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朝升培训在线测试题+阶段测试题 仅正确选项.docx

1、朝升培训在线测试题+阶段测试题 仅正确选项带教材和此文档、听串讲课程92分钟 阶段测验题库1. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of William Faulkner?A. He is master of stream-of-consciousness narrative.B. His writing is often complex and difficult to understand.C. He often depicts slum life in New York and Chicago.D. He represent

2、s a new group of Southern writers.福克纳是美国“南方文学”流派的主要代表人物。芝加哥与纽约位于美国的北部,不是福克纳主要的描写对象。 2. In 1950, _ was awarded the Nobel Prize for the anti-racist Intruder in the Dust. D. William Faulkner3. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their _. A. indestructible spiritHemingway式的英雄不是那些胜利在望时的勇敢者,

3、而是明知前面是失败而依然挺起胸膛无畏地走向死亡的人4. Hemingways second big success is _. D. A Farewell to Arms5. Most critics have agreed that _ is both an insider and an outsider of the Jazz Age with a double vision. A. Fitzgerald 6. The subject matter of Robert Frosts poems focuses on _. A. ordinary country people and sce

4、nes7. Which terms can best describe the modernists concern of the human situation in their fiction?A. Fragmentation and alienation.现代主义作家从人内心中的矛盾冲突入手,它反映的是分裂和疏远的人类处境8. Which one is not written by Henry James? D. The Mysterious Stranger9. While Mark Twain satirized European manners at times, _ was an

5、 admirer. B. Henry James 10. More than five hundred poems that Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general _ about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed. A. skepticism11. The greatest work written by Theodore Dreiser is _. B. An American Tragedy12. “Even then he stood

6、there, hidden wholly in that kindness which is night, while the uprising fumes filled the room. When the odor reached his nostrils, he quit his attitude and fumbled for the bed. whats the use? he said, weakly, as he stretched himself to rest.”The passage is taken from _. C. Sister Carrie by Theodore

7、 Dreiser13.This is my letter to the world is a poem expressing Emily Dickinsons _ about her communication with the outside world. C. anxiety14. Theodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of America _ A. naturalists15. Which of the following is not a work of Emily Dickensons? C. The Road Not Taken

8、作者是Robert Frost。16._ is a school of modern painting, whose emphasis is on the formal structure of a work of art and especially on the multiple-perspective viewpoints. C. Cubism17. “He is the last of the romantic heroes, whose energy and sense of commitment take him in search of his personal Grail; h

9、is failure magnifies to a great extent the end of the American Dream.”The character referred to in the passage is most likely the protagonist of _. A. Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby小说了不起的盖茨比描写了美国上世纪20年代Gatsby所追求的“美国梦”的幻灭18. Almost all Faulkners heroes turned out to be tragic because _。 C. most of them

10、 were prisoners of the past福克纳小说中的主人公大多曾经是囚犯,是悲剧性的人物,体现了生活在历史变革时期的美国南方人的现代悲剧精神。 19._ is a representative of the 1930s, when “novels of social protest” became dominant on the American literary scene. D. John Steinbeck20. Fitzgerald wrote the following and he is doubtful whether he will regret his cho

11、ice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all the difference. B. “The Road Not Taken” “The Road Not Taken”这首诗表面是写自然之路,实际是写人生道路。诗人所写的重点不是那条已选择的路,而却是那条未选择的路。诗人感叹人生有许多道路可供选择,但一个人往往只能走一条路,而还有其它许多条路,因为人生短暂,更因为人生没有返程而只能放弃。21.American writers after World War self-consciously acknowledged that

12、they were (a) _, devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization. A. Lost GenerationLost Generation是第一次世界大战后出现在美国的一个文学流派。“迷惘的一代”作家的共同点是厌恶帝国主义战争,却又找不到出路。海明威等人当时对待战争的态度,像其他反战作家一样,只限于厌恶、逃避与诅咒。他对战后的和平生活也不抱希望,所以在作品中迷惘、悲观的情绪较为浓厚。22.Which of the following statements about E. Grierson, the prota

13、gonist in Faulkners story A Rose for Emily, is NOT true? B. She is physically deformed and paralyzed.献给艾米莉的玫瑰中的女主人公艾米莉是行使了一种制度和文化的象征功能,作为一个精神基石支撑着走向分崩离析的旧南方,她被南方固有的对于女性的严厉的残酷的要求所桎梏,在得不到幸福的家庭和爱情的情况下变得固执和偏执,最终成为南方价值观念的牺牲品。23.disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used he following except _. A. T

14、he Great Gatsby B. In Our Time C. Tender Is the Night D. This Side of Paradise24. Robert Frost was the Pulitzer Prize winner on _ occasions. C. four25. Which of the following best describes the protagonist of William Faulkners “a Rose for Emily”? C. She is a prisoner of the past. 26. “I shall be tel

15、ling this with a sign Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by,The passage is taken from _.And that has made all the difference.” A. Robert Lee Frosts “The Road Not Taken”27.There was music from my neighbors house through the summer nights. In h

16、is blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars, the two sentences are taken from _. A. The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald28. Which of the following comments on the novel The Great Gatsby is not true?A. The Great Gatsby is a novel that is a se

17、t against the ending of the war.B. Gatsby is a mystical figure whose intensity of dream partakes of a state of mind that embodies American itself.C. Gatsby is the last of the romantic heroes.D. Gatsby is wealthy but unintelligent and brutal.29. Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used

18、i instead of I to refer to himself as a protest against self-importance? B. Cummings30. The first book Robert Frost wrote was _ D. A Boys Will31. Which of the following is not a usual subject of poetic expression of Emily Dickinsons? A. war and peace B. love and marriage C. life and death D. religio

19、n32. “Because I could not stop for Death” is a famous poem written by _. D. Emily Dickinson33.Daisy Millers tragedy of indiscretion is intensified and enlarged by its narration from the point of view of _. A. the American youth Winterbourne 小说的叙述者是Winterbourne34. In Henry James Daisy Miller, the aut

20、hor tries to portray the young woman as an embodiment of _. B. the free spirit of the New World 35. Stylistically, Henry James fiction is characterized _. A. highly refined language36. In the following writers, who is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th century “stream of consciousness”

21、 novels and the founder of psychological realism? A. Henry James 37. Henry Jamess fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with the _. A. international theme38. Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _ language. D. vernacular39. The book from which “all modern American literature

22、 comes” refers to _. C. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn40. Mark Twain shaped the worlds view of America and made a combination of _ and serious literature. C. American folk humor41._ is considered by H.L. Mencken as “the true father of our national literature”? D. Mark Twain42. Statement “_” is n

23、ot true in describing American naturalists. D. they used more serious and more sympathetic tone in writing than realists.43. One of the most familiar themes in American naturalism is the theme of human _. A. bestiality 兽性44. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the authors tone in writing becomes

24、 less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more _. B. pessimistic45. Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism? D. Darwin46. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _. A. the Age of Realism47. Which of the following comments on the writing

25、s by Herman Melville is not true? C. “The Confidence-Man” has something to do with the sea and sailors.48. Which of the following writers is not the dominant figure of the realistic period in American? A. Herman Melville49. The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except _. B. sin of the whale50. “Moby

26、-Dick” is regarded as the first American _. A. prose epic51. “The horizons edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud. These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day.” The two lines are taken from _. A. “There

27、Was a Child Went Forth” by Walt Whitman 52. Which of the following features cannot characterize poems by Walt Whitman? A. lyrical and well-structed53. Walt Whitman is radically innovative in the form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subject is _. A. free verse 54._ is the author of “The Sc

28、arlet Letter”. C. Nathaniel Hawthorne 55. All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorn except _. B. White Jacket 作者是Herman Melville56. In Hawthornes novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as _. B. villains57. “There is evil in every human hear, which may remain latent, perhap

29、s, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.” Which is the author of it? C. Nathaniel Hawthorne58._ is the most ambivalent writer in the American literary history. A. Nathaniel Hawthorne59. In the following works, which signs the beginning of the American literature? A. The

30、 Sketch Book60. The period before the American civil war is generally referred to as _. C. the romantic period 61. Of the following works by D.H. Lawrence, _ established his position as a prominent novelist. D. Sons and Lovers62. Which of the following best describes the speaker of “The Love Song of

31、 J. Afred Prufrock”? C. He is a man of inactivity.63.“The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the windowpanes,/ The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the windowpanes/ Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,/ Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains.” The stanza is taken from _. A. T.S. Eliots “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”64. Of the following poems by T. S. Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry? D

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