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1、话题作文之学而思为话题的作文学而思为话题的作文【篇一:学而思英语作文范文】中 考 备 考 必 背 范 文 旅游叙事类范文: a special holiday 假期旅行 during the summer holiday, i went to qingdao with my family. i had a very good time there and it was the most unforgettable holiday ive ever had. i will never forget the views there. the sunshine was bright and it s

2、eemed that the sea was shiny, too. the sky was blue and so was the sea. there were no clouds in the sky and the sea was calm. what a beautiful picture it looked! almost all day we walked on the beach and i picked up many colorful shells on the seaside. we sat down on the beach and watched the sunset

3、. “how beautiful it is!” this trip is the one that ill never forget. although time goes by, the sweet memory will be carefully kept in my mind forever. 写事类范文: an unforgettable day难忘的一天 last sunday was my birthday. i had a meaningful unforgettable day which ive never had. in the morning, i got up ear

4、ly and did everything really fast. at 7:00 am, i left for the childrens hospital with excitement. holding some small presents in my hands, i walked into the ward to meet the sick children. they were really happy when i got into the room. there were big smiles on the childrens faces. we chatted and j

5、oked, and sang songs together. time flew, and it was time to say goodbye. the children were a little sad, and i even saw tears in their eyes. but they were glad that we had a really happy time. although i didnt go to the park to enjoy my birthday as usual, i had a really unforgettable day. because o

6、f my visit, the children were happy, so i was happy. helping others is my biggest pleasure. how i change初中三年自己的变化 my life has changed a lot in the past three years. i was thin and short when i came to the middle school. at that time i was interested in computer games and i spent most of time on it.

7、my parents were worried about me. now, i like reading, i usually go to the library in my spare time. and i also have made a great progress in my study. after school, i like sports and i often play basketball with my classmates so i become taller and stronger than before. good habits help me to study

8、 better and keep healthier. my parents are very proud of me now. |初三英语 | 010-82618899 1 the summer holiday is coming soon; i have decided to be a volunteer in the village near my town first of all, im going to take some school things there. i know they dont have enough money to buy this stuff. whats

9、 more, i am good at english and computer; maybe i can help them with these two subjects. besides, i can also help them do some farm work. i think it must be very interesting. i can not only help them but also get entertainment. to be a volunteer is really a good idea. im looking forward to going the

10、re this summer. 为环境我们能做什么what can we do for the environment? hello, everyone. its nice to talk about what we can do for the environment, and i think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem. good environment is important for everyone. the first thing we can do is to use cloth bags in

11、 stead of plastic bags when we go shopping. whats more, we can reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. we should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. besides, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. we should try our be

12、st to reduce pollution and waste. in fact, even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. i believe we can make the world a better place to live in. 写人范文: my best friend there are many people that we meet in our lives, but only a few will make a lasting impression in our

13、 mind and heart. my best friend is jim. he plays an important part in my life. he is kind and friendly. we usually get on well with each other; he often helps me solve problems in my study with patience. when i fail in the exam, he usually encourages me and makes me happy again. some people say, “a

14、true friend can give you a hand and touch your heart,” so, jim is a true friend for me. jim is my best friend, i will never forget him. |初三英语 010-* 2 jim does well in his studies and sports. he has won lots of awards in many different competitions. whats more, he is funny and warm-hearted; he gives

15、help to a lot of people, so everybody likes him. he often helps me solve problems with patience, with his help; i made much progress in my study he sets a good example for us. from his experiences, i understand the meaning of “no pains, no gains.” and i will try my best to realize my dream. the pers

16、on i want to thank我最想感谢的人 the person i want to thank is my english teacher. she is about forty years old. she is tall and thin with long black hair. as for a teacher, she loves teaching and teaches us with patience. you can always see a big smile on her face. she is funny, her class is really intere

17、sting. she teaches us not only much knowledge but also many skills on how to learn english well. these skills even can help us with other subjects. all of my classmates love her. she often encourages us not to lose heart and treat us as her own child. with her help, i made much progress in english.

18、she is also a really kind teacher. when someone has some problems, she will help him. she is the best teacher that i have ever had. |初三英语 010-* 3 回信提建议类范文 怎么学好英语how to learn english well dear li hua im glad to hear from you. im sorry to hear that you have some problems in english study, dont worry,

19、i will try my best to help you. the best way to learn english well is to use it all the time. at school, you should learn to listen, speak, read and write carefully. after school, you are supposed to spend enough time in practicing english as well. you can read english aloud at home, or you can go t

20、o the english corner. besides, why not listen to some english songs or watch english movies. if you keep on working harder at english, we will be good at it one day. jim 怎么学好汉语how to learn chinese well dear tom, im very glad that youll come to china in your summer vacation. i know it isnt easy to le

21、arn a foreign language, but i have some ideas that may help. firstly, its very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. dont be afraid of m

22、aking mistakes. then try to listen and read more in chinese as possible as you can. above all, you should be confident in yourself and dont give up. im sure you will succeed through your hard work. im looking forward to meeting you in china. yours, li hua - tom刚到北京不适应天气,学校环境,没有朋友 dear tom, im really

23、 happy to hear from you, but im sorry to hear that you have some problems. dont worry; i will try my best to help you. first of all, i understand you feel uncomfortable in beijing because of the dry weather. a good advice is to drink more water. you will get used to it. as for your language problem,

24、 why not consider to join a chinese club where there are good chinese native speakers? you should try to speak chinese as much as possible and dont be afraid of making mistakes. in that way, youll make progress in chinese and make friends. in a word, i do hope you can get used to your new life. im l

25、ooking forward to your good news! jim |初三英语 | 010-82618899 4 1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up /concentrate on /be (become)interested in 范文 li hua im very sorry that your grades fell behind others recently. as a good friend, i must tell somet

26、hing to you. firstly, i think its very important for you to learn lessons well. you should spend most of your time on your study instead of computer games. secondly, i must tell you that playing computer games too much is bad for your health, especially for your eyes. so you must give it up. i can p

27、lay more sports with you after school. and of course, i will try my best to help you with all your studies. at the same time, ill ask both your parents to help you, too. youre my best friend, im sure you will make great progress soon. jim 变化对比类范文 假设你是李明, 你的美国朋友杰克听说你校正在开展研究性学习,来信询问有关情况,请你写一封信,谈一谈开展研究

28、性学习前后,你的学习情况的变化。 注意:1用书信格式。2生词:研究性学习exploring study。 dear jack, how nice to hear from you again. you want to know what is going on in our school. in short, things have been improving since the school began to carry out exploring study. in the past, the teachers always kept on explaining the points i

29、n class. we students just listened and took notes. but now we often discuss and try to solve the problems raised by the teachers or ourselves. after class, we enjoyed different kinds of activities instead of doing endless homework. for example, we can read what we are interested in. we can go to the

30、 library or surf the internet for various kinds of information. in a word, we are now masters of study, and we feel so happy about it. yours, li ming |初三英语 | 010-82618899 5【篇二:以“读”为话题的作文】 读书的乐趣是多方面的:有的为增加知识,有的为陶冶性情,有的只为获取片言只语作为谈论的材料或令人莞尔的笑语。无论究竟是为何,都会使读者心有所感 ,乐而忘忧。 古人把读书者分为三类:苦读、痴读和闲读。比起点墨成冰而心目如磐的苦读

31、,还有头悬梁锥刺股的痴读 ,我更多的时候是在闲读茶余饭后,书摊站前,随手展卷,目走如行。“知于天地外,意在有无中”,不求甚解,只求一得。 当然,精读一些书也十分必要。“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,只有学而思,才可免于迷惘和危殆。做些摘抄,或是开动脑筋细细回味一番,从而从先哲的著作中汲取智慧。事后思来,都是极有乐趣之举。 读书是一种乐趣,要享受这种乐趣也需讲究些意境 。 我爱夜读。尽管在寄宿学校受到限制,在家里,我总有这一习惯。当夜深人静、晚风轻拂之际,坐在自己的房间里 ,拧开一只8支光的小台灯,调好一杯香浓苦涩的咖啡,捧出书来,心便进入了一种宁静的意境。 白天的紧张与劳累忘却了,处事的烦恼与

32、愁绪也消失了。没有寒暄与打扰,独自神游于字里行间刀光剑影,风雪飘飞,艺术的美妙,人生的感叹都奔凑到眼前。待读得会心之处,击掌而笑,与古人交谈;或临窗而立,看星月移动,听树影婆娑之声,更是乐在其中。 温馨朦胧的春夜,烟云缭绕的夏夜,潇洒倜傥的秋夜,静谧严峻的冬夜,都赋予夜读丰富多彩的乐意,而风雨雷电又平添了无数的趣味。 书是传播思想的,能启发人的思维,也能成为束缚人的框框,所以读书既能入,又要能出。在看庄子时得一佳句:“筌者所以在鱼,得鱼而忘筌;言者所以在意,得意而忘言 。”我想,这里的“得意”,既指书中之意,又指自得其意,自得其乐。大概,这就是王心斋所说的“学是学此乐,乐是乐此学”吧 。 在读书中,我实在是得到了许多难以形容的乐趣,

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