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牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports教学案.docx

1、牛津译林版七年级上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports教学案Unit 2 Lets play sports【预习目标】知识目标:1.会用本课时的四会单词。2.词组like walking walk to many times a day go swimming3.句型 Whats your favourite sport? What about you?.能力目标:1)学会使用动词和名词来谈论各种运动。2)学会描述不同种类的运动。情感目标:热爱运动,强身健体。重点:掌握基本的运动词汇。难点:学会描述自己喜欢的运动。【预习过程】自主探学,发现问题1. 预习本课单词:walkingg

2、o swimming(P124)。先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。2. 预习Comic strip (漫画部分),完成下面各题:1)预习对话,从中找出下列词组,并翻译成中文。 like walking_ walk to my bowl _ many times a day_ fun sports_2)根据你对漫画部分的了解, 试着回答下列问题。What sport does Eddie like? _Why does Eddie like it? _How does Hobo feel after hearing what Eddie said? _3)听磁带,朗读对话,准备课上

3、精彩表演哦。3. 预习Welcome to the unit (导入), 完成下面各题:1)预习导入部分Part A,完成下列内容。完成下列表格sports football Place(场地)football field请归纳出表达 “喜爱” 的不同词汇,包括词组。_思考题:如果这些词后面接动词时,动词的形式该怎样变化? _【牛刀小试】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I like _(walk)my dog after dinner.2. Are they good at _(swim) in the river?3. Does he enjoy _(listen) to music in h

4、is free time?4. What does your cousin love _(do) at scholl?2)预习Part B难句翻译1.Whats your favouirte sport?_2. I often play football after school. What about you?_Welcome to the unit【课堂检测】一、 基础达标(一)看一看,猜一猜,它们是什么运动及场所。 _ _ _ _ _(二)看图讨论,合作学习 Which sport are they good at?Liu Xiang is good at _, he runs so f

5、ast.Yao Ming is good at _. He played basketball in NBA.Zhang Jike is a _ player. He is one of the best players in the world.Ye Shiwen is a good_ player. She often won the first prize.SunYang is good at _. He looks cute, so many people like him.In his free time, Sun Yang enjoys _ to music.二、 能力提升完成下列

6、句子1. My best friend Lucy is good at_(游泳).2. The boys in my class enjoy _(在足球场上踢球).3. In summer, we all like to have fun_ (在游泳池里).4. Zhang Ning plays _ (羽毛球)well. She has many fans all over the world.5.Look! These players are playing _ (在排球场上)Period2-3 Reading前置性导学案【学习目标】 知识目标:1. 词汇: 能够理解本课的四会单词。2. 词

7、组: a new member of look storng in his free time make him happy come true3. 句型: It makes him happy. Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup. I hope his dream comes true.能力目标:1)通过阅读课文了解Li Hua基本情况。2)把握文章写作结构。情感目标:激发学生在课堂活动中更多地了解体育明星,激励自己热爱运动,积极向上。重点:理解文章的大意。难点:He looks strong and plays football very

8、 well.I hope his dream comes true.【预习过程】自主探学,发现问题1. 预习本课单词(P124 从 player到come true)。先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读单词 2. 预习Reading (阅读部分),完成下列内容。1)预习课文P20-22,用尺划出下列词组,并翻译为中文。 (先自己找,有困难找组长帮忙) favourite football star_ 2. a new member of Huanghe Football Club _ 3) come from Guangdong _4)look strong _ 5) pla

9、y football very well_6) in his free time_ 7) come true_8) play in the next World Cup_2)预习课文P20, 填写下列表格。Li Huas ProfileName: _Age:_Birthplace:_Living place:_Team:_Looks:_Hobbies:_Next match:_3)阅读课文,分析课文写作结构。第一段:_第二段:_第三段:_第四段:_3听磁带,朗读课文,准备课上背诵哦。4通过对课文的预习,相信你一定Li Hua有了了解。请完成Part B1、B2、B3。(独立完成)5尝试完成Pa

10、rtB4部分。6.请把课文翻译成中文。Reading【课堂检测】一、基础达标(一)词汇运用根据提示完成下列句子:1. There are five _ (运动员) in a basketball team. 2. He has lots of _(爱好) in his free time.3. The boy looks very strong and _(play) table tennis very well.4.She says that her mother swims quite _(好).5.Does he also enjoy _(听)to music after class?(

11、二)完成句子1.姚明是一位优秀的篮球运动员。_2.你想看下一届世界杯吗?_3. 西蒙常常在放学以后打排球。_4.大家都希望我的梦想成为现实。_5.你是这个俱乐部的成员之一吗?_二、能力提升根据首字母填入恰当的单词。Yao Ming is a famous basketball p 1 in the world. He was b 2 in Shanghai in 1980.He is 2.26 metres t 3 . His parents are b_4_ tall.He playsbasketball f 5 Houston Rockets (休斯顿火箭队) in the USA.Now

12、 more and more Americans begin to like him.They think he plays very w_6_. He usually likes wonderful s 7 clothes. In his free time , he e_8_ playing computer games and listening to music.He loves animals. He likes dogs b 9 .His f 10 food is sausage (香肠) and tomatoes. 12345678910(二)阅读理解 Dick is seven

13、 years old,and his sister.May is five.One day, their mother takes them totheir aunts house to play and she goes to the town to buy some new clothes.The children play for an hour , then at 4:30 their aunt takes Dick into the kitchen .She gives him a nice cake and a knifeand says to him,“Now here is a

14、 knife,Dick.Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like(像) a gentleman(绅士).”“Like a gentleman?”Dick asks.“How do gentlemen do it?”“They always give the bigger piece to the other person(人),”answers his aunt.“Oh,”says Dick.He thinks about this for a few

15、seconds(秒).Then he takes the cake to his sister and says to her, “Cut this cake in half, May.”( ) 1.Dick is Mays . B.sister C.cousin D.friend( ) 2.The childrens mother leaves(留) them at their aunts house because she wantsto .A.go to work B.see a film C.go to a party some shopping ( )

16、3.Who wants Dick to cut the cake? .A.A gentleman B.His aunt C.His uncle D.His mother( ) 4.How does a gentleman do when he has two pieces of cake?He .A.eats them up at once. the bigger piece to someone else.C.keeps the bigger piece for himself. the smaller piece to someone else.( ) 5.

17、Dick wants May to cut the cake because he_.A.doesnt like it B.wants to be a gentleman C.wants the bigger piece D.wants the smaller piece Period4-5 Grammar前置性导学案【预习目标】 知识目标: 1. 会运用本课时的四会单词。2. 语法:行为动词的一般现在时。 能力目标:会运用行为动词的一般现在时描述与本单元话题有关的内容重点:行为动词的一般现在时。难点:正确运用行为动词的一般现在时。【预习过程】一、自主探学,发现问题1) 预习本课单词(P124

18、 从 drawing到shop)。先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读单词 2)预习Grammar(P23-24),翻译下列词组。 1.起床 _ 2. 吃鱼_3.喜欢踢足球_ 4. 打排球_5.在电视上看球赛_ 6. 在周末_【知识链接】Talk about Millie.T: What does Millie have at home? Does she have a cat?S: No. She has a dog.T: No. She has a dog. Do dogs love fish? What loves fish?S: Cats love fish.T: Yes. C

19、ats love fish. Cats eat fish. Where do fish live?S: Fish live in water.T: Yes. Fish live in water. Can fish live without water? No. Fish cant live without water. So “fish live in water” is always true. 鱼儿离不开水。因此鱼住在水里是永远也改变不了的事实。所以当我们谈论客观事实时,用_动词的一般现在时。T: What does Millie love doing? Does she love sw

20、imming?S: No. She loves reading.T: No. She loves reading. She reads books every day. What do you do every day?S:T: Maybe you do your homework every day. They are the things that we do regularly. 这些事是我们定期地,有规律地去做。例如:Simon plays football after school. We use the simple present tense to talk about thin

21、gs that we do regularly.所以当我们谈论谈论经常做的事时,用_动词的一般现在时。【规律总结】我们用一般现在时谈论: 1. Things that we often do. 经常做的事 2. Things that are always true. 客观事实 3. Things that are true now. 目前的爱好 请判断下列句子是哪种情况1) Tigers eat meat. (_) 2) She has an e-dog. (_) 3) She lives in Beijing. (_) 4) I listen to English every day. (

22、_) 5) Fish lives in water. (_) 6) He plays football after school. (_) 3)仔细预习Grammar(P23),完成行为动词的一般现在时的基本知识:行为动词一般现在时的肯定形式1.I come from Yangzhou.2. We have lunch at school.3. You play football very well.4. They often go shopping at weekends.3. She sings very well in our class.4. He does his homework

23、in the evening.【观察与思考】1.句中行为动词的形式由_决定。2.当主语是第一、第二人称和第三人称复数时,行为动词使用其_形,如_。3.当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词使用其第三人称_形式, 如_。4.预习表三P23,参阅Grammar check(Unit2 Page116)行为动词一般现在时的第三人称形式的构成方法,完成下列行为动词的第三人称形式。1.live_3.study_have_2. go_4.carry_do_问题:行为动词的第三人称形式有_变化。规则举例读音变化1.行为动词一般现在时的否定句1.We do not go to school at weekends.=We dont go to school at weekends.2. He does not study in Class 4, Grade7.=He doesnt study in Class 4, Gr

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