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1、杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累(1)But the problem is that the cost for telephone calls is so high that many cannot afford it. 但是,问题就是打电话的费用非常昂贵,很多人承受不起。But sometimes it is not totally the case. People are becoming too dependent even when they do have time to write a letter, they prefer the telephone. With

2、the little magical implement at hand, it is not difficult for a man to find excuse for not writing letters and feel at ease. Telephone is making people lazy. When a person writes, he must organize his mind to express his ideas and feelings more logically. People can not only greet each other but als

3、o exchange their thoughts by letters. At this point telephone lengthens the distance between people Progress turns to have more than one face.但是有的时候,它不是完全地可以把事情解决。人们变得越来越依靠它,甚至当他们有时间去写信的时候,他们也宁愿打电话。手上拿着魔术般地小工具,对于为不写信和享受安逸找借口的人来说是不难的。电话正在使人们变得懒惰。当一个人写信的时候,他必须组织他的思路更有逻辑性的来表达他的思想和感觉。人们通过写信不仅能够互相问候,而且还可

4、以互相交换他们的思想。从这一点来看,电话延长了人们之间的距离。The telephone has made the life in a modern city possible. 电话使现代化的城市生活成为可能。The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing, which used to be the only method of long distance communication. 写信过去一向是长途通讯的惟一方式,可电话几乎扼杀了这个古代的写信艺术。Nowadays people begin to re

5、ly more and more heavily on the telephone to convey ideas and feelings to each other, because they feel it is more immediate and vivid when they hear the voice at the other end. 现在人们越来越依赖电话传递彼此的思想感情,因为人们觉得电话更快捷、生活,在电话的另一端就能听见声音。The past 20 years saw rapid development of telephone service in China. 在

6、过去的二十年里中国的电话业务发展迅速。Home phones which used to be thought of as luxury has become a common thing in more and more average homes. 过去被看作奢侈物的住宅电话如今已成为普通物品进入了越来越多的寻常百姓家。The fast increase in home phones not only indicates that Chinese people are well-off, but also shows we are eager to participate in socia

7、l communication and to acquire more and quicker information in different fields. 家用电话的飞速增长不仅表明中国人民富裕了,而且也表明我们渴望参与社交,渴望获得各个领域里更多、更快的信息。Telephones have been so popular that you wont be surprised to see so many people are making phone calls by their mobile phones while walking on streets or riding buse

8、s. 电话如此普及,以至于看到许多人走在街上或乘公交车时拨打移动电话,你都不会感到惊讶。杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累(2)With the development of science and technology the telephone will serve people even better. 随着科学技术的日益发展,电话将会给人类提供更好的服务。Every city has a closely-knit telephone network. 每个城市都有一个紧密联系在一起的电话网络。Mobile phones are much more convenient than the fixe

9、d phones. 移动电话比固定电话方便得多。By contrast, letter-writing is a formal way of communication: most of important notifications, such as those of acceptance, are made by letters. 相比较而言,写信是一种正式的交流方式:大多数像大学录取通知书这样的重要通知,都是使用写信的方式。Also, every letter communication has a record and can be kept for further reference

10、 when needed.再者,每一份信件往来日后一旦需要,都有案可查。Yet, here again there is a disadvantage in it: it may take weeks for a letter to lead your information to a far destination. 然而,写信也有不足之处:那就是路途花费的时间太长。Therefore, both ways of communication have their own strengths and weakness, just as everything is two-sided. Pers

11、onally, we should not overestimate or deny either of them. The most important thing is to know when to use the telephone or the letter to produce the best effect. 因此,两种交流方式和其他任何事物一样既有优点,又存在不足。依我之见,我们不应过高地估价或拒绝任何一种。重要的是知道何时使用电话何时利用写信,以得到最好的效果。Almost every day we see something in the papers about the

12、latest exciting developments in the space race. 我们几乎每天都在报章上读到太空竞争方面最新、最激动人心的进展。Photographs are regularly flashed to the earth from thousands and even millions of miles away. They are printed in our newspapers and shown on our television screens as a visible proof of the mans newest achievements. The

13、 photographs neatly sum up the results of these massive efforts to conquer space and at the same time they exposed the absurdity of the undertaking. 不断有照片从几千英里甚至几百万英里外发回地球。它们作为人类最新成就的明证登在报纸上,出现在电视屏幕上。这些照片充分反映了人类付出巨大的努力去“征服太空”所取得的结果,同时也揭示了这种做法的荒谬性。All we can see is an indistinguishable blob which is

14、supposed to represent a planet seen from several thousand miles away. We are going to end up with a little moon-dust and a few stones which will be put behind glass in some museum. 我们所看到的一个模糊不清的小圆块,据说那便是一个从几千英里以外看到的星球。我们最后的收获将是一点月尘和几块石头,把它们放在某个博物馆的玻璃后面展览。This is hardly value for money when you think

15、 that our own earth can provide countless sights which are infinitely more exciting and spectacular.为这些东西花钱实在不徝得,因为你知道,我们自己的地球就可以提供无数比这更壮观、更激动人心的景观。杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累(3)The space race is not simply the objective search for knowledge it is often made out to be. 太空竞争的目的不单单是客观地探求知识,虽然它常常自命如此。It is just an ex

16、tension of the race for power on earth. Only the wealthiest nations can compete and they do so in the name of pure scientific research. 它其实是在地球上进行的权力竞争延伸。只有那些最富裕的国家才能参与竞争,并且他们总是打着纯科学研究的旗号。But in reality, all they are interested in is power and prestige. They want to impress us, their spectators, wit

17、h a magnificent show of strength. 实际上,他们感兴趣的惟有权力和威望。他们希望他们对自己的力量所做的壮观的展示会给我们,他们的观众,留下深刻的印象。Man has played the power game ever since he appeared on earth. Now he is playing it as it has never been played before. 人类自从在地球上出现以后就开始玩权力游戏。现在他们更是把这种游戏玩得史无前例。The space race is just another aspect of the age-o

18、ld argument that might is right.太空竞争只是“强权即公理”这一古老论点的另一方面。We are often told that technological know-how, acquired in attempting to get us into orbit, will be utilized to make better on earth. But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earths starving millions? In what way has it

19、 raised the standard of living of any one of us? 我们被告知,我们在努力进入空间轨道的时候所获得的技术窍门将有助于我们在地球上生活得更好。但是太空竞争又做了些什么来救济地球上千百万在饥饿中挣扎的人们呢?它在哪一方面提高了我们中间任何一个人的生活水平呢?As far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all this expenditure of money and efforts are negligible. 照我们这些门外汉看,我们耗费那么多金钱和努力所取得的成就是微乎其

20、微的。Thanks to space research, we can now see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe and the housewife can use non-stick frying-pans in the kitchen. The whole thing becomes utterly absurd when you think that no matter what problems man overcomes, it is unlikely that he will eve

21、r be able to travel even to the nearest star.供助于太空研究,我们现在得以看到越过全球现场直播的电视画面,厨房里的家庭主妇也用上了不粘锅。但是不管人类征服了多少困难,他也不可能去最近的星球上旅行。想想这个,你就会觉得整个这件事情荒谬绝伦了。Poverty, hunger, disease and war are mans greatest enemies and the world would be an infinitely better place if the powerful nations devoted half as much mone

22、y and effort to these problems as they do to the space race. 人类最大的敌人是贫穷、饥饿、疾病和战争。如果世界上的强国把他们用于太空竞争的金钱和努力的一半用来解决这些问题,这个世界不知要变得比现在好多少。For the first time in his history, man has the overwhelming technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he squanders them on meaningless pursuits.人类在自己的历史上第一

23、次拥有了和人类不幸作战的强大技术力量,可是却把它们浪费在毫无意义的追求上。If a man deprived himself and his family of food in order to buy and run a car, we would consider him mad. 要是一个人为了买车、驾车而让他自己和家人饿肚子,我们会认为他是个疯子。Individuals with limited budgets usually get their priorities right: they provide themselves with necessities before tryi

24、ng to obtain luxuries. Why cant great nations act in the same sensible way? Let us put our house in order first and let space look after itself.预算有限的个人通常会分清轻重缓急:先保障生活必需品,然后才希图奢侈品。那些大国为什么就不能同样明智地行事呢?我们还是先考虑我们的房子,让宇宙空间自己一边儿呆着吧。杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累(4)Now people in growing numbers are enjoying the benefits at d

25、inner table from the application of the new scientific advances to agriculture. 现在,越来越多的人从餐桌上就能感受到新科技应用到农业方面所带来的好处。They appreciatively attribute what they eat every day, from different kinds of new vegetables to new fish varieties, to the efforts of scientists. 人们总是对科学家的工作充满感激,因为是他们的努力才使得自己能吃到各种各样的新

26、品种蔬菜或是新的鱼类。However, can further scientific advance help the world solve the problem of future food supplies?但是,人类是否能进一步借助科技进步来解决世界未来的粮食供应问题呢?Some people stand to it that the advance in science will keep staying ahead of the food crisis of the world and provide a needed relief for the future supplies

27、. 有些人坚信,科技进步将会始终超前于粮食危机而发展,并为未来的粮食供应提供必要的技术支持。They base their belief on such ground as science has effected the tripling of food yields since the green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. 其中他们提出的依据之一就是:科技进步已使世界的粮食产量,相对于60年代和70年代绿色革命时期增加了3倍。Accordingly, they believe that more money for agricultural re

28、search can lead to another green revolution. Will their expectation come true? 据此,他们相信,给农业科研投入更多的资金必然会出现另一次“绿色革命”。他们的这种希望会实现吗?In fact, the rapid population growth and environmental pollution are changing the basis of agricultural resources for the use of new technologies. 实际上,人口的快速增长以及环境污染正在改变着技术应用所

29、需要的农业资源。According to a recent report, for example, the spreading cry for protein is straining limited agriculture land and draining tight fresh water supplies around the world. 比如,根据最近的一份报告,世界对蛋白质急剧增加的需求,已使有限的耕地资源变得贫瘠,加剧了淡水资源的短缺。If mans attention is only put on the potential of scientific achievemen

30、ts, the earths limited economic resources will give up along with the increasing mouths to feed.如果人类的注意力仍然只放在技术开发上,那么,地球上有限的资源将无法再供养不断增多的人口。As is pointed out in the report, future food supplies will depend as much on family planners as on fishermen and farmers. 正如那份报告所指出的,未来的粮食供给既取决于农业耕作者,又取决于计划生育的决

31、策者。I think that the reduction in population growth and the protection of resources and environment take the same responsibility for feeding the world as any big scientific advance does. 我认为,在保障人类粮食供给方面,采取措施降低人口出生率,保护土地资源和环境,将与任何重大科技成果一样,有着同等重要的作用。杨凡写作每周背诵日积月累(5)This materialistic outlook has serious

32、ly influenced education. 这种物欲观严重地影响到我们的教育。Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake. Every course of studies must lead somewhere: i.e. o a higher wage packet. 仅仅为了知识本身而去获取知识的人已经越来越少了。每一门课程都必须有所回报:即将来能拿到更高的薪水。The demand for skilled personnel far exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies. Tempting salaries and fringe benefits are o

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