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1、目标班第八讲第十讲词汇笔记目标班第八讲词汇笔记孩子们好,我们又见面啦!今天我们一起来学习目标班第八讲的阅读词汇。第八讲的阅读文章是关于悬崖跳水,并对这项极限运动的安全性做出了说明,比如,要保持垂直姿势跳入水中,穿湿的服装会减少冲击力等。在这篇文章中出现了一些中考考纲标出的单词,让我们一起来学习一下吧1、height (n)高度例句:The height of the building is 150 meters这座建筑的高度是150米拓展1:high(adj.)高的例句:Thebuilding is 150 meters high.这座建筑150米高拓展2:weight(n)重量;weigh(

2、v.)重达2、speed(n)速度搭配:atthe speed of以的速度例句:Thecar is at the speed of 60 miles per hour.这辆车以每小时60里的速度驾驶。3、contact (n)联系、接触;拓展:havecontact with与联系例句:Sheis busy at home and seldom has contact with the outside world.她很忙,几乎没有时间与外界联系。4、professional (adj)专业的;反义词:non-professional5、be encouraged to被鼓励做某事例句:The

3、students are encouraged to ask questions.学生被鼓励问问题拓展:encouragesb to do鼓励某人做某事例句:Theteacher encourages the students to ask questions.老师鼓励学生问问题。6、result in +(结果):导致拓展:resultfrom +(原因):由于例句:Thefire resulted in many deaths.火灾造成了多人死亡。Many deaths resulted from the fire.多人死亡是由于火灾造成的。同义词组:leadto(led, led):Th

4、e fire led to many deaths.7、suggest doing sth建议做某事例句:Kate suggests finishing homework immediately.她建议马上做作业。同义句型:Sb.suggest (that) sb (should) do sth:shesuggests that they should finish homework immediately.advise to do: Kate advises to finish homeworkimmediately.8、force (n)力量;武力:air force空军拓展:(v)逼迫、

5、强迫:force sb to do强迫某人做某事例句:Theboss forced the worker to work until midnight.老板强迫员工工作到夜深。目标班第九讲 精读词汇 目标班这节课学的是精读文章,文章主要讲了Mark Boyle的故事。 他1979年出生于爱尔兰,是“免费经济运动”的倡导者之一(免费经济运动,就是崇尚不花一分钱的自给自足和以物易物的生活模式)。Mark曾研习经济学并经营过几家有机食品公司,原本过着常人看来非常不错的生活。攻读经济学学位的最后一个学期,Mark偶然买到一张印度“圣雄”甘地的光盘。片中那位瘦小的老人给他以启发“欲变世界,先变其身”。一

6、次与朋友之间的哲学话题探讨引发了他对当今世界存在的环境破坏、血汗工厂、能源战争等问题出现原因的思考。 2008年11月,Mark便开始了这场“一文不名”生活体验。他住在一辆破旧宿营拖车里,利用木材燃烧炉和太阳能板供热洗澡,并为自己的手机和笔记本电脑充电(其中的太阳能电板是在他开始这种生活方式之前花费360英镑安装的)。他以自己种植的土豆和从超市垃圾箱捡到的快过期食品为食。他的手机也只能接听电话不能打出。至于无线上网,则靠在附近餐厅或是工厂打零工来换取免费上网的时间。Mark还在网上建立了自己的博客,鼓励人们参与“免费经济运动”,并在网上互相交换所需的生活物品。目前,Mark的博客成员已有超过1

7、.7万人。1.investigatev. try to find out what happened or what is the truth 调查 investigationn. 调查 e.g. Police are stillinvestigating how the accident happened. Weshould investigate first before drawing conclusions. Heordered an investigation into the munityn.C 社团,团体a group of people whohave the same int

8、erests, religion, race 社区the people who live in the same area, town etc e.g. Lets do sth for the black/ business community. 黑人团体/商界 The new arts centrewill serve the whole community.3.economicsn. 经济学e.g. He is a Harvard professor of economics economic adj. 经济学上的 relating to trade, industry, and the

9、management of money Chinaseconomic growth has surprised the world. Economicreform is needed. economical adj. 经济的;节约的 using money, time, goods without wasting any ideasfor economical housekeeping 勤俭持家的观念 Electric cars are clean, quiet and economical.economist n. 经济学家;杂志名称经济学人4.inspirev. 激励;启发 inspire

10、sb. to do sth. e.g. What inspired Janeto write a book? inspiration n. 灵感;鼓励人心的人/事 inspirational adj. 鼓舞人心的 e.g. My inspiration comes from a great hero. Gandhi was an inspirational figure. He is a great inspiration to me. He inspired me to overcome every difficulty.5.sheltern. C住所A shelter is a build

11、ing where homeless people cansleep and get food. U庇护 If a placeprovides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live e.g.This is a shelter for homeless people. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent. v. If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from dang

12、er. 避难 e.g. He left the church after sheltering there for several day.6.necessityn. C必需品 Water is a basic necessity of life. U 必然; 必要The necessity of sth is the fact that it must happen or exist There is agreement onthe necessity of reforms.7.propertyn. 财产;房产 This caravan has been parked on private

13、property.8.substitutev. 代替;n. 替补 substitute(A) for B(用A)作为B的替代品 They were substituting violence fordialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。 Robert can never substitute for human. a/ the/ no substitutefor sth. 的替代品 There is no substitutefor Jane.9.beon good terms with 与相处很融洽 = get along well with I am on good terms with

14、 this puppy.10.royaltyn. pl. 版税e.g. His income is mainly from theroyalty on his books. U membersof a royal family王室成员 It is a ceremony attended by royalty.目标班第十讲新三单词 大家好久不见啦!我是乐加乐英语老师朱清裕Victoria。不同的人对于同样的笑话会有不一样的反应,这很大程度上取决于一个人的成长环境。例如一个法国的笑话,俄罗斯人就不会明白其中的奥妙所在。幽默也有很多种,今天我们就会学到一种“黑色幽默”式的小故事。本讲分7个重点单词、

15、2个短语和1个句型。句型积累是大家最常忽略的一点,其实多积累句型,你的作文会更加出彩高大上的哦1.largelyadv. Mostly or mainly 在很大程度上例句:XES is largely my favourite place. 学而思在很大程度上是我最喜欢的地方。icadj. Amusing you and making you want to laugh. 喜剧的,可笑的。拓展:comedy n. 喜剧3.tragicadj. Extremely sad, usually because it involves death or suffering. 悲剧的拓展:traged

16、y n. 悲剧 tragic-comedy n.悲喜剧ediann. A person whose job is to tell jokes and make people laugh 喜剧演员,开心果拓展:tragedian n. 悲剧演员,悲剧作家5.judgev. To give an opinion about something 判断、评价例句:不要根据外貌而评判一个人拓展:judge n.法官 judgement n. 判断力 judgemental adj. 苛刻的 Judgement Day 最后审判日 一种宗教思想,在基督教神学中,指世界将要结束,决定人类命运的一天,即世界末

17、日。这一天死者会从坟墓中复活,所有人被召集在上帝的审判席上,每个人的最终命运将依他或她与耶稣基督的关系而定,分为永生者和打入地狱者。6.pesterv. To annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something. 一再要求,纠缠固定搭配:pester sb. to do sth.例句:My parents always pester me to eat carrots. 爸妈总是缠着我吃一些胡萝卜7.dreadv. To feel anxious or worried about something that

18、is going to happen or may happen害怕做某事固定搭配:dread doing sth. 害怕做某事例句:Victoria dreaded sleeping alone when she was young. Vic小的时候害怕一个人睡觉拓展:n.U 恐惧 be in dread of sb./sth. 畏惧某人某事 C 可怕的事情8.base A on B/ A be based on B= A develops from B例句:Success is based on failure. Success develops from failure. 成功是建立在失

19、败之上的 bound up withTo be closely connected with与紧密相连动词变化:bind-bound-bound 束,扎,使结合例句: My life is bound up with XES 我的生活和学而思紧密联系在一起。 National Characteristic is bound up with climate. 民族特性与气候紧密相关拓展:bind up 把扎起来例句:The nurse will bind up your wounds. 护士会包扎你的伤口。 10.whether or not depends on 是否取决于例句:Whether we think this book is interesting largely depends on our taste. 我们是否觉得这本书有趣很大程度上取决于我们的品味 Whether we like an animal largely depends on its appearance. 我们是否喜欢一种动物很大程度上取决于它的外表 Whether we have a good impression on somone largely depends on his or her manners. 我们对某人是否有好的印象很大程度上取决于他的举止。

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