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1、外研版英语新标准七年级下册M8教学设计英语(新标准)七年级下册M8教学设计 教材及年级名称英语(新标准),七年级下册模块名称Module 8 Story time教材分析爱听故事是孩子的天性,听故事、读故事是孩子学习语言的桥梁。本模块以传统的英文童话故事金凤花姑娘和三只熊为题材,利用故事内容展开听、说、读、写训练的同时,掌握故事的相关词汇及句型;并利用故事中的语境帮助学生感知、体会、理解英语中一般过去时的意义。在上个模块,学生已经学习了be的过去式,而本模块学习的是一般动词的过去式。一般过去时是本册书的重难点之一,需要花费四个模块来学习,而本模块作为基础,显得尤为重要。故事中的“金凤花原理”,

2、她选择了“刚刚好(just right)”的那碗粥、那把椅子、那张床。教师在课堂中也可以引导学生关注此原理,讨论应该选择什么样的课外故事阅读,是最流行、文字最优美的、插图最优美的,还是选择恰好适合自己的。模块教学目标语言知识目标:1. 词汇:hair, forest, decide, go for a walk, dark, pick up, soon, little, door, answer, hungry, in pieces, cry, at first, jump, gold, once upon a time, basket, notice, lost, around, towar

3、ds, knock, push, enter, bowl, finish, either, asleep, return, point at, shout, without, part 2. 语法:一般过去时(规则动词)。3. 语音:正确朗读规则动词过去式的发音/t/ /d/ /id/。语言技能目标:听:能听懂简单故事,了解主要人物和故事梗概。说:能用一些规则动词的过去式叙述过去的事情。读:能读懂简单故事,明白主要人物和事件及情节先后顺序。写:能用一般过去时对故事情节进行描述。情感目标:通过阅读童话故事,提高对英语学习的兴趣。学习策略:自学策略:能尝试阅读一些简写的英文童话故事。合作学习策略:

4、注意从他人的演示中汲取知识。文化意识:1.尝试比较中国童话与外国童话的异同。2.通过学习不同国家的童话故事,了解世界各地的风俗习惯。教学重点及难点重点:1.掌握课文内容相关的词汇句型。2.掌握一般过去时及规则动词过去式的拼写与发音。难点:1.能听懂、读懂简单故事,了解主要人物和故事梗概。2.能用一些规则动词的过去式叙述过去的事情。3.能用一般过去时描写故事情节。教学辅助多媒体、图片、卡片、黑板教学策略Bottom-up, interactive approach, formal and interactive practice, task-based approach教学过程第一课时教学设计教

5、材分析课型:Listening and speaking第一单元的对话围绕金凤花姑娘和三只小熊这个传统的英文童话展开,是故事的前半部分,内容和情节都很符合初一下学期年龄段的学生的兴趣,而且语言简单易懂,描写生动细致,非常吸引学生。本单元需要学生掌握故事相关的词汇、句型,一般动词的过去式及规则动词过去式的发音/t/ /d/ /id/。课时教学目标1.知识目标A. Key vocabulary: count, enter, knock, be lost, pick, push, notice, hurry, answer, hungry, rightB. Key structures: Did s

6、he often go for a walk? Yes, she did. / No, she didnt. 2.能力目标 A. To understand the listening of the story. B. To use past tense to tell the story.3.情感目标 A. To cultivate the interest of English learning through reading stories. B. To cultivate the awareness of competition and cooperation.教学重点与难点1.重点:

7、A. To master some useful words and expressions about the subject.B. To improve the abilities of listening.2.难点:To use past tense to tell the story.教学辅助多媒体,黑板教学方法Bottom-up, interactive approach教学内容教学活动设计意图Step 1(5 min)一、Warming-up. 让学生欣赏一些经典童话故事的图片,并让大家谈论各自最喜欢的故事,以此引出Goldilocks and the Three Bears的故事

8、。 通过一些童话故事图片的介绍,让学生们对自己喜爱的故事进行讨论,很容易激起学生们的学习兴趣,并能自然地引出本节课所学内容金凤花和三只小熊的故事。Step 2(12 min)二、Listen to the story.1. Listen and check the true sentences.(1) The name of the story is Three Bears. ( )(2) The story begins: Once upon a time ( )(3) Goldilocks lived in the forest. ( )(4) She decided to go for

9、a walk in the forest. ( )a.学习划线词组并齐读句子。b.听并勾出正确的句子。c.全班核对答案。2. Listen and number the pictures in correct order.a.通过图片学习新单词、词组。b.听并按顺序给图片标号。c.全班核对答案。第一个听力活动是故事的简介,本活动可以让学生对故事内容有初步的了解,怀着更大的兴趣往下学习。第二个听力活动是通过听故事对故事图片进行排序。听前通过图片教授新单词及这些动词的过去式,为之后的讲故事环节做好单词储备。两个活动从易到难,层层递进,符合学生的认知规律,极大地激发其学习兴趣。大量的听力输入也为下面

10、说故事的输出环节做足准备。Step 3(8 min)三、Read the story.1.跟读模仿课文动画。2.齐读课文。外研版教材所配的教学资源包是一个极好的资源,里面的课文动画更是学生们的最爱。通过对故事动画的跟读和模仿,也让学生们对故事内容有了更深的理解。Step 4(13 min)四、Tell the story.a.根据图片造句,用上所给提示词。b.小组合作,共同完成故事,并在班上进行小组展示。c.请一个同学独自说完整个故事。d.全班一起看图说故事。Some tips for telling story: 1. Begin with: Once upon a time2. Who:

11、There was a girl called.3. What happened? What goes first? What goes next?4. Remember to use past tense (过去时).大量的听力输入及对课文动画的模仿,已充分激发了学生的兴趣,使其在“说故事”环节跃跃欲试。由于故事内容较长,老师会引导学生根据图片连词成句,连句成篇。再通过小组合作的方式共同来完成这个故事。从而大大降低了难度,也培养了学生之间团结合作的意识。而对于个别能力较强的学生,也欢迎其进行个人展示。这样一来,在同一活动里,不同层次的学生都能有所收获,有所展现,每个人都能乐在其中。Step

12、5(2 min)五、Sum-up 1. When we tell a story, we begin with Once upon a time, Long long ago, or One day2. When we tell a story or talk about a past thing, we use the past tense.总结说故事的要点,也为整个模块的Module Task的完成做好铺垫。Classroom AssessmentCan you say the following now? Check () the square brackets.1. I can und

13、erstand the listening of the story. 2. I can use past tense to tell the story. 家庭作业Guess the ending and tell the story to your families or friends.故事未完待续,让学生们猜测故事的发展方向,将其布置成作业,也为Unit 2的学习埋下伏笔。第二课时教学设计教材分析课型:Reading and writing第二单元的短文是围绕金凤花姑娘和三只小熊这个故事的后半部分展开的,语言简单易懂,描写生动细致,情节引人入胜。本节课需要学生掌握课文的相关词汇、句型,

14、及规则动词的一般过去式;读懂故事内容,并对故事情节进行仿写。课时教学目标1.知识目标A. Key vocabulary: asleep, return, cry, shout, jump, without, part, at first, point at, in piecesB. Key structures: Goldilocks wanted to It was not comfortable either. Very soon she was asleep Next, Then2.能力目标 A. To understand the next part of the story. B.

15、To retell and write the story using past simple regular verbs. C. To be able to use some conjunctions to describe time sequences.3.情感目标 A. To cultivate the interest of English learning through reading stories. B. To cultivate the awareness of competition and cooperation.教学重点与难点重点:A. To master some u

16、seful words and expressions about the subject.B. To improve the ability of reading. 难点:To write the story by using past tense.教学辅助多媒体,图片,卡片,黑板教学方法Bottom-up approach教学内容教学活动设计意图Step 1(5 min)一、Warming-up让学生猜测Goldilocks and the Three Bears的后半部分会发生的故事情节。(e.g. 1. I think Goldilocks decided to go home.2.

17、Maybe she stayed in the house.)此热身活动既是对课前作业的检查,也是为引出本节课即将学习的故事后半段做铺垫。Step 2(7 min)二、Pre-reading1.在黑板上展示5张有关故事的提示卡片,并教授生词。Tips card:(1) Goldilocks opened her eyes, jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket. (2) She tried the small chair. (3) The Three Bears returned to their h

18、ouse. (4) Baby Bear cried, because there was nothing in his bowl and his chair was in pieces. (5) Baby Bear pointed at Goldilocks and shouted at her. She was asleep in his bed.2.将图片与相关内容的提示卡片连线。准备5张写有故事内容的提示卡片,课前遮盖住内容贴在黑板上,让学生随机抽取阅读,同时教授新单词,并请学生到黑板前将提示内容与贴在黑板上的图片配对。这一过程不仅解决了故事中出现的生词,零碎的故事情节吊足了学生的胃口,

19、极大地激发了他们对阅读故事的兴趣。本活动本可以在PPT上展现,但教师将其用图片和卡片的形式搬到了黑板上,极大地激发了学生的动手能力及参与热情。让学生真正享受到在“玩中学,学中玩”。Step 3(18 min)三、While-reading1.Fast-readinga.读故事并将图片与提示卡片按顺序标号。b.齐读句子。2.Careful- readinga.读故事并勾出正确的句子。( ) (1) Goldilocks liked the big chair. ( ) (2) Goldilocks liked the small bed.( ) (3) Baby Bear looked in t

20、he bedroom.( ) (4) The Three Bears were happy to see Goldilocks.( ) (5) Goldilocks didnt like the Three Bears.3.跟读模仿卡通故事中的语音语调。4.用方框里的单词的正确形式填空。asleep, either, piece, point, return, shout, withoutGoldilocks tried the three chairs and liked the small chair, but she was very heavy and soon the small c

21、hair was in (1) _. She walked into the bedroom. She tried the middle bed, but it wasnt comfortable and the big bed wasnt comfortable (2) _. Very soon she was (3) _ in the small bed.Then the Three Bears (4) _ to their house. They walked up to their bedroom. Baby Bear (5) _ at Goldilocks and (6) _, “T

22、hats her! She finished my food and look at my chair!” Goldilocks jumped up and hurried out of the house (7) _ her basket.通过快速阅读后进行图片、句子排序,及细节阅读后选出正确句子的活动设置,让学生从浅到深,逐步深入了解故事内容,符合学生的认知规律。让学生跟读故事,注意模仿各角色的语音语调,尤其是小熊说的“Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!”“Look! Theres the bad girl!”这两句,通

23、过模仿,揣摩小熊的心理活动。根据故事内容选词填空。既巩固了生词,也复习了故事内容,为接下来的角色扮演做好了准备。Step 4(10 min)四、After-reading四人一组表演故事。A is for narrator 1 (para 1-2);B is for narrator 2 (para 3-5);C is for Goldilocks;D is for Baby Bear.让学生四人一组进行角色扮演。能够进行角色扮演一定是在对故事内容充分理解和熟悉的基础上才能进行的,因此本活动既是对课文内容的巩固,也极大地调动了学生的学习积极性,让不同性格、不同层次水平的学生都能在其中有所表现,

24、发挥所长,也培养了学生之间的团队合作意识。Classroom AssessmentCan you say the following now? Check () the square brackets.1. I can understand the next part of the story. 2. I can retell the story using past simple regular verbs. 3. I can write the story using past simple regular verbs. 4. I can use some conjunctions to

25、describe time sequences. 家庭作业Write the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Remember to use first, next, then and finally.第三课时教学设计教材分析课型:Revision and application 第三单元是对规则动词的一般过去式的操练和巩固。活动和任务涉及更多的童话故事,包含中国神话故事精卫填海,从而让学生在学习西方童话的同时也有机会阅读中国童话,帮助他们了解中国传统文化,并有意识地通过童话故事比较中西方文化的差异。课时教学目标1.知识目标To summari

26、ze and consolidate the new vocabulary and some past simple regular verbs.2.能力目标To tell and write the story using past simple regular verbs.3.情感目标To learn about some Chinese traditional culture and the differences between Chinese and western culture.教学重点与难点重点:To summarize and consolidate the new voca

27、bulary and some past simple regular verbs.难点:To tell and write the story using past simple regular verbs.教学辅助多媒体,黑板教学方法Formal and interactive practice, task-based approach教学内容教学活动设计意图Step 1(5 min)一、Lead-in 1.让学生展示上节课课后写的故事。让学生在投影上展示其仿写的故事,这既检测了前一课时的作业,也复习了故事内容。Step 2(15 min)二、Language practice 1.带领学

28、生总结故事里出现的动词过去式。Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.answer enter hurry jump likenotice point return try walk(1) Baby Bear _ at the girl in his bed. (2) She _ the house. (3) Goldilocks _ out of bed. (4) She _ to the little house. (5) The Three Bears didnt

29、 _ the door because they were out in the forest. (6) The Three Bears didnt _ Goldilocks in bed at first.(7) Goldilocks didnt _ to that part of the forest again. (8) Did she _ the small chair first? No, she didnt. She tried the big chair first.(9) Did she _ the small bed? Yes, she did. a.让学生读方框里的单词并提

30、问其过去式。b.完成练习并全班核对答案。Activity 2: Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.answer ask be enter knocklook notice pick walk wantOnce upon a time there was a small boy called Tom. One day Tom (1) _ to go for a walk in the dark forest. He (2) _ for a short time and then he (3) _ some flowers. Next, he (4) _ a little house. He (5) _ on the door but nobody (6) _. He (7) _ the house. There (8) _ a big table, a big chair, a big bowl and a big bear. Then Tom (9) _ at th

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