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1、中考英语完形填空练习题含答案word12020-2021年 中考英语完形填空练习题(含答案)(word)1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1先通读下面短文,读懂大意,然后从后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A little girl walked to and back from school every day. One day, wind blew hard and trees shook from side to side in the wind on her way home after school. It rained 1 , and

2、rain poured down, the girls father worried that his daughter would be scared because of flashes of lightning. So he drove to his daughters school in a hurry. To his surprise, he saw her 2 alone in the rain. When a flash of lightning came, she stopped, looked up and smiled. 3 followed, she stopped, l

3、ooked up and smiled. With the coming of the following flashes of lightning, she repeated the 4 thing again and again. After she got into the car, he wondered why she stopped, looked up and smiled when a lightning came. She replied with a bright smile, Dad, when a flash of lightning came, I felt a bi

4、t scared. Seeing this, God would 5 me. I knew he was playing an interesting game with me to drive my fear. You see, if you look at the world from a different view, the world is really amazing.1. A. hardlyB. slowC. heavyD. heavily2. A. walksB. walkingC. to walkD. walked3. A. The otherB. OtherC. Anoth

5、erD. The others4. A. sameB. differentC. secondD. opposite5. A. take afterB. take a photo ofC. take offD. take the place of【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:文章主要介绍了有一天的早上,黑云密布,但小女孩还是坚持去学校上学。放学的时候大雨滂沱,电闪雷鸣,小女孩放学后书都放在书包里,手上没有拿任何东西,淋雨回家。天气雷雨交加,母亲在家里担心自己的女儿,所以开车去学校接她。然后看到女人在每次打雷的时候,都会望着天空微笑。如果你

6、从不同的角度看世界,世界真的很神奇。 (1)副词辨析。句意:雨下得很大,大雨滂沱,这个女孩的父亲担心他的女儿因为闪电会害怕。A几乎不;B慢;C重的,形容词;D重地,副词;根据It rained 形容下大雨,用 heavily修饰动词,故选D。 (2)动词辨析。句意:让他吃惊的是,他看到她最终在雨中行走。A第三人称单数;B现在分词;C不定式;D过去式;根据题干,see sb doing sth表示看到某人正在做某事,故选B。 (3)代词辨析。句意:另一个闪电接着到来,她停下来,抬头微笑着。A两者中另一个;B别的,后面加名词复数;C三者及以上另一个;D指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,余下的人或物的

7、全部;根据When a flash of lightning came, she stopped, looked up and smiled. followed, she stopped, looked up and smiled。当一道闪电来临时,她停了下来,抬起头笑了。此处指又一道闪电来临,故选C。 (4)形容词辨析。句意:伴随着接下来的闪电,她一次又一次重复相同的事情。 A相同的;B不同的;C第二;D对面的;根据thing again and again,一次又一次,结合上文,应该是做相同的事,故选A。 (5)短语辨析。句意:看到这样,上帝会给我照相的。A照顾;B照像;C脱下;D代替;根

8、据上文一闪一闪的,这里应该上帝给我照像,故选B。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。先跳过空格阅读短文理解短文大意。然后仔细阅读每个句子,根据上下文的联系和语境,及英语语法知识确定句子中所缺的词,然后从所给的选项中找出正确答案。2完形填空 I was bored last night. So I went to watch the film Treasure Island. Im not a 1 of pirates(海盗), and I didnt watch many pirate movies. I think this movie is the best one I have seen. It

9、 took me to a world of pirates. Though they are pirates, 2 they arent scary. Eddie Izzard 3 the role of Long John Silver in the movie. I think he acted best. I have never thought much of him. As an actor before, but the movie certainly beat my mind. Toby Regbo, who played Jim Hawkins, performed very

10、 4 , too. He told us that the real treasure to us was kindness, not the gold on the island. Other 5 also did a good job. The movie was really a 6 . So Id like to 7 it to you. Im sure you will love it. 1. A. fanB. writerC. kid2. A. butB. ifC. 不填3. A. studiedB. playedC. showed4. A. rightB. goodC. well

11、5. A. singersB. doctorsC. actors6. A. troubleB. successC. question7. A. introduceB. leadC. report【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者昨晚去看了电影金银岛。 (1)句意:我不是一个海盗迷,也没有看过太多关于海盗的电影。fan迷,爱好者;writer作者;kid孩子。根据and I didnt watch many pirate movies.没有看过太多关于海盗的电影, 可知作者不太喜欢海盗. 即不是一个海盗迷,故答案选A。

12、(2)句意:虽然他们是海盗,但是并不可怕。but但是;if如果. 根据though可知引导让步状语从句,不可和but连用,同时they arent scary为主句,不再需要连词,故答案选C。 (3)句意:Eddie Izzard在电影中扮演Long John Silver的角色。studied学习;played扮演;showed展示。根据the role ,角色,可知和play连用构成play the role 扮演角色,故答案选B。 (4)句意:Toby 扮演 Jim Hawkins的角色,演的很好。right对的;good好的;well好地。根据performed 表演,动词,需要副词修

13、饰做状语,因此用well, 故答案选C。 (5)句意:其它演员也表演的很好。singers歌手;doctors医生;actors演员。根据also did a good job. 表演的很好,应该是演员在电影中表演的好,故答案选C。 (6)句意:这部电影真的是一部成功的电影。trouble麻烦;success成功;question问题. 根据上文but the movie certainly beat my mind. 这部电影是震撼灵魂的,可知这部电影很成功, 故答案选B。 (7)句意:所以我想介绍给你。introduce介绍;lead带领;report报道。根据 Im sure you w

14、ill love it.我肯定你会喜欢的,可知因为你喜欢,所以介绍给你,故答案选A。 【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。3通该下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Cindy and Anna were best friends. Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not 1 on what to

15、do. One day they decided to play in the garden near their school. Come on, lets play chess, Anna said. I dont want to play chess, Cindy replied. We always do what you want to do, Cindy. Its my turn to make a 2 , Anna said. She was getting a little unhappy and 3 , leaving Cindy alone. Cindy was very

16、angry. 4 she got home, she found she still had Annas notebook in her schoolbag. Well, Im not giving it back to her today. Im too mad at her, Cindy thought. The next day at school, their teacher Mr. s Stone 5 their notebooks. But Anna didnt have hers, and she looked 6 Cindy knew she should tell Mrs.

17、Stone that she had the notebook, but she was 7 mad at Anna. When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally told Mrs. Stone the 8 Thank you for being 9 Cindy. Im sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook, said Mrs. Stone. Later, Mrs. Stone asked the two girls together and talked with

18、them. Mrs. Stone helped them 10 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity. They became best friends again. 1. A. agreeB. liveC. dependD. try2. A. promiseB. projectC. decisionD. dialogue3. A. went overB. went onC. went byD. went away4. A. BecauseB. AfterC. UnlessD. If5. A. gave awa

19、yB. asked forC. handed inD. paid for6. A. worriedB. normalC. proudD. relaxed7. A. stillB. neverC. usuallyD. Almost8. A. chanceB. methodC. truthD. rule9. A. patientB. honestC. activeD. quiet10. A. describeB. explainC. guessD. realize【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)D;(4)B;(5)B;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】文章大

20、意:辛迪和安娜是最好的朋友。有时会因为该做什么而不能达成共识,后来在斯通太太的帮助下,她们决定轮流决定活动的内容。 (1)句意:但有些时候,他们只是不能在做什么上达成一致。A agree on,同意;B live on,依靠生活;C depend on,依靠;D try on,试穿。根据下文中的what to do的提示可知,此句需要同意,故选A。 (2)句意:“辛迪,我们总是做你想做的。轮到我做决定了,”安娜说。A 许诺;B 科目;C 决定;D 对话。固定短语,make a decision,做决定,故选C。 (3)句意:她有点不高兴就走了,留下辛迪一个人。A 仔细检查;B 继续;C 路过;

21、D 离开。根据下文语句leaving Cindy alone理解可知,Anna离开了。故选D。 (4)句意:辛迪非常生气。回家后,她发现书包里还有安娜的笔记本。A 因为;B 之后;C 除非;D 如果。根据语境可知she found she still had Annas notebook in her schoolbag,发生在she got home之后,故选B。 (5)句意:第二天在学校,他们的老师史东女士要他们的笔记本。A 赠送;B 要;C 上交;D 支付。根据文句中的their notebooks可知,老师要他们的作业,故选B。 (6)句意:但是安娜没有她的笔记本,她看起来很担心。A

22、担心;B 正常;C 荣耀;D 放松。根据上文语句But Anna didnt have hers可知,Anna没有作业本可交,所以她很担心,故选A。 (7)句意:辛迪知道她应该告诉斯通太太她有笔记本,但她仍然生安娜的气。A 仍然;B 从不;C 正常;D 几乎。根据上文语句Cindy knew she should tell Mrs. Stone that she had the notebook,与but的提示可知,此句应表示“仍然”,still,故选A。 (8)句意:到了吃午饭的时候,辛迪终于把真相告诉了斯通太太。A 机会;B 方式;C 事实;D 规则。根据下文语句Im sure Anna

23、will be thankful that you have given me her notebook, said Mrs. Stone.可知,Cindy把事实告诉了老师,故选C。 (9)句意:“谢谢你对辛迪的诚实。A 耐心;B 诚实;C 活动;D 安静。根据上文语句Cindy finally told Mrs. Stone the truth提示可知,老师感谢她的诚实,故选B。 (10)句意:斯通太太帮助他们认识到轮流决定活动是个好主意。A 决定;B 解释;C 猜测;D 认识。根据下文语句They became best friends again.提示可知,他们认识到了解决她们问题的好办

24、法,所以又和好了,故选D。 【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。4阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。 Alan and Jack are friends. They wanted to make sure that the birds outside on the ice were ducks or geese(鹅). So 1 a cold January evening last year, the two boys walked onto the frozen(结冰的)river ne

25、ar their homes to get a better look. They 2 a rock onto the ice to test it. They thought the ice could hold their 3 . Then they stepped(踩;踏)on it. But when Jack took 4 steps, he fell through the frozen surface suddenly. Alan ran to help his friend. He tried to 5 Jack out from the cold water and onto

26、 the frozen land. But the ice didnt hold, and he fell in, too. Jacks elder sister saw the boys falling through the ice and started shouting for help John, a neighbor 6 nearby on his way to the store, quickly stopped the car 7 he heard the shout. Seeing the boys, he caught a nearby life ring(救生圈), 8

27、his shoes and jumped into the water. John swam towards Alan and Jack, and took 9 back to land. They were taken to the hospital at once. 10 , they were saved. They were really thankful to their brave neighbor.1. A. atB. inC. onD. of2. A. threwB. graveC. collectedD. took3. A. shoesB. feetC. heightD. w

28、eight4. A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. few5. A. pullB. pusC. pickD. protect6. A. singingB. runningC. walkingD. driving7. A. beforeB. whileC. afterD. unless8. A. put onB. took offC. cleaned upD. turned off9. A. theirB. TheirsC. themselvesD. them10. A. SecondlyB. ActuallyC. FinallyD. Especially【答案】 (1

29、)C;(2)A;(3)D;(4)D;(5)A;(6)D;(7)C;(8)B;(9)D;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是阿兰和杰克是好朋友。他们想确定外面冰上是鸭子还是饿。羽绒衫他们去家附近的结冰的河上更好看一看。他们认为冰能承受他们的重量。然后他们踩上去。但是当杰克没走几步时,突然从冰面掉了下去。但是当阿兰跑过去救他时,他也掉下去。杰克的姐姐看到这两个男孩掉下去开始向邻居求救。后来邻居把他们救上来送到医院。他们很感激这个勇敢的邻居。 (1)考查介词。意思是:所以这两个孩子在去年一月的一个寒冷的晚上到家附近一条结冰的河上去更好的看看。at在点;in在年;on在天;of的,根

30、据a cold January evening last year因此可知这是一个具体的一天,所以要用介词on,故选C。 (2)考查动词。 句意:他们向冰上扔了一块石头进行了测试。threw扔;grave雕刻,铭记;collected收集;took拿走,根据 a rock onto the ice to test it,可知是向冰上扔了石头,故选A。 (3)考查名词。句意:他们认为冰能撑住他们的体重。shoes鞋;feet脚;height高度;weight重量,根据Theythrew aa rock onto the ice to test it 可知他们认为冰可以承载他们的体重,故选D。 (

31、4)考查代词。句意:因此可知杰克往前走了没几步,就突然掉到冰层下面去了。a little有点儿,修饰不可数名词;a few有点儿,修饰可数名词;little一点儿,修饰不可数名词;few一点儿,修饰可数名词,根据but,可知他没走几步就掉下去了,故选D。 (5)考查动词。 句意:他尽量把杰克从冷水中拉出来。pull拉;push推;pick捡起;protect保护,根据Alan ran to help his friend,可知他尽力把杰克从冰水里往外拉,故选A。 (6)考查动词。句意: 杰克的姐姐看到男孩们掉到冰里,开始想约翰求救,一个邻居开车去商店的路上。singing唱歌;running跑;walking走;driving开车,根据quickly stopped the car 因此可知一个邻居正开车去商店购物。故选D。 (7)考查介词。句意: 当他听到大喊很快他把车停下来。before在之前;while当的时候;after在之

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