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Book 8 Unit 2docx.docx

1、Book 8 Unit 2docx基础知识默写(学生用书297298页)1.differ vi.不同;相异different adj.不同的difference n.不同;差异2.exact adj.精确的;准确的exactly adv.确切地;精确地3.altogether adv.总共;完全地4.object vi.反对;不赞成objection n.不赞成,反对;异议objective adj.客观的;公正的;真实的5.obtain vt.获得;赢得6.conservative adj.保守的;守旧的conservation n.保护;保存conserve v.保护7.forbid vt

2、.禁止;不准8.owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于9.retire vi.退休;离开retirement n.退休;离开10.bother vt.打扰 vi.操心 n.烦扰11.regulation n.规则;规章;法规regular adj.有规律的;规则的;定期的;经常的regulate v.调节;调整12.strike vi.& vt.打;撞击;罢工 n.罢工13.drawback n.缺点;不利条件14.resist vt.抵抗;对抗resistance n.抵抗;阻力;抵抗力;电阻resistant adj.反抗的;有抵抗力的15.decoration n.装饰decorat

3、e v.装饰16.reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的reason n.原因;理由mercial adj.商业的;贸易的18.straightforward adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的19.undertake vt.着手;从事;承担20.breakthrough n.突破21.procedure n.程序;步骤;手续22.attain vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)23.flour n.面粉24.vain adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的25.merely adv.仅;只;不过26.feather n. 羽毛27.accumulate vt.& vi.积累;聚积a

4、ccumulation n.积累;累积;堆积物28.assumption n.假定;设想assume vt.假定;设想 off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清30.cast down使失望;使沮丧 favour of赞成;支持32.(be) bound to (do).一定或注定(做)33.strike.into ones heart使刻骨铭心34.from time to time不时,偶尔35.bring back to life使复生;使复活 vain白费力气;枉费心机 good/poor condition状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)38.It h

5、appens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones.当园艺师从生长着的植物上剪下枝来培植新植物时,它(克隆)就发生了。39.What do you think is the writers point of view in this reading passage? 你认为在这篇阅读材料中作者的观点是什么?40.The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die.其优点是如果发生

6、某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉基础知识夯实.语境填词1.I must insist on your giving me a straightforward(直接的) answer.2.The more important the occasion was,the more complex the procedures(步骤) were.(2018河北石家庄二中模拟)3.I wasnt complaining;I merely(仅仅) said that I was tired.4.One of the drawbacks(缺点) of living with someone is h

7、aving to share a bathroom.5.The weather was bad and the food dreadful.Altogether(总之) the holiday was very disappointing.6.A build-it-yourself solar still(蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain(获得) drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available.(2017全国)7.Anger is a tool that helps

8、us to read and respond to the social situations that bother(打扰) us.8.My main objection(object) to the plan is that it would be too expensive.9.The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance(resist) from staff.10.You are fortunate to have such a reasonable(reason) father.11.Hes a very co

9、nservative(conserve) dresserhe always looks like hes wearing his fathers clothes!12.My calculations were based on the assumption(assume) that house prices would remain steady.13.What is the normal retirement(retire) age in this country?14.The purpose of education is not only the accumulation of know

10、ledge.And it also means accumulating intelligence as well as abilities.(accumulate)15.Scientists are still not exactly(exact) sure how genes influence aging,but they believe that they do.选词成篇As we all know,Ma Yun is straightforward and adored by a great many people.He went through many difficulties,

11、which didnt 1.cast him down.He held the firm belief that he 2.was bound to succeed.His efforts 3.paid off when he got a great breakthrough in the online shopping.Are you favour of cloning human beings? Especially when your health is poor condition,you definitely want to 6.bring yourself ba

12、ck to life.However,for some diseases,traditional treatments are often vain.8.From time to time scientists think of ways to treat them,one of which is cloning.完成句子1.We cannot tell from his face whether he is happy or sad.(whether)从他脸上我们看不出他是高兴还是难过。2.The advantage of cycling to work is that we ca

13、n live a low-carbon life.(表语从句)骑自行车上班的优点是我们可以过一种低碳生活。3.Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online to save their valuable time.(非谓语动词作目的状语)现在许多航空公司允许乘客在网上打印登机牌以节约他们宝贵的时间。4.Which part of this book do you think is the most interesting?(do you think)这本书中你认为哪一部分最有趣?1.聚焦“反对”意

14、见(1)object vi.反对;不赞成(2)oppose v.反对 (3)disapprove v.不赞成;反对(4)resist v.抵制;反对(5)protest v.抗议;反对2.“最初的”几个单词(1)initial adj.最初的;开始的(2)original adj.最初的;原始的(3)primary adj.初级的;原始的(4)foremost adj.最先的;最前的3.顺序不同,意义有别(1)conservation n.保护conversation n.谈话(2)broad adj.宽的board n.甲板(3)abroad adv.在国外aboard adv.& prep

15、.上船(火车、飞机),在船(火车、飞机)上(4)cheap adj.便宜的peach n.桃子(5)kitchen n.厨房thicken v.变浓4.“取得成功”的那些短语(1)pay off取得成功;偿清(2)take off突然成功(3)make it成功(4)make a hit获得成功5.“使人失望”短语集锦(1)cast sb.down使失望;使沮丧(2)let sb.down使失望(3)get sb.down 使失望;使沮丧 (1)differ from不同于;和不同differ in在方面不同differ with sb.on/about/over sth.在某事上和某人有分歧

16、/异议(2)difference n.不同之处make a difference to.对有影响/起作用tell the difference between A and B分清A和B(3)different adj.不同的be different在方面与不同(1)Changing schools did make a difference to my life.转学确实对我的生活产生了影响。(2)一句多译英式英语和美式英语在单词的发音和拼写方面有明显的区别。British English differs obviously from American English in

17、pronunciation and spelling.(differ)British English is obviously different from American English in pronunciation and spelling.(different)There are obvious differences between British English and American English in pronunciation and spelling.(difference)object v.反对;不赞成n.目标,目的;物体(1)object to sb./sth.

18、反对;不赞成object to (sb.s) doing sth.反对(某人)做某事(2)objection n.不赞成;反对;异议have/raise/make an objection to/against (doing) sth.对(做)某事表示反对(1)Most students object to being charged(charge) for parking on the campus.(2)Despite objections(object) by the White House,the Senate voted today to cut off aid.(3)Some st

19、udents have/raise/make an objection to/against(反对) the plan.(objection)易错点拨object作及物动词时,后只能接that从句作宾语;若接名词或代词作宾语需要后跟介词to。用作及物动词后接that从句时,其后从句所表示的内容不是反对的内容,而是反对的理由。如:I wanted to climb the hill,but he objected that he was too tired. 我要去爬山,但是他却以太累为由表示反对。 forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid do sth.禁止某人做某

20、事forbid sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的。(1)Everyone is forbidden to smoke(smoke) here.(2)The rule forbids people from driving/forbids people to drive(禁止人们开车) in the city one day each week and one Saturday each month.(2018河南洛阳三模)句式升级(3)We are forbidden to play on the lawn bel

21、onging to him.(用it作形式主语改写)Its forbidden for us to play on the lawn belonging to him. (1)owe sb.sth.owe sb.欠某人某物;把归功于某人owe it to sb.that./to do.把归功于某人(2)owing to由于(1)My English teacher is such a great soul,to whom I owe many thanks.(2)I owe it to him that I finished my work in time.(3)Owing to

22、 the bad weather(由于天气不好),this mornings flight will be delayed.bother v.打扰;操心n.U烦扰;麻烦;困难;C麻烦的事;讨厌的人(1)bother to do/doing sth.费心/特意做某事bother sb.with/about sth.为某事打扰或麻烦某人It bothers/bothered sb.that./to do.使某人苦恼的是(2)have bother (in) doing sth.费劲/有麻烦做某事put any bother给某人添乱why bother没有必要吧;何苦那么麻烦(1)It

23、 bothers/bothered me to think of her all alone in that big house.想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里我便坐立不安。(2)Mum,shall we go and see a film tonight?Why bother?We can stay at home and watch films online.(2017江苏)妈妈,我们今晚去看电影好吗?没有必要吧?我们可以待在家里上网看电影。(3)一句多译你找到这所房子费劲吗?Did you have bother (in) finding the house?(bother)Did yo

24、u have trouble/difficulty (in) finding the house?(trouble/difficulty)strike vt.& vi.(struck,struck)打;罢工;(时钟等)敲响,报(时);擦(火柴);撞击;侵袭;给(某人以)印象;突然想起n.罢工;袭击(1)be struck with/by被所袭击(感动)It strikes sb.that.某人觉得;某人突然想起sth.strikes sb.(sb.strikes on sth.)某人想到(2)be on strike在罢工go on strike举行罢工(3)striking adj.显著的;

25、突出的;惹人注目的写出下列句子中strike的汉语意思(1)The clock has just struck 10.(钟)敲(2)He hit me,so I struck him back.打(3)The girl struck a match and lit a candle.擦(火柴)(4)They have been on strike for several days.罢工(5)I struck on a good idea yesterday.突然想起单句语法填空(6)Struck(strike) by the beauty of the West Lake,we stopped

26、 to admire the beautiful scenery. (7)It struck me that playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team. pay back偿还;报复;回报pay for花钱买;付出代价pay a visit to参观;拜访pay attention to注意;留心(1)That I can pay back the help people gave me makes me happy.我可以回报别人给我的帮助,这让我很高兴。(2

27、)He had to work part-time so as to pay for his school fee.他得做兼职工作以支付学费。(3)The efforts made by Jack and his parents paid off.杰克和他父母的努力奏效了。 (1)out of condition健康状况欠佳(2)on condition that.在条件下;倘若on no condition一点也不;绝不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装语序)(3)working/living/studying conditions工作/生活/学习环境(1)Natural sites and hi

28、storic buildings,when left alone,can slowly be in bad condition.自然景点和历史建筑,如果不管理,状况会慢慢恶化。(2)What I want you to realize is that everybody is likely to be in poor condition.我想让你意识到的是每个人都可能有状况不好的时候。(3)You can keep the books for about three weeks on condition that you preserve them well.这些书你可以借三个礼拜,条件是你必

29、须好好保存。句式升级(4)You should tell him what has happened on no condition.(改为倒装句)On no condition should you tell him what has happened. Could it be solved if corrections were made in their research procedure?如果改进研究程序,问题会不会解决呢?非真实条件句中的虚拟语气虚拟条件句主句与现在事实相反的假设动词的过去式(be动词一般用were)would/could/should/might动词原形与过去事实

30、相反的假设had过去分词would/could/should/mighthave过去分词与将来事实相反的假设(1)动词的过去式(2)were to动词原形(3)should动词原形would/could/should/might动词原形(1)If the new safety system had been put(put) to use,the accident would never have happened.(2017北京)(2)If it were to rain/should rain/rained(rain) tomorrow,I wouldnt go to the party.

31、(3)如果我比现在年轻三岁,我会强烈建议自己设定可行而具体的目标。(2015重庆)Were I/If I were three years younger than I am now,I would strongly recommend that I set more practical and specific goals.单句语法填空1.There is no doubt that cellphones have a negative impact on our lives.2.Its reported that theres a big breakthrough in the cancer treatment.3.We sh

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