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1、最新外研版英语七年级上册知识点总结资料2012外研版七年级英语上册知识点总结Module1 Classmates1. be from = come from 来自 I am from China. = I come from China. 我来自中国。 Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪儿?2. -Whats your name? -Whats his name? -Whats her name? -My name is Tom. / Im Tom. -His name is Daming. -Her name is Lingl

2、ing.3. -How old are you? -How old is he / she? -Im 15 years old. -He / she is 14 years old.4. -What class are you in? -What class is he in? -I am in Class 1, Grade 7. -He is in Class 1, Grade 7.5. Good to see you. = Nice to see you. = Glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。6. What about = How about 怎么样(询问) What /

3、How about your school life?7. the capital of 的首都 Beijing is the capital of China.8. a very big city 一个非常大的城市 Shanghai is a very big city.9. first name = given name 名字 last name = family name 姓10. welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地 Welcome to China.11. Im from China. Im Chinese. I can speak Chinese. Im from Engla

4、nd. Im English. I can speak English.12. I am from China, too. I can also speak English. I dont like the book , either.13. Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗?14. Chinese: 中国人,中国的 I am Chinese. 中国人 I am a Chinese girl. 中国的 English: 英国人,英国的 I am English. 英国人 I am an English girl. 英国的15.作文1 About myself.

5、My name is Tom. / Im Tom. Im a student in No. 3 Middle School. I am 15 years old. Im from China and I am Chinese. I can speak English , too. I am in Class 1, Grade 7. I like sports. / I like doing sports. My favourite sport is basketball. / Playing basketball is my favourite sport. 范文2 My friend Thi

6、s is my friend. His name is Tom. He is from America. Now he is in Beijing. He is 13 years old. Hes in No. 14 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade One. Were in the same class. His father is a teacher. He teaches English. His mother is a teacher , too. His parents are in the same school. But his p

7、arents arent in our school.Module2 My familyVocabulary:A family: fathermother dad (daddy)mum ( mom) / mummy parent parents uncle aunt brothersister sondaughter husbandwife man - womanboy girl grandfather - grandmother grandpa - grandma grandparent grandparents cousinB job: a driver, a farmer, a work

8、er, a manager, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a nurse, a singer, a writer, an actor, an actress, a policeman, policewoman, C place: at a bus station, in a hospital, in a hotel, at a theatre, on a farm, at school, in the shop, in a factory1. I have an elder brother. 哥哥 She has a younger / little sis

9、ter. 妹妹2. This is a photo of my family. 一张我的全家福 My family is a big one. 家庭 This is Jims family tree. 家谱 My family are watching TV now. 家人3. on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 on the left / right of 在的左边 / 右边4. next to 在旁边,紧挨着 = beside = near5. in front of 在前面 (相对独立) in the front of 在前部(在内部) There is a

10、 tree in front of the house. There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.6. at the bus station 在公共汽车站 at school 在学校 at the same hospital 在同一所医院 at a police station 在警局 7. (be) in hospital(生病)住院 in the hospital 在医院 Tom is ill in hospital because he is ill. Toms father works in the hospital.8.

11、 in the photo 照片上 There is a big house in the photo.9. a manager of a theater = a theater manager 一个剧院经理10. a manager of a hotel = a hotel manager 一个旅馆经理11. a bus driver 一位公共汽车司机 a farm worker 一位农场工人a shop worker 一名店员 an English teacher 一位英语老师12. man woman (men women) a woman doctor women doctors 女医

12、生 a man teacher men teachers 男老师 There are three men teachers in the office.13. Is this / that your family? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are these / those your parents? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.14. Who is this? Who is this boy? Who are the boy and the girl? They are my friends. 15.问职业: What is

13、your mother? = What does your mother do? = What is your mothers job? What be + 名词(主语)? What do / does + 主语 +do? What be ones job?16. 介绍家庭常用的句型。 1) This is a photo of my family. 2) I have a big / small family. 3) There are _ people in my family. They are _ and I. 4) This is and this is . 5) My father

14、 / mother is a _ in a _. 6) I love my family very much. / I have a happy family.范文: My family I have a big and happy family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my brother and me. This is my grandfather Henry. He is 65 years old. And Maria is my g

15、randmother. She is 63 years old this year. These are my parents. My father is George, He is 37 years old. He is a doctor. My mothers name is Sandra. She is 34 years old. My little brother is Tom. He is an eight-year-old boy. My name is Lily and I am 12 years old. I am a student. I love my family.Mod

16、ule3 My schoolVocabulary:A: in the dining hall (have meals), in the library (read books), in the office (work), on the playground (do sports), in the sports hall (play table tennis) on the blackboard, in the classroom, in the computer room (play computer) at the school gate, in the science lab, on t

17、he desk, a map, a television, a dictionary, a teaching building, a classroom building,a science building, an office building, some furnitureB: in, on, near = next to = beside, at / in front of, in the front of, on the left / right of, in the middle of, betweenandC: one, two, three, four, five, six,

18、seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred1. a lot of furniture, a piece of furniture :一件家俱 There is lots of furniture in my room. Furniture是不可数名词2. a map of China

19、, a map of the world, a map of England, a map of America3.There is a map of the world on the wall. There are 4 windows in the wall.4. There are many apples on the tree. There is a bird in the tree.5. There is a tree in front of the house. The driver is sitting in the front of the bus.6. This is the

20、classroom building with 24 classrooms. 这座教学楼有24间教室。7. The building is for science. 这座楼是科技楼。8. What is your classroom like? Its very big. What is your brother like? He is friendly. What is the weather like today? Its sunny.9. The gym is next to the office. = Next to the office is the gym.10. go to sc

21、hool 上学 leave school 毕业 主语 + be +方位 方位 + be + 主语 There be句型总结:1.there be 句型表示 在某地或某时 有某物或某人。 There be + 某物 / 某人 + 地点/ 时间 There are 50 students / 50 desks in the classroom. There will be a party tomorrow.2. there be句型就近原则:be动词由其后接的最近的名词来决定其单复数。 1) There is a book and some boxes on the desk. 2) There

22、are some boxes and a book on the desk. 3) There is some water in the cup.3. herebe句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:对主语提问:当主语是人时,用Whos+介词短语?;当主语是物时; 用Whats+介词短语?。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式is(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如:Therearemanybooksoverthere.Whatsoverthere? Thereisalittlegirlintheroom.Whoisintheroom?对地点状语提问:提问地点用

23、”Whereis/are+主语”。例如: Thereisacomputeronthedesk.Whereisthecomputer?Therearefourchildrenintheclassroom.Wherearethefourchildren?对数量提问: Howmany+复数名词+arethere+介词短语? Howmuch+不可数名词+isthere+介词短语?例如: Therearetwelvemonthsinayear.Howmanymonthsarethereinayear?There is some money in my wallet. How much money is

24、there in your wallet?4. there be 句型的时态:be有一般现在时,一般过去时,将来时和完成时。 There are more and more high buildings in the city.Therewasaknockatthedoor.有人敲门。 Thereisgoingtobeameetingtonight.= There will be a meeting tonight. Therehasbeenagirlwaitingforyou.有个女孩一直在等你。 描述学校常用的句型:1. Welcome to my school.2. Let me tel

25、l you something about my school.3. This is a map of my school.4. There is / are in my school.5. It is + 方位.6. I think my school is very big and beautiful.7. We all like it very much.范文: My schoolMy school is very big. There is a library and some offices. The library is in front of the offices. There

26、 are some science labs, too. They are next to the offices. There is a teaching building and a sports hall. The teaching building is next to the offices and there are nineteen classrooms in the teaching building. The sports hall is next to the teaching building. There is a dining hall behind the teac

27、hing building and there are some computer rooms behind the offices. I love my school very much.Module4 Healthy food一、VocabularyFruit: apple, orange, banana, pear, strawberry, blueberryMeat: beef, pork, chicken, fish.Vegetables: beans, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots,Drink: tea, water, milk, juice, cola,

28、 coffee,Candy: chocolate, sugarOthers: rice, noodles, ice cream, hamburger, bread,表示数量:a bottle of milk, a cup of tea, a glass of water, a box of chocolate, a basket of eggs, a bowl of rice, a plate of fish, a piece of bread, a kilo of meat, a kind of fruit, many kinds if fruits,形容词(adj.): delicious

29、, sour, sweet, hot, fresh, big, small,二、单词与句型:1. Is your food and drink healthy? 饮食 Lets go for a drink. 一杯饮料 Milk and water are healthy drinks. 饮料(种类) I drink a glass of milk every day. V.(动词) 喝2. Do you have any fruit? 水果(总称)不可数名词 There are many kinds of fruits in the supermarket. 水果(种类)3. I have

30、too much homework to do. I have too many books.4. We have got some tomatoes and potatoes.5. healthy food, unhealthy drink, be/ keep /stay healthy, be in good health, our health,6. some bread, a piece of bread,7. I like eating fish. n.(名词) 鱼肉 The boy caught a fish. There are a lot of fish in the rive

31、r. n. 鱼Lets go fishing. V.(动词) 钓鱼8. Eating vegetables is good for our health. 吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。 Drinking cola isnt good for us. = Drinking cola is bad for us. 对有害 I am good at speaking English. 擅长9. This film is a bit boring. a bit + adj. a bit tired / happy10. He plays football very well. adv.(副词) He is very well now. adj. (形容词) 健康的 Thi

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