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1、初中英语并列句并列句 (一)何谓并列结构 一个英语句子有时候具有两个或两个以上相互连接而又属于同一层次即具有相同句法功能的语言结构,这种结构称为并列结构。并列结构通常用并列连词来连接两个或两个以上平行的词、词组或分词: Are we to have the speech contest today or tomorrow?(并列连词or连接两个平行的单词) You can go to Beijing either by train or by plane. (并列连词eitheror连接两个平行的词组) Hurry up, or we shall be late for the lecture

2、. (or连接两句分句) 并列成分有时候不用逗号而用连词加以连接;一般讲,逗号用来连接平行的单词居多: Fuel, rice, oil, saltthese are chief daily necessities of life. (柴米油盐这些是主要的生活日用品。) 在现代英语里,逗号常被用来连接两个短的独立分句,如He is absent, he is ill. 实际上,这两个简短的独立分句含有因果关系,这个逗号等于从属连词because,用逗号来取代使引文更为简炼。 (二)并列连词和连接性副词的区别 引导并列结构的并列连词有and, or, but, so, for, nor等,并列连词

3、包括关联连词bothand, eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also, as well as, as much as等。并列连词也包括连接性副词,如however, hence, therefore, besides, moreover, yet, anyway, consequently, still, nevertheless, all the same等。但并列连词和连接性副词存在着如下的区别: 1. 位置上的区别 连接两个独立的分句时,并列连词的位置只能放在它所引导的分句句首,前面通常有逗号: Lopez left For Woodside(美新译西州

4、一城市)the day before yesterday, and he wont be back till the end of the month. I must work harder, for I still have a long way to go. Pay him back, or he will bring a suit against you. (快还他钱,不然他要向你起诉。)They all went, but I didnt(go). 连接性副词的位置较灵活,既可放在句首,也可位于句中或句末、但以置于句首居多: Father is ill; therefore ,he d

5、oesnt go to work today. 置于句首 Father is ill; he, therefore, doesnt go to work today. 置于句首 Father is ill; he doesnt go work today, therefore. 置于句末 2. 用法的区别 两个并列连词不可以连用: Oscar and I go to the club every Saturday evening, and but we play bridge there. (根据句意,应把but划掉。) 但并列连词却可以和连接性副词连用: He is not in favor

6、 of the plan, and yet he raised no objection. (三)一些常见并列连词的用法 1. and (1)表示动作或事物的先后 I heard a crash and went out to see what had happened. The pictures and the sound are relayed by the communication satellites. And they are received in all parts of the world. 注意,and也可置于独立分开的分句句首。 (2)表示意义上的增补 The relat

7、ions between the two countries are improving: a trade agreement has been signed and a cultural exchange(has been)arranged. and连接的分句a cultural exchange(has been)arranged在意义上增补前面的分句a trade agreement has been signed。 (3)表示意义上的转折或让步 He tried hard, and(=and yet)he failed to get the job. 掌握and的这一用法,便能正确理解

8、下面一句在西方极为流行的谚语: You cant eat your cake and have it. 显然,这里的and=and yet, 表示意义上的转折,指你可不能又要把蛋糕吃下肚同时又要把它保持下来,即“不能两全其美”之意。 (4)表示对照 Jack is clever and(=but) Jane is dull. (5)表示对第一分句的评注 2006-10-28 10:30 回复 英语村 18位粉丝 2楼John failed to pass the entrance examination, and thats too bad. (6)and连接两个或两个以上相同的名词可以表示数

9、量众多的含意 In Holland, everywhere you go, you find water and water. and在口语体中还经常被用来连接两个比较级的形容词或副词,表示“越来越”这一逐步增强的含义: The wind blew harder and harder. and连接两个比较级副词,表示“风刮得越来越大”。 Its getting warmer and warmer. and连接两个比较级形容词,表示“天气越来越热”。 在讲话中and也常用来连接两个或两个以上相同的动词,表示动作的不断重复或持续进行: We talked and talked till it wa

10、s midnight. 连续不断的动作有时也可由and连接两个或两个以上相同的名词或具有“继续”含义的相同小品词来表示: “Sail on and on and on, ”said Columbus to the sailors. That night, we talked for hours and hours till the day broke. for hours and hours意义上=for a very long time. We walked for miles and miles till it was dark, and then we went home. for mi

11、les and miles相等于for a very long distance. (7)当and连接两个形容词,而前面的形容词是nice, good, fine或rare时,and加上它前面的形容词实质上变成副词,对后面的形容词表示修饰的从属关系: The room is nice and cozy. nice and cozy=very cozy Its good and cool outside. good and cool=quite cool The children are fine and joyful in the nursery. fine and joyful=finely

12、 joyful, 即very joyful。 The girl is rare and beautiful. rare and beautiful=rarely beautiful, 即uncommonly beautiful(美得出奇)。 and的这种用法在口语中很普通。 (8)and连接祈使句和陈述句以表示条件,即祈使句+ and=if: Press the button and the machine runs by itself. 祈使句 陈述句 (=If you press the button, the machine will run by itself. ) Make anot

13、her effort and you will succeed. 祈使句 陈述句 (=If you make another effort, you will succeed. ) 注意两点: a. 在口语中,有时可省去and以逗号代之: Take the offer, you will never regret it. b. 祈使句中的动词有时也可省去: Another effort, and you will succeed. another前的动词make省略。One more word and Ill knock you flat(摆平你)。one前面的动词say也被省略。 (9)an

14、d连接某些动词(包括某些词组)和另一动词以表示目的,结构为:动词(必须原形式)+ and+ 动词(也是原形式)。 一般有以下这些动词: go/come/run/mind/learn/send/try/stay/stop/write/remember/take care/be sure 在上列结构中and=不定式符号to, 故表示目的。如: Try and get(=Try to get)the work done today. The meeting is very important. You must mind and arrive(=mind to arrive)punctually.

15、Ill write and thank him(=write to thank him). You look ill. Youd better go and see(=go to see) a doctor. 在现代口语里,go(或come)and see中的and往往都被省略,如“Ill go ask her. ”和“Ill go see my brother. ” 2006-10-28 10:30 回复 英语村 18位粉丝 3楼(10)and的一些常见习惯用法 a. and that+ 副词 and that用来代表前面分句中的整个谓语以避免重复。这是一种强势句法。试比较下列三组例句: S

16、omething must be done about it without delay. *Something must be done about it, and that without delay. and that代表must be done about it, 是强势式。 He speaks Spanish very well. *He speaks Spanish, and that very well. and that代表speaks Spanish, 是强势式 He will come soon *He will come, and that soon. and that代

17、表will come, 是强势 b. and all用于俗语,作“等等”,“以及其他一切”解: To save the little boy from drowning, the man jumped into the river, clothes and all (衣服等一概未脱)。 The fire burnt the books, clothes, furniture and all. (那场火把书籍“衣服”家俱以及其他所有东西统统烧光了。) c. and all that用于口语,意思是“等等”;“诸如此类的东西”。(=and other things of that kind) Yo

18、u can get paper, ink, chalk and all that in the little store at the street corner. (在街上拐角的那家小商店里可以买到纸张、墨水、粉笔之类的东西。) You have really been very kind to me, my hearty thanks and all that. (你对我确实是深情厚谊,我衷心地感谢你,不一一地讲了。) d. and so on; and so forth; and so on and so forth 以上三式意义相同,都作“等等”;“如此等等”解: The marche

19、rs carried banners, balloons, models, charts, bouquets and so on. (游行的人们拿着旗帜、汽球、模型、图表、花束等等东西。) e. and the like作“之类”;“等等”解: In the Kindergarten, the children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like. f. and then some 这一句习惯用语在美国口语里常用;意思是“此外还有许多”;“还有好多好多”: My uncle gave me two pencils, a pencil sh

20、arpener, a rubber, and then some. (我的叔叔给了我两支铅笔,一只卷笔刀,一块橡皮,还有好多好多东西。) Im afraid the expensive new car would cost all your money and then some. (恐怕把你们所有的钱都花掉买这部昂贵的新汽车还不够哩。) g. and the rise 系美国口语常用语,作“还多些”;“不止于此”;“以上”解: There are eight hundred thousand volumes in our library and the rise. (我们图书馆有八十万册以上

21、的书。) h. and what not口语常用语,和and so on(或forth)同义,作“以及其他”;“等等”解: He sent me some books, magazines, newspapers, pictorials and what not. Children love to have toys, pictures and what not. i. enough and to spare作“很多”;“绰绰有余”解,可用作定语短语和名词短语: You two could have come with us; there was food enough and to spar

22、e for three more people. (你们两位本来可以和我们一起来,饭菜再有三个人也够吃。)用作定语 We have heard enough and to spare of his selfishness. (他的自私自利我们听得多了。)用作名词 2. bothand bothand是对and意义的强化,但在用法上和and有如下的区别: (1)and可以连接两个以上的并列成分,而bothand只能连接两个属同一层次,即语法结构相同的并列成分: Both Martha and her sister paid a visit to China not long ago. (连接两个

23、并列的主语) I teach myself both physics and mathematics. (连接两个并列的宾语) Kenneth is both clever and diligent. (连接两个并列的用作表语的形容词) Judith is a versatile girl. She can both sing and dance. (连接两个并列的动词) 2006-10-28 10:30 回复 英语村 18位粉丝 4楼(2)and可连接分句,bothand则不能连接分句。 both Eric cleaned the windows and Ernest swept the f

24、loor. 在上句中,bothand各连接一个分句,故不能成立,应改为: Eric cleaned the windows and Ernest swept the floor. (and连接分句) 或:While Eric cleaned the windows, Ernest swept the floor. (and连接分句) 或:Eric(或Ernest)both cleaned the windows and swept the floor. (bothand各连接一个谓语) 或:both Eric and Ernest cleaned the windows and swept t

25、he floor. 在这最后一句中,bothand各连接一个主语,故在语法上能成立;但注意,句意是“Eric和Ernest俩人都揩了窗,又拖了地板”。 bothand的用法中还要注意两个问题: a. bothand可以和at onceand互换使用,意义上无区别: I am at once (=both)a teacher and a student. (我既当老师又当学生。) The writers satirical essays were at once(=both)incisive and forceful, exposing the evils of society like a s

26、urgeons scalpel. (作者的讽刺文章既锋利又泼辣,好像外科医生的手术刀揭露了社会的弊病。) 注意,只有在at onceand这一词组中,at once才=both。 b. 在bothand这一结构中,不能用as well as来代替both, as well as不能成立。 3. nor; neither nor和neither都是表示“也不”这一否定意义的并列连词,它们用法相同a. nor/neither单独用来连接并列成分时,前面部分通常都用否定式,nor/neither后面部分则不能用否定式,因nor/neither已含有否定意义: Peter is a decent fe

27、llow. He wont do it, nor/neither Considers it. 否定式 肯定式 Anthony is not clever, nor/neither diligent. 否定式 肯定式 b. nor/neither连接的后面并列成分是分句时,则其主谓须倒装: Peter is a decent fellow. He wont do it, nor/neither will he consider it. Anthony is not clever, nor /neither is he diligent. Martha cant speak Spanish, no

28、r/neither can her sister. Yance does not drug (吸毒),nor/neither does his brother. Cannis has never been abroad, nor/neither have I. 注意,由于neither和nor都带有副词性质,故它们前面可以加上and或but: You cannot lift it, and nor/and neither can I. I didnt clean the room, but nor/but neither did you. c. nor通常后面连接一个并列成分,但有时也可连好几

29、个并列成分: Futter does not ride, nor shoot, nor fish, nor swim. 2006-10-28 10:30 回复 英语村 18位粉丝 5楼4. neithernor neithernor一起用时,作为关联性的并列连词,连接语法功能相同的平行结构: Neither you nor he konws it. (连接用作主语的代词) The old man can neither read nor write. (连接动词) I drink neither coffee nor tea. (连接宾语) The story is neither inter

30、esting nor instructive. (连接用作表语的形容词) Gas is a substance with neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. (连接介词宾语) I believe neither what you said before nor what you are saying now. (连接宾语从句) 注意: (1)Neither置于句首时,neithernor所连接的分句均须主谓倒装: I dont like that girl. Neither have I dated her for a dance(约

31、她跳舞) nor will I do so. Neither does he play the cello nor does his brother. (2)Neithernor连接主语时,后面的动词在数上应与靠近的主语取得一致: Neither Ike nor I am going to attend the meeting. (动词与I靠近,故用am。) Neither Ike nor he is going to attend the meeting. (动词与he靠近,故用is。) (3)neithernor作“既不也不”解,故谓语动词必须用肯定式,不能用否定式: He is frightened by neither hardship nor danger. (谓语用肯定式,不能用否定式not frightened。) Neither you nor your brother can do it. (同上,谓语动词不能用cannot do it。) (4)neithernor也可连接两个以上的并列成分: Neither you, nor I,

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