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1、浙江省中考英语总复习八年级阶段检测卷二浙江省2019年初中毕业生学业考试八年级阶段检测卷(二) (时间:120分钟,满分:120分)一、听力测n加油试(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题1.5分;n加油共计20分)第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个n加油选项中选出最佳选项。1What will tn加油he weather be like tomorrow?ASunny. n加油 BWindy. CRainn加油y.2How did Mike go to schooln加油 today?ABy bike. BBy car. n加油 CBy bus.3What is t

2、hn加油e girl going to do?ASweep the floorn加油. BDo the dishes. CTake on加油ut the rubbish.4When n加油did the boy get the football?AAn加油t the age of 9. BAt then加油 age of 10. CAt the age of 11.n加油5Whats wrong with Paul?AHesn加油 tired. BHes hurt. n加油 CHes sick.第二节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、Cn加油三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段较长对话,回答第6至

3、第7两个小n加油题。6Where is the man going for vacan加油tion?AHawaii. BBn加油eijing. CTokyo.7Whom is hen加油 going there with?AHis family. Bn加油His friends. Cn加油His workmates.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8至第10三个小题n加油。8What does Steven do?An加油A student. BA drivn加油er. CA reporter.9Whatn加油 foreign languages can Steven n加油speak?AFrenc

4、h and English. BEnglisn加油h and Russian. CFrench ann加油d Russian.10Who did Steven go to Amerin加油ca with last week?AHis pn加油arents. BHis friends. CHin加油s teachers.第三节:听独白,从题中所给的A、B、Cn加油三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。11Whn加油at did Mrs. Brown want tn加油o buy?AA sweater. Bn加油A pair of jeans. CA coat.n加油 12Why didnt Mrs.

5、 Brown buy it at oncn加油e?ABecause she didnt like the con加油lor. BBecause she was busy. Cn加油Because she didnt have enough n加油money. 13Why didnt her n加油husband want her to buy itn加油?ABecause it was too expensive. n加油BBecause she had so many sn加油weaters. CBecause it was notn加油 good enough. 14When did he

6、rn加油 husband agree to buy it?AThe nextn加油 day. BThe third day. CAfter a n加油week. 15Who bought the swean加油ter at last?AMrs. Brown. Bn加油Mr. Brown. CNobody. 二、n加油完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)When I han加油d something difficult to do, I usn加油ed to ask my mother for n加油 16 , but she always said “Do it yn加油ours

7、elf, my dear.” I was nn加油ot 17 at all. I thougn加油ht she was the 18 mother in the worn加油ld!For example, one day, I decn加油ided to 19 some friends to n加油my house to have a birthday n加油party. My room was 20 . Boon加油ks, clothes and shoes were hn加油ere and there. And I didnt 21 n加油 the bed. I asked, “Could

8、n加油 you please help me clean tn加油he room, Mom?” But shen加油 still said, “ 22 , myn加油 dear girl. Im busy. You n加油should do it yourself.” 23 n加油 my “lazy mother”, I have to n加油do some chores, such as doing the n加油laundry, 24 , and cleaning my room.n加油 I have to help my parents 25 mn加油y little sister. A

9、nd I also have ton加油 go to the dentist by n加油 26 . It is really 27 for me n加油to do everything well, but I have ln加油earned 28 As timn加油e goes by, I know my mother welln加油. She makes me 29 hardworkn加油ing and clever. What a great mothn加油er she is!A(n) 30 mother is worth n加油one hundred teachers! Dont yo

10、u thinn加油k so? Bmonn加油ey Cgift Dprize17A.sad n加油 Bhappy Cyoung n加油 Bcoolest n加油 Claziest Dsmartest19A.make n加油 Binvite Clet Dmoven加油 science Bvery tidy Cn加油in all Din a mesn加油 Bmake n加油 Cfold Dwash22An加油.Sorry BOK CYes Dn加油Sure23A.Because BBecn加油ause of CInstead of

11、DAsn加油 for24A.going shopping Bgn加油oing campingCdoing the dishes n加油 Ddoing some fishn加油ing25A.take care of Blook forn加油 Chave a look n加油Dtake out26A.itself n加油Bmyself Cyoursen加油lf Dourselves27A.n加油difficult Bpleasant Cean加油sy Ddelicious28An加油.a little Ba bit n加油 Cvery much Da lot29An加油.to become Bbe

12、come Cbecoming n加油 Dnot become30A.lazy Bn加油outgoing Cserious n加油 Dgood三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)阅n加油读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。n加油AWhy Do Russians Love Putin?Tn加油he situation in Russia hasnt changed mun加油ch comparing to three years agon加油, but Why is that?Dignity(尊n加油严) is more importantIn 2019

13、, the economn加油y(经济) in Russia had a bign加油 fall. But the Russians blamen加油d(指责) the US. and the Western coun加油ntries. Besides, the higher then加油 pressure is, the more peopln加油e believe that Putin really n加油protect Russia. For sn加油uch a big country which is cold most tn加油ime of a year, somethinn加油g

14、is more important than foodn加油.A popular manA Chinese expert belien加油ved that Russia played a very importantn加油 role in the world inn加油 2019 and Russians felt wonderful, n加油so Putin won their love. However, Putn加油in is popular for something else. He isn加油 good at sports. He is a Karate Bn加油lack Belt

15、. And he can plan加油y nice music. He doen加油snt drink or smoke.Also, he n加油is hardworking and has a very stn加油rong mind.31Which sentence can ben加油 in “ ” in Paragraphn加油 1?ARussian people have lostn加油 their love for Putinn加油.BRussian people have n加油lost their hope for Pn加油utin.CRussian people hn加油ave

16、never lost their loven加油 for Putin.DRussian people have n加油never show their interest in Putin.n加油32According to Paragraph 2n加油, the underlined word “somn加油ething” refers to Amn加油oney Bhealth Cwork n加油 Ddignity33In Paragraphn加油 3, we find that Putin isnt intern加油ested in Aworking Bsmokin加油ng Csports

17、Dmn加油usicBA rich boss owned a busy restaun加油rant. On one holiday, he needed to hire n加油extra workers. Early tn加油hat morning, he wentn加油 out to find some. He saw a man. n加油He was looking for work. I will pay yon加油u $75 for the day. Would you like an加油 job?” the boss asked.“Ok, wen加油ll, that sounds fa

18、ir.” said the n加油man. So he followed thn加油e boss to his restaurant to wash dn加油ishes.At noon, the boss wen加油nt out again. He saw a n加油woman. He promised to pay her weln加油l. At last the woman also went to won加油rk in his restaurantn加油. Late in the afternoon, the boss wen加油nt out one more time. Hn加油e s

19、aw a man on a street con加油rner.“Why are you doin加油ng nothing?” he asked.“I have no job,n加油” the man answered sadly.“Well, tn加油hen,” said the boss, n加油“come and work in my rn加油estaurant.” And he promisedn加油 to pay him for his time.Whenn加油 the restaurant closed, the boss can加油lled the three workers.“I

20、tn加油s time to pay you wagn加油es,” the boss said.“I n加油will pay the one who startedn加油 in the late afternoon fn加油irst.” The boss gave $75 to the lastn加油 worker. The man who hadn加油 worked since early morning n加油saw this and was very hn加油appy. He was certain tn加油hat he would be paid more. Bun加油t the bos

21、s handed $7n加油5 to the woman who had started at n加油noon and to him. He took $75 but cn加油omplained to the boss.“The man whon加油 was hired last worked only a few houn加油rs,” he said. “I won加油rked hard the whole day washing dishn加油es but you paid me the same amoun加油nt as you paid him.”“Listen, frienn加油d,

22、” said the boss. “I have not chean加油ted you. You agreed to work a wn加油hole day for $75. Now taken加油 your money and go hon加油me. Cant I do what I like n加油with my own money? Orn加油 are you upset becausn加油e I am generous(慷慨的)n加油? Each person agreed to work for tn加油he wage I offered. You n加油will never be

23、happy if you compn加油are yourself with othersn加油. Comparing and complaining n加油always makes people unhappy.”n加油34When did the woman start to work in n加油the restaurant?AEarly inn加油 the morning.BRight at noon.CLaten加油 in the afternoon.DNear the closn加油ing hour.35Whats tn加油he right order according to th

24、e pn加油assage?a. The boss found a man onn加油 the street corner.b. Thn加油e boss handed $75 to the woman加油n.c. The boss paid the n加油man who last came to then加油 restaurant.d. The restaurn加油ant closed.Aadbc n加油BcbadCbcad Dn加油adcb36Why did tn加油he man feel happy when he sn加油aw the last man get $75?An加油He was

25、 happy to have a good bn加油oss.BHe was sure he would gn加油et more.CHe could finish the work n加油soon.DThe last man wan加油s his good friend.37What can we n加油learn from the passage?AWe cant cn加油heat other people like the boss.Bn加油We must work hard to an加油chieve our dream.CWe should be genen加油rous to peopl

26、e around us.DWe shouln加油d learn to be satisfied with what we havn加油e.CStarting from 2019, Frenchn加油 parents will no longer be able ton加油 choose not to send thein加油r kids to kindergartn加油en(幼儿园). It will be a must, as kinn加油dergarten will become part of the countn加油rys compulsory(义务的) education.On加油n

27、 March 27, French Pren加油sident Emmanuel Macron announcn加油ed that children in France wn加油ill start school at 3 inn加油stead of the current starting age n加油of 6.This change means that France wn加油ill have one of the lowest comn加油pulsory school starting ages in n加油Europe, along with Hn加油ungary.Macron said

28、 this move n加油aims to fight inequality(不n加油公平) in education. Parents inn加油 poorer areas of France are ln加油ess likely to send children n加油to kindergarten. Witn加油h the change, they will not n加油have to worry about thn加油e money for schooling, bn加油ecause all French kids will go to kin加油ndergarten for fre

29、e.The change will n加油also help stop terrorism n加油in the future. The earlier children n加油start school, the higher their n加油chances of success and fitting into son加油ciety. Macron pointed out that byn加油 building schools full of kin加油ndness and happiness, France will teacn加油h young kids not to bn加油e inv

30、olved in acts of terror.n加油However, not everyone weln加油comes the move. There are a n加油lot of debates across the countrn加油y about when children n加油should begin their education.n加油For example, there is a stun加油dy that found children who start schoon加油l later are more likely to focus on ln加油earning. On the other hand, some pan加油rents think starting schon加油ol even earlier, for example, at 2n加油 years old would be better.38n加油What will be the startinn加油g age for compulsory education in n加油France in 2019?AAt the n加油age of 2 BAt the n加油age of 3

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