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高中英语选修8人教版 同步练习第五单元 第三课时.docx

1、高中英语选修8人教版 同步练习第五单元 第三课时熟记附录语块,在语块中感悟单词的用法,然后完成下列语块。1在幼儿园里照顾生病的孩子look after sick children in the k_2踩在滑板上飞速下山speed down the hill on the s_3吃两份草莓酸奶作为餐后甜点eat two strawberry y_as a dessert4核电站的放射性废弃物the r_waste from the power station5有较高的放射性have high levels of r_6工程师和工人之间的劳动分工 the d_of labor between en

2、gineers and workers7在公元前200年或公元200年in the year 200 B_or in the year 200 AD8水果沙拉里的甜瓜the m_in the fruit salad9她的眼角的皱纹the w_around her eyes10在病人手腕上号脉feel the patients p_on her wrist11赞赏这位英雄的非凡勇气a_the hero for his extraordinary courage12满口脏话地朝别人咆哮h_at others with rude remarks13加快步伐a_your steps14用刀剑和长矛等武

3、器武装起来be armed with weapons like swords and spears15被扣押起来be put under a_16在电视塔顶上感到头晕目眩feel d_on the top of the television tower17有长矛、锤子和刀具等陪葬品be buried alongside spears, h_and knives18有一个快乐的假期have a g_holiday19非常熟练地使用筷子be very s_at using chopsticks20精通语法和标点符号be skilled in grammar and p_ 仔细阅读“The feas

4、t:18000 BC”,根据课文内容选择正确答案。1Lala had collected some nuts and fruit for_Aher husbandBher sisterCa feast Dher family答案:C2At that time, people made it a rule to_Aseparate and then gather together again as they followed the animal herds across the grasslandBchoose someone as his future wife or her future

5、husband Cinvite their friends and neighbours to have a dinner with themDto live in the cave to prevent themselves from being attacked by wild animals答案:A3The underlined word in the sentence “Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the cave fearing that there might be wild animals” means“_”A. stoppe

6、d B. slowed downC. sped up D. hesitated答案:C 4. From the passage we can infer that man living in the 18,000 BC always_A. made and repaired tools, fished and hunted animals B. cut down treesC. choose women as their wivesD. brought fish home for dinner答案:A5Which of the following can be used to describe

7、 Lala?AImpatient.BCaring, patient, skillful, affectionate and cooperative.CDangerous.DUnskillful.答案:BPart ARole Play情景介绍:Lucy和Anna看了一部有关远古人类家宴的电影, 她们在谈论这部影片的内容。 角色:Lucy and Anna 任务:(1) 请根据中文提示提出问题。(2) 请你的同学根据课文内容回答你的提问,然后你们互换角色进行口语练习。Q1: 拉拉往回走时担心什么?_Q2: 那时的家族成员之间有什么习俗?_Q3:在去年,她和大胡之间发生了什么? 她自豪吗?_Q4:

8、她为什么加快了回家的脚步?_Q5: 她看到谁在帮忙准备家宴?_Q6:大胡带回了什么东西?_答案:Q1:What was Lala worried about when she was turning for home?A1:She was worried about the preparations for a feast.Q2:What was the custom of family groups?A2:It was a custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reun

9、ions as they followed the animal herds across the grassland.Q3:What happened to her and Dahu last year? Was she proud?A3:Last year Dahu chose Lala as the future mother of his children and Lala felt very proud of it.Q4:Why did she accelerate her walk up the path to the cave?A4:Fearing there might be

10、wild animals, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the cave.Q5:Whom did she see helping with the feast?A5:Lala saw her mother and her aunts helping them with the feast.Q6:What did Dahu carry back home?A6:Dahu came back with some fish.Part BRetelling请用自己的话复述课文, 你可以参照上述问题及其答案。关键词: worrycustom reun

11、ionpreparechooseproud separategatheracceleratearrestfeast_答案:As the feast was approaching, Lala was worried about the preparations for the feast when she was turning for home, for it was a custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the

12、animal herds across the grassland.Last year Dahu chose Lala as the future mother of his children and Lala felt very proud of it.Fearing there might be wild animals, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the cave.Suddenly, a delicious smell arrested her progress when she almost reached her destina

13、tion, and Lala could see her mother and her aunts helping them with the feast.Later on, Dahu came back with some fish.So the whole family could enjoy a good feast at that time.1. If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year.(p.43)她要是早有预见、计划就好了!词语链接look ahead 计划未来look after 照顾,照看look for

14、 寻找look forward to 盼望,期待look into 调查look like 看起来好像look through 翻阅,浏览look up 查阅,检查即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)_, we must consider all the equipment in the company.(2)The Spring Festival is coming. All the children in the village_it when they can play fireworks.(3)You neednt worry about the little boy, for h

15、e _in the kindergarten well by the nurses.(4)Many people enjoy _the windows when they are on the bus.(5)While coming across some unknown words, you may _them _in the dictionary.(6)He has promised _the matter and try his best to find out the truth.(7) Considering its shape, it _a round basketball.(8)

16、The young men are still in the forest_the rare plants.答案:(1) To look ahead(2) are looking forward to(3) is being looked after (4)looking through(5) look, up(6) to look into(7)looks like(8)looking for2She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to applaud his choice.(p.43)当族人为他的选择欢呼鼓掌时,拉拉感到很自豪。

17、词语链接 applause n. 掌声applaud v. 鼓掌,称赞,赞成即学即练完成下列句子。(1) _(热烈的掌声) showed that he had made an inspiring speech.(2)_(大家都鼓起掌来) when the play acted by Class Twenty ended. (3)When I told my father about my decision, he _(赞同) it for me.答案:(1) The loud applause(2) Everyone applauded(3) applauded3She had almost

18、 reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. (p.43)快到目的地时,一阵香气扑鼻而来, 她不往前走了,停了下来。词语链接 arrest v& n. 逮捕,拘留; 吸引; 停止,阻止arresting adj. 引人注意的,醒目的, 给人印象深刻的be under arrest 被捕place sb. under arrest 逮捕某人arrest sb. for sth. 因某事而逮捕某人false arrest 非法拘留即学即练完成下列句子。(1)After t

19、wo hours,the police _(逮捕了凶手). (2)The moment I entered the house,a picture on the wall immediately _(引起了我的注意)(3)The police _(逮捕了几个人) the day before yesterday. (4)We found her new dress _(引人注意)and some even wanted to buy the same.答案:(1) arrested the murderer(2) arrested my attention(3) made several ar

20、rests/arrested several persons(4) arresting4Lala smiled with relief.(p.43)拉拉宽慰地笑了。词语链接 relief n. (痛苦或忧虑)减轻或解除; 救济品; 减轻痛苦的事物with relief 宽慰地即学即练完成下列句子。(1)The doctor told him the medicine would _(减轻他的一些痛苦)(2)The government immediately sent _(救济品) to the people in the disasterhit area.(3)It is really_(宽

21、慰) to find you two here.(4)When her son told her that he had got the first place in the competition, she _(宽慰地笑了)答案:(1) give him some relief(2) relief(3) a relief(4) smiled with relief5exhausting (p.44,Ex.3)词语链接 exhausting adj. 筋疲力尽的exhaust v. 使筋疲力尽exhausted adj. (感到)筋疲力尽的即学即练完成下列句子。(1)Climbing up t

22、o the top of the high mountain is _, so almost everyone was _ when reaching the top of it.(2)I _(觉得筋疲力尽了) after spending a whole days time typing the articles.(3)Both the man and his little son _(感到筋疲力尽) after the long walk.答案:(1) exhausting,exhausted(2) felt exhausted (3)were exhausted/worn out/tir

23、ed out.词语活用用exhaust的适当形式完成下面小段落。The long journey really 1._ me and the climbing after that was even more 2._. When I arrived at the top of the mountain, I was so 3._ that I even had no strength to go home. So we decided to spend the night on the mountain. 答案:1.exhausted2.exhausting3.exhausted.语法填空阅读

24、短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path 1._the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts 2._(lie) in wait for her. She had no man with his spear to protect her. She had almost reached her destination 3._a delicious smell a

25、rrested her progress and she stopped. So the men 4._(bring) home the meat for the feast! The smell of cooking meat filled the air surrounding her, and her senses became dizzy with 5._(hungry). She could see her mother and the older children preparing the deer and pig meat over 6._fire. Her aunts 7._(make) clothes with animal skins.8._(abrupt) she sat down,only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sist

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