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1、香港朗文4B复习提要香港朗文4B-复习提要Chapter 1 Join our club参加我们的俱乐部单词及句型一、四会单词join (join us) club Drama Club Sports Club加入(加入我们) 俱乐部 戏剧俱乐部 体育俱乐部Gardening Club get fit keep fit find out园艺俱乐部 变得健康 保持健康 了解,查出play music make music have fun come on演奏音乐 制作音乐 玩得开心 来吧,加油act out a play dress up because improve (your Englis

2、h)表演话剧 盛装,打扮 因为 提高(你的英语)pet interest grow take care of宠物 兴趣 种植 照顾二、三会单词turn to healthy poster aplication forms 转向 健康的 海报 申请表choose learn hand in suggest选择 学习 上交 建议三、重点句型1. Which club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部?I want to join the club.2. Why do you want to join club? 你为什么想参加俱乐部?Because I like ing

3、. 因为我喜欢Because I want to + 动词原形 因为我想3. Its time to + 动词原形 该干了。4. I quite like English. 我相当喜欢英语。But I like drama best. 但是我最喜欢戏剧。5. Lets join 咱们来加入复习提要I. 四会单词Drama Club 戏剧俱乐部 Sports Club 体育俱乐部 English Club 英语俱乐部Music Club音乐俱乐部 Art Club 艺术俱乐部 Gardening Club 园艺俱乐部have fun 玩得愉快 keep fit 保持健康 get fit 变得健康

4、improve 提高 join 加入注意:1. get fit 是变健康,是一个变化的过程,而 keep fit 是指在已经健康的情况下,继续保持健康,两者有区别。2. make music 做音乐,指的是写词,编曲这一类歌曲创作的行为。3. play music 玩音乐,还可以指弹奏具体的乐器;比如 play the piano, play the violin, play the recorder 等等。( 具体乐器前,要加定冠词 the)4. gardening 园艺(名词);improve ones English 提高某人的英语;painting and drawing 绘画(动名词

5、,是两件事情)5. English Club, Art Club, Sports Club, Dancing Club 等都是专有名词,首字母要大写。同样的比如店名,商品牌子,月份和星期等等。II. 句型why 引导的疑问句,表示询问原因,一般用只能用 because 引导的句子回答。如:1. Why do you want to join the Drama Club?为什么你想加入戏剧俱乐部?Because I like drama.因为我喜欢戏剧。2. Why are you late?你为什么迟到?Because I met the accident.因为我遇上车祸了。3. Why d

6、oes she want to join the Drama Club? 为什么她想加入戏剧俱乐部?Because she likes drama and she wants to act in Cinderella.因为她喜欢戏剧,她想演灰姑娘。4. Why did they want to join the English Club last year? 他们去年为什么想加入英语俱乐部?Because they liked speaking English and wanted to improve English.因为他们喜欢说英语,想提高英语水平。III. 短语1. want to d

7、o (动词原形) 想要做 /2. Like (enjoy) +名词/doing (动名词) 喜欢做2. its time to do sth = its time for sth (名词或动名词)Its time to go to school. = Its time for school.3. I quite/really like , but I like best. 非常喜欢 , 但更喜欢IV. 拓展特殊疑问句: 用疑问词引导的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。疑问词分为三类:疑问代词: what, which, whose, who, whom疑问形容词: what (which,whose) +

8、 名词疑问副词: when, where, why, how疑问代词的用法 1. what 引导的疑问句: 此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。A. 对主语提问What is in your pocket?(Whats in your pocket?)你口袋里有什么? 这个问题可以有两种回答:a:There is an egg in it. 在口袋里有一个蛋。b:An egg is(in it).一个蛋(在里面)。B. 对宾语提问What did you buy?你买了什么?I bought a bike.我买了辆自行车。C. 对表语提问What is this?这是什么?Its a ben

9、ch.这是一条长凳。What is your mother?你妈妈是干什么的?She is a teacher.她是个老师。 What is+人?此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的?”2. Who (whom),whose,which 引导的疑问句:此类疑问句可以对主语和宾语提问。Who broke the window?(对主语提问)谁打破了窗户? Li Ming did. 李明打破的Who is that woman?(对表语提问)那个女人是谁?She is my mother. 她是我妈妈。或者:She is Rose. 她是罗思。 Who is+人? 是询问某人的姓名或与人关系的

10、问句。与What is+人?(问人的职业)不同。Whom (Who) did you give the book to? (介词宾语)你把这本书给谁了?To whom did you give the book to? whom 是 who 的宾格,whom 只能出现在从句里或是介词(如 to, from, at, of.)后。Whose is this umbrella? 这伞是谁的?This umbrella is my sisters. 这伞是我姐姐的。 whose 之后如果没有名词时,表示“谁的(东西)”。Which is Toms?(对主语提问)哪个是汤姆的?This is his.

11、这是他的。Which does he want?(对宾语提问)他想要哪一个?He wants the green one. 他想要那个绿色的。 疑问词 what,who,which 在句中作主语时,语序是陈述句语序。疑问形容词的用法what,which,whose 后面跟上名词时,这三个疑问词起形容词作用。What sports do you like?(对宾语提问) 你喜欢什么运动?I like basketball. 我喜欢篮球。Whose pens are these?(对表语提问) 这些是谁的钢笔?They are Li Mings. 这些是李明的。Whose father died

12、two years ago?(对主语提问) 两年前谁的父亲死了?Which picture did you take?(对宾语提问) 哪一张照片是你拍的?I took the one on the right. 右边的那一张是我拍的。疑问副词的用法1. when 引导的疑问句:询问时间When were you born? 你何时出生? (I was born)on June 5, 1962.我是1962年6月5日出生的。When will you go to Japan? 你什么时候去日本?Next year. 我明年去那儿。 when 引起的疑问句,都可用简略式回答,只回答出时间就可以了。

13、when 问的是具体时间,所以不能和完成时连用。()When have you been here?()How long have you been here? 你呆在这里有多久了?()When did you come here? 你什么时候来这里的?2. where 引导的疑问句:询问地点、场所Where do you live?你住在哪儿? (I live in)Beijing. 我住在北京。Where are you going?你准备去什么地方? I am going to Japan. 我准备去日本。3. why 引导的疑问句:询问原因,它的回答只能用 because 引导的原因状

14、语从句。Why are you late?你为什么迟到? Because I met the accident. 因为我遇上车祸了。Why didnt you see the movie? / Why did you not see the movie?你为什么不去看那部电影?Because I had seen it before. 因为我已经看过了。4. how 引导的疑问句,可分为两类:a. How? how 可单独地置于疑问句的句首。询问如何地做某事即做某事的方法、手段及健康、天气How do you go to school?(问方式) I go to school by bus.

15、我坐公共汽车。How are you?(问健康) 你身体怎样? Im fine. Thank you! 我很好。谢谢你。How is the weather today?/ What is the weather like today?今天天气如何?Its cloudy. 今天多云。b. How + 形容词(副词)+ ?(询问年龄、身高、数量、次数、距离等)How old is the bridge? 这座桥有多少年代了?How + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语!(how 引导的感叹句)How beautiful the flowers are! 这些花是多么美丽呀!Chapter 2 Rule

16、s in fun places在游乐场所的规则单词及句型一、四会单词rule turn off must (mustnt) keep quiet sign规则 关掉 必须(禁止) 保持安静 标牌Litter (No littering) spit (No spitting) dive (No diving) drive扔垃圾(禁止扔垃圾) 吐痰(禁止吐痰) 跳水(禁止跳水) 驾驶No running light a fire rock pick flowers spoil禁止奔跑 生火 岩石 摘花 损坏二、三会单词attendant country park in motion arrive

17、接待员 郊野公园 移动 到达hill view peaceful bench 小山 景色 平静的 长椅radio car flush shoplifting keep off 遥控车 冲(厕所) 在商店偷窃 不要接近shine run up to in case of good try照耀 跑过来 如果 干得好mobile phone have to stop doing have a good time手提电话 必须 停止做 玩得高兴三、重点句型1. No + doing 公共场合的标语,用来警示他人。如:No littering. (Dont litter.) 禁止乱扔垃圾?2. must

18、/mustnt +do 一种命令语气,表示“必须(禁止)做某事”。如:You must turn off your mobile phone. 你必须关掉手机。You mustnt spit. 禁止吐痰。3. 祈使句:没有主语,直接用动词开头。否定形式在动词前加 Dont 。如:Dont pick flowers. 不要摘花。Dont Climb the rocks. 不要攀爬岩石。4. Why mustnt we light fires here? 我们为什么不能在这里生火?Because its dangerous. 因为很危险。复习提要I. 四会单词turn off your mobil

19、e phone 关手机 turn on your mobile phone 开手机 eat or drink 吃或喝 litter 乱扔东西 spit 吐痰,吐口水 climb 攀爬dive 潜水,跳水 keep quiet 保持安静 sign 标牌,标识II. 句型1. must / mustnt + do.You mustnt eat or drink.你不能吃或喝。You mustnt spit.你不能乱扔垃圾。You mustnt climb.你不能攀爬。2. No + doing, 表示“禁止”。这样的句子经常出现在公共场合的标语,用来警示他人。No eating or drinki

20、ng.=You mustnt eat or drink.禁止吃或喝。No spitting.=You mustnt spit.禁止乱扔东西。No climbing.=You mustnt climb.禁止攀爬。No running.=You mustnt run.禁止奔跑。No diving.=You mustnt dive.禁止潜水。3. 祈使句:肯定形式直接用动词开头,没有主语。否定形式在动词前面加 Dont 。Turn off your mobile phone.(肯定) Dont turn off your mobile phone.(否定)4. be 动词后面加名词、动名词或形容词。

21、如:She is a dancer.She is doing her homework.We were busy last night.III. 短语a. 过去分词:1. run-ran 跑 2. sing-sang 唱 3. shine-shone 照耀 4. sit-sat 坐 5. keep-kept 保持 6. drive-drove 驾驶 7. stop-stopped 停止b. 短语:1. Mr and Mrs 先生和夫人 2. on ones way to / on the way to 在去的路上;如:He is on his way to school. / I met my

22、 teacher on the way to school.3. country park 郊野公园/国家公园 4. the same watch 同样的手表 / the same as yours 和你的一样;如:My watch is the same as yours. / They are twins. They look the same.5. run (ran) up to 跑过去6. call him back 叫他回来 7. talk to和说话 8. be in motion 正在动9. arrive (arrived) at 到达 (小地方) arrive in 到达(大地

23、方),比如:arrive in Hong Kong, arrive in China. 10. the top of the hill 山顶 11. sit(sat) down on a bench 坐在一张长椅上面12. peaceful 祥和的,安静的。动词或名词后面加上 ful 这样的后 缀变成形容词。比如:careful,helpful, colorful, beautiful等。 13. keep doing sth / keep doing sth 继续做某事。Keep + adj (形容词) 保持;如:Why does he keep running all afternoon?

24、 / You should keep quiet.14. stop doing sth 停止做某事;/ have to do sth 不得不做某事;如:Stop playing and go to bed now. / She has to leave now.Chapter 3 Holiday plans in Hong Kong在香港度假计划单词及句型一、四会单词Ocean Park place district flag raising ceremony海洋公园 地方 地区 升旗仪式performance seafood open market forget to do演出 海鲜购物 露

25、天市场 忘记做某事else cousin a day out countryside其他 表兄妹 一日游 乡村order next finally after that (then)顺序 接下来 最后 然后visit the open market see the sea animals(see sea animals)参观开放市场 看海洋动物building tour bus best wishes pick somebody up建筑 旅游巴士 美好的祝福 用车接某人二、三会单词Causeway Bay铜锣湾 Stanley赤柱 the Peak 山顶 Wan Chai 湾仔 Tsim S

26、ha Tsui 尖沙咀 Sai Kung西贡 a beautiful city 一个漂亮的城市in Hong Kong 在香港 watch a performance (watch performances) 观看表演go shopping 购物 have lunch 吃午餐 bay 海湾 the peak 山顶三、重点句型1. Where will you go in Hong Kong? 你会去香港哪里?Ill go to Ocean Park. 我会去海洋公园。What will you do there? 在那(海洋公园),你将做什么?Ill see the sea animals t

27、here. 我会去看海洋动物。Ill = I will, 一般将来时:will do sth (will 后面跟动词原形)at, in 在什么地方,at 后面跟小地点,如:at school, at home, at hospital等;in 后面跟地点,如:in China, in Beijing, in Hong Kong等。复习提要I. 四会单词district 地区 forget to do 忘记做某事 a beautiful city 一个漂亮的城市in Hong Kong 在香港 flag raising ceremony 升旗仪式 go shopping 购物watch a pe

28、rformance(watch performances)观看表演 eat seafood 吃海鲜visit the open market 参观开放市场 see the sea animals (see sea animals) 看海洋动物have lunch 吃午餐 bay 海湾 peak 山顶 else 其他 Ocean Park 海洋公园II. 句型1. will 表示将来时,后面加动词原型:will+do 2. 问句答句时态保持一致。问句用将来时,答句也用将来时。 3. at 后面一般跟小地点,比如 at school, at hospital, at home, at the re

29、staurant 等等。4. in 后面一般跟大地点,比如国家和城市:in China, in Jiangsu, in Nanjing。5. I will= Ill 例句:Where will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你将会去哪里?Ill go to Ocean Park. 我将会去海洋公园。What will you do there? 在那里(海洋公园),你将会做什么?Ill see the sea animals there.我将会去看海洋动物。Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?Ill go to W

30、an Chai.我将会去湾仔 III. 短语1. be going to + do:将要做(将来时)What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to meet my friend at the airport. 2. some other+复数名词,放在肯定句中 any other+复数名词,放在疑问句或否定句中 I know they will invite some other people too. These books are not interesting. Do you have any other books? Sorry, there arent any other books. 3. Cant wait to see you 等不及要见你4. this Sunday(前面不加介词,如: this year,this morning)5. 电子邮件:a. from 发件人 / sent 发送(发送时间) / a.m. 上午 / p.m. 下午;b. to 收件人 / subject (邮件)主题Chapter 4:A visit to Hong Kong 参观香港单词及句型一、四会单词airport Arr

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