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1、鲁教版学年七年级下学期八校期中联考英语测试A卷鲁教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期八校期中联考英语测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择题。从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可 (共16题;共40分)1. (2分)This village is rather poor. What should the government officers do first if they want to _ it? A . decideB . developC . describeD . discover2. (2分)It is an interesting book Ill r

2、ead it again. A . so thatB . such thatC . so asD . such as3. (2分)She is ill. She wants to ask for_. A . two week leaveB . two weeks leaveC . two weeks leaveD . two weeks leave4. (2分)Look! The police _ the food onto the bank of the river. A . am carryingB . is carryingC . are carryingD . are carried5

3、. (2分)Please _ the lights when you leave the classroom. OK, I _.A . turn on; willB . turn off; willC . turn on; doD . turn off; am6. (2分)May I take your order?_.A . Thatll be 100 yuanB . Yes, thats rightC . Yes, Id like gongbao chickenD . Large, please7. (2分)This kind of magazine _ well in the store

4、. If you want to buy one, you must go there early.A . soundsB . watchesC . sells8. (2分) Jack, do you often play piano in your free time? No. I often play basketball with my friends. A . the; /B . a; theC . /; theD . the; a9. (2分)Daniel is a very _ football player and he plays very _. A . good; goodB

5、 . well; goodC . good; wellD . well; well10. (2分)My classmates and I _. A . are all love footballB . all are love footballC . all love footballD . love all football11. (2分) What is your secret to success?Keep my dream all the time and never give it up.A . At the same timeB . in a wayC . All the way1

6、2. (2分)What does the boy _ the cotton reels _?A . use; toB . use; forC . use; inD . use; at13. (2分)We had a school English speech last week and the winner was a _ girl from Class 2, Grade 9.A . 12-year-oldB . 13-year oldC . 12-years-oldD . 13 years old14. (2分) The transportation in our country is mu

7、ch more _ than it used to be. But traveling becomes much easier!A . convenientB . expensiveC . difficultD . trendy15. (2分) Li Qing looks very strong. Sure. He always an active part in outdoor activities.A . putsB . takesC . bringsD . goes16. (10分)通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Im a mid

8、dle school student. In the past, I had some bad1. I hardly had breakfast2I usually got up late. I didnt like exercising. I3exercised one to two times a month. In the evening, I always watched TV4more than two hours. Then I5the Internet. I liked to play computer games. So I often stayed up late. My p

9、arents thought(认为) staying up late was bad for my health, so they were not6with that.One day, I fainted(昏倒)in a P.E. class. When I7, I was in the hospital. The doctor said that my classmates sent(送)8there. He said that I was in poor (差的)9Then he told me to eat breakfast every day and do more exercis

10、e.From then on, I10to give up (戒掉) my bad habits. Now I usually get up early and have a good breakfast. After school, I always play sports with my friends. Its fun and good for my health.(1)A . activities B . habits C . buildings D . programs (2)A . although B . that C . because D . if (3)A . only B

11、 . least C . quite D . never (4)A . after B . for C . through D . below (5)A . waited B . saw C . bought D . used (6)A . happy B . bored C . afraid D . different (7)A . cut down B . thought of C . woke up D . went out (8)A . me B . her C . him D . us (9)A . percent B . difference C . magazine D . he

12、alth (10)A . asked B . decided C . stopped D . disliked 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据短文理解选择答案。BAmericans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one oclock

13、. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near their work place. Children at school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat at school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or c

14、hicken, turkey and duck. They may also have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.(1)Americans have breakfast _. A . after eight oclockB . at eight oclockC . before eight oclock in the morningD . in the morning(2)_ is the most important meal

15、in a day. A . BreakfastB . LunchC . MealsD . Supper(3)What does the underlined word “light” mean in Chinese in this passage? A . 重的B . 有用的C . 轻的D . 不太重要的(4)Americans usually have supper _. A . at homeB . in the officeC . at the restaurantD . near their work place(5)When Americans have supper, _ come

16、s last. A . drinkB . meatC . dessertD . vegetables18. (8分)阅读理解At the opening of the sports meeting, our class was chosen to be the team holding colorful flags.At firsts I thought we were lucky, because this work seemed so simple that we could finish it easily. Each of us only needed to hold a flag o

17、f different color. However, the work was not as easy as I thought. There were two weeks for us to practice before the sports meeting. During this time, all the classmates were trained strictly. We practiced walking, holding the flags and standing still without moving for one or two hours.Finally, th

18、e day came. At the opening of the sports meeting, we were the first class to appear. As we went through the platform (主席台), we shouted out our saying loudly when we walked through step by step, holding different colorful flags. As we arrived at our place we formed two lines and started running along

19、 the sides of the playground. At last, all of the classmates stood one by one, holding the flags and circling the whole playground. When the wind flew, our colorful flags flew. How beautiful!After that, other classes put on many wonderful shows, but we couldnt see anything. Whats worse, we had to st

20、and the whole time until the whole opening finished, which meant that we stood for three hours without any break!This experience made me realize that we cannot tell the difficulty only by the appearance of a job.(1)What should the writers class do at the opening of the sports meeting? A . They shoul

21、d hold colorful flags.B . They should practice walking.C . They should put on many shows.D . They should move around a lot.(2)How long did the writers class have to practice before the sports meeting? A . 2 hours.B . 3 hours.C . 2 weeks.D . 3 weeks.(3)Which one of the following is the correct order

22、of time according to the passage?a. The writer class circled the whole playground.b. The writers class formed two lines.c. The writers class ran along the sides of the playground.d. The writers class went through the platform.A . a-b-c-dB . b-c-d-8C . c-d-b-aD . d-b-c-a(4)What did the writer learn f

23、rom the sports meeting in this passage? A . When things look easy, they are always simple as they look.B . Things are sometimes more difficult than we have thought.C . Their class were really lucky to be chosen to do the job.D . Their class were surprised to be chosen to do the job.19. (12分) The fly

24、ing fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat (蝙蝠) that has got a f_head, and that feeds on fruit i_of insects . Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes when at rest, and t_in great groups when out flying. A group will l _in one place for y _. Sometimes several hundreds of

25、them occupy (占据) a tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel a_themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.Flying foxes have b_once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to c_the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she l

26、_it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls down to the g _ and squeaks (尖叫) for help. Then the older ones swoop (俯冲) down and try to pick it up. If they f_to do so, it will die. Often hundreds of d_baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree.三

27、、 写作。 (共4题;共13分)20. (5分)根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出正确的单词。September 10th is Teachers Day in China. It is a special and great f_. A lot of students celebrate this day with their teachers. Teachers work very hard all the time in a year. O_ this day they can have fun. Which teacher is your f_ one? What present can

28、you get r_ for your dear teachers? Flowers or any little presents? Your teachers are happy to get your beautiful presents. Lets s_ Happy Teachers Day to our dear teachers together.21. (1分)Weve got five kinds of_(蔬菜). 22. (2分)在价格上我们无法与他们竞争。 We cant_ _them on price. 23. (5分)进来中国人都在说中国梦,假如你是一个无锡中学生,你叫Gao Fei, 来自湖北,目睹了无锡最近几年的发展和变化,有喜有忧。于是你给政府有关部门发了一份e-mail,说说自己对未来的一些梦想,内容要点如下:1. 最近几年无锡发展很快;比如,道路变宽了;城里可供人们休闲的场所也多了;这里的人们过着幸福的生活;2. 但是还存在一些严重的问题:房价太高,许多人根本买不起房子;因为工业的发展,水和空气被严重污染;人们很难呼吸到新鲜空气。我的梦想:注意1.短文须包括所有内容要点

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