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1、外研版初中英语七年级英语上册Starter学案【Starter】Module 2 My English lessonUnit 1 Open your book.【学习目标】1. 重点单词:sit, open, book, listen, draw, put, stand, hand, close2. 重点短语:sit down, stand up, put up 3. 重点句型:Open your book. Close your book. Sit down. Stand up. 4重点语法:祈使句。【课前预习】一、 从B栏中找出A栏各句相应的答语。 A B ( ) 1. Good morn

2、ing, boys and girls. A. Im fine, thank you ( ) 2. Hello, Lucy. B. Good morning, Miss Liu. ( ) 3. Whats this in English? C. Hi, Liu Yang. ( ) 4. How are you, Eric? D. Its a map. ( ) 5. Thank you. E. Thats all right.二、根据中文写单词1.坐_ 2.站立 _3. 打开 _ 4.关闭_5. 听 _ 6.绘画_7.放_ 8. 手_9. 书_ 10. 向下_【课堂活动】三、补全对话:A: Go

3、od morning, class. B: Good _, Miss Zhou.A: Please _ down. B: _, Miss.四、小组合作,参照Activity 2,根据同伴动作,写出至少5个祈使句。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5._【巩固提高】 五、 单项选择( ) 1. _ on your coat, please. A. Put B. Puts C. Putting D. To put( ) 2. _ close your books, boys and girls. A. No B. Not C. Dont D. Please not( ) 3. - Whats t

4、his? - _ a chair(椅子). A. Is B. Thats C. Its D. Thiss( ) 4.- _, Mr Zhang. - Hello, Tony. A. Goodbye B. See you C. Hello D. Bye.( ) 5. _ is my friend, Jack. A. These B. She C. You D. This六、根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 同学们请坐下。 Please sit _, _.2. 这是一本英语书。_ is _ English book.3. 请不要打开门。_ dont _ the door.4. 你会画马吗? _ you

5、 _ a horse?5. 同学们请起立。_ _, please!【能力提升】六、 把下列单词变成句子,把它们写在下面的横线上。注意标点,需要时用大写字母。1. name is his Bruce _2. is her Jenny name _3. Bob are you how _4. not am I Bill _5. this friend is my Carla _【错题记录】【Starter】Module 2 My English lessonUnit2 Whats your number?【学习目标】重点单词: student, new, here, in, telephone,

6、number, one-ten重点短语: a new student, Class 3, telephone number重点句型:1. -Are you a new student here? - Yes, I am. 2. - What class are you in? -Im in Class 3. 3. -Whats your telephone number? - Its 942381.重点语法:what 引导的特殊疑问句【课前预习】一、经过预习,你能默写出1-10这10个数字吗?试试看!二、用英语写出并读出下列数字 432697 813725689543286154三、用阿拉伯数

7、字写出你父母的手机号码并用英语读出来Dad: _ Mum: _ 【课堂活动】四、用合适的词填空1. _ + three = nine 2. four _ = two3. eight + two = _ 4. six _ = five5. six + _ = eight 6. four + two = _7. _ three = four 8. five + three =_9. two + _ = six 10. nine _= four五、根据句意及首字母完成句子1. I am Gina. Nice to m_ you!2. My name is Jim Green. Jim is my f

8、_ name, and Green is my l_ name.3. H_ name is Tony.4. Whats your telephone n_?5. Im in C_ 3, Grade 1.【巩固提高】 六、 单项选择( ) 1. One and seven is _. A. three B. four C. eight D. nine( ) 2. -Whats his telephone number? -_ 5352375. A. Its B. This is C. It D. Its a( ) 3. - Oh dear! The house is on fire(失火). A

9、. 110 B. 120 C. 122 D. 119( ) 4. -Are you a student? -_ A. Yes, Im. B. Yes, Im not C. Yes, I am. D. No, I am.( ) 5. We are in _, Grade One. A. class 1 B. Class one C. One Class D. Class One 七、 句型转换(每空一词)。1. My name is Jim Green.(对划线部分提问) _ _ name?2. Her phone number is 82820532.(对划线部分提问)_ _ her phon

10、e number?3. Im Lucy. (写出同义句) _4. I can spell my name. (改成一般问句) _【错题记录】【Starter】Module 2 My English lesson Unit 3 Im twelve.【学习目标】重点单词: old, boy, girl, desk, chair, bag, eleven-twenty重点短语: how many, how old, there is are.重点句型: How old are you? How many boys are there?重点语法: 数词;there be 结构; 名次的复数【课前预习】

11、一、经过预习,你能默写出11-20这10个数字吗?试试看!二、写出下列短语1. 九个男孩_ 2. 十二把椅子_3. 十五本书 _ 4. 二十张课桌_5. 十一个书包_ 6. 十三个女孩_【课堂活动】三、用英语写出你所听到的数字(1-20) 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 四、用am, is, are填空1. -What _ your name? - I _ Betty.2. -How _ you? - I _ fine, thanks.3. -How many chairs _ there in the classroom? -There _twenty.4. This _ my frien

12、d. Her name _ Amy.【巩固提高】 五、单项选择( )1. -What are these? -They are _. A. map B. bag C. pens D. book( ) 2. -How many books are there? - There is _ book. A. one B. three C. seven D. ten( ) 3. Nine and nine is _. A. eight B. eighteen C. seventeen D. nineteen( ) 4. There _ a chair and two desks in the room

13、. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 5. My father and mother _ teachers. A. am B. is C. are D. be六、 根据中文完成句子1. 你的电话号码是多少?_ your telephone _?2. 打开书本。 _ your book.3. 我的号码是942351. My _ _ 942351.4. 举起手。 _ _ your hand.5. 我在这儿是一个新来的学生。 Im a _ student _.七、根据句意及首字母补全单词完成句子1. How m_ books are there?2. There are 20

14、b_ and 18 g_ in my class.3. My books are on the d_.4. Please sit on the c_.5. My books are in my b_.【错题记录】课题:Starter Module 3 Unit 1Learning aims:1. 我能正确读写本课重点单词 in English, write, on the blackboard, pen, pencil, bird, cat, dog, flower 2. 我会读写下面的重点句型 Whats this in English? Its a flower. Write it on

15、the blackboard, please. How do you spell “pencil”?3. 我能区分a/an 的用法4. 互相帮助 快乐学习方法与过程:自主合作体验展示提升GuideLearning 5minWhats this in English? Its a flower. How do you spell “flower”?Write it on the blackboard, please.Read ,then write the meanings on your books and write them correctly.1.Whats this in Englis

16、h?(1) Whats _ in English? Its a/an +名词单数来应答。(2) in English Spell it in English ,pleaes?2. Its a pen. Its an apple.a: 用于以辅音音标开头的单词前。an: 用于以元音音标开头的单词前。 That is _ red apple. I have _ apple and she has _ banana.20min (1)Can you spell it _ Chinese? A. in B. at C. on D. of (2)_ this in English? A. Whats B

17、. What C. Hows D. How (3)My bag is _ the desk. A. in B. at C. for D. of 1. That is _ old man.A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.There is _ “u” in the word “use”.A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. Lily is _ clever girl. She loves her homework very much.A. a B. the C. an 4.It takes me _ hour to go to Beijing by_ bus.A.

18、an, a B. a;an C. an;/ D. a;/GuideLearning巧学妙记:a/an 亲兄弟,用法有分歧。选择难确定,用时看后词,不看字母看音标,不见元音不施恩(an)。 This is _ old book. That is _ new book.3.Write it on the blackboard, please.write with a pencilwriteonread and writewrite down _on the blackboard4.Open your books Ps14, read the dialogue,try to recite it. 1

19、0min 10min10min1.-Where is your kite?-Its _ the sky.(天空) B.on C. at D. over2. -Where _ my books? -They _ in your bag.A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are3.There is a picture _ the B. on C. at D./4.I can write a letter _ you.A. in B. on A. at D. to5.Can you write _ a pen? B.

20、on C. at D. withread by oneself and then in pairs完成句子1. 这用英语怎么说?2. 请把它写在黑板上。3. 你怎样拼写铅笔?Test and Reflection(反思) 5min课题:Starter Module 3 Unit 2Learning aims:1. 我能大声朗读本课对话。 2. 我会灵活运用本课的三句交际用语。 Can you help me, please? Yes, of course. Im sorry, I dont know. Thank you. You are welcome.导Guide学Learning一、熟记

21、本课日常交际用语: 1.Can you help me, please? Yes, of course. 2.How do you spell “monkey”? 3. Can you say that again? 4. Thank you, You are welcome.先自己大声朗读(2 min) pairs work (3min) show 5 min 20min 1.Can you help me, please?help sb. to do /do sth.= help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 Can you help me with my English?=

22、 Can you help me (to) learn English.2.Im sorry, I dont know.- Excuse me,where is the hospital? - Im sorry. I dont know. 1.She is going _her mother _ the housework. A. to help; with B. help; to do C. to help; for D. helping; with2.The Greens _the students now. A. is helping B. are helping C. help D.

23、helps3.Do you need some _? A. help B. helps C. helping D. helped4.I can _ (帮助)you.5.This is my _(教室).6.I cant _( 说) that in English.7. I _ (想要)a bag.8.- Thank you, - _ _ .(不用谢) 3. 互相帮助 快乐学习方法与过程:自主合作体验展示提升3.-Can you say that again? - Yes, Of course, D-E-S-K. ( say.again 把.再说一遍。)没听明白别人说的话,要求别人重复时说的话。

24、 of course“当然”对别人提出问题有非常确定的回答时,意义相当于“sure”,否定形式用 of course not.4.What do you want?例:1. Do you want some milk?2. I dont want to go there by bike.3. I want you to help me with my English. 1.-早上好。你叫什么名字? -你能再说一遍好吗? -Good morning. _ your name? - _ ? / _? 2. -_. May I use your pen, please? -_. Here your

25、are. A. OK; sure B. Sorry; Of course C. Thanks; Of course D. Excuse me; sure 3.-Who is _ speaking? - _ is Tom speaking.A. this; This B. that; That C. this; ThatD. that; That 4.He wants you _out for a walk with him. A. go B. to go C. going D. to going 5. Do you want _ us? A. to join B. join C. joins D. to joins 6. Tom想去动物园。 7. 我想让你和我一起去购物。 Open your books Ps16, read the dialogue,try to recite it. 10min read by oneself and then in pairsTest and Reflection(测试与反思)课题:Starter Module 3 Unit 3

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