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1、英语六级改错考试试题及参考答案精华版改错题2013年12月英语六级改错模拟试题(5)词性的使用错误词性错误是最容易犯的错误之一,通常而言,对单词记忆不够全面以及受到汉语的影响等都会造成此类错误的产生。词性的使用错误是指文章中单词的词性用错,主要表现在名词形容词副词以及动词的使用错误上,如把名词错当成动词使用,或者把形容词错当成名词或者该用副词的地方错用了形容词等情况,归纳起来主要涉及三种类型:名词与动词的错误使用 ,如: approval approve , sale sell ; 名词与形容词的误用 ,如: medicine medical/medicinal , emotion emoti

2、onal ; 形容词与副词的误用 ,如: high highly , mere merely 等。这类错误还常出现在 be 以外的系动词后,如: feel badly feel bad , grow uneasily grow uneasy .例 1Ideally, of course, the expression of editorialopinion should be limited on the editorial pageand the news articles should be objective telling the fact as complete as possibl

3、e. 1._该句中complete为形容词,而在该句中它前面所接词为动词tell,必须改为副词形式,故应该将complete改为completely.例2It is a social prejudice that the work of streetcleaners is thought to be dirty and shame by 1._most people.根据上下可知该句中的系动词be后面必须接形容词,且与前面的dirty并列关系,所以应该将名词shame改为shameful.例3It is true that their work may be dirty, but notnec

4、essary shameful. What would our streets 1._be like if nobody cleared away the rubbish?该句中shameful为形容词,前面必须使用副词修饰,故应该将necessary改为necessarily.例4Used wise, science may increase our energy and 1._food supply, improve our health, expand our joyand extend our lives.该句的完整结构是“if it is used wisely, science m

5、ay ”,“wisely”修饰过去分词“used”,表示“使用得当”的意思。所以应该将形容词wise改为副词形式的wisely.练习题1 Computers have been designed to store informationand compute complex problems. Some computers areso high advanced that they even can talk with operators. 1._2 The doctor said that I only had to wait for a relative 2._short time bef

6、ore he could have an interview with me.3 You must make sure that your speech is clear andeasily to follow. Use examples, charts, and pictures if 3._they will help you explain your points clearly. Youshould treat your audience with respect.4 The myth of the country as a Garden of Eden,a few generatio

7、ns late, sends them flooding out again 4._to the suburbs.5 In the wild, tea plants become trees ofapproximately thirty feet in high. 5._6 Microwave ovens are generally more costlier than 6._common ovens.7 We are not necessary capable of doing such an 7._exacting job.8 There may be sound medicine rea

8、sons for accepting 8._electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are totallydependent on the balance of risks and benefits for thepatients.9 Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying,swallowing an aspirin tablet or eating a chicken sandwich they can all be fatal. Clearly some risks

9、 worth taking, 9._especially when the rewards are high.10 Punctuality is a good habit, and unpunctuality is a badone. A few minutes delay may not be a serious matter. 10._2013年12月英语六级改错模拟试题(4)时间:2013-11-14 16:33:00来源:考试吧 编辑:Aimee VIP免费外教试听课|可可官方微信:ikekenet字号:大|中|小评论打印收藏本文第 1 页:改错练习题第 2 页:参考答案句子结构的错误

10、在英语中按句型来说可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四种,从结构上来说又可以分为简单句、并列句和复合句三种。句子的结构错误是构成句子完整结构的某一成分用错或者缺少,或者使用了多于成分而造成句意不清的错误类型。由于英语语法和汉语语法特点在结构上表现得十分明显,主、谓、宾结构在数、格、人称上的一致、连接手段的正确使用以及词序安排等,都与汉语有着相当大的差异,因此在改错中也是一大难点。句子结构错误类型包括:句子类型使用错误、句子成分短缺、平行结构错误以及词组搭配使用错误。例 1Computer analyzed marketing reports can helpdeciding which p

11、roducts to emphasize now, whichto develop for the future, and which to be dropped. 1._本句中三个平行成分 which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to be dropped 结构模式应该一致,均采用不定式主动语态,因而 to be dropped 应改为 to drop .例 2When we consider the comfortable circumstancesof a working fa

12、mily today, the life of the workingmanin 1882 seems miserable indeed. But earlier it hadbeen ever hard. 1._根据上文中“ earlier ”可知,原句显然是将 1882 年以前的生活与 1882 年时的生活作比较,所以此处 hard 应该改为 harder .例 3At the beginning of the nineteenth century workinghours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was awful,and working con

13、ditions being poor and dangerous. 1._在该句中, working hours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was awful, and working conditions being poor and dangerous 三个小分句为并列结构关系,因此必须保持成分和结构上的一致性,故应该将 being 改为 were .例 4However, a second person thought that this wasmore a question of civilized behavior as good 1._man

14、ners.“ morethan ”是固定搭配用法,在此句中表示“与其不如”的意思,而不是“比多”的意思;没有“ moreas ”的搭配用法,故应该将 as 改为 than .练习题1 On the contrary, the intimate atmosphere of thesmall college allows the student four years of structuralliving in which to expect and preparing for the real world. 1._2 In making his choice among educational institutionsthe student must, therefore, consider a great many factors.Going to school is part of the socialization process,and so going to the movies. 2._3 The next morning the sun rose like a red ball on theeaster

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