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1、高考词组总结附例句1,(have) access to 接近,进入例句:In Africa, people infected with AIDS have no free access to medicine. 在非洲,艾滋病感染者没有免费的就医途径。2, account for 解释,说明原因例句:I want you to account for each sum of money you spent. 我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。3,adapt/adjust (oneself) to 适应,习惯于例句:You will adapt yourself to the life her

2、e soon. 不久你就会适应这里的生活。4,all at once/all of a sudden 突然例句:All of a sudden I noticed that someone was following me. 突然我注意到有人在跟踪我。5, amount to 总共达到,实际上是例句:The cost amounted to 3000 dollars. 费用总计3000美元。6, answer for= be responsible for例句:You will have to answer for what you have done one day. 总有一天你会遭报应的。

3、7,appeal to(sb) 呼吁,上诉,对有吸引力例句:The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。 The books are designed to appeal to children. 这些书是为孩子们打造的。8,apply for 提出申请 apply to 把应用于 apply oneself to 专心从事例句: He is applying for a job now. 他现在正在找工作。 We should apply what we have learned to our prac

4、tical work. 我们应当学以致用。If you apply yourself to something, you concentrate hard on it. 如果你专心从事某事,你就是把全部精力都放在上面。9, as it is 事实上(=in reality),已经(=already)例句:We had hoped to finish the work today, but as it is we wont finish until tomorrow. 我们本希望今天做完,但事实上我们或许明天才能做完。10,according to 关于,依照(=as to)例句: Accord

5、ing to the law, he will be sentenced to death. 根据法律,他将被判处死刑。All the baggage is to be correctly placed as to size. 所有包裹都必须按大小放好。11,at risk=at stake 在危险中例句:The future of our planet is at risk. 我们这颗行星的未来吉凶未卜。12,achieve ones goal 达到目标,achieve ones success 取得成功,make great achievement 取得成就例句:If he doesnt

6、work harder, he will never achieve his goal. 如果他不更努力些,永远也不会实现他的目标。 She made great achievements in science and technology. 她在科技上取得了很大的成就。13,at the mercy of 任摆布例句:We were at the mercy of the weather. 我们拿天气毫无办法。14,act as 充当例句:Can you act as interpreter? 你能担任口译吗?15,act on/upon 按行事例句:Why didnt you act on

7、 her suggestion? 你为什么没有按照她的建议去做呢?16,addto把加到上, add to 增加(=increase)例句:Shall I add your name to the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗? The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气只是增加了我们的困难。17,in addition (to) 另外例句:He speaks French in addition to English. 他说法语,另外还说英语。18,after all 毕竟,终究例句:Dont scold him to

8、o much. After all, he is still a child. 别太责备他。毕竟他还是个孩子。19,agree with 适宜,与一致(= be in agreement with)例句:What he did doesnt agree with what he said. 他言行不一。 He is in agreement with me about how to settle the problem. 关于怎样解决这个问题,他和我达成了共识。20,reach/come to an agreement with sb. 与达成协议例句:We have already reac

9、hed an agreement with them. 我们已经和他们达成了协议。21,aim to do sth.=aim at doing sth.例句:She works hard and aims at winning scholarship. 她努力学习以获得奖学金。22,be aimed at 针对,旨在例句:The Hope Project is aimed at helping the poor children. 希望工程旨在帮助贫困孩子。23,as a matter of fact = in actual fact = in fact = actually例句:He loo

10、ks plain. As a matter of fact, he is a millionaire. 他看起来很朴素,实际上他是一个百万富翁。24,admit (to) sth./doing sth. 承认,招认 例句:He refused to admit his mistake. 他拒绝承认他的错误。25,be admitted to 被录取/接受到例句:Women were only admitted to the university last year. 这所大学去年才录取女学生。26,announce sth. to sb. = announce to sb. sth. 通知,宣

11、布make an announcement 发布通知例句:He announced to his wife that he was leaving. 他通知他的妻子他要走了。27,apologize to sb. = make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉例句:I apologize to her for stepping on her foot. 我踩她脚了,我向他道歉。28,appreciate sth./doing sth. 欣赏,感谢例句:You cant appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣

12、赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。 We appreciate your help. 我们非常感谢你的帮助。29,may/might as well 不妨,还是的好例句:There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 由于没事可做,我不妨去睡觉吧。30,may well = be very likely to do sth.例句:As he is busy preparing for the final exams, he may well refuse your invitation to the party. 由于他正忙着准备期末考试,因此

13、他可能拒绝你邀请他来参加晚会。31,argue with sb./about sth./over sth. 争辩例句:I dont want to argue with you. 我不想和你争吵。 The couple are arguing about money matter. 那对夫妇正为钱的事争吵。32,at sb.s expense = at the expense of sb. 由出钱,以为代价例句:He went abroad at his own expense. 他自费出国。 He built his business at the expense of his health

14、. 他以健康为代价建立了他的事业。33,at (the) most = not more than 最多,at (the) least = no less than 至少例句:There is room for three cars at most.=There is room for no more than three cars. 这地方最多能停三辆车。 It will cost at least 500 dollars. 这东西至少要花500元。34,be anxious about 焦虑,忧虑,be anxious for sth./to do sth. 渴望例句:He was anx

15、ious for the safety of his money. 他为他的钱的安全担心。 She was anxious to finish school and get a job. 她渴望毕业找一份工作。35,be about to do = be on the point of doing sth. 即将,将要例句:We were about to give up(on the point of giving up) when the captain encouraged us to save the sinking ship. 我们刚要放弃,这时船长鼓励我们挽救这条正在下沉的船。36

16、,be absent from 缺席, in the absence of 在缺席的情况下例句:He was absent from the meeting today. 今天开会他缺席了。 The decision was made in the absence of the teacher. 决定是在老师不在的情况下做的。37,be viewed/seen/looked on/considered/referred to/regarded as 被认为是例句:These workers are regarded as a high-risk group. 这些工人被视为高风险人群。38,b

17、e against 反对,be for=be in favor of 支持例句:Are you for or against the plan? 你是支持还是反对这个计划? We are strongly against taking drugs. 我们强烈反对吸毒。39,by accident = by chance 偶然地例句:I met him in the street by accident. 我在大街上偶然遇到了他。40, on purpose 故意地例句:He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her. 他明知会激怒她,却故意那么

18、做。41,attend to 留心,注意,处理,照顾例句:Please attend to the needs of customers. 请注意顾客的需求。 I have some business to attend to. 我有些事情要处理。42,be equal to 与相等例句:This square is equal to that one in size. 这个正方形和那个正方形大小一样。43,sb. be familiar with sth. 熟悉 sth. be familiar with sb. 为所熟悉例句:Are you familiar with the comput

19、er software they use? 你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗? The name is quite familiar to me, but I cant remember clearly. 这个名字我非常熟悉,但我不记得了。44,be fond of 习惯性的喜欢,爱好(不与具体时间连用)例句:I am fond of classical music. 我喜欢古典音乐。45,be proud of = take pride in 为而自豪,以为荣例句:He was proud of himself for not giving up. 他为自己没有放弃而自豪。46,be bathe

20、d in 笼罩,沐浴在例句:The whole school is bathed in the sunlight. 整个学校沐浴在阳光下。47,be made up of = consist of 由组成 例句:My class is made up of 50 members. 我们班有50名学生组成。48,be used/accustomed to sth./doing sth. 习惯于例句:He has been used/accustomed to living on campus. 他已经习惯住校。49,be to blame 应受谴责 blame sth. on 把归咎于(=be

21、responsible for)例句:The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不该责怪司机。 They blamed the failure on me. 他们把失败归咎于我。50,be to let (被)出租例句:The house is to let. 此房出租。51,be absorbed in 专心致力于例句:He was so absorbed in his work that he didnt notice me come in . 他如此专心于工作都没有注意到我进来。52,be addicted t

22、o 沉迷于例句:He is addicted to drugs. 他吸毒成瘾。53,be aware of 意识到例句:He has been aware of his mistake and decided to apologize to his teacher. 他意识到了自己的错误并决定向老师道歉。54,be determined to do sth. 下决心做某事例句:He was determined to give his life to his country. 他决心把生命献给他的国家。55,be fed up with 对感到厌烦,腻了例句:People are fed up

23、 with all these traffic jams. 人们厌烦了这么多的交通堵塞。56,be ignorant of/about 对不了解例句:He was ignorant of the truth. 他对真相一无所知。57,be in debt 欠债例句:He was in debt to me for 10000 dollars. 他欠我一万美元。58, in advance 事先,预先例句:Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. 提前订票要便宜些。59,be located/situated (in/on) 位于/坐落于例句

24、:My bedroom is situated on the top of my house. 我的卧室在房子的顶层。60,be on a diet 节食例句:In order to lose weight, she is on a diet now. 为了减肥,她正在节食。61,be cross/angry with sb. /at sth. 对某人/某事生气例句: Why are you cross with me? 你为什么对我生气?62, be responsible to sb. for sth. 向负责例句: As a head teacher, I must be respons

25、ible to the school for the safety of the students. 作为班主任,我必须向学校对学生的安全负责。63,be short of = be lacking in 缺少,不足例句:I am short of money, and can you lend me some? 我缺钱了,你能借我一些吗?He is lacking in confidence. 他缺乏信心。64,be skilled in/at 擅长例句:He is skilled at dealing with difficult customers. 他擅长处理难缠的顾客。65,sth.

26、 belong to sb. 属于例句:The honor of the success belongs to all the people. 荣誉属于人民。66,build up 逐步建立, 加强例句:Youd better do exercise to build up you body. 你最好锻炼以强健身体。67,in this/that case 如果这样/那样 in any case 无论如何 in no case 绝不 in case of 以防,万一 in case 假如,万一(常引导条件状语从句)例句:“I have made up my mind.”“ In that ca

27、se, there is no point discussing it.” “我已经拿定主意。”“既然如此,讨论这事就毫无意义了” In any case, catch the train tomorrow. 无论如何,你必须赶上明天的火车。 In no case, are you to leave here. 任何情况下都不要离开这里。 Take your umbrella in case it rains. = Take your umbrella in case of rain.68, catch up with 赶上例句:Its easy to fall behind, but its

28、 difficult to catch up with others. 落后容易,追上难。69,catch/attract/draw sb.s attention 引起某人注意例句:He shouted loudly in the street, trying to catch the policemens attention. 他在街上大喊,试图引起警察注意。70,catch sb. doing sth. 无意中发现某人正在做某事例句: The teacher caught him cheating in the exam. 老师发现他考试作弊。71,charge sb. with sth

29、= accuse sb. of sth 指控某人干某事例句:He was charged with stealing a car. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。72,cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事例句:He cheated me of my money. 他骗我的钱。 He cheated the girl into marrying him. 他骗那个女孩嫁给他。73,check in 登记,报道check out 检查,结账离开 例句:You first check in at the hotel. When you leave, you should go to the reception desk to check out. 你先在旅馆办理入住,离开时要去前台办理结账。74,make a choice 做出选

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