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本文(四年级上学期寒假作业语文数学英语科学老师布置家庭作业.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、四年级上学期寒假作业语文数学英语科学老师布置家庭作业四年级上学期寒假作业语文数学英语科学老师布置家庭作业2011-2012学年度第一学期小学四年级上学期寒假作业语文数学英语老师布置家庭作业四年级上学期寒假语文作业 l 寒假的语文作业安排如下:n 认真完成语文寒假作业大本。(随时牢记“提笔就是练字时”)n 读课外书不少于500页,做好读书记录。n 认真完成两篇自命题作文,每篇不少于300字。n 每周至少上一次班网,积极关注班网。寒假在班网上传图文不少于2篇。n 认真填写素质报告手册第34页家长的话学生的话。n 填写假期生活社会实践评价表和家长评语,开学必须交。n 填写家庭消防安全检查备忘录,完成

2、家庭火灾逃生计划制作,开学必须交。n 创意作业:学会包饺子(或包元宵)、煮饺子(或煮元宵)。l 寒假语文作业登记表 姓名_l 内 容l 完成情况l 家长简评与签字l 寒假语文作业l 作文l l 班级网站l 图文共( )篇l 读课外书l 书名及页数:l 共计( )页l 学会包饺子(元宵)、煮饺子(元宵)l 收看新闻 作业书写要求:1、每页不涂改粘贴,不乱涂乱画。2、每页字迹工整、漂亮。3、每页干净整洁。作业正确率要求:1、每页严把质量关。2、每页写好做对。(发现错误及时改正)二、 寒假生活安排:1、寒假时间为:1月12日至2月18日。2月19日下午3点半开学报到,不要迟到。报到时请带齐寒假各科作

3、业、寒假各科作业登记表、素质报告手册、两块抹布(少许洗衣粉)、两公斤旧报纸。2、大量阅读课外书籍,少看电视、少玩电脑,注意用眼卫生,保持正确读写姿势,保持视力不下降。3、注意安全。包括交通安全、人身安全、食品安全、游戏安全等。4、每天坚持收看国内外新闻,关心国内、国际大事。注:请家长督促孩子按时认真完成各科作业。不按时认真完成作业者,开学不予报到! 祝一班的孩子寒假愉快!数 学 寒 假 作业 1、完成数学大本。2、每天5道笔算,每道验算。(写清日期和题数。)3、每天完成3道奥数题。4、成绩不理想的同学利用假期查漏补缺,准备开学迎接新的学习任务。5、开学请附带一张有家长签字的假期作业清单。希望小

4、精灵们过一个快乐的假期!寒假, 数学英语, 语文2011科学寒假作业 2010-2011学年一学期科学寒假作业n 布置科学层物件,自行选择设计一件开学交。n 绘科幻画一张,要求: A3纸,构思新颖。u 2011年1月11日 SL四下单词20110127 unit9community 社区 turn right 向右转 building 建筑 turn left 向左走 bank 银行 crossing 十字路口 grocery store 杂货店 forward 向前 drugstore 药店 unit10bookstore 书店 city 城市 police station 警察局 muse

5、um 博物馆 gas station 加油站 gallery 美术馆 coffee shop 咖啡店 university 大学 across from 在.对面 stadium 体育馆 next to 在紧接着(某人/物)的一侧 department store 百货商店 between 在. 中间 square 广场 bakery 面包房 street 街道 park 公园 see dinosaurs 参观恐龙 hairdressers 美发店 watch a soccer match 看足球比赛 restaurant 饭店 buy a skateboard 买滑板 zoo 动物园 see

6、 an art show 参观艺术展 go straight 往前走 fly a kite 放风筝visit the library 参观图书馆 unit11Sydney 悉尼 France 法国 opera house 歌剧院Japan 日本 unit13Canada 加拿大 travel plans 旅游计划 United States 美国 beach 海滩 Australia 澳大利亚 swim 游泳 China 中国 Mount Tai 泰山 United Kingdom 英国 see the sunrise 看日出 Toronto 多伦多 Shaolin Temple 少林寺 CN

7、 Tower 多伦多电视塔 learn Wushu 学武术Paris 巴黎 West Lake 西湖 Eiffel Tower 爱菲尔铁塔 take pictures 拍照 Tokyo 东京 safari park 野生动物园 cherry blossom 樱花 see wild animals 观看野生动物 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 vacation 假期 Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 train 火车 London伦敦 see a flower show 观看花展 Big Ben 大本钟 Thailand 泰国 plane 飞机 collect coins 收集硬币 see el

8、ephants 观看大象 play chess 下象棋 Tibet 西藏 travel 旅行 car 小汽车 hike 远足.徒步旅行 see the Buddha Palace 参观布达拉宫 unit15ship 轮船 communication 交流.联络 bus 公共汽车 write a letter 写信 unit14 send an e-mail 发送电子邮件 hobby (业余)爱好 mail a postcard 寄明信片 read stories 阅读故事 mailbox 邮筒 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 make a phone call 打电话 pa

9、int picture 画画 pay phone (投币式)公用电话 collect dolls 收集洋娃娃 send a short message (用手机)发短信 keep diary 记日记 cell phone 手机 collect stickers 收集贴画make models 制作模型 sew (用针线)缝knit 编制,针织寒假奥英过去式练习20110127 过去式练习不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学要记住以下动词的原形和过去式: be/am/is was are were bacome became begin began blow blew break broke

10、 bring brought build built buy bought can could catch caught choose chose come came cost cost cut cut do did draw drew drink drank drive drove eat ate fall fell feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot freeze froze get got give gave go went grow grew have/has hadhear heard keep kept know knew lea

11、rn learned leave left lend lent lose lost make made meet met mistake mistook read read ride rode ring rang run ran say said see saw send sent sing song write wrote speak spoke spend spent stand stood steal stole sweep swept swim swam take took teach taught tell told think thought understand understo

12、odwake woke wear wore will would win won动词变化练习(变过去时)1.walk_ 2.teach_ 3.read_ 4.sing_ 5.talk_ 6.like_ 7.think_ 8.eat_ 9.jump_ 10.stop_ 11.buy_ 12.watch_ 13.go_ e_ 15.are_ 16.study_ 17.play_ 18.want_19.color _ 20.have_ 寒假奥英现在进行时练习20110127 现在进行时练习圈出下列单词的现在分词。 (A.doing B.dooing) 2. swim (A.swimingB.

13、swimming)3.write(A.writeing B.writing) 4. come (A.coming B.comeing) (A.fishingB.fishes) 6. ride (A.rideingB.riding)7.sing(A.singingB.singging) 8. jump (A.jumpingB.jumpping)你知道be 动词并用它们填空吗?1. I _ fishing. He _ jumping.2. You_writing. They_drawing.3. What_he doing? He_singing.4. What_you doing?

14、I_fishing. 5. What_they doing? They_reading.现在进行时练习:1)Look,the man _ (swim) in the lake.2)They_ (play) badminton now.3)Listen, my sister _(play) the guitar.4)There are some children in the classroom. They _(do) their homework.5) What are you _(do) now? I _(eat) bread. 6) Its nine oclock. My father_(

15、work) in the office. 7) Look, the boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin. 8)_he_(clean) the classroom? No, he isnt. He_(play). 9) Where is Andy? He_(run) on the grass. 10)Listen,who_(sing)in the music room? Oh, Mary_(sing) there. 单项选择题。()1. 我在照看孩子。(A)I am looking after the baby.(B)Im look aftering the b

16、aby.(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.()2.My friend is_a kite.(A)makeing(B)make(C)making(D)makes()3. Is the woman _ yellow your teacher?(A)in(B)putting on(C)wearing(D)having()4. Look!The twins _ their mother do the housework.(A)are wanting(B)help(C)are helping(D)are looking(

17、) ()5. _ are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where()6. Is she _ something?(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats()7. 你在干什么?(A)What is you doing?(B)What are you do?(C)What are you doing?(D)What do you do?()8. What are you listening _? (A)/(B)for(C)at(D)to()9. 我正在听他说话

18、.(A)I listening to him.(B)Im listening to him.(C)Im listen to him.(D)Im listening him.()10. They are _ their clothes.(A)makeing(B)putting(C)put away(D)putting on 寒假奥英动词练习20110127 动词练习1. 选择填空1) you a teacher?Yes , I A. Do, Am B. Are,am C. Is, am2) He a pen?A. have B. doesnt have C. doesnt has 3) They

19、 decided a meeting on Tuesday.A. have B. to have C .having4) I got up early this morning and to school.A. went B. go C. goes 5) Just go straight and left .Its next to a bank.A. take B. turn C. keep6) She tall and she long hair.A .is , has B. is , have C. has ,has 7) wear hats in class.A. No B. Dont

20、C. Cant8) The boy is good at .A. play soccer B. playing the soccer C. playing soccer9) Listen! Can you the birds singing in the tree.A. hearing B. to hear C. hear10) to study English?A. Does he has B. Has he C. Does he have 句型练习请用is , are 填空:1. There_a TV in our livingroom.2. There_some Englisg book

21、s in the library.3. There_some bread on the table.4. There_many eggs in the basket.5. There_a bird in the tree.6. There_some boys and girls in the classroom.7. There_a bottle of orange juice on the desk.8. There_five monkeys in the zoo.9. There_lots of workers in the factory.10. There_lots of water

22、in the bottle.选择填空:()1. Are there any pictures on the wall? _ A. There are some. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there isnt. ()2. How many _ are there in the photo? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk()3. There arent _ trees near the river. A. any B. some C. many D. much()4. There _ two

23、 bowls of milk on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are()5. Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any寒假奥英形容词练习20110127 形容词练习用所给词的适当形式填空。1) Oranges are _.(orange)2) How is the weather today? Its _ .(sun)3) It is _ for a long time, so the

24、ground is _. (rain, wet)4) I like music very much because it is _. (cool)5) The story-book is very _ and I am _in it. (interest)6) Does Jim like_food? (China)Ive no idea.7) Its very _ to cross a busy street.(danger)8) Janes mother looked tired and _. (worry) 9) My house is _ than yours.(big)10) The

25、workers are . (friend)l 选择填空1) My brother is _ more outgoing than me.A. many B. little C. much2) If I am not right, I am _. A. wrong B. ill C. bad3) The car is not _, it is slow. A. fast B. well C. new4) Today it is not hot, it is_. A. cold B. colder C. coldest5) He is the heaviest and I am the _. A

26、. light B. lighter C. lightest6) My moms hair is not straight, it is _. A. curly B. long C. short7) We saw_ dolphins in the sea. A. some B. any C. much8) Dont speak so _. I cant understand you. A. fast B. faster C. fastest9) Robin looks_. Whats the matter with him? A. fine B. nice C. sad10) Mandy is

27、 a _ girl. A. best B. interesting C. pretty寒假奥英代词练习20110127 代词练习1、单项选择1)Is there tea in your cup? Yes, there is . A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some2)Could you please give this book to _ ? Sure. A. her B. his C. she3)_ a dog . _ name is Polly. A. Its; Its B. Its; Its C. Its; Its4)Which sweater would you like? I like the red _. A. it B. one C. that5)Zhang Jun is very tall, and he is

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