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1、新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版3参考答案完整版Unit 1 Enjoy the colorful campus life!II Basic listening practice2. D) 3. B)1. C)HI Listening inTask 1(1) the first day(3) really good(5) went over her head(7) notes(9) participationTask 2(1) extra training(3) accounting(5) better potential(7) challenging(9) better understandi

2、ngTask 31. B) 2. C) 3. D)IV Speaking out4. D) 5. A)(2) changing(4) hard workers(6) explained(8) Wednesday(10) education(2) chemistry(4) many fie Ids of study(6) business degree(8) how to learn(10) narrow-minded4. A) 5. D)Model 1(1)already I fee 1 like I ve learned a lot(2)I already feel like Im up t

3、o my ears in homework(3)have to hit the books(4)rub off on you(5)Probably, you,ll have no repeat the year(6)I llbe burning the midnight oil.(1)how Im going to stay awake(2)He could put the entire basketball team to sleep-during the championship game(3)Shes tough(4)No pain, no gain(5)he usually foils

4、 half on the students(6)Im bored to death(1)what are your primary duties as a professor(2)I do a lot of research and writing(3)Teaching is an important part of being a professor(4)applying for grants to fund my research(5)being a professor sounds pre tty competitive(6)So you get an F in this courseV

5、Lets talk(1) quality(2)young(3)25(4) difficult(5) government(6) quality(7)cut(8) extra -cautions(9) afford(10) experience(11) more(12) blame(13)budget(14) puzzled(15) serviceVI Furthering listening and speakingLis teningTask 1(1)(2) abilities and interest(4) pressure(6) get into good colleges(8) fro

6、m bad to worsestandardized tests(3)interest(5) we 11-rounded(7)the rest of the schoolTask 2(S 1) course(52)quizzes(53)semester(54)confident(55)party(56)make(57)missed(58)they had a flat tire on the way back and didnthave a spare(59)placed them in separate rooms, handed each of them a paper(S 10) On

7、the second page was a question worth 95 points :uWhich of the tires wasflat Task 3Viewing and speaking1 .(1) increasing(2)12(3) more(4) facilities(5) lecturers(6) poorer(7) grant(8) one(9) budget(10) less(11) young(12) classic(13) part-time(14) growing(15) twoyearUnit 1 testPart I Keys:1.A2.B 3.D4.B

8、 5.DPart II(l)for (2)with (3)opportunity (4)tuition (5)explore (6)encounter (7)adventure (8)As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9)Travelers checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if the

9、y get lost or stolen (10)It is wise to bring about $100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the StatesPart HIl.C 2.A3.B4.D5.Al.C 2.A3.A4.D5.C 6.B 7.A8.C 9.B 10.C新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 2 Our globe is in danger!(1)getting along during this usually hot weather

10、(2)the hot, humid weather is killing her(3)does bring global warming and rain(4)Everybody should know what causes global warming. Otherwise we wontstop it.(5)not to burn any more wood or coal(6)the polar ice caps melt and oceans rise(1)asking for donations to save the rainforests(2)They need hot, tr

11、opical climates(3)heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation(4)plant and animal species exist only in rainforests(5)are in danger of destruction by(6)find a way to save them(1)a big sandstorm hit our city(2)The ail* was full of dirt and sand dust(3)comes after a long period of drought(4)the soil can b

12、e lifted up(5)plant more trees and grass(6)launching a new afforestation program in a bid to address the envii*onmental problemVLets talk(l)-b (2) - a (3)-h (4) - d(5)-g (6)-e (7)-c (8)-fVI Furthering listening and speakingLis teningTask 1(1)(2) overconsumption(4) resources(6) restricted(8) economic

13、 policy(10) balancewater pollution(3)economic growth(5)social advancement(7)government planning(9)remarkable steps(51)negative(52)report(53)warming(54)pressures(55)mountainous(56)barely(57)make way for(58)expect 98 percent of the mountain areas to experience seve re climate change by2055(59)the UN i

14、s anxious to raise awareness of the problems facing mountain areas(S 10) Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the yearTask 31. B) 2. A)3. C) 4. D)5. D)Viewing and speaking1 .(1) signs(2)warmer temperatures(3) warmest(4) snow(5) attracts(6) trouble(7)normal(8)best season(9) onetime(10

15、) whiteUnit 2 testPart I Keys:l.C 2.C 3.B4.C 5.DPart II(l)chemicals (2)atmosphere (3)particles (4)trapped (5)lasts (6)human-based(7)progressed (8)Even in Ancient Rome people complained about smoke put into the atmosphere (9) Air pollution can have serious consequences for the health of human beings

16、(lO)Cities with large numbers of automobiles or those that use great quantities of coal often suffer most severely from air pollution problemsPart HI1.A2.C 3.D4.C 5.BPart IVl.B 2.C 3.D4.C 5.C 6.A7.D 8.D 9.B 10.CUnit 3 Culture makes me what I am.I Lead-in1)C 2)1 3)1 4)CII Basic listening practice1. C

17、) 2. A)HI Listening inTask 13. D)4. B)5. A)1. C) 2. A)3. C)4. B)5. D)Task 2(51)roots(52)what(53)moral(54)diligence(55)sin(56)teachings(57)centuries(58)Even as children they were taught, uIfit Sworth doing at all, its worth doingwe 11(59)In English a new world has been created to describe people who

18、work compuls ive ly(S 10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they areextremely productiveTask 31. D) 2. A) 3. D) 4. A) 5. C)IV Speaking outModel 1(1)individual interests rank above everything else(2)its a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivism(3)is not necessar

19、ily an equivalent for selfishness(4)all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals(5)in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anythingelse(6)Why do Americans cherishindividualism Model 2(1)always seem to be in a hurry(2)What do you think are the reasons for t

20、hat difference(3)Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle(4)led them to create fast food(5)globalization shrinks the differences between cultures(6)the gap will eventually be bridged(1)theyre on top(2)they definitely get the best marks(3)They never skip class(4)did homework each night u

21、ntil the early hours(5)Thats the secret of their success(6)I just want to learn it in an interesting wayVLets talk1. (1) transatlantic slave trade(2)unknown lands(3)dignity or payment2.(1) rich(2)cotton and sugar3.(1) all over the world(2)fomily history(3)changed4.200th anniversary5.(1) banned(2)tak

22、ing part in(3)s la ve ry(4)freedVI Furthering listening and speakingLis teningTask 11. C)2.B)3.A)4.C)5.D)Task 21. T2.F3.T4.F5.FTask 31.The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.2.He answered, Vodka is plentiful in my country. In fact, we have thousands and thousands of

23、liters of it-for more than we need”.3.The businessman said/lthought the Cuban economy was not good this year Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling.4.He replied, “Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what to do with.”5.The Ame

24、rican businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbed the la wye r, and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because he thought there we re too many la wye rs in the United States Vie wing and speakingUnit 3 testPart I Keys: 1.B2.C 3.B 4.B 5.DPart II(1)values (2) purpos

25、e (3) true (4) Nowhere (5) equality (6) races (7) laboratory (8) Although Edwards specifically mentions young men, young women also compete in organized sports without regard to their race or economic background (9) Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits n

26、ecessary to compete successfully in later life (10) the competitive ethic taught in sports must be learned and cultivated in youth for the future success of American business and military effortsPartffll.C2.A3.B4.D5.DPartIV 1.D2.B 3.A4.D5.D6.C 7.A8.B 9-B 10.A新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 4 Taste the s

27、weets and bitters of family life.ILead-in1. 3 2 4 1IIBasic listening practice1. C) 2. A) 3. B) 4. C) 5. D)HI Listening inTask 1(S 1) typical(52)known(53)Generally(54)find(55)apartment(56)sole(57)principal(58)Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the United State

28、s(59)adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earnerfamilies (S 10) companies are getting involved in the arrangement ofday care Task 21. F2.T3.T4.F5.TTask 31. A)2. A)3. A)4.D)5.C)IV Speaking outModel 1(1)Im having a hectic time working on this report(2)its been more than five years, almo

29、st six, since we we re ma med(3)Time has gone so fost(4)Im this close to getting a promotion(5)What has that got to do with it(6)you have a great point(1)So many people in the United States get divorced(2)the divorce rate can be as high as 50 percent(3)Westerners foil head over heels in love quickly

30、(4)some marriages break up, but most couples stay together(5)Do people get ma med young(6)Do women usually work after they get ma med(1)havenseen dad for ages(2)my momsbeen pre tty sick(3)donexaggerate(4)Never thought I was good enough for you(5)seriously, moms not so bad(6)Why not just have both our parents here for ChristmasVLeLs talk(1) cry(2)re lief(3) strong(4) understanding(5) angry(6) left(7)wondering(8) five(9) sad(10) stress(11) friends(12) helps(13) Christmas(14) cousi

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