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外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3《Body Language and Non》word全单元学案.docx

1、外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3Body Language and Nonword全单元学案Book Module 3 Body Language and 2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修4 Module 3Body Language and Nonword全单元学案. Do the exercises in Activities 13 on P21. Fast reading: 1. Read the passage and choose the best title in Activity 1 on P22. 2. Read it again and decide T or F

2、 in Activity 2 on P23. . Careful reading. 1. Read the passage again and fill in the form:SituationsIn Different CountriesBody LanguageIntroduced to strangersEuropeans & AmericansFormal Greetingsin ancient Chinagive a “salaam”HindusInformalGreetingAmerican youths 2. Translate the following sentences

3、into Chinese or English: We see examples of unconscious body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture. 即使今天,有些人在非正式地问候时,也仍然用手来做一个信任的姿势。 . Translate the words and expressions below: 1. shake vt. & vi. 摇动;震动 (past) (p.p.) 2. point at point to

4、 point out 3、与某人握手 4. wave ones hands 5、给某人指路 6. say goodbye to sb. 7、在远处 at a distance 8、和某人交流 9、给出的理由 10、保持警惕 11、成交 12、互相信任 13、暴露 14、举手 = 15、能看透别人心思的人 16、入乡随俗 1. shake hands;put the right hand over the left and bow slightly;Muslims;join their hands and bow their heads in respect;“Give me five.”2.

5、(1)我们经常看到无意识肢体语言的例子,然而也有习得的体态语,这因国家的不同而不同。(2)Even today, when some people have very informal styles of greeting, they still use their hands as a gesture of trust.IV1. shook; shaken 2. 指着;指向;指出3. shake hands with sb. 4. 挥手5. show sb. the way 5. 和某人告别7. in the distance; 隔一段距离8. communicate with sb.9.

6、give a reason for10. on guard 11. make a deal12. trust each other 13. give away14. hold up ones hand; raise ones hand15. a mind reader16. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Book Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal CommunicationPeriod Language Points May. 1. I shake hands and sayshake (past) (p.p) vt

7、. vi. 摇动,震动;动摇 和某人握手 n. C摇动 with a shake of ones head (1)他的话动摇了经理对他的信任。 (2)我和他握了握手,并向他问好。 (3)老师摇了摇头,拒绝了我的请求。 The teacher refused my request 2. not at all 一点也不= not a little eg. 这本书我一点儿也不喜欢。 Are you cold? / (一点儿也不。) I felt not a little tired after 2 hours walk. at all “ ”可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句(1)用于否定句,表示“一点儿

8、也不”或“ ”(回答Thank you; Its very kind of you等)(2)用于肯定句和疑问句,起强调作用,译为“ ” What did you do at all? (3)用于条件句,译为“既然;果真” Work hard if you do want to go to university at all. 【拓展】 after all in all above all first of all all the same all of a sudden 3. Can you give reasons for your choice? give a reason for sth

9、. /doing sth. eg. The monitor suddenly left without giving any reason. 【拓展】 reason for for some reason reasonable adj. adv. 合理地;理智地4. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。在when, while, once, before, till/until, whenever, if, unless, though 等引导的时间、条件、让步状语从句中,如从句S与主句S一致或S是it,经常可以省略“S+be”部分。eg. (1)W

10、hen ( )in Rome, do as the Romans do. (2)如果有必要的话,我会请你帮忙。 I will ask for your help . (3)虽然很累,但他继续走了下去。 5. vary from culture to culture vary vt. & vi. (大小,形状等)相异,不同;变化;改变 在方面不同 随而变化 因的不同而不同;从到不同 eg.(1)The students work varies in quality. (2)天气一天天变化。 (3)菜单(menu)随季节而变动。 【拓展】 adj. 各种各样的 adj. 各种各样的;多变的;变化的

11、 n. 不同种类;多种式样 (phrase)种类繁多的,各种各样的 eg. many varieties of roses There is a variety of pictures to choose from. 他由于种种原因而辞职了。 Youd better your diet rather than eat the same food all the time. A. vary B. change C. improve D. exchange 6. on guard eg. 那个士兵正在担任警戒。 on 表示“在活动;处于某种状态”eg. 度假 出差 值班 待售 着火 故意地 gua

12、rd n. v. 【拓展】be on guard against go on guard be off guard put/set sb. on ones guard 7. develop a formal way to do formal adj. (反义词) eg. 正规教育 正规培训 formal dress 8. We shake hands when we make a deal. 当我们达成协议时,我们握手。deal n. C 交易;待遇 vt. 分配;分给;vi. 做生意;对付have a deal with a great deal of deal in sth. deal w

13、ith sth. /sb. (用 来提问)【近义短语】do with (注:do 是及物动词,须接宾语,所以应用 来提问。)eg. 你是怎么对待英语学习的? = 9. involve vt. ; sth. involve doing sth. sb. /sth. in eg. 准备工作将包括买一些纸和一把小刀。 你最好别拉我去做这样的事。 involved adj. (作前置定语时) (作后置定语时) eg. 复杂的经历 涉及到的人 【拓展】被卷入中 与某人混在一起 专心致志做某事 10. in respect eg. The prime minister is held in the gre

14、atest respect. “in+抽象n. ”作状语,修饰谓语v. 。类似的有: 吃惊地 沉默地 舒适地 和平地 respect n. U show /have respect for C方面;细节 in this respect in all /some /many respects 【固】in respect of sth. =with respect to sth. eg. 这两个生意人在收入和性格方面是相似的。 11. spread vt. vi. (past) (p.p) n. eg. 鸟儿张开翅膀。 She spread the bread with butter. 这种疾病正在迅速蔓延。 The birds wings have a spread of nearly a metre. 【拓展】spread oneself spread like wildfire 12. give away (vt.) eg. Bill Gates gave away muc

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