowl. A. are B. is C. isnt ( ) 2. There _ many apples on the tree. A. have B. is C. are ( ) 3. How many _ are there in the room? A. student B. students C. the students ( ) 4. Theres_orangetreebehind_houseAan;theB

18、a;aCthe;the( ) 5. Thereis_oldwomaninthecar Aa Ban Cthe( ) 6. There _ any rice in the bowl. A. are B. is C. isnt ( ) 7. There _ a pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 8. There _ two books, a pencil-box and some flowers on the desk. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 9. The

19、re_somepaperandapenonthedesk Ais Bare Chave( ) 10. Thereissome_ontheplate AappleBfish Csandwich( ) 11. Thereis_mapintheclassroom_mapisonthewallAa;A Bthe;The Ca;The( ) 12. There_notanywaterintheglass Ahas Bis Care ( ) 13. _anyflowersin the garden? AIsthereBArethereCHave( ) 14. There isnt _ tea in the

20、 cup. A. a B. some C. any ( ) 15. There are_ pencils in my pencil box. A. a C. some ( ) 16. Thereseraserondesk. A.anthe B.thea C.thethe( ) 17. There are many ducks _ the lake.A. at B. to C. on( ) 18. Are there _ pandas in the mountains? - Yes, there _. A. some; are B. many; is C. any; are( ) 19

21、. _ storybooks are there on the shelf? A. How B How many C. How much( ) 20. -_ there a river in the forest? - No, there _ .A. Is; is B. Is; isnt C. Are; arent四、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1. There is a forest in the park. (变成否定句)_2. There is a tree in front of my house. (变成复数句子)_3. There is a house over there. (

22、改成一般疑问句)_4. 墙上有一些照片。(译成英语)_3、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。5. Theres a nature park near the village. (译成汉语) _6. The picture is in the living room . (对划线部分提问)11、月食:当地球转到月球和太阳的中间,太阳、地球、月球大致排成一条直线时,地球就会挡住太阳射向月球的光,这时在地球上的人就只能看到月球的一部分或全部看不到,于是就发生了月食。答:月相从新月开始,然后是峨眉月、上弦

23、月、满月、下弦月、峨眉月。7. The ball is above the dog. (对划线部分提问)2、昆虫种类繁多,分布很广,它们有着和其他动物不同的身体构造和本领。8. the, is, my, on, computer, desk ( . ) (连词成句) 9. many, there, pictures, so, are ( . ) (连词成句) 7、我们每个人应该怎样保护身边的环境?10、由于人口迅速增长、环境污染和全球气候变暖,世界人均供水量自1970年以来开始减少,而且持续下降。10. really, your, nice, is, room ( ! ) (连词成句)8、对生活垃圾进行分类和分装,这是我们每个公民应尽的义务。11. any, in, the, are, there, pandas, mountain (?) 12. 13. 9、物质的变化一般分为物理变化和化学变化。化学变化伴随的现象很多,最重要的特点是产生了新物质。物质发生化学变化的过程中一定发生了物理变化。many, there, houses, my, are, in, village (.)1、焚烧处理垃圾的优缺点是什么? 14. can, many, see, you, fish (.)二、问答题:

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