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1、飞屋环游记字幕飞屋环游记字幕飞屋环游记 / UpMovietown News presents影城新闻隆重推出的Spotlight on Adventure.“聚焦探险”节目What you are now witnessing现在您将见证Is footage never before seen by civilized humanity.尚未被文明世界知晓的奇异景观A lost world in South America.位于南美洲之失落的世界Lurking in the shadow of majestic Paradise Falls.这里有现代科学未曾造访的奇珍异木、飞禽走兽It s

2、ports plants and animals undiscovered by science.藏匿于壮观的天堂瀑布的屏障之下Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit?谁敢踏足这片袅无人烟的蛮野之地呢Why, our subject today,那就是-无所不能的Charles Muntz!查尔斯孟兹The beloved explorer lands his dirigible, The Spirit of Adventure,这位深受爱戴的探险家驾驶着他的冒险精神号飞船In New Hampshire this week,于本

3、周抵达汉普郡Completing a yearlong expedition to the lost world.完成了对那片失落世界为期一年的探险之旅This lighter-than-air craff was designed by Muntz himself这艘可腾云驾雾的飞行器由查尔斯孟兹亲自设计And is longer than 22 prohibltion paddy wagons placed end to end.它比22辆小马车首尾相接还要长And here comes the adventurer now.现在, 我们的探险家终于现身了Never apart from

4、his faithful dogs,身随其后的是与他形影不离,无比忠诚的狗伙伴们Muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort.孟兹设计这艘飞船,充分考虑到狗狗们的舒适感受Its a veritable floating palace in the sky,这真是名副其实的空中宫殿Complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker.配备了狗狗洗澡机和跑步机Not just any kid随便你一个Off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles.

5、带着头盔和护目镜的街头小孩是不行的Do you th nk youve got what it takes? Well, do you?你觉得你有什么优势吗 有吗All right, youre in. Welcome aboard.好吧 算你一个 欢迎加入Whats wrong? Cant you talk?你怎么了 你是哑巴吗Hey, I dont bite.嗨,我又不会吃了你You and me, were in a club now.你和我 我们现在是一家人了葡萄汽水I saw where your balloon went.我知道你的气球去哪儿了Come on! Lets go ge

6、t it.来吧 我们去把它取下来My names Ellie.我的名字叫艾莉There it is.看,就在那儿Well, go ahead.去吧Go on.去呀Hey, kid!嗨,小子Thought you might need a little cheering up.我想你可能有点闷I got something to show you.我就带些东西给你看I am about to let you see something要给你看的东西I have never shown to another human being.我从来没给任何人看过的Ever! In my life!这辈子从来

7、都没有Youll have to swear you will not tell anyone.你得发誓不告诉别人Cross your heart. Do it!划叉发誓 快My Adventure Book.我的探险记录You know him.Charles Muntz, explorer.查尔斯孟兹 探险家When I get big, Im going where hes going,等我长大了 我要追寻他的足迹South Amerca. Its Iike America but south.南美洲 和美洲很像只是靠南边而已Wanna know where Im gonna live?

8、知道我要住哪里吗Paradise Falls, a land lost in time.天堂瀑布 被时间遗忘的地方I ripped this right out of a library book.我从图书馆里的书上撕下来的Im gonna move my clubhouse there我要把俱乐部搬到那里去And park it right next to the falls.就放在瀑布的旁边Who knows what lives up there.谁知道有什么东西会住在那儿And once I get there.一旦到了那里Well, Im saving these pages我要把我

9、所探险的地方For all the adventures Im gonna have.记录下来填满这本书Only I just dont know how Im gonna get to Paradise Falls.只是 我还不知道怎么到达天堂瀑布Thats it! You can take us there in a blimp!对了 你可以用氢气球带我们过去Swear youll take us. Cross your heart!发誓你会带我们去那里 快发誓Cross it! Cross your heart! Good you promised. No backing out.快!发

10、誓!很好,你答应了 不许反悔Well, see you tomorrow, kid. Bye!好了 明天见 小子 再见Adventure is out there!探险之旅在前方召唤You know, you dont talk very much.知道吗,你的话不多I like you.我喜欢你Stevie, throw me a deuce!史蒂维 庆祝一下Quite a sight, huh, Ellie?好一派景象 是吧 艾莉Mail is here.有邮件了Shady oaks, retirement village. Oh, brother!绿荫橡树 养老院 真是的Hey, goo

11、d morning, Mr. Fredricksen.早上好 弗雷德里克森先生Need any help there?需要帮忙吗No. Yes!不用 要的Tell your boss over there告诉你老板That you boys are ruining our house.你们这些人正在破坏我们的房子Well, just to let you know,跟你说一句My boss will be happy to take this whole place off your hand.我老板会很高兴接手你的房子的And would double his last offer.在上次出

12、的价上再翻一倍What do you say to that?你怎么想呢Ill take that as a no, then.我想这应该是不同意了I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear.我想我已经对你老板明确表态了You poured prune juice in his gas tank.你真是他的绊脚石Yeah, that was good!是 再好不过了Here, let me talk to him.给我 让我跟他说You in the suit. Yes. You.穿西装的那个 对 就是你Take a bath.

13、Hippie!希望你早日破产,臭小子I am not with him!不是我说的,那老头说的This is serious! Hes out to get your house!说真的 他会不惜一切代价得到你的房子Tell your boss he can have our house.告诉你老板他可以拥有我的房子-真的? -等我死了再说吧 - Really? - When Im dead!Ill take that as a maybe.我会转告他的Order now. You get the camera,现在订购这款照相机You get the printer, 4x optical

14、zoom,它集打印机功能 4倍光学变焦Schneider lens, photo printer, SD card.施耐德镜片 照片打印 SD卡存储于一身Good afternoon. My name is Russell.下午好 我叫罗索And I am a wilderness explorer in tribe 54,我是一名野外探险者Squad lodge 12.隶属54队12小组Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?今天您需要帮忙吗 先生No.不用- I could help you cross the street. - No.-

15、我可以帮你穿过马路 -不用- I could help you cross youryard. - No.-我可以帮你穿过院子 -不用- I could help you cross your porch. - No-我能帮你穿过门廊 -不用Well, I gotta help you cross something.我总能帮你穿过点什么吧No, Im doing fine.不 我自己能行Good afternoon. My name is Russell.下午好 我叫罗索- Kid. Kid - And I am a Wilderness Explorer-孩子 -是一名野外探险者- In

16、Tribe 54 Sweat Lodge 12. -I Slow down. Kid!-隶属54队 12小组 -等一下 孩子- Are you n need of any assistance. - Thank you,-你需要任何帮助吗 -谢谢- But I dont need any help! - .today, sir?-但我现在不需要 -先生 今天Proceed.继续吧- Good afternoon. -But skip to the end!-下午好 -咱们废话少说See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges.看到这些了吗

17、这些是野外探险徽章You may notice one is missing.你可能注意到这里少了一个Its my Assisting the Elderly badge.这是帮助老年人的徽章If I get it, Ill become a Senior Wilderness Explorer.如果我有了 我就能成为资深野外探险者了The wilderness must be explored!誓要探索野外Its gonna be great! Theres a big ceremony,那会很棒的 会有一个盛大的典礼And all the dads come and they pin on

18、 our badges.所有的父亲都会来 为我们带上的徽章So, you want to assist an old person?所以你想帮助一位老人对吗Yep! Then Ill be a Senior Wilderness Explorer.这样我就能成为资深野外探险者了- You ever heard of a snipe? - Snipe?-你有没有听说过鷸鸟 -鷸鸟?A bird. Beady eyes.是一种鸟 有漂亮的珍珠眼Every night it sneaks into my yardand每天晚上 它都溜进我的花园And gobbles my poor azaleas.

19、偷吃我的杜鹃花Im elderly and infirm.我年老体弱I cant catch it.抓不住它If only someone could help me.如果有人能帮我Me, me, Ill do it!我 我 我来干I dont know, its awfully crafty.你行吗 它可是很狡猾的Youd have to cap your hands three times to lure it in.你得拍手三次来引诱它Ill find himr, Mr. Fredricksen!我会找到它 弗雷德里克森先生I think its burrow is two blocks

20、 down. If you go past.我认为它的洞穴在两个街区外 若你穿过Two blocks down. Got it. Snipe.两个街区外 知道了 鷸鸟Here, snipey, snipey.过来这里 小鷸鸟 小鹬鸟Bring it back here when you find it.找到了把它带回来Snipe!鷸鸟Okay, keep her coming. Keep coming.好 继续往前开And stop. Stop. Stop!停 停 停Why. Hey! Hey, you!怎么不 嘿 说你呢What do you. What do you think you r

21、e doing?你 你知道自己在干嘛吗- I am so sorry sir. -Dont touch that-我很抱歉 先生 -别碰那个No, no, no. Let me take care of that for you.不不不 让我来帮你修好- Get away from our mailbox! - Hey Sir, I.-离我的邮箱远一点 -先生 我I dont want you to touch it!不许你碰它Steve, you all right?史蒂夫 你还好吧It looks bad.情况看起来不妙法庭传唤Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen.抱歉 弗雷德里克

22、森先生You dont seem like a public menace to me.我觉得你看起来不像会危害公共安全的人Take this.您收好这个The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?绿荫橡树疗养院的人明天早上会来接您What do I do now, Ellie?我现在该怎么办 艾莉Good morning, gentlemen.早上好 先生们Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen.早上好 弗雷德里克森先生Youre ready to go?你准备好走了吗Re

23、ady as Ill ever be.早准备好了Would you do me a favor and take this?能帮个忙替我拿着这个吗Ill meet you in the van in just a minute.过会儿车上见I wanna say one last goodbye to the old place.我想和老房子最后道个别Sure. Take all the time you need, sir.当然 随您方便 先生Thats typical. Hes probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time.这很正常 他很

24、可能是去浴室哭最后一次了You think hed take better care of His house你也觉得他对自己的房子太有感情了So long, boys!让你们久等了 伙计们Ill send you a postcard from Paradise Falls!我会从天堂瀑布给你们寄明信片的南美洲We are on our way, Ellie.我们上路了 艾莉Hi, Mr. Fredricksen.弗雷德里克森先生Its me, Russell.是我 罗索What are you doing out here, kid?你在外面做什么 孩子I found the snipe

25、and I followed it under your porch.我找到鷸鸟了 我跟着它来到你的门廊But this snipe had a long tail但这个鷸鸟有根长尾巴And looked more like a large mouse.看起来更像只大老鼠Please, let me in.请让我进屋吧No.不Oh, alright, you can come.好吧 你可以 .in.进来Ive never been in a floating house before.我从没见住过飞屋Goggles. Look at this stuff!护目镜 看这些东西Wow! Youre

26、 going on a trip?你准备去旅行吗Paradise Falls, a land lost in time.天堂瀑布 被时间遗忘之地Youre going to South America, Mr. Fredricksen?你准备去南美洲吗 弗莱德里克森先生Dont touch that! Youll soil it.别碰那个 你会弄脏它的You know most people take a plane,大多数人都是坐飞机But youre smart,但你更聪明Because you have your tv, clocks and stuff.因为你可以带着电视 钟 还有行李

27、Whoa, is this how you steer your house?哇 这是用来操控房子的吗Does it really work?真的管用吗Kid would you stop with the.孩子 你能不能停下- This makes it go right. - Let go of that.-这是右转 -别碰那个- And that ways left. - Knock it off-这是左转 -放开手Hey, look! Buildings.看啊 高楼大厦That buildings so close, I could almost touch it!这幢楼离的好近 我快

28、能碰到它了Wow, this is great!这太棒了You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen.你也应该试试 弗雷德里克森先生Look, theres a bus看 两个街区之外That could take me home two blocks away!就有一辆可以到我家的公交车Hey, I can see your house from here.我可以从这儿看到你的房子Dont jerk around so much, kid. Whoa!别到处乱动 小鬼Well, thats not gonna work.恩 那样好像行不通I know that c

29、loud, its a cumulonimbus.我知道那种云 是积雨云Did you know that a cumulonimbus forms你知道吗 当冷热空气对流When warm air rises over cool air?积雨云就形成了I stayed up all night blowing up ballons. For what?我吹了一晚上气球 图什么呀.and thats how we get lightning.雷电就这样形成了- Thats nice kid - Mr. Fredricksen?-不错 小鬼 -弗雷德里克森先生- What are you doing over there? - Look.-你在那儿干什么呢 -看See? Cumulonimbus.看到没 积雨云My pack!我的包Got ya!抓到了I thought you were dead.我还以为你死了What happened?怎么了I steered us. I did it! I steered the house.是我在驾驶 我做到了 我把房子安全降落了Steered us?你驾驶的After you

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