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1、21世纪大学英语第四册课后习题答案14单元Unit 1TEXT AII1.He definesgreatness as the lasting contribution which a person makes or has made to humancivilization.2.The example ofChurchill shows the importance of persistence and dedication in achievinggreatness.3.Firstborns andonly children tend to make good leaders in tim

2、es of crisis, but middle- bornchildren are better peacetime leaders.4.A 20th centurypolitician should be an effective public speaker and a social person.5.Intelligenceseems to be less important than other factors, such as the ability tocommunicate effectively.6.The ability toovercome traditional way

3、s of thinking is also crucial.7.They simplydont devote the amount of time required.8.The study showedthat enjoying ones work is the best form of 2.acknowledge 3.motivated 4.charcteristic 5.despite 6.influential 7.cited 8.obstacle9.intrinsic 10.criteria 11.obsession

4、ntribution(s) 14.contemporary 15.submitted 16.moraleV1.left behind 2.rise 3.made history 4.were endowed with5.put up with 6.going nowhere 7.ifocuses on built on9.put in e up with 11.take charge 12.set.apartVIefficiency emergency fluency frequencyproficiency tendency urgency sufficiency1.fluency

5、 2.proficiency 3.emergency 4.Efficiency5.tendency 6.frequency VII1.For somestudents, its not that they dont put in enough time its that theydont have good study habits.2.Children performdifferently at school. Its not that they have different IQs its that theyare brought up in differentenvironments.3

6、.The company isnot very productive. Its not that its staff arent talented its that their energy hasnt been channeledeffectively.4.Im reallysorry. Its not that I dont want to go to the cinema with you its that Ihave to finish my paper tonight. 5.You have astomachache. Its not that the food was bad it

7、s probably that you have toomuch stress from your work.VIII1.President Wilsondidnt try to bring the USback to economic and political isolation. Instead, he believed in internationalcooperation through an association of nations. 2.Computers dont teach studentsin groups. Instead, they can help them le

8、arn effectively according to theirdifferent needs.3.We shouldntfocus on minor points. Instead, we should try to solve the problem of thegreatest urgency at present.4.He dosent getanybody else to help him. Instead, he likes to attend to everything himself.5.Teaching successshouldnt be measured by the

9、 scores the students receive on tests. Instead, itshould be measured by whether the students have internalized the ability anddesire to learn.IXBCBAD DCABA DABCAX西蒙顿说,如果事业上取得巨大成就者具有什么共性的话,那就是一种持续不断地追求成功的动力。“人们往往认为他们天生具有一些超常非凡的东西,”他解释道。“但研究结果表明,有的伟人并没有惊人的智力。有的只是程度上的差异而已。伟大是建立在大量的学习、实践和献身精神的基础之上的。”他举出

10、二战时期的英国首相温斯顿?丘吉尔作为一个永不放弃的冒险者的典范。丘吉尔在全国上下士气最为低落的时候被推上台,并出色地领导了英国人民。在1940年盟军敦刻尔克大撤退之后的一次演讲中,他的话激励了全国人民,“我们绝不会衰退、失败。我们将坚持到底我们永远不会屈服。”XI1.Americans tendto define people by the jobs they have/do. Such characteristics as their familyand educational backgrounds are considered less important.2.Hisuncompromi

11、sing personality explains why he could no longer put up with hisemployer and eventually submitted hisresignation.3.If you reallywant to learn English well, you must put in a lot of time and energy, or youllgo nowhere. The same can be said of other subjects.4.Some actors fame is built on their innate

12、 beauty, butdespite his short stature, Dustin Hoffman rose above and it is his excellentacting that set him apart.5.After he tookcharge, we discovered that there were striking differences between him and hispredecessor. He had the drive and passion, came up with many new ideas, andfocused his work o

13、n how to raise our morale.6.Deng Xiaopingmade history when he declared Chinasreform and opening-up policy. Despite tremendous obstacles, he made lastingcontributions to our countrys modernization with his unrelenting efforts.7.Why couldsomeone with a genius IQ be left behind by a hardworking person

14、with an averageIQ? It has to be acknowledged that besides ones IQ, many other factors havemuch to do with ones achievements.8.This teacher isreally remarkable in first motivating her students so she can really teach themsomething. Its not that she is talented, its that she focuses completely ordrawi

15、ng their full attention in class.Unit 2TEXT AII1.He got no thanksfor returning a wallet, though he deserved to.2.He wants to showhow much people need gratitude to keep up a spirit of kindness and cooperation.3.She saved up fortwo years, went to Normandyin person, and gave her sons gold wristwatch to

16、 the woman.4.He send a shortrecording expressing his appreciation of the authors thoughtfulness and sentit to the author.5.A patient whoselife was saved by a blood transfusion came back again and again to donate hisblood anonymously so that more patients could be saved. 6.He does it byciting W.H. Hu

17、dsons gratitude for his wifes day-to-day heroism.7.Those people whodo little things for us all year round.8.It can makepeople take infinite pains with their work.9.Gratitude isneeded all the time and none of us can give too much of it.III1.intention 2.sincere 3.glaring 4.sore5.trace 6.render 4.denia

18、l 5.proof9.tribute 7.conventional 11.generous 12.gratitude13.slammed 14.agreeable IV1.caught/took myfancy 2.a mistake on Johns part3.take for granted 4.think twice5.saved up 6.referred to7.boast about 8.took pains with9.refrainfrom 10.something one way oranother 12.fed upV1.altitude 2.aptitu

19、de 3.attitude 4.longitude5.fortitude 6.mulitiude 7.latitude 8.solitudeVI1.coordination 2.coexist 6.Cooperation 7.Coeducation sacrifice forthe education of the young was too great2.No price is toohigh to pay in order to save their lives3.cannot b

20、e toocareful in performing an experiment4.They cannotpraise him too much5.can not beoveremphasized6.cannot beoverestimatedVIIIBACDD BABCD BADCAIX一些人不愿表达感激之情,因为他们觉得这不会受欢迎。我的一个病人在出院几个星期后回到医院感谢他的护士。“我没有更早地回来,”他解释说,“是因为我猜想你们对于人们的感激一定厌烦得要命。”“正好相反,”她回答说,“我很高兴你来。很少有人意识到我们多么需要鼓励,我们从那些鼓励我们的人身上获得了多大的帮助。”我们所给予

21、的感激永远不会过多。因为我们身边的人在构筑他们的人生哲学时所依据的正是这些微笑、我们所表示的感谢和我们表示欣赏的各种小小的示意动作。X1.He glared atJohn and was annoyed by his refusal to cooperate.2.Johns sincerespeech shows his gratitude to the people who rendered him generous help when hewas in difficulty.3.He is somethingof a stamp collector. The fact that once

22、he saved up for two years to buy arare stamp is proof of it.4.The beauty ofthese roses could not be overstated. They took/caught all the visitors fancy in one way or another.5.At first he tookit for granted that they should build more highways in this area. Then acareful calculation of the expenditu

23、re compelled him to think twice before hemade the final decision.6.Each time hereceives a gift from me, no matter how small, my friend Bill never fails toacknowledge it.7.The journalisthas decided to trace the young man referred to in the old couples letter,which is a tribute to the young mans effor

24、t at improving their livingconditions.8.Though he wasfed up with the salesmen who knocked at his door and boasted about theirproducts every day, he refrained from slamming the door in their face.Unit 3TEXT AII1.He changed hisperspective and observed people who did not have smallpox.2.He wants to giv

25、ea good example of lateral thinking.3.He compares thehuman brain to a computer and the change of ones point of view to thereprogramming of the computer.4.It is to fightit.5.He calls itvertical thinking.6.He used thetechnique of lateral thinking.7.The key is tomake a shift in emphasis instead of figh

26、ting the problem head-on.8.They shouldchange their point of view and regard themselves as their bodys keeper.9.Very oftenlateral thinking yields much better results than vertical thinking.10.It isapproaching the target from a sideways point of view instead of approaching itdirectly.III1.tactic 2.utm

27、ost 3.structure 4.slack 5.significance6.head-on 7.dead end 8.erased 9.framework 10.vertical;vertical11.ceased 12.flaw 13.implies 14.affirmedIV1.wound upbeing 3.take in 5.take over2.pulling on effect 6.ended up teachingV1.approach 2.fought 3.cure 4.pressured 5.focus 6.approach 7.program 8.experi

28、enced9.switch 10.escape 12.escapedVIassistant accountant servant dependant attendantcontestant defendant consultant inhabitant occupant1.attendant 2.servant 3.consultans 4.contestant 5.accountant6.occupants 7.assistant 8.inhabitants 9.dependants 10.defendantVII1.of use2.of greatimportance3.o

29、fgreat/critical/extreme significance4.of little value5.of markedbenefit6.of invaluablehelpVIII1. should havetold me at once2.2.should have toldme beforehand3.3.should have leftthe company long ago4. never shouldhave happened5. should haveleft thirty minutes ago6. should havephonedIXCDBDA BBDBB CABDC


31、I1.Tom was hung upon the problem but could do nothing about it until he learnt to solve it withdifferent tactics.2.Lateral thinkinghas helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end.3.The framework ofour latest construction plan has been affirmed by the local government. Whetherit will be carried out on time is of the utmost significance to the developmentof this coastal city.4.While trying tofind a solution to the problem, Edward reached an impasse in his thinking, butlater he changed his point of view and solved the problem in an entirely

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