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1、英语If youre among the more than one million workers whove been laid off this year, finding a new job will require a strategy that differs from a typical search. The competition may be stiffer than anything youve faced before, and youll likely be asked difficult questions about your dismissal. Knowing

2、 where to look, how to set yourself apart and what to say about your situation could mean the difference between getting a job and sinking deeper into unemployment.今年又有超百万的人加入到失业大军的行列,如果你不幸成为其中的一员,那想要找到一份新的工作,可得用点不同寻常的策略了。这次的竞争会比你以往所面对的还要惨烈,而且应聘时对方可能会问一些为何你先前会被解雇这一类难以应对的问题。要想顺利找到工作而不致在失业的困境中越陷越深,你就必

3、须懂得该从何处入手、如何让自己脱颖而出以及如何描述自己当下的处境。A critical first step is to come to terms with your job loss. Some people become angry, others Insecure. While these reactions are normal, they can derail a job search should recruiters pick up on them. You have to take some time to mentally re-group.首先,接受失业这一事实是很关键的

4、。有些人会因此而恼怒,还有些人会失去安全感,这些反应均属正常。不过,如果招聘人员察觉到你有此种感受,在求职之路上你就可能遭遇挫折。你必须花些时间来整理好心情再出发。1. Cast a Wide Net. Once youre ready to hit the pavement, consider that the wider you can look geographically, the greater your chances. Dont rule out small businesses or those in struggling Industries. There are some

5、companies that are countercyclical.1. 广撒网。一旦你准备开始找工作,你就要知道,视野越宽,机会就越多。不要把小公司或目前处境艰难的公司排除在外。要知道,有些公司是逆势而上的。Another job-hunting method is to network. Recruiters in particular can offer valuable insight, regardless of whether they have any search assignments that match your skill set. Theyre very close

6、 to the market and tend to have an idea of whats happening. Many search firms accept resume submissions through their websites, which can lead to a recruiter contacting you. But you can boost your odds of success by reaching out to recruiters directly. Since they typically prefer to meet job hunters

7、 through referrals, ask former colleagues, business associates, alumni and other members of your network for an introduction to a recruiter they have a relationship with already.另一个找工作的方法就是建立人脉网路,特别是猎头,不管手头是否有适合你的职位,他们都能够为你提供非常有价值和有深度的建议。他们处于招聘市场的前沿,通常会熟稔目前的状况。许多猎头公司的网站都会接受简历,在你投递简历之后就会有猎头与你联络。不过如果你

8、主动直接去找猎头本人,成功的概率就会大大提高。猎头通常更倾向于选择那些被他人推荐的求职者,所以你可以去找找以前的同事、合作伙伴、校友以及其他关系人,让他们向熟悉的猎头推荐你。2. Signal Confidence. Another faux pas many unemployed job hunters make: sending introductory notes that overextend gratitude. These include lines like, “Thank you so much for giving me consideration,” which signa

9、l a lack of confidence. You may take the opposite approach by conveying that employers should take advantage of this opportunity to recruit You. Just be careful not to come across as arrogant. Say something like: “I look forward to hearing you.”2. 展露自信。许多失业者在求职时常犯的另一个错误就是在求职信开头说一些过分谦恭的话。例如“承蒙垂注, 感激不

10、尽”之类的话会表明你缺乏自信。你应该反其道而行之,给雇主表达这样一个讯息:聘用你将是他们的荣幸。当然,也不要给别人以妄自尊大的印象。可以用诸如“静候佳音”之类的表达。Meanwhile, show employers youre flexible and not fussy. Keep your requests for concessionslike working only out of a particular office or during certain hoursto a minimum. You can work up to those perks after youve pr

11、oven yourself in the position. Still, dont go overboard. Offering to do things you really dont want to dosuch as relocate anywhere or travel up to 100% of the timecan turn off recruiters.与此同时,要给雇主这样一个印象:你是很容易变通的,不对工作挑三拣四。尽量少提条件比如只在某个部门或某个时间段工作。只要在自己的工作岗位上表现出众,你迟早会获得这些特权。当然,也不要过犹不及。同意去做你压根儿不愿意做的事情比如到

12、公司安排的任意地点工作,或者一年365天都出差在外也可能会让对方对你敬而远之。3. Salary Issues. Some unemployed job hunters also hurt their chances by volunteering to take a significantly lower salary than what they earned in their last job. A better strategy is to wait for the hiring manager to raise the subject of salary. If the job pa

13、ys less than what you previously made, respond with a plausible reason for accepting it. For example, you might say that you recognize whats going on in the economy and cite reasons why youre attracted to the position and the company. You want to project that you are facing reality and are comfortab

14、le with the situation.3. 薪酬问题。一些失业的求职者会主动表示他们可以接受较前份工作低很多的薪酬,这种做法很可能会让你功亏一篑。比较好的方法是等着招聘经理先提及薪酬问题。如果对方的提议比你先前的收入要低,那你就要给出一个让你接受这一提议的合理理由。例如,你可以说你了解目前的整个经济大环境,然后一一列举出这家公司、这个职位吸引你的理由。你应该向对方表明,你懂得面对现实,而且对目前的安排感到满意。Finally, prepare an explanation about what led to your layoff. For example, you might tell

15、 the interviewer that your skill set wasnt critical to your last employers survival, but that you believe it is for the organization youre now targetingand then explain why.最后,要准备好你被前一个公司解雇的原因。例如,你可以跟面试者说,你的技能并非上一家公司的生存立命之本;不过你相信,对于目前的公司来说却是如此,然后再解释个中原因。If youve been unemployed for a long period of

16、time and a recruiter asks why, consider pointing out that youre being selective about your next move. Then describe how the positionis a strong fit. Or you might explain that you opted to delay your search to spend time with family or take a class. You have to make those last months sound like a con

17、scious choice.如果你已经失业了很长时间,有猎头问到其中原因的时候,你不妨说那是因为你对自己的下一步发展非常谨慎,然后向对方说明自己是多么适合目前应聘的职位。你也可以说是想要跟家人共度一段时间,或是为了进修,所以暂时没有寻找新的工作。你必须让对方觉得,过去这几个月之所以没有上班,完全是你理智的选择。Weve heard the classic expression, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, a

18、rousing endless debate over each side of the arguments.我们都听过这样一个经典的命题,“先有鸡,还是先有蛋?”鸡是从蛋里孵出来的,但是蛋又是鸡生下来的,围绕这两个论点引发了无休止的争论。Ive come up with an equally controversial expression to perturb your mind, “Which comes first, the success or the happiness?” Before you know the ropes, I want to warn you that arg

19、uments could be made to prove which gives rise to the other. Success comes from within, knowing the true worth of our human potential.同样地,我也提出了一个会使你困扰的具有争议的命题,“先有成功,还是先有幸福?”在你知道这个问题的答案之前,我想提醒你,这个争论是用来证明谁产生了谁。成功来源于内在,成功让我们认识到人类潜能的真正价值。I have several profound reasons to prove that happiness leads to s

20、uccess.我有几个充分的理由来证明是幸福通向成功。Positivity is the mother of success: We all know that positivity leads to attitude and unwavering faith to achieve success. In the history of the human race, no negative person has ever climbed the peaks of success; happiness is a virtue of positivity. Without happiness, p

21、ositivity dies a horrible death.乐观是成功之母:我们都知道积极乐观能带来获得成功的态度和坚定信念。在人类历史上,不曾有悲观之人攀登上成功的顶峰。幸福是积极乐观的原动力。没有幸福,积极乐观的态度就会胎死腹中。Its all in my head: Success begins with self-affirmation. Its that staunch belief that when I love what I do, success has to come. When the mood is positive, we give rise to our sel

22、festeemleading to relentless pursuit of success.我是这样认为的:成功来源于自我肯定。我有一个坚定的信念,当我热爱我所做的工作时,成功自然就来了。当情绪积极向上时,就会产生自尊,从而导致对成功的不懈追求。I succeed when others succeed: It is a known fact that success comes to those who investing other peoples success. Being happy is a prerequisite to have a pro-social attitude

23、leading to generosity with time and money.当其他人成功时我也会成功:众所周知,那些懂得为他人成功投资的人自己也会成功。幸福是采取一种对社会的正面心态的先决条件,这种心态会使得人们对时间和金钱变得慷慨。Im happy, so I am healthy: Happiness tends to instill positivity towards life goals including healthy mind and healthy relationships. With the virtue of healthy mind, body and sou

24、l, I now am focused to achieve success.我幸福,所以我健康:幸福会给生活目标灌输积极乐观的态度,包括健康的头脑和良好的人际关系。有了健康的头脑、身体和灵魂,我现在就可以更加专注于追求成功了。Be confident: lve noticed that staying under sun energizes my mood and willingness to pursue my goals. Similarly, with happiness, I get an abundance of confidence in my skills and in my

25、resilience towards temporary failures to achieve success.保持自信:我注意到生活在阳光下使我更有心情和意愿来追求我的目标。同样地,拥有幸福,我从我的技能和对暂时性失败的恢复力中获得更多的信心来实现成功。Constancy of purpose: Success comes to those who have a definite purpose. Their relentless efforts towards definite purpose come from happiness within to affirm that victo

26、ry is the only acceptable outcome.恒久的目标:成功只给那些有明确目标的人。他们对既定目标所付出的持久努力来源于内在的幸福感,这种幸福感使他们确信胜利是唯一可接受的结果。Success holds no limits: Happiness leads to creative vision that seeks achievement without limits. My success is limited only to the limits I impose on my thoughts. With happiness, I take my self-est

27、eem to unseen heights to achieve success beyond my wildest expectations.成功无界限:幸福带来充满创造力的视野,这种视野会无限制地追求成就感。我的成功只会被我自身的想法所限制。拥有幸福,我便拥有自信去达到从未企及过的、超越我想象的高峰。In the moment: Enjoying every moment with focus of mind, body and soul leads tohappiness that shows in the activity that we engage in. I tend to be

28、 at my best when my mind is neither engaged in the past failures nor in the future fantasies. I am giving all I have to the task at hand with unbound happiness. I am destined to arrive at success.活在当下:集中思想,全心全意地去享受每时每刻带来的幸福感,这在我们所参与的活动中将有所体现。当我的思绪既不沉溺在过去的失败中、也不沉浸在对将来的幻想中时,我处于最佳的状态。我满心愉悦地尽全力做好手头的工作。我

29、是注定要成功的。“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism.印度民族独立运动的伟大领袖甘地(1869-1948)曾说,幸福就是你的所思、所言、所做都和谐无间。Our profound view towards success and happiness shapes our destiny. You may focus solely on suc

30、cess and sacrifice happiness with the belief that happiness will follow Success. That may prove to be wrong; sharing laughter with family, helping others, being personable and establishing social relations are all forms of happiness, essential to the health of you success.对成功和幸福的深刻见解将会决定我们的命运。你可能会只专

31、注于成功,牺牲了幸福,你坚信幸福会随着成功而来。可是那可能被证明是错误的;和家人分享欢乐、帮助别人、风度翩翩、建立良好的社交关系都会带来幸福,而这些对你的成功必不可少。You may have arguments from the other side of the fence. If so, Id love to hear why you think success gives rise to happiness.对此,你可能会持不同的看法。要是这样,我倒很想听听为什么你认为幸福来源于成功。A professor of psychology at the University of Mass

32、achusetts, Robert Feldman has spent most of his career studying the role deception plays in human relationships. His recent book, The Liar in Your Life: How Lies Work and What They Tell Us About Ourselves , lays out in stark terms just how prevalent lying has become. He talked to TIME about why we all need a dose of honesty.马萨诸塞大学的一位心理学教授罗伯特费尔德曼,用他职业生涯中的大部分时间研究了“欺骗”在人际关系中所扮演的角色。他最近的一本著作生活中的谎言:谎言如何欺骗了我们以及它反映出了怎样的我们毫不掩饰地表述了如今撒谎变得多么普遍。在接受时代周刊的采访时,他谈到了为什么我们都需要一剂“诚实”的良药。Not only do we lie frequently, but we lie without even thinking about it. People lie

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