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1、法律英语期末考试句子翻译UNIT ONE CONTRACT LAWSection A Understanding of Contract1.They claim that the definition of the American Restatement ignores the bargainthe exchange of equivalents which is the essence of a contract.法学家们声称美国合同法重述忽略了契约的本质,即等价交换是合同的本质。2.Thus to say that a contract can simply be a promise i

2、s to overlook the fact that there is ge nerally some act or promise given in return for the other promise before that promise becomes a contract.因此说合同是一个承诺就忽略了一个事实,即在承诺成为一个合同之前,通常有一些行为或承诺是为了其他承诺做出的。3.These scholars also argue that all the definitions in terms of promises or agreements presuppose tha

3、t people only enter into contractual relations after they have made some agreement or promise.这些学者还是对这些定义持不同观点,他们认为依据合同承诺或契约所作解释的先决条件是当事人业已达成协议或承诺之后构成了合同关系。4.One is that a person who induces another to rely upon him and change his position, ought not to let that person down, and the other is that a

4、person who does a service to another or renders him some benefit, ought generally to be recompensed for his trouble.一种观点是诱导他人依赖于他,并促使其改变立场的人,不应该让人失望。另一种观点是帮他人的忙,致使其获得利益的人,一般都应该为其所造成的法律纠纷而获得赔偿。5.After the above discussion we come to know the Contract may be defined as an agreement, a promise or a set

5、 of promises, which create legal liabilities rather than moral obligations, enforceable by the law between two or more persons to do or forebear from doing some act or acts;their intentions being to create legal relations and not merely to exchange mutual promises, both having given something, or ha

6、ving promised to give something of value as consideration for any benefit derived from the agreement or the promise except a transaction agreement by deed.经过以上的讨论我们可以看出合同可能会被定义为协议、承诺,它所产生的是法律义务而非道德义务,可由两个或两个以上的人之间的法律或祖先做一些行为;他们的意图是创设法律关系,而不仅仅交换彼此的承诺,或者承诺给予一些有价值的东西,考虑任何利益的协议或承诺契约交易协议的除外。6.A transacti

7、on by deed derives its legally binding quality from the special way in which it is made rather than from the operation of the contract law.某项以契约形式的成功交易源于其本身具有法律约束力的特许交易特征,而不是合同法的操作。7.The definition of contract in the Chinese contract law stresses its functions,saying that a contract is the manifesta

8、tion of intention to establish, change or terminate the civil relationship between two or more parties.中国的合同法的定义强调的是合同的功能,指出合同所要表现的形式是确立、改变或终止合同双方或多方的民事关系。8. Making a contract is a civil juristic act done by both sides. At least two parties shall enter, and express their genuine intention. Otherwise

9、 a contract cannot be established. The purpose to make a contract is to bring out a certain civil juristic effect, including establishing, changing or terminating the civil relationship between the two parties. Making a contract is a legal act rather than illegal act. Unlawfully established contract

10、s are null or void.Contractual obligations are often imposed on all parties.According to the difference among their apperance,it falls into precontractual obligation,after contractual obligation and the subordinated obligation in contract performing.签订合同是甲乙双方的民事法律行为所至。至少双方均应积极参与,并表达真实意图。否则合同就不成立。签订合

11、同的目的是为了确立一定的民事法律效力,其中包括双方民事法律关系的确定、变更和终止。签订合同是一种法律行为而不是非法行为。非法订立的合同均为无效合同。合同义务通常是强加给合同各方的。依据产生阶段的不同,合同义务可以分为先合同义务、后合同义务、合同履行中的附随义务三种。UNIT TWO INTERNATIONAL DIVOICE: LITIGATING MARITAL PROPERTY AND SUPPORT RIGHTSSection A Jurisdiction and Procedure in International Divorce Litigation1.A court may als

12、o exercise personal jurisdiction based on a respondents general appearance in a proceeding, and a respondent who files a responsive pleading without objecting to jurisdiction is typically deemed to have waived any of these defenses.法庭还可以基于被告出现在诉讼程序的事实或者其在答辩状中没有提出管辖权异议而获得应诉管辖权。2.Before relying on Bur

13、nham-type service to confer personal jurisdiction on the court, counsel should be aware that foreign jurisdictions may refuse to enforce a decree entered on this basis, as tag jurisdiction is widely rejected outside the United States.在依此判例赋予法院属人管辖权之前,律师应该意识到外国司法机关可能拒绝执行这种判决,因为美国以外的国家普遍不承认“接触的管辖权”。3.

14、Beyond the question of jurisdiction, due process requires that a respondent must be afforded notice and an opportunity for a hearing, even in the context of an ex-parte divorce.撇开管辖权的问题,即使是在单方面的离婚诉讼中,正当法律程序也要求给予被告观看和听证的机会。4.The question of whether substituted service is permitted is determined by th

15、e law of the forum, but the means utilized must also comply with the laws of the country in which service is made.州法律将决定是否允许替代送达,但是所运用的这些方法必须遵守传票送达国国家的法律。5.Service of process on an individual in a foreign country is subject to both the law of the state where the action has been filed and any applica

16、ble provisions of foreign or international law.对身在国外的个人进行送达受州法律以及可引用的外国法和国际法条款的约束。6.From the perspective of courts in the United States, financial orders that satisfied jurisdictional rules in the country where they were entered, but which were not based on facts that would give rise to personal jur

17、isdiction over the respondent spouse, would not satisfy the due process requirements for recognition and enforcement in the United States.从美国法院的角度来看,财产判决虽然符合作出判决的国家的管辖权规则,但却不是基于引起对被告的属人管辖权的事实,这会因不符合法定诉讼程序的要求而不被认可和执行。7.Under this rule of divisible divorce jurisdiction, an ex-parte divorce decree base

18、d on the petitioners domicile or residence within the forum state is entitled to full faith and credit in every state. Court orders concerning marital property and support rights are not entitled to full faith and credit, however, unless the forum court had personal jurisdiction over the respondent.

19、 Based on the same policies, courts in the United States give effect to many foreign ex-parte divorce decrees as a matter of comity, but do not recognize and enforce financial orders entered by a foreign court unless that court had full personal jurisdiction.在可分割的离婚诉讼管辖权原则下,州法院基于原告在法院所在国的住所或居住地而作出的单

20、方面离婚判决在每个州都能得到充分信任(效力)。但若涉及婚姻财产分割和抚养义务时,只有该管辖法院对原被告双方都有属人管辖权时,其判决才会被信任和认可。基于上述规则,美国法院以礼让规则承认很多国外单方离婚判决的效力,但并不承认和执行外国法院作出的财产判决,除非该法院已经具有完全的属人管辖权。UNIT THREE A FAMILY LAW PERSPECTIVE ON PARENTAL INCARCERATIONSection A Family Law and Child Development1.Family law is unique among American legal fields in

21、 making childrens interests paramount, as it does in the context of custody disputes between a childs legal parents.当儿童的法定父母因监护权发生纠纷时,在整个美国法律领域中,只有婚姻家庭法是优先保护儿童利益的。2.By elevating childrens interests over other concerns, custody courts provide an unparalleled examination of childrens development, and

22、how that development is affected by each childs placement in one or another caretaking environment.通过权衡儿童各方面的利益,家事法院制定了一套审查儿童未来发展及如何通过安置儿童的监护环境影响该发展的规则。3.Courts assessing childrens best interests in order to resolve custody disputes take for granted that the ways in which children are brought up wil

23、l shape the type of adults they become.法院在解决监护权纠纷时,是通过预测儿童在该照管下将被塑造成何种类型之成人,来评估儿童利益之最大化的。While custody courts care about childrens day-to-day happiness, they are especially concerned with how childrens current experience will affect their future. The custody literature therefore provides extensive a

24、nalysis of the ways in which childhood experience and early caregiving arrangements can alter a childs course of development into adulthood, for better or for worse. 监护法院在关心儿童的日常幸福感的同时,更关注儿童现在的经历会如何影他们的未来。因此,与监护权有关的文献对于孩提时代的经历以及早期关爱环境或好或坏地影响孩子的成长历程的方式给出了大量的分析。4.The custody literature reflects a cons

25、ensus that the conditions most likely to foster a childs well-being are continuity and stability, and that, conversely, any disruption of a childs environment and caretaking arrangement can inflict developmental harm.有关监护权的文献一致认为,抚养儿童最好的条件是稳定而持续的环境,相反的,任何割裂儿童成长环境与抚养安排的事情都可能对儿童的发展造成损害。5.Custody court

26、s will discuss with a great degree of nuanceand often with the aid of expert psychological testimonythe harms that disruption of the parent-child tie can inflict on a child given her particular stage of development.监护权法庭将会进行细微而深入的讨论,经常采用来自心理专家的证词的帮助,以此来说明父母与儿童之间的割裂对儿童成长的特殊时期带来的伤害。6.Separation of an

27、infant from a parent can disrupt the bonding process that is the foundation of the childs future emotional and intellectual growth, and separation of parent and toddler can impede the toddlers first steps toward autonomy and independence, which the toddler takes by building on the trust developed du

28、ring the infant-parent bonding process.将婴儿与父母分离会割裂父母与婴儿相融合的过程,而这个相融合的过程是未来儿童情感和智力发育的基础。将父母和幼儿的分离将会妨碍幼儿走向自我约束与独立自主的第一步,而这一步则是幼儿与父母在相融合过程中建立信任关系的关键。7.Such deprivation, moreover, is often attended by additional potential harms in the form of frequent moves, educational disruption, and parental stress,

29、each of which, according to the custody case law, can jeopardize a childs emotional and intellectual development, with long-term effects.像这类(潜在监护人的)破产,往往跟经常性的迁徙、教育中断、紧张的父母关系等因素交织在一起,增加了对儿童的伤害。依照有关监护权的判例法,前述种种因素均能对儿童的情感和智力发展造成持久的影响。UNIT FOUR SITUATED JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS section A an analysis of situ

30、ated justice1.Scholars find that subjects often express greater concern for a fair process than for the substantive outcome of a legal encounter.学者们发现,研究对象通常更关注官司中的程序公正而不是实体结果公正。2. Absent a fair process, respondents view legal outcomes as suspect and lose confidence in the ability of legal instituti

31、ons to resolve future grievances. 公正程序的缺失使得研究对象们怀疑法律后果,从而对法律部门解决未来法律纠纷的能力丧失信心。3.Despite Lind and Tylers recognition that there are situationally based differences in the meaning of procedural justice ”,much of the research that has followed their lead is based on discrete and hypothetical encounters

32、 with law and legal authorities like the police. 尽管林德和泰勒承认“程序公正的意义因情景差异而不同”,其领导下的研究多半以彼此独立、臆想性的法律纠纷和法律机构如警察局为基础。4.Results capture research participants feelings about fairness abstractly and are elicited through either forced -choice surveys and interview protocols or social psychological experiments that use vignettes and simulated conflict.该研究结论只是抽象性地(不具体)捕获了研究参与者们(研究对象)对公正的感觉,而该结论的获得,要么是通过强迫选择调查和采访协议,要么是通过使用电视短剧和模拟纠纷的社会心理学实验。5.suffice it to say, much of the procedural justice research assumes that it is the analysts job

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