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1、新人教版选修英语六Unit1WarmingUpPrereadingandReading教案Unit1 ArtWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingStep 1 Lead inShow a picture and ask:1.Who was she? Mona Lisa2.Who painted her? Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)3.How long did it take him to paint it? Four years (1503-1506)Step 2 Discussion1.Are there any paintin

2、gs in your home? Whose? Which style?2.Who are your favorite painters, from China and from other countries?3.Do you know some famous painters and their works? List some. (China- Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Fu BaoshiLeonardo Da Vinci, Picasso , Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Giotto di Bondo

3、ne)4.What do you think of the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western paintings?Chinese paintings: realistic detailed traditional natural line rich colorfulWestern paintings: abstract natural religious impressionist ridiculous modern colorfulStep 3 Some painters information 1.Leonar

4、do da Vinci (1452-1519) Mona Lisa 朝见圣子 2.Giotto di Bondone (The Middle Ages ) 乔托迪邦多纳Giotto was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. He painted religious scenes in a more realistic style. Escape to Egypt 3.Monet 莫奈(1840-1926) ( Impressionism ) A French painter who helped

5、to start the Impressionist movement. he is best known for his paintings of the countryside in which he tried to show the affects of light by painting the same picture at different times of day or in different types of weather.花园中的女人 吹笛少年 4.Van Gogh凡高(1853-1890) A Dutch painter who went to live in so

6、uthern France and helped to developed the style of Post-impressionism. His paintings typically use bright colors and have thick lines. One of the most famous ones is Sunflowers .He is also known for being mentally ill and for cutting off one of his ears and later killing himself. Poor as he was duri

7、ng his life, his paintings are now extremely valuable and sold for very high prices. 5.Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 毕加索 ( Modern art ) He was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art and drawing teacher. Picasso was the greatest art genius of the twentieth century.毕加索的作品,最著名的是和平鸽

8、,格尔尼卡,以及无数长着三只眼睛,几个乳房的怪人画,使他成为二十世纪最具争议,也最有影响的艺术家。即使看了说不出所以然的人也只有跟着全世界喝彩。要是遇到其他什么人画的看不懂的画时,就会说一句:“这是毕加索。”6.Matisse马蒂斯(1869-1954) A French painter and sculptor who helped to develop fauvism(野兽派)as a style of painting. His paintings are mostly of ordinary places and objects, but they are pure bright co

9、lors and black lines.奢华Step 4 Match the words with the correct meanings:A Ba. realistic 1. accurate, minute b. abstract 2. state or fact of existingc. existence 3. being in thought but having a physical or practical existenced. detailed 4. lifelike, true to lifee. religious 5. classical, of old beli

10、efsf. traditional 6. sincere to believe in a god or godsStep 5 Pre-readingGet the Ss to discuss the questions in pre-reading in pairs. Then check the answer with the whole class, if they have no idea, use the materials previously prepared to let the Ss have some acquaintance with the knowledge of ar

11、t and artists.Step6 ReadingTask 1 ScanningShow some questions on the screen.1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15the century AD?2. How did Masaccio3. paint his paintings?4. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly.Task 2 ScanningLet the Ss red the passage again and get the ma

12、in idea of it. Then complete the following chart no their own.Names of AgesTimeArtistFeatureThe Middle Ages5th to 15th century Giotto Di Bondonereligious, realisticThe Renaissance15th to 16th centuryMassaccioperspective, realisticImpressionismLate 19th to early 20th century detailed, ridiculousModer

13、n art20th century to today Controversial, abstract, realisticTask 3 ExplanationThere are so many that it would be impossible to The sentence means that there are too many different styles of /western art to introduce in a short passage.People became more focused on and less onIt tell us that people

14、pay more attention to humans than religionIf the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint The sentence means that people discovered the rules of perspective, so that they painted such realistic pictures.Step 7 ComprehendingAsk the students to read the pa

15、ssage again and deal with Exercises.Step 8 Homework1. Underline the time expression in the reading passage.2. Retell the passage with the help of the chart about the text.3. Discuss the question in Exercise 3 on page 3.Step 9 Homework1. Revise what you have learned in this class.2. Preview the new lesson.

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