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初三上牛津版英语unit4 5练习A.docx

1、初三上牛津版英语unit4 5练习AModule2. 单元测试卷 题目: A卷I Choose the best choice(25%)( ) 1. Computers can calculate _ than human beings.A. far quickly B. more faster C. much more work D. much faster( ) 2. Jack, as well as his classmates, _ TV every day.A. enjoy watching B. enjoys watching C. enjoy to watching D. enj

2、oys to watch( ) 3. I really dont know _.A. what the matter have with him B. what the matter is with himC. what the trouble is D. what is the trouble( ) 4. _ of the coats fits me. Could you show me _ one?A. Neither, another B. Either, other C. Both, any D. Either, neither( ) 5. It is true that there

3、are _ wild animals in the world.A. much and much B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. many and many( ) 6. He didnt _from the chair, but _ his head and looked around.A. raiseraised B. riserose C. raiserose D. riseraised( ) 7. -How long has he _ Washington D.C.? -For four years.A. been away from B.

4、left for C. been from D. left( ) 8. _ he was to read such an interesting story!A. How happily B. What happy C. How happy D. How great( ) 9. I _ in this school since I _ from Fudan University.A. have taughtwill graduate B. have beengraduated C. have workedwas graduated D. have comegraduated( )10. Tom

5、 is only five. Dont _ him doing this and that all the time.A. make B. tell C. keep D. order( ) 11. I love Greece and its history and culture _.A. as well B. as well as C. also D. either( )12. On this years Tree Planting Day, we planted _ trees around our school.A. five-hundred B. four hundred C. two

6、 hundreds D. one hundreds( ) 13. There was silence, _ the singing for birds.Aexcept B. beside C. besides D. except for ( ) 14. Tell me the _, and Ill give you some suggestions.A. true B. truly C. truely D. truth( ) 15. The police searched his room _ and found the oil painting in a suitcase.A. closel

7、y B. close C. accurate D. accurately( ) 16. I didnt think Maths important at that time. A. is B. was C. are D. were( ) 17. The book made all of us very . A. interested; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interesting; interesting( ) 18. The workers recycle the old new

8、spaper and magazines waste them. A. so as to B. so that C. so that dont D. so as not to( ) 19. Tim has three brothers. One is in Shanghai, two are in Beijing. A. the other B. the others C. other D. another( ) 20. Where ? Your hands are so dirty. Dont touch anything in the room. A. have you gone B. d

9、id you go C. have you been D. are you going( ) 21. Wendy more than 1,500 new words since last term. A. memorized B. memorizes C. have memorized D. has memorized( ) 22. everybody is here, lets begin the class meeting. A. For B. So C. Since D. While( ) 23. Tom went to school because he felt . A. enoug

10、h well B. well enough C. good enough D. enough good( ) 24. Miss Wang said that an old scientist us a lecture on UFOs. A. will give B. was giving C. would give D. has given( ) 25. Could you tell me ? A. when the palaces change into the Palace Museum B. when were the palaces changed into the Palace Mu

11、seumC. when did the palaces change into the Palace MuseumD. when the palaces were changed into the Palace MuseumII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(10%)1. All the students in Shanghai should help fight to protect the environment. (pollute)2. Now the good method is

12、used in the experiments. (wide) 3. The old man was to the policeman who found the lost car for him. (thank)4. For the time he became worried about the future because of the global financial crisis (金融危机). (one) 5. Mother bought a nice dress the day before yesterday, and now she is dressing . (she) 6

13、. Qingming Festival is an important Chinese festival to remember peoples relatives. (die) 7. Professor Brown can still tell quite a few funny , although he is already in his eighties. (story) 8. Bolt in winning the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.(success)9. As a fashion model, she is a

14、lways on a diet to control her _. (weigh)10. Could you show _ how to control the new machine? (he)III.Rewrite the sentences as required (12%)1. All of us realize the importance of keeping the air clean. (改为一般疑问句)_ all of us _ the importance of keeping the air clean?2. The fire is sending out very th

15、ick smoke! (改为感叹句)_ _ smoke the fire is sending out!3. An ordinary plane is usually not so big as a space plane. (保持句意基本不变)An ordinary plane is usually _ _ a space plane.4. Her sister has been a secretary for five years. (保持句意基本不变) Her sister has _ _ a secretary for five years.5. Ive really enjoyed

16、swimming in winter since I was twenty. (对划线部分提问) _ _ have you really enjoyed swimming in winter?6. Did you send him the parcel by air mail? (改为被动语态)_ the parcel _ to him by air mail?IV. Reading Comprehension (42%)AChoose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 7分) Comics use drawings and words to tell

17、stories that can be funny or serious, or a little of both. Comic books grew out of comic strips in newspapers. One of the most successful early comic characters in America was Mickey Dugan, better known as the Yellow Kid. He wore a yellow coat that was too big for him. He was a character in a comic

18、strip which provided opinions on the problems of cities. The Yellow Kid first appeared in eighteen ninety-five. The character became so popular that it was also used to sell products and to create plays. Adventure stories in comic books were very popular during the nineteen thirties - the time known

19、 as the Golden Age of Comics. Famous characters created during that time include the science fiction hero (英雄)Flash Gordon and the detective Dick Tracy. The nineteen thirties also gave us a superhero who came to Earth from another planet. Superman was a newspaper reporter for the Daily Planet in the

20、 big city when he lived on the earth. Superman became a hero of comic fans as he used his ability to fly to fight for truth and justice (正义). Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were seventeen when they created Superman in nineteen thirty-three. They sold the rights (版权) of the character to the DC Comics C

21、ompany for one hundred and thirty dollars. That might be a lot of money to them at the time. But it was nothing compared to all the money made since then from Superman comics, radio and TV shows, movies and toys. Finally, in nineteen seventy-five, they wanted to get more for their creation. DC Comic

22、s agreed to pay each of them twenty thousand dollars a year for life. And it agreed to put their names as the creators of Superman in all future printed materials and films.1.Comics tell stories _ with words and drawings. A) about the problems of America B) that can be either funny or serious C) tha

23、t always happen in real life D) about animals and children only2. comic characters are mentioned in this passage. A)2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 53.Mickey Dugan was a famous American comic character created _. A) in the late 19th century B) during the Golden Age of Comics C) in the early 19th century D) in the ni

24、neteen thirties4. The famous comic characters in the nineteen thirties mentioned in this passage were mainly_ . A) pretty girls B) heroes C) kids D) policemen5. From the passage, we know that Dick Tracy was a character in_ . A) a love story B) science fiction C) a poem D) a detective story6. Comic f

25、ans thought of Superman as a hero because _ . A) he came from another planet B) he was a newspaper reporter C) he fought against bad people and things D) he was a comic character7. According to the passage, which is not true ?A) Superman was created by two young men . B) Comics made huge amounts of

26、money from Superman .C) Comics used Superman in different ways. D) The creators of Superman were only paid once for their creation.B Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 7分)Stress (压力) is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.The most important

27、 reasons of stress are:death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?YesNoDo you easily get angry?Do you often sleep badly?Do you get he

28、adaches a lot?Do you take sleeping pills?Do you find it difficult to relax?Do you usually hide your feelings?Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways o

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