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1、大学英语专四完形填空练习题及答案2014年大学英语专四完形填空练习题及答案(1)It is fashionable for the amateur administrators who run international sporting events to _ 1_ that sportsmanship is a thing of the past and to put the blame for everything wrong with sport on the growth of professionalism. They _ 2_that when the modern Olympi

2、c Games began, athletes felt that _3_ was sufficient reward for them to compete. They are _ 4 _that some athletes today run as work and expect to be paid for what they do. The truth is that _ 5_ high ideals were always an aspiration and ne ver had _ 6_ to do with reality. The Olympic Games of 1900 a

3、nd 1904 were tied up with business, because they _ 7_ organized as a seconda ry attraction to international trade fairs. It was a frequent occurrence _ 8_ athletes to be disqualified for breaking the rules and _ 9 _ one occasion the losing team in the Olympic football final _ 10_ off the field and r

4、efused to go on with the game. The love of amateurism and the belief that _ 11_ is important is how _ 12_ behave on t he field, not whether you win or lose, comes from a time _ 13_ the o nly people who played games seriously _ 14_ to earn their leaving. E ven _ 15_, it was common for rich men and un

5、iversities in some count ries to subsidize “amateurs” by paying their bills or tuition fees. 1. A. complain B. praise C. emphasize D. point out 2. A. were claiming B. would have claimed C. claimed D. claim 3. A. this B. that C. it D. they 4. A. expected B. horrified C. happy D. grateful 5. A. this B

6、. so C. such D. such a 6. A. a great many B. lot C. little D. much 7. A. would be B. should be C. could be D. were 8. A. that B. which C. there D. for 9. A. in B. on C. at D. with 10.A.walked B. set C. ran D. left 11.A.what B. which C. it D. this 12.A.will you B. do C. you D. to 13.A.when B. how lon

7、g C. that D. for 14.A.need B. didnt have C. had D. have to B. though C. then D. if1. A) 根据上下文和语义线索可猜测句义为:那些经办 国际体育赛事的业余体育官员们抱怨体育道德已经成为历史。由此可知此空应选complain。 2. D) 根据语法线索此空应使用动词的一般现在时态,因此选项D为正确答案。 3. C) 根据语法线索此空需要使用it作形式主语,故选项C为正确答案。 4. B) 根据上下文可猜测句义为:他们对今天的一些运动员以运动为工作 和从运动中索取报酬感到恐惧,因此选项B为正确答案

8、。 5. C) 根据语法线索此空应选such,因为此处such为限定词。 6. D) have much to do with是由have something to do with演变而来。 7. D) 根据语法线索很明显此处应使用过去时,因此D为正确答案。 8. D) 根据语法线索可知,此空需要一个介词引导动词不定式的逻辑主语,我们知道只有介词for可以。 9. B) 名词occasion应使用介词on与之搭配。 10. A) 根据句意可知此处应选walked,使此句意义为:走出赛场。 11. A) 根据语法线索此处使用what引导名词从句作句子的主语。 12. C) 根据下文此处应使用代词

9、you作主语。 13. A) 根据语法线索when在此处引导定语从句修饰a time。 14. B) 根据语义线索可知此处答案应为选项B。 15. C) 根据句义:即使在那时,一些国家的有钱人或大学通过给钱或学费 的形式对业余运动员给予补贴,可知此空应使用then。Even though和even if都不能单独使用。2.As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and alth

10、ough the passengers ha d _ 1_ their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the _ 2_ appeared. She looked very pale, but was quite calm. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she _ 3_ everyone that th e pilot had fainted and asked _ 4_ any of the passengers knew anyt hing

11、about machinesor at least how to drive a car. _ 5_ a moments hesitation, a man got up and followed the stewardess into the pilots cabin._6_ the pilot aside, the man took _ 7_ and listened carefu lly to the urgent instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport_8_. The plane was now dange

12、rously _ 9_ the ground, but t o everyones _ 10_, it soon began to climb. The man_ 11 _ circle the airport several times in order to become familiar with the contro ls.Following instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It sho ok_ 12_ as it touched the ground and then moved rapidly

13、 across the f ield, but after a long _ 13_ it stopped safely. _ 14_, a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously, rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” _ 15_ a perfect landing. 1. A. installed B. fastened C. connected D. snatched 2. A. steward B. pilot C. air hostess D. crew 3. A. announc

14、ed B. informed C. reported D. made known 4. A. suppose B. if C. was there D. perhaps 5. A. After B. Taking C. For D. In 6. A. Moving B. Persuading C. Lying D. Helping 7. A. place B. flight C. off D. his seat 8. A. under B. down C. below D. ahead 9. A. overlooking B. close to C. seeing D. beyond 10.

15、A. relief B. eye C. good luck D. regret 11. A. must B. had to C. used to D. needed 12. A. the moment B. falteringly C. heavily D. violently 13. A. road B. path C. flight D. run 14. A. Outdoors B. Away C. Beside D. Outside 15. A. for B. in C. over D. on 参考答案及详解 1. B) 根据语义线索可知,故事发生在飞机上,人们坐飞 机的时候都要系安全带

16、。“系安全带”用动词fasten seat belts。故选项B为正确答案。 2. C) 根据上句,飞机在飞行过程中,突然出现了异常的晃动,根据非语 言线索即常识可知这 时一般空中小姐要出来解释一下或察看有没有受伤的乘客,另外根据词汇线索即下文出现的 she可指,选项C为正确答案。Steward指男性的乘务员,pilot意为“飞机驾驶员”,crew为 “机组”都不合适。 3. B) 根据上下文可判断此句句义:空姐迅速但是小声地告诉大家飞机驾 驶员昏了过去。四 个选项中announce, report是不及物动词,不符;inform是及物动词,意为“通知”,一般 可用在短语inform sb.

17、of sth.或inform sb. that.中,例如:Have you informed the m of your intended departure?你已经通知他们你要离开吗?We were informed that two prisoners had escaped from the prison.我们获知两名犯人从监狱中逃了出来。 4. B) 根据语义线索和语法线索可确定if为正确答案,句义为:问是否 有人知道一些机械原理或至少怎样开车。 5. A) 根据语义线索可知此空应使用介词after,意为:在一阵犹豫之后。 6. A) 根据上文可知飞行员已经昏了过去,所以只有把他移到m

18、ove一边去 ,故选项A为正确答案。7. D) 根据句义:这个人把飞行员移到一边后,坐在了飞行员的位置上, 从而可以确定选项D为正确答案。其他三项意义或用法不符。 8. C) 根据语义线索可知此时飞机飞行在机场上空,另外根据语法线索此 空需要一个可以放在名词后面修饰的副词,故只有below正确。 9. B) 根据上下文由于开飞机的人并不是飞机驾驶员,他只能靠地面机场 传送来的指令操作 飞机,由此可以判断飞机非常贴近地面,也非常危险。故此处使用介词close to。 10. A) 根据语义线索和词汇线索可知选项A为正确答案。to ones relief是固定搭配,意为“令人欣慰的”。 11. B

19、) 根据句义和语法线索可知选项B had to为正确答案。 12. D) 根据语义线索可以判断飞机在着陆的时候由于驾驶员不专业,引起 了 激烈的摇晃,故选项D为正确答案。Falteringly意为“支吾地,口吃地”,与题意不符。 13. D) 根据文章可知飞机在经过很长的滑行后才停下,故选项D为正确答 案。另外其他三项的词义在此处不符。 14. D) 根据上下文可推测当飞机着陆的时候,许多乘客的家人或有关人员 非常焦急地在飞 机外边等候,故outside为正确答案。Outdoors意为“室外”,用在此处意义明显不符。15. D) 根据词汇线索可知选项D为正确答案,意为congratulate

20、.on. 是固定搭配,例如:Tom congratulates me on my success in passing the test.汤姆祝 贺我通过了这次考试。3. There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for the ir children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those _ 1_ seem hopelessly old fashioned; this Christmas, there were a

21、 lo t of personal computers under the tree. _ 2_ that computers are the key to success, parents are also frantically insisting that children _ 3_ taught to use them in schoo las early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it _ 4 _ computers, parents dont always know best. Many schools ar

22、e yielding to parental impatience and are purchasing hardware _ 5_ sound education al planning so they can say, “OK, weve moved into the computer age.” Teachers found themselves caught in the middle of the problembetween parent pressure a nd _ 6_ educational decisions. Educators do not even agree _

23、7 _ how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized e ducational materials _ 8_ research has shown can be taught _ 9 _ with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should h ave access to computers, warn of potential _ 10_ to the very young. The temptation re

24、mains strong largely because young children _ 11_ s o well to computers. First graders have been seen willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes. _ 12_ sch ool can afford to go into computing, and that creates _ 13_ another problem: a division between the

25、 haves and have nots. Very few parents are agita ting _ 14_ computer instruction in poor school districts, _ 15 _ there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher. 1. A. items B. toys C. sets D. series 2. A. Given B. Provided C. Convinced D. Believed 3. A. are B. be C. are being D. were 4

26、. A. talks about B. comes to C. turns to D. mentions 5. A. without B. with C. through D. for 6. A. wise B. clever C. slow D. enough 7. A. on B. with C. to D. about 8. A. however B. it C. what D. that 9. A. equally B. in the same way C. just as well D. not as well 10. A. approaches B. exposures C. da

27、ngers D. harmful 11. A. adopt B. keep C. adapt D. devote 12. A. High B. Not every C. No D. Any 13. A. already B. of course C. in addition D. yet 14. A. for B. against C. to buy D. use 15. A. for B. in any case C. although D. where参考答案及详解 1. A) 根据句义“现在那些东西(指以上提到的 打字机、地球仪、百科全书)显得太落后了”可知,本空正确答案为A items

28、 2. C) 通过分析本句结构可知此空所在句是一个从句,作主句的原因状语 ,结合选项可知 此空需要动词的过去分词表示“确信、相信”的意思,故选项C为正确答案,因为“be conv inced that”意为“确信、相信”。 3. B) 主句中动词为insist时,一般宾语从句应该使用虚拟语气,并且一 般情况下省略should。 4. B) 此空前it的使用法在语法上叫“虚义”it,因此它无法和talk abo ut, mention搭 配使用。come to有几种意义分别为“归因是”,“结果是”;“谈到”,“想到”;“总 共”,“共达”等。Turn to意为“转向,指向”等。根据上下文可推断句

29、义为“当谈到计 算机的问题时,”,由此可见此空应选B come to。 5. A) 根据句义“许多学校在没有制定良好的教学计划前,就屈从了家长 们的压力购买了电脑。”可判断此空应使用介词without。 6. A) 根据上下文可知学校迫于家长的压力不得不购买了电脑,这使得老 师们处 于两难境地,即家长的压力和明智正确的教育方针,故此空选A。clever一般用来指人。 7. A) agree on意为“同意”某某观点。Agree with后接人。 8. D) that用于此空引导定语从句。 9. C) 此句句义为“很多钱被用来购买电脑教学资料,但是研究表明用纸 和笔教学能达到 同样的教学效果。”

30、可知,此空词应使此句构成比较结构,而选项A和B都没有此功能,选项 D意义不符,故选项C为正确答案,just as well原为固定搭配,意为“幸亏,幸而”,但在 此处是省略了第二个as的比较结构。 10. C) 根据句意“潜在的危险”可知此空正确答案为选项C。 11. C) adapt to意为“适应”。Devote to意为“奉献,献身于”意义 不符。 12. B) 根据上下文可推断句义为:不是每个学校都能买得起电脑。故此空 选B。 13. D) 此空涉及yet的用法。首先可用排除法排除already, of course, i n addition, 因为他们要么意义不符,要么用法不符。Y

31、et既可作副词也可作连词。作副词时意为“还、 仍然、尚”,常用于否定句中,如 Much remain yet to be done. / He has not yet hear d the good news.有时意为“已经”,常用于疑问句中。作连词时意为“而,然而,可是” 。此空yet符合第一种用法。14. A) “agitate for”意为“鼓动,赞成”。 15. D) where用于此空引导非限定性的定语从句。4. Have you ever wondered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_ a desire to predict their future _2_.Most people seem inclined to _3_ this task using causal reasoning.First we _4_ re

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