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本文(河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语北师大版必修5《Uint 14 Careers》教案Lesson 2.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语北师大版必修5《Uint 14 Careers》教案Lesson 2.docx

1、河南省确山县第二高级中学高中英语北师大版必修5Uint 14 Careers教案Lesson 2确山二高 二 年级 英语 学科共案时 间: 2015.10.14 星 期:主 备 人: 陈红杰 使用人:【教学主题】 模块四Unit 14 Lesson 2 & lesson 3 共案【教学目标】1、学习并掌握重点单词、短语、句型 2 会分析复杂结构的句子,正确理解句义3、提高学生的阅读理解能力【知识梳理】及【典型例题】lesson 2 & lesson 3 重点单词、短语、句型讲解1manners n礼貌Mind Your Manners(教材P38)注意你的礼貌His manners were

2、perfect.他非常有礼貌。Her children all had such good manners.她的孩子们都这样彬彬有礼。【提示】manners表示“礼貌”时只有复数形式。归纳拓展 good manners 有礼貌bad manners 没礼貌 in a .manner 用的方式/态度Its bad manners to stare at people.瞪着别人看不礼貌。She greeted me in a friendly manner.她很友好地和我打招呼。即学即用单句改错The child has very good manner and always says“thank

3、 you”_Japanese manner is based on the idea that “you are superior to me”_【答案】mannermannersmanner ismanners are2.last time we went it was great!(教材P38)上次我们去的时候,非常不错!此句为名词短语(the)last time引导的时间状语从句。The last time I saw him,he was playing with a cat.我上一次见他时,他正逗猫玩。The last time I saw her,she was not so ol

4、d.我上一次见她时,她还没有这么老。归纳拓展以下名词短语可以引导时间状语从句:(the) last time 上次时(the) next time 下次时every time 每当时the first/second.time第一/二次时I promised my son to take him to the zoo the next time I took a holiday.我答应儿子下次度假时带他去动物园。The first time I went abroad I could hardly understand what the foreigners said.我第一次出国时几乎不懂老外

5、说些什么。即学即用完成句子你下次来,请把你的作文带来。_, please bring your composition.最后一次看到他时,他在纽约。_, he was in New York.【答案】Next time you comeThe last time I saw him3give.a lift 给搭车;搭便车Would you mind giving me and my schoolmate a lift to school?(教材P38)你介意让我和我的同学搭你的车去上学吗?Ill give you a lift to the station.我顺便用车送你到车站去吧。He ga

6、ve me a lift back home after the party.晚会结束后,他让我搭车回家。归纳拓展ask for a lift 要求搭便车take the lift 乘电梯lift v举起;抬升lift up举起;提高He lifted his glass to the health of his parents.他举杯祝父母身体健康。即学即用完成句子_(她是要求搭便车吗)? I must have misheard what she was saying.Theres no need to _(提高你的嗓门);Im not deaf.【答案】Was she asking fo

7、r a liftlift up your voice4request n要求;请求v要求;请求;恳求.to make a request to someone you dont know very well (教材P39)向一个你不是很熟悉的人作出请求He made repeated requests for help.他一再请求帮助。I request him to help.我请求他帮忙。归纳拓展make a request for.要求at sb.s requestat the request of sb.应某人之邀请/请求by request (of sb.)应(某人的)请求;经(某人

8、之)要求on request 一经要求request do sth.请求某人做某事request sth.of/from sb.向某人要求某物request that sb.(should) do sth.要求某人做某事Mr Paine made a request that I should help him.佩恩先生要求我帮助他。We requested him to stop at the station.我们让他停在车站。They requested that we should not park our car here.他们要求我们别把汽车停放在这里。即学即用用适当的介

9、词填空They have made an urgent request _international aid.The study was done _ the request of the Chairman.Further details will be sent _ request.The film is being shown again _popular request.【答案】foratonby5drop off 让下车;打盹儿,打瞌睡;减少,逐渐消失Do you think you could drop me off at the mailbox?(教材P39)我在邮箱附近下车吗?S

10、he usually drops the kids off at school on her way to work.她通常在开车上班时顺路把孩子们送到学校。I dropped off and missed the end of the film. 我打了个盹儿,把影片的结尾给错过了。My interest in the work has dropped off.我对那份工作的兴趣已逐渐消失。归纳拓展drop away 减弱;减少drop back 落后drop behind 落后;落在后面drop in (on sb.) 拜访(某人)drop out (of sth.) 不再参加,退出;辍学

11、The lecture was so dull that soon the audience begin to drop away.演讲单调乏味,不久,听众就开始陆续离席了。Learning is like rowing upstream;not to advance is to drop back.学如逆水行舟,不进则退。即学即用完成句子She could feel the tension _(缓和下来)We cannot afford _(落后于)our competitors.I thought I would _(顺便看你)while I was passing.He _ (退出了)a

12、ctive politics.【答案】drop awayto drop behinddrop in on youhas dropped out of6hang on稍等;不挂断;取决于,坚持不懈,不放弃Great!Hang on a second.Ill just get my bag.(教材P39)好极了!等会儿,我拿包去。Hang on to the rail,or you will fall.抓住栏杆,否则你会摔倒的。The teams survival in the League hangs on the result of this game.该队能否继续留在联赛中取决于本场比赛的结

13、果。归纳拓展hold back 阻挡;隐瞒;抑制,控制(感情等) hold off 不开始,延迟;推迟hold out 维持,坚持;抵抗,幸存hold together (使)保持团结;合乎逻辑,连贯hold up 支持住;搀扶;举起;抬起;延迟;阻碍;举出(例子)She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy.她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。The doctors hold out little hope of his recovery.医生们对他的康复不抱多大希望。即学即用完成句子Could you _(推迟)making your dec

14、ision for a few days?We can stay here for as long as our supplies _(维持)She just managed _(压住了怒火)【答案】hold offhold outto hold back her anger7familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的Jin Li found the American way of life familiar soon after her arrival in the USA.(P40)金丽到美国后不久,她觉得美国的生活方式很熟悉。The name sounded very familiar t

15、o her.这个名字她听上去很熟悉。I was now getting much more familiar with the local area.我开始对当地情况有了更多的了解。归纳拓展 familiar with sth. familiar to sb.某物为某人所熟悉He is familiar with three languages.他通晓三种语言。Your name is familiar to me.你的名字我很熟悉。即学即用用适当的介词填空Perhaps the place looked familiar _ you because your frie

16、nd had a picture of it.These Indian guests are familiar _ this book.【答案】towith8aspect n方面When I first arrived in San Francisco,I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.(教材P40)第一次到旧金山时,有段时间我觉得很难理解美国人的某些处事方式。She received a through training in every aspec

17、t of the job.对这项工作的每个环节,她都接受了系统培训。归纳拓展from every aspect 从各个方面;从各个角度from all aspects 从所有方面see the aspect of.看到/了解的一面take on a(n).aspect 呈现的样子in all aspects (在)所有方面She felt she has looked at the problem from every aspect.她觉得已经从各个角度考虑了这个问题。The new house is in all aspects better than the old one.无论从哪一点来

18、看,新屋比老屋好。即学即用完成句子现在我们再谈这问题的另一个方面。Now let us turn to _.在我这方面,我没有什么更多要说的。I have nothing more to say _.【答案】another aspect of the problemin my aspect9cautious adj.小心翼翼的,谨慎的Ive always been outgoing but since an embarrassing experience in a New York restaurant Ive been much more cautious.(教材P40)我一直是一个外向的人

19、,但是自从在纽约的一家饭店有过一次尴尬的经历后,我就比较小心了。I should be cautious not to give offence.我应该小心不要得罪人。The boss is cautious about making promises.老板对承诺持谨慎态度。归纳拓展be cautious of/about/with sth.对谨慎的,小心的be cautious not to do sth.小心不做某事cautiously adv.谨慎地;小心地caution n小心,谨慎vt.警告,提醒with caution小心翼翼He cautioned the kids not to

20、 talk to strange men.他警告孩子们不要随便和陌生人说话。We must proceed with caution.我们必须谨慎行事。即学即用用cautious的适当形式填空I must _you against the danger.The boss is _about making promises.The only thing to do is to throw _to the winds.The kids _played near the road.【答案】caution cautious caution cautiously 10I was enjoying my

21、dessert and talking to my American friend Janice at the table when_I noticed people staring at us.(教材P40)我和我的美国朋友詹尼斯正在餐桌前边吃甜点边聊天,突然发现人们在注视着我们。(1)when在此处为并列连词,意为“这时”,相当于at the time。I was walking in the park when I came across an old friend.我正在公园散步,这时偶遇到一个老朋友。归纳拓展 when意为“这时”时常用的四个句型:sb.was doing.when.

22、某人正在做这时sb.was about to do.when.某人即将做这时sb.had just done.when.某人刚做完这时 on the point of doing.when.某人正要做某事,这时We were about to set off on our way when it suddenly began to rain.我们正要动身离开的时候,天突然下起雨来。I was on the point of leaving office when a student came in.我刚要离开办公室,这时一个学生进来了。即学即用完成句子他正在做作业,这时他爸爸进来了。

23、He was doing his homework _.他刚睡着电话铃就响了。He had just drifted off to sleep _.【答案】when his father came inwhen the phone rang(2)stare at 凝视,盯着看Dont stare at me in the face.不要盯着我的脸看。 易混辨析stare/glare/glancestare意为“盯,凝视”,指出于好奇、惊讶等原因长时间睁大眼直接注视,常含粗鲁无礼之意;glare指“怒目而视”,出于气愤或敌意;glance意为“一瞥”,指匆忙中迅速看上一眼。He didnt sh

24、out;he just glared at me silently.他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。Glancing at the watch,she told him the time.她看了一下表,告诉他几点钟了。即学即用 用stare,glance,glare的适当形式填空The old gentleman just stood there _ at the pickpocket and did not say a word.She _ around the room before she left.The policeman _ at his eyes when questioning

25、 him.【答案】glaringglancedstared11break into 闯入,破门而入;突然起来The burglar broke into the house and Nancy saw him.(教材P41)小偷闯入房子且南茜看见他了。Last night two thieves broke into the bank and stole the safe.昨天晚上两个盗贼闯入银行并且偷走了保险柜。归纳拓展break away from 离开;脱离break down 打破,毁掉;出毛病;(身体)垮了;恸哭break out 突然爆发break up 拆散,解散;分解,分裂;崩

26、溃break in 插嘴break through 突围;突破The report said that a war will break out.报道说战争将爆发。The old ship started to break up because of the storm.由于风暴,这艘旧船开始解体。【对接高考】(2012陕西高考)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead because the airconditioning system _.Abroke in Bbroke upCbroke o

27、ut Dbroke down【解析】break in打断,闯入;break up结束,散开,分解;break out爆发;break down崩溃,垮掉,出毛病,抛锚。句意:他时不时地停下来擦去额头的汗水,因为空调出毛病了。选D项。【答案】即学即用用适当的介词或副词填空If your car breaks _, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along.He predicted that war would break _in the next few years.Police were called in to break _t

28、he meeting.The thieves planned to break _a bank.【答案】downout up into 语法专讲观察下列从Reading选取的句子,体会现在分词的用法。My friend went back to his room closing the door behind.I noticed people staring at us.They didnt seem to hear me saying “No, thank you”What he did was amazing.以上四句均含有动词的现在分词。第句中现在分词closing在句中作_;第句中现在分词在句中作_;第句中现在分词在句中作_。【答案】状语;宾语补足语;表语知识要点现在分词一、现在分词的构成形式形式主动被动用法意义一般式doingbeing done指分词的动作和句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生表示主动或进行,或既表主动又表进行完成式having donehaving been done指分词的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之前The question being discussed is of great importance.正在被讨论的问题非常

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