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高考英语 教学新观点新方法 定语从句口诀自我测评新题型.docx

1、高考英语 教学新观点新方法 定语从句口诀自我测评新题型2014高考英语 教学新观点新方法 定语从句口诀自我测评新题型英语教学新观点新方法【本文简介】结合自己多年的教学经验,我特地编写了定语从句口诀,并辅以“讲解”。【口诀】除了让学生背诵之外,还要弄懂每句口诀的含义。该口诀包含了高中英语所学的基本内容。力争做到:内容全面,归纳条例;思路清晰,例句恰当;押韵上口,适合背诵。此外,本资料还包括关系代词用that不用which揭秘、as和which究竟有哪些区别和定语从句综合训练及详解。定语从句口诀(一)学习定语从句概述定语从句口诀力争做到:内容全面,归纳条例;思路清晰,例句恰当;押韵上口,适合背诵。

2、定语从句口诀(一)定语从句真奇妙,关系代(副)词来引导,定语从句分两种,是否限定看逗号。(二)which指物who指人,地点where时间when,that人或物均可,why之前是reason。(三)从句当中作宾语,whom可以代替who,为了句子更简练,关系代词可省去。(四)关系若是表所属,whose用法不可无。除此之外还有啥?whom, which加of。(五)关系代词不一般,介词经常用在前,此时不用that, who,which, whom才安全。(二)定语从句口诀详解(一)定语从句真奇妙,关系代(副)词来引导,定语从句分两种,是否限定看逗号。该口诀的意思是,定语从句由关系代词(whic

3、h, that, who, whom, whose)和关系副词(where, when, why)来引导。请同学们牢记这8个词。定语从句分“限制性定语从句”和“非限制性定语从句”两种,前者表示与主句的关系比较密切,它说明先行词的性质、身份、特征等状况。如果去掉,则会影响句子意思的完整。后者表示与主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词作些附加说明而已。如果去掉,主句意思又如: A doctor is a person who looks after peoples health. 医生就是负责人们健康的人。This is the diamond which the lady has lost. 这就

4、是那位女士丢失的钻石。The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away. 我学习了仅两年的那所学校离家3公里远。(二)which指物who指人,地点where时间when,that人或物均可,why之前是reason。该口诀的意思是,选用什么样的关系代词(或关系副词),是由先行词决定的。定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词;连接先行词和定语从句的词叫做关系词(包括关系代词和关系副词),也叫引导词。关系词不仅在先行词与定语从句之间起连接作用,而且也充当定语从句中的一个成分。例如:They planted som

5、e trees which didnt need much water. 他们种植了一些不大需要水的树木。(which指物)The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada. 昨天参观我们学校的那位外国人来自加拿大。(who指人)例如:This is the house where the old scientist once lived. = This is the house in which the old scientist once lived. I will never forget the day when

6、 I joined the Youth League. = I will never forget the day on which I joined the Youth League.提供的那个理由。(作定语从句的宾语) (三)从句当中作宾语,whom可以代替who,为了句子更简练,关系代词可省去。该口诀的意思是,如果关系代词在定语从句中作了宾语,那么就可以省略。此时,指人的关系代词whom可以代替who,当然也都可以省略。具体地说,who和whom二者都用于指人。语法规定,who在定语从句中作主语,whom在定语从句中作宾语。但在现代英语中,作定语从句宾语时,用who和whom都可以。例如

7、:The boy who made a speech just now is my best friend.刚才讲话的那个男孩是我最好的朋友。(who在从句中作主语,不可省略)I have many friends (who/whom) I can turn to for help when in trouble.我有很多在困难时刻可以求助的朋友。(who/whom在从句中作宾语,可以省略)【注意】在从句中作介词的宾语且介词提到之前时,只能用whom,不能用who。如:I have (四)关系若是表所属,whose用法不可无。除此之外还有啥?whom, which加of。该口诀的意思是,如果先

8、行词与后面的名词是所属关系,那么要用whose来引导。whose指人也指物,它表示先行词与它所修饰的词是所有关系,本身在定语从句中作定语。I want to help the children, whose parents were injured or died in the earthquake. 我想帮助那些孩子们,他们的父母在地震中伤亡。We must repair the desks and chairs whose legs are broken. 我们必须修理那些断了腿的桌子和椅子。除了用whose表所属关系以外,在whom和which前加of也是一个不错的办法。上面两句可以这样

9、表达:She has three daughters, all of whom are beautiful.She has three daughters, the oldest of whom is called Mary.(五)关系代词不一般,介词经常用在前,此时不用that, who,which, whom才安全。该口诀的意思是,介词经常用在关系代词的前面。这时,关系代词无论指物或者指人,The year in which (=when) the earthquake happened was 2008. 发生地震的那年是2008年。(in根据the year确定)(2) 替代where

10、This is the office in which (=where) I used to work. 这就是我过去工作过的办公室。(in根据the office确定)He forgot the exact spot on which (=where) he had hidden the jewelry. 他忘记了埋藏珠宝的确切地点。(on根据the spot确定)(3) 替代whyId like you to explain the reason for which (=why) you refused my offer. 我想让你解释一下你拒绝我的帮助的原因。(for根据the reas

11、on确定)2. 根据与先行词搭配的具体意义确定介词This is the right book that Im looking for. (正)此外,除了“介词+ which”以外,如果定语从句的先行词是“人”,那么也可以用“介词+ whom”引导定语从句,例如:Mary is the girl for whom I bought this gift. 玛丽就是我为其买礼物的女孩。The person to whom you spoke just now is his father. 你刚才跟他说话的那个人是他父亲。二、关系代词用that不用which揭秘关于英语定语从句的用法,以及选择“关系

12、词”等问题,一般语法书都做了详尽的规定和说明。同时,几乎所有的语法书和涉及定语从句的文章,都专门提醒that和which的不同用法。记忆起来感觉比较困难,而且容易混淆。这里面有什么奥秘和规律可循吗?我们先来回顾一下这个问题:当定语从句修饰“物”时,关系代词用that不用which,大致有如下几种情况:1. 当先行词本身是all, everything, anything, nothing, none, little, few等代词时,关系代词That is the best film that has ever been shown so far in the city. 那是这座城市到目前为

13、止放过的最好的一部电影。【问题揭秘】透视上述三种情况,我们发现:一旦先行词或之前的修饰语表达了独一无二概念、 全部概念、完全否定的概念时,也就是说“无需选择或者无法选择”的时候,原则不能使用关系代词which,因为which曾经是疑问代词“哪一个”,多少还保留着“选择”的意味。比方说,the only 表示“唯一”,everything表示“所有的东西”,none表示“什么都没有”,这些还需要选择吗?还能做出选择吗?既然不能选择或者无法选择,which最好就别用了。三、关系代词as和which究竟有哪些区别?关系代词as与which引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词都可以是整个主句,指代主句的整

14、个意思,但as和which具有不同的词义和用法。其区别如下:There is a net bar around here, as I remember. 我记得这儿附近有一家网吧。2. which引导的定语从句对主句所叙述的事情进行补充说明,表明事物的状态或结果which指前面主句所提到的这件事,常译为“这一点,这件事”等。这时它所引导的定语从句与主句之间常含有并列、因果关系。注意,它引导的从句不像as那样位置灵活,它只as I can remember 正如我所记得的as often happens 正如经常发生的那样 as we expect 正如我们预料的那样as you see 这一点

15、你明白as was expected 正如预料的那样as can be seen 看得出来 as may be imagined 正如可以想象的那样as has been said above 如上所述 as we all can see 正如我们都能看到的那样as is often the case 像常规那样as everybody can do 正如人人都能做到的那样四、定语从句综合训练及详解 (3) This is the house _ my grandfather once lived in. (4) This is the house in _ my grandfather on

16、ce lived.A. that B. where C. which D. 不填 (2) She has two sons, and _ are college students. A. both of them B. both of whom C.of whom both D. both of who7. (1) The old man still lives in the hut, _ windows face north. (2) The old man still lives in the hut, the windows _ face north. (3) The old man s

17、till lives in the hut _ lies in the north of the village. (4) The old man still lives in the hut _ he has lived more than fifty years.A. which B. whose C. where D. of which【答案解析】1.【解析】(1)选B. 定语从句修饰the boys,不是one,所以谓语动词用复数形式。(2)选A. 定语从句修饰the only one,不是 the boys, 所以谓语动词用单数形式。C, D两个选项whom不能做主语。2.【解析】(

18、1)选A, C, D都可以,因为关系代词是作从句的宾语,而且可以省略。(2)选B,因为该选项需要一个关系副词,where在从句中作地点状语。(3)选A, C, D都可以,同(1)。(4)选C. 因为在介词之后要用关系代词which, 不用that,更不用where.3.【解析】(1)选B, C, D都可以,因为关系代词是作从句的宾语,而且可以省略。(2)选A. 因为该选项需要一个关系副词,when在从句中作时间状语。(3)选C. 因为在介词之后要用关7.【解析】(1)选B. 因为whose表示“所属关系”,即hut和windows的关系。如果选择D的话,windows之前则要加上定冠词才行。(

19、2)选D. of which 也表示“所属关系”,但被修饰的名词之前须有定冠词。(3)选A. 因为定语从句缺少主语。(4)选C. 因为该选项需要一个关系副词,where在定语从句中作地点状语。8.【解析】(1)选D. 因为whoever是个双重代词,相当于anyone who,本选项需要一个既能充当主语又能充当关系代词的成分。(2)选A. 根据后面定语从句的谓语动词是单数(leaves),所以不能选择those. (3)选C. 因为定语从句中谓语动词是复数形式 (leave)。9.【解析】虽然(1)、(2)、(3)中的从句不是定语从句,但跟(4)放在一起进行比较,会提高你的辨别能力。做这些题目

20、关键要注意三点:it 的含义,it 句子的时态,从句的动词和时态。(1)选D. 在这个句子中,it 是代词表示时间,从句的谓语动词是非延续的,而时态又是过去时,则说明“自从他哥哥参军以来,时间很长了。”这个意思。(2)选B. 在这个句子中,it 也是代词表示时间,但是主句的时态是将来时,从句是一般现在时态,说明事情还未发生,因此选择before, 本句的意思是:“(在)台湾回归祖国(之前),时间将不会长了。”(3)选A. 这是一个强调句,因为把被强调的部分还原后,句子仍然正确:The woman made a great 二、单项填空:1. Theres still much can be i

21、mproved about the plan.A. which B. that C. if D. what2. Mr Johnsons son, lives in Chicago, is a doctor.A. who B. whom C. that D. which3. We traveled together as far as Chicago, we said goodbye to each other.A. which B. when C. why D. where10. I feel most angry about the way Ive been treated.A. when

22、B. that C. where D. how11. He was rude to the Customs officer, of course made things even worse.A. who B. whom C. what D. which12. After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town he grew up as a child.A. which B. where C. that D. when13. There is a mountain the top is always cov

23、ered with snow.A. whose B. of which C. its D. that14. I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place you may spend your weekend.A. which B. that C. when D. where15. All the desks legs are broken must get repaired.A. whose B. which C. their D. that16. He left the message with his friend, he belie

24、ved was an honest man.A. who B. whom C. that D. which23. My typewriter is not the machine it was.A. which B. that C. what D. as24. we had expected his performance was wonderful.A. As B. That C. Which D. /32. Harris lost the pen he paid 35 dollars.A. to which B. on whichC. for which D. with which33.

25、Tom isnt bad man he used to be.A. such a, as B. so, asC. such a, who D. so, who34. Has all can be done ?A. that, be done B. that, been doneC. what, done D. what, already done35. The day finally came I a job.A. when, was given B. on which, gaveC. since, is given D. so that, got36. His family, was a l

26、arge one, was broken up in the war.A. which B. who C. that D. it37. We will never forget the year we spent together in the middle school.A. when B. in which C. in that D. that38. He is the man you turn for help.A. who B. whom C. to whom D. that39. She has a beautiful face she takes great pride.A. to

27、 which B. of which C. in which D. which40. He was not an Englishman, I knew from his appearance.A. that B. who C. whom D. which41. I dont think the number of people this happens is very large.A. to whom B. of whom C. which D. whom42. On the bus I saw a student I guessed was your brother.A. who B. wh

28、om C. which D. he 52. I dont like _ you talk to your parents. A. the way of which B. the way in that C. the way D. the way which53. The student _ is leaving for America for further study next week. A. the teacher is talking to himB. whom the teacher is talkingC. the teacher is talking toD. who the t

29、eacher is talking54. Have you asked him for the reason _ may explain for his absence?A. because B. why C. that D. what55. Yesterday I bought a reference book _ was too high. A. the price of whom B. its priceC. of which the price D. which price56. Is this school _ you visited last week?A. where B. th

30、e one C. which D. that 57. Is this the very school _ you visited last week?A. where B. the one C. which D. that 58. Who is the man _ is smoking there?A. whom B. who C. that D. whose59. There are two big rooms in the house, _ served as a bedroom.A. the bigger one B. the bigger of themC. the big of wh

31、ich D. the bigger of which 60. Which statement _ is made according to the text is wrong?A. it B. what C. which D. that 61. I will never forget the school _ I studied in the evenings many years ago.A. which B. that C. at where D. at which62. It was in the very park _ was built last year _ they met for the first time . A. which; that B. t

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