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1、全国高等教育高等数学自考试题全国2010年4月高等教育高等数学(一)自考试题一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.函数y=2+ln( +3)的反函数是( )全国2010年4月高等教育高等数学(一)自考试题一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.函数y=2+ln( +3)的反函数是( )Part One: Questions 1-20Directio

2、ns: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。) 20%1. The _ will have a rotating honorary chairman.A. Board of Directors B. Boards of DirectorC. boards of director D. Board Di

3、rectors2. Only one of the job applicants can keyboard as fast as _.A. mine B. myselfC. I D. me3. Because of the construction decline, _ housing is available.A. fewer B. lessC. least D. more4. Checking accounts differ _ saving accounts.A. with B. onC. between D. from5. After inspection of the above s

4、hipment, they found 6 cases _.A. loss B. missingC. missed D. losing6. It might have been _ who made the bid.A. himself B. hisC. him D. he7. _ must be done to solve this problem.A. Everything B. SomethingC. Some thing D. Anything8. She is unhappy with _ of the order.A. your handle B. your handlingC.

5、you handle D. you handling9. A committee of four men and five women _ to be appointed in this weeks meeting.A. were B. wasC. is D. are10. The President has asked for budget cuts, and Congress has indicated _ willingness to legislate some of them.A. its B. theirC. its D. his11. The outer packing of t

6、he black tea in small wooden cases looks _.A. attractive B. attractivelyC. beauty D. beautifully12. _ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it.A. Now that B. So thatC. For D. Because13. In addition to setting the price of a product, business firms must decid

7、e _ to offer special discount and credit terms to their customers.A. if B. whichC. whatever D. whether14. I think your sister is old enough to know _ to spend all her money on fancy goods.A. better than B. thanC. other than D. rather than15. I have received _ professional training.A. three-month B.

8、three-monthsC. a three-month D. three-months16. _ our general agent, you would also have to look after the advertising.A. Be B. ForC. To be D. As17. Although _ primarily to promote trade relations, these agreements also foster technological cooperation.A. designed B. they are to be designedC. it is

9、designed D. they are being designed18. The importer will submit references if these _ given in the preliminary negotiations.A. are not B. had not beenC. has not been D. were not19. The goods are urgently needed. We _ hope you will deliver them immediately.A. in the case B. soC. therefore D. for20. W

10、e appreciate your suggestion _ establish agency relationship between our two banks.A. that B. forC. we D. toPart Two: Questions 21-30There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有

11、一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题纸上。) 20%Example: Whos taking care the dog while youre away?taking care taking care of21. The computer, which is a very useful tool, is more and more dispensable in both our work and our life.22. Comparing with the same type of products of other companies, your product is the

12、best.23. Nowadays surfing on the net is become a necessary part of our everyday life.24. I wish I could speak English as fluent as native speakers do.25. “Ive got used to do E-commerce on the net,” he said to me proudly.26. Surely it was them who left the package last night.27. Our age, as we all kn

13、ow, is a information age.28. The contract, which stipulations have been negotiated over the past six months, is to be signed again.29. This letter is accompanied by a questionnaire and a self-addressed envelope .30. Writing for Business Week, the TV networks were commended by the editor for their co

14、verage of economics.Part Three: Questions 31-40Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given. (用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。) 10%31. generally expect / to have / we / in todays workplace / good computer skills / all employees32. how well / are eager to / is performing / find out / the sales represen

15、tatives / the promotion team33. will have / with exchange rate / you visit / in any of the 8 countries / you and your staff / no trouble34. import tax / permits goods / with little or no / to enter this country / the open-door policy35. a free bestseller / will send / join now / if you / the Time Bo

16、ok Club / you36. like the WTO / to regulate the economic / international economic bodies / and trade development / the world / needs37. the enclosed draft / be able to review / you will / the next two weeks / within / I hope38. have been employed / in an effort / different methods / the energy probl

17、em / by different countries / to solve39. the group / similar investments / in other parts / according to / is making / a recent report / of the world40. during a given time period / the imports / of a specified commodity / or exports / a quota limitsPart Four: Questions 41-50Each of the following s

18、entences contains one punctuation error. One punctuation in each is either missing or misused. Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题纸上。) 10%

19、Example: A. What a nice present you gave me. me!B. You think you are right dont you? right,41. I doubt that he can answer your question42. In short employees must work hard and creatively.43. We are considering Boise, Idaho or Phoenix Arizona as a possible site for our factory.44. Everybody knows th

20、at, we have a very challenging sales quota to fulfill this year.45. The aircraft exhibition will be open seven days a week from 9 am to 6 p.m.46. The machines arrived today, we plan to install them next week.47. If you desire additional information please sign and return the enclosed card.48. Althou

21、gh, he joined the firm only last year, he is already senior to me.49. The rent is reasonable, moreover, the location is perfect.50. They have been working for hours without a moments rest.Part Five: Memo WritingWrite a memo in about 50 words. (写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。)15%51. You are the Personnel Manager of

22、a company, and have been approached by your IT Department to recruit three new members of staff. Write a memo to Miss Kate Bush, the Manager of the IT Department,informing her you have received over 100 applications and have selected 10 candidates for interview,telling her you will write to the cand

23、idates inviting them for interview, andasking her to tell you the time and the place of the interview.Part Six: Letter WritingWrite a letter in 130-150 words. (写一封字数为130-150的信函。)25%52. 根据下列信息写一封希望与一家外国公司建立业务关系的书信, 字数在130-150之间。1) 从网上获悉贵公司求购丝绸服装。2) 我们公司是我国最大的丝绸服装出口公司之一, 愿在平等互惠的基础上建立业务关系。3) 我们公司的丝绸服装采用高档纯丝作原料,按传统工艺制作而成,给人以雍容华贵之感,令人爱不释手。现附上商品目录和价格单供贵公司参阅。4) 希望贵公司来函询盘。

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