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1、教案精选高三英语过去分词教学设计教案精选:高三英语过去分词教学设计 教案精选:高三英语过去分词教学设计教学目标1.语言点have comments from, bring in, photograph sb. doing ,go hand in hand with,think up an idea,try out startwith ,forsale,put into ,expressonessatisfaction with,blame,advertise,prove,partly,living things,life,point out,be about to do2.语法点 revisi

2、ng the past participle(复习过去分词)3重点句型(l)i think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it(2)what kind of advertisements do you read or watchif any?(3)is it a waste of money?(4)also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement(

3、5)isnt it time you made someones life a bit easier?(6)people read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting(7)todays advertisements often start with a question, or a puzzle,with the purpose of attracting the readers attention(8)sometimes advertisements tell a stor

4、y,or the story may be continued over a number of advertisements(9)the supermarket is crowded with shoppers(10)we had the idea tried out(11)disturbed by the noise,we had to finish the。meeting early(12)we would be happy to sell it to you for 3500,that is 50 of the cost of a new one4能力要求(1)提高交际能力,掌握表示建



7、(可将一般的商业广告与高一课本中的寻物启事,招领启事作对比);广告写(制)作时应遵循的原则(除课本介绍以外的):就广告与人们生活的关系组织小型辩论或讨论等等。在复习过去分词做定语,表语,宾语补足语时,建议结合现在分词的用法,抓住最为本质的区别进行对比学习和巩固,以加深印象。1think up,think out,think over,think of.think up,think out侧重于思考的结果,即是否想出了办法、计划等;think up主要表示“设想、构思”之意;think out主要表示“仔细思考并研究出(计划等),或者想透问题”等,两个短语均为动副结构;think over也为动

8、副结构,侧重于思考,不涉及结果,表达“深思熟虑,仔细思考”之意;think of主要表示“考虑,关心,想起,对有某种看法”之意,为动介(动词十介词)结构。表示看法、评价之时,常用一些副词来修饰,如think mucha lota great dealhighlywellill of(对评价高好不好);若问评价如何,觉得怎样,常用whatthink of;若表示“以为,认为”时,则用think ofas。egi cant think of his name.我想不起他的名字。you mustnt think of him as being irresponsible.你不要以为他是一个不负责任的

9、人。she gained confidence in herself as she thought the matter over她好好想了想这件事,对自己有了信心。he put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of heir products他把全部心思都用来想办法提高产品质量。his theory is so complicated that nobody can think it out他的理论是那样复杂,没有一个人能把它搞清楚hand in hand,in hand,at hand与 by han

10、dhand in hand为副词短语,表达“手牵手,携手,共同”之意;in hand可用成形容词或副词,表示“在手里手边,进行中,掌握中”之意;at hand可用成形容词或副词,表示“在手边,即将来到的”,常与close , near连用. by hand用作副词表达“用手工做,由专人递送”之意。egi always keep a dictionary at hand. 我经常把字典放在手边。her sweater is knitted by hand 她的毛衣是手工编织的。they walked hand in hand in the garden 她们手牵着手在花园里散步。the poli

11、ce had the riot in hand 警察控制了暴动。post,send,deliver,mai1.post指把信件、包裹投人邮箱、邮筒,侧重于“邮寄”之意;send指通过某种途径或方式或派人将某物送出,表达“送、寄、发送”之意;deliver指把信件、包裹货物等亲自交给某人或某物,表示“传送,交付”之意。mail同post,多用于美语之中。ega postman is a man who delivers letters and parcels邮递员就是递送信件及包裹的人。i sent an e-mail to him yesterday昨天我跟他发了个邮件。they send g

12、oods by train他们用火车运送货物。he posted the recorded tape to me。他把那录音带邮寄给我了。2.think up,think out,think over,think of.think up,think out侧重于思考的结果,即是否想出了办法、计划等;think up主要表示“设想、构思”之意;think out主要表示“仔细思考并研究出(计划等),或者想透问题”等,两个短语均为动副结构;think over也为动副结构,侧重于思考,不涉及结果,表达“深思熟虑,仔细思考”之意;think of主要表示“考虑,关心,想起,对有某种看法”之意,为动介

13、(动词十介词)结构。表示看法、评价之时,常用一些副词来修饰,如think mucha lota great dealhighlywellill of(对评价高好不好);若问评价如何,觉得怎样,常用whatthink of;若表示“以为,认为”时,则用think ofas。egi cant think of his name.我想不起他的名字。you mustnt think of him as being irresponsible.你不要以为他是一个不负责任的人。she gained confidence in herself as she thought the matter over她好

14、好想了想这件事,对自己有了信心。he put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of heir products他把全部心思都用来想办法提高产品质量。his theory is so complicated that nobody can think it out他的理论是那样复杂,没有一个人能把它搞清楚in ones seventies与in the seventiesin ones seventies表示“在某人七十多岁的时候”,用于指年龄in the seventies表达在70年代时,用于指时间。e

15、gkarl marx began to learn english in his fifties.卡尔•马克思五十多岁的时候开始学英语。搭配辨析 late,lately,later,latter,last,latestlate做副词表示时间上的晚或迟。lately做副词相当于recently,表示“最近,近来”之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。later做形容词时,表示“以后的,后期的”;做副词时表示“后来,较晚地”,还可与表示时间的名词连用,表示“之后”,用于过去和将来。latter用作形容词,常与定冠词the连用,表示列举的两个事物中

16、的后面的一个,译为“后者”,与 the former相对。last用作形容词,表示“最后的”,与first相对;表示“刚过去的,上一次的”,与next根对;还可表示“最不可能的,最不合适的,最不愿意的”等意思。last做副词表示“最后,最近,上一次”之意。latest是形容词,它指时间的先后中“最近的,最新的”。eghis coat is the latest style他的外套是最新款式。she has been in for the last three days最近三天她一直在家。she is the last woman i expected to see我万万没想到会遇见她。i le

17、ft the school last yesterday我昨天是最后一个离开学校的。i havent written to her lately最近我没给她写信。of the two choices,i prefer the latter在这两个选择中,我更喜欢后者。he came back ten days later十天后,他回来了。he made no close friends during later years在以后的那些年里,他没有交上什么亲密的朋友。her companion,blamed for the accident,had not been driving carefu

18、lly.她的同伴驾车一直不小心,事故得怪他。搭配辨析blame与scoldblame表示“责怪,归咎”,通常指内心责怪。如果你觉得某人有不是的地方,你便在blame他,但他自己却未必知道,因为它没有用言语责骂之意;scold表示“数落,责骂”之意,但不是以脏话骂人,常用于“父母对孩子,妻子对丈夫,老师对学生等。egi have nothing to blame myself for我没有什么可责怪自己。the parents scolded him severely for lying to them他因对父母亲说谎而遭严厉责骂。搭配辨析answer与 reply这两个词均有“回答,答复”之意

19、。answer不仅用于回答问题,还用于对书信、电话、行动、门铃及攻击行为或质问的回答,是一般常用词。reply正式用语,常用于对人、书信、议论、忠告、见解等的回答,与answer常可通用。但reply常指经过考虑答复对方的问题或论点。theres another knockill go and answer the door 又有人敲门,我去开门。i asked her the reason,but she didnt reply 我问她为什么,她却不回答。搭配辨析for sale与 on sale这两个词都有“出售”之意。for sale常指个人所有物出售、待售;on ssle常作形容词短语

20、,表示物品出售。上市,也可用作形容词或副词,表“廉价出售的地特价的地”。eg he put his car for sale 他把汽车拿出来卖。 they sell eggs on today. 今天那家店鸡蛋大减价。 kinds of fresh fruit are on sale. 新鲜水果上市了。语法学习中应注意的问题1. 1) -ing形式的一般式表示性质、主动,而及物动词的过去分词则表状态、被动。例 athe work was tiring. 这工作挺累的。 bthe workers were soon tired 工人们很快就累了。a-lng形式作表语表示主语(物)的性质。 b.

21、过去分词作表语表示主语(人)的状态。ait was a piece of exciting news. 这是一个令人激动的消息。b. the excited old man drank a lot that night(定语) 激动的老人那晚喝了很多酒。a. ing 形式作定语表示后面名词的性质。 b. 过去分词作定语表示后面名词的性质。a. he had the horse running more than 100 miles 他让马奔跑了一百多英里。 bill have the letter typed immediately. 我会马上找人把这封信打出来。 aing形式作宾语补足语与宾

22、语构成主动关系。 b过去分词作宾语补足语与宾语构成被动关系。2). 表主动含义时,名词前作定语的-ing形式表示进行,过去分词表示完成。例:afrance is a developed country 法国是一个发达的国家。 b.china is a developing country• 中国是一个发展中国家。a. a changed world已经变化的世界。 b. a changing world正在变化的世界。a. the risen sun已经升起的太阳。 b. the rising sun正在升起太阳。3). 过去分词短语和-ing 短语及不定式短语作后置定语的区别a过

23、去分词作定语,表示动作发生的时间早于谓语动词,或者没有一定的时间性,只表被动关系;而-ing形式作后置定语则表示正在进行的动作或状态;如动作发生在将来,用动词不定式作定语。例:i dont like to see letters written in pencil我不喜欢看用铅笔写的信。(只表被动,无时间性)this is the building built last year这是去年建的楼房。(被动,完成)the building being built there is our lab那里正建的那幢建筑物是我们的实验室。(正在进行)they have designed a buildin

24、g to be built next year他们已设计了一幢明年要建的楼房。(将来)b表被动含义时,瞬时动词不能用-ing 进行式的被动语态,应使用过去分词。例:most of the people being invited to the party were famous scientists. ()most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists() 多数应邀参加晚会的人都是著名的科学家。c-ing完成时的被动语态不能用作定语,表被动含义时用过去分词。例:we enjoy seeing the films ha

25、ving been directed by charlie chaplin() we enjoy seeing the films directed by charlie chaplin() 我们喜欢看卓别林导演的电影。2. 过去分词和不定式作宾语补足语不定式作宾语补足语与宾语构成主动关系,过去分词作宾语补足语与宾语构成被动关系。例:when we talk with others,we make ourselves understood not just by words. when we talk with others,we make them understand us not jus

26、t by words 我们与人交谈时,不只是通过语言让人们理解我们的意思。3. 过去分词的逻辑主语作状语用的过去分词,其逻辑主语应与名词中的主语一致。例:seen from the hill, we find the village very small. () seen from the hill,the village looks very small() 我们如果在山上看(我们)会发现村子很小。高考热点以下是历年高考题中的过去分词试题,请总结有关过去分词的考点。lthe managers discussed the plan that theywould like to see the

27、next year(nmet 2000)acarry out bcarrying out ccarried out dto carry out分析: 例1的答案为c。此句中包含一个定语从句,the plan是定语从句的先行词,将其放到定语从句中构成 they would like to see the plan _(carry out)。the plan与 carry out构成被动关系,故用 carried out。小结: 此题测试的是过去分词作宾补。过去分词作宾补时,它所表示的动作对象是前面的宾语,与其构成被动关系。2most of the artists to the party wer

28、e _ from south africaainvited bto invitedcbeing invited dhad been invited(nmet90)3the first textbooks_for teaching english as a foreign language came out in the 16th centuryahaving written bto be writtencbeing written dwritten (nmet94)4the olympic games,_ in 776b.c.,did not include women players unt

29、il 1912a first played bto be first playedc first playing dto be first playing (nmet97)分析:例2的答案为 a。例3的答案为 d。此两题都是前面的名词与动词之间构成被动关系,作后置定语。可变为限制性定语从句,who were invited;that were written。例4的答案为 a.名词 the olympic games与动词 play之间构成被动关系,也作后置定语,可变为非限制性定语从句 which were first played。小结:以上三个小题测试的是过去分词作后置定语。过去分词作定语

30、通常表示被动含义,同时还表示这个分词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。5_more attention, the trees could have grown better.a. given b. to give c. giving d. having given (nmet 90)6 _ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of hima、losing bhaving lost clost dlose(nmet96)分析:例 5的答案为 a。主句的主语the trees与动词give之间构成被动关系,故用过去分词。此题过去分词作了条件状语。可改为 if the trees had been given more attention. 例 6的答案为c。把此句还原后是as he was lost in thought, he lost小结:以

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