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1、完整版Unit10TheSpiritofMarathon学案4Unit10 The Spirit of Marathon 学案 4,5 课时 89UnitIOTheSpiritofMaratho ; : Learningobjectives (学习目; Carefulreadingt ofindthed;( 2) .Tohelpthestudentstog在生活中,保持并发扬马拉松精神:坚 持下去,永不放; 二: Teachi ngApproaches (教学方; 三: Teachi ngkeypo in tsa nddi ; 2.TeaUnit10 The Spirit of Maratho

2、n(Period 4 教学设计)一: Learning objectives(学习目标):1. Ability Objects (技能目标):Careful reading to find the details in the the first and the second paragrap h . To grasp the ma in phrases and senten ces.2. Kno wledge Objects(知识目标):(1) To grasp the main phrases.(2) . To help the students to grasp the main ide

3、a of the text. 3.Emotional goals (情感目标):在生活中,保持并发扬马拉松精神:坚持下去,永不放弃。培养学生团体合 作、努力拼博、积极向上的精神。二: Teaching Approaches (教学方法):Work in groups三:Teaching key points and difficult points (教学重难点): 1. TeachingKey points: words and phrases2.Teaching Difficult points: Help the Ss get the main idea of the text an d

4、 deal with difficult sentences四:Teachi ng aids (教学辅助):PPT 五:Teachi ng procedures (教学过程): Step1温故互查Read the text(para1.2)by themselves.Step2设问导读What sthe main idea of each paragraph.Paral.A fierce battle happened between and at Marathon. Para2.Thestory of . Step3.自学检测I can find and read these express

5、ions.the marath on race the Olympic Games the Persia ns Olympic flame在雅典马拉松精神在古代希腊希腊人将它据为己有公元前490年的九月 一场激烈的战斗 在 之间at a place called Marathen希腊的北部很多天的激烈战斗之后 在 擅长win the battle with greatjoy派 回雅典the news of victory 26英里 急于、渴望 、急着要 从到的距离 到达 尽可能快地 放弃without doing sth继续、持续跑 不再好消息倒下、摔倒for more than two th

6、ousand years Step4拓展延伸1.The Persia ns wan ted very much to have it as theirs.译:as 担任,作为 eg: She works as a secretary.2.In September of 490 BC, a fierce battle betwee n the Persia ns and the Greeks happened at a place called Marathon, north of Athens.译: BC 公 元前,是 before Christ (基督)的缩写。 AD 公元,Anno Dom

7、ini ?n?u?d?min ainorth of 以北, 的北边,与 “tothe north of含义和用法相同。eg: There is a small river north of the village.注意:to the north / east / south / west of一般表示位于某地范围之夕卜 eg: Japan is to the east of the north / east / south / west of 表示位于某地范围之内 eg: Sha nghai is in the east of China. on the north / ea

8、st / south / west of 表示 两地接壤eg: Shandong Province is on the east of Hebei Province.3.With great joy, the Greeks sent Pheidippides, a soldier who was good at running, back to Athens to tell their people the news of victory.译: eg: Tom was eager to come to the party. eg: Please come back as soon as pos

9、s ible.without doing sth.介词+doing ”在句中表示伴随。eg:他一言不发地走出房间。 She the room anything. 4. He kept on running and running.译:这个孩子总是问同样的问题。 The child the same question.5.Whe n he fin ally got to the city of Athe ns, he could n m ove any more. 译: 时间一去不复返。Time lost will return .Step5.巩固练习(Please read the sente

10、ncesin Paragraphl- 2 again, then r ecite them accordi ng to the Chin ese mea ning.) 比一比,谁记的最好! 译文:雅典是古希腊一座很美丽的城市。波斯人很想拥有这个城市。公元前 490年的九月,在雅典北部一个叫马拉松的地方,波斯语希腊之间爆发了一场激烈的 战争。经过了数日的艰苦战斗,希腊赢得了胜利。希腊人非常高兴,他们派了一名擅长跑步的士兵费迪皮第兹返回雅典城去告 诉人们这一好消息。马拉松与雅典之间的距离大概有 26英里。费迪皮第兹非常渴望立刻把这个好消息公布给大家, 所以他一刻不停地跑着。尽管非常疲惫,费迪皮第兹

11、并没有放弃。费迪皮第兹一直跑着,以至于当到达雅典时,他一动与不 能动了。他大声喊着: 好消息,我们赢了! ”之后,他倒在地上,离开了人世。至今,他的故事已经流传了 2000多年。Unit10 The Spirit of Marathon(Period 5教学设计)一:Learning objectives (学习目标):1. Ability Objects (技能目标):Careful readi ng to find the details in aragraph3-5 . To grasp the main phr ases and senten ces.2.Knowledge Objec

12、ts (知识目标):(1) To grasp the main phrases.(2) . To help the students to grasp the main idea of the text. 3.Emotiona l goals (情感目标):在生活中,保持并发扬马拉松精神:坚持下去,永不放弃。培养学生团体合 作、努力拼博、积极向上的精神。二: Teaching Approaches (教学方法):Work in groups三:Teaching key points and difficult points (教学重难点): 1. TeachingKey points: wor

13、ds and phrases2. Teaching Difficult points: Help the Ss get the main idea of the text an d deal with difficult sentences四:Teachi ng aids (教学辅助):PPT 五:Teachi ng procedures (教学过程): Step1温故互查Read the text(para4-5)by themselves.Step2 设问导读 What sthe ma in idea of each paragraph. please find out.The dista

14、nce of the marathon. The spirit of MarathonThe first modern Olympic Games were held and one of the important eve nts is the marathon. Step3.自学检测I can find and read these expressions.第一届现代奥运会be held在十九世纪末look fora big eve nt唤起古希腊的辉煌产生、出现一个长距离的跑步项目 every four years 重要的项目之一 the distanee of 42.195km giv

15、e up makes the runne rs exhaustedthink of参加,参与不是 而是通过跑步展示力量与意志 在某人的生活中保持和发扬坚Step4拓展延伸1.When the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens at the end of the 19th cen tury, people were look ing for a big eve nt to recall the an cie nt glory of Greece. at the end of 在 的末尾,末端eg:到本学期末,我们将学完这本书。 We t

16、his book this look for寻找,寻求eg: What are you ?你在找什么? 短语积累,读一读,记一记look over 检查 look about 四处观看 look after 照看,照顾 look ahead 计 划未来look around随便看看look at看,考虑look away把脸转过去look ba ck回顾过去look black怒目而视look blue神情沮丧look down看不起loo k like看.像look on旁观look out当心look in看望,成功的机会 2.The i dea of a marathon

17、 race came这个问题将在会议上提出来。 The problem . come about发生 comeacross 遇见 come up with 想出,找出(答案) come back 回来 come by走过 come dow n 降下 come in 进来 come in to 进入 come off 从 掉落 come on 上演 come out出来 come up 上升3.The distanee of 42.195 km is such a long way to run that not all the r unners can finish the ra

18、ce* such that :女口此这般 以至于 ”她是这么一个可爱的女孩,以至于许多人喜欢她。 She is girl many people like her. not all:不是所有(部分否定)并非所有男孩都喜欢足球.like football. 4. Why do people still thi nk of r unning a marathon? think of sth/sb/doing: 考虑;认为”eg:我们必须为他人考虑。 We others.5.As Coubertin once said, “The important thing in the Olympic Gam

19、es is not winning, but taking part. ”take part in 参力卩 eg:我们将参加这次运动会 We the sports meeting. 6. They keep their bod ies fit by keep+ (形容词,名词,分词,介词短语等),意为 使保持某种状态”。eg:水果、牛奶有助于我们保持健康 help us .Step5.巩固练习(Please read the sentencesin Paragraph 2 again, then r ecite them according to the Chinese

20、meaning.) 比一比,谁记的最好!19世纪末,当第一次奥林匹克运动会在雅典举行时,人们一直在寻找一项重大的项目纪念古代希腊的荣耀。 一个马拉松赛跑的想法被人们提出。 这是一项长距离的田径比赛一全长26.2英里或者42.195千米。现在,在每四年一次的奥 林匹克运动会中,马拉松已经成为一项重要的赛事。42.195千米时如此长的距离以至于并非所有的运动员能够完成比赛。 在马拉松长跑比赛中,跑步者的脚要碰触地面达 26,000多次,这些足以令他们精疲力歇为什么人们会想要跑马拉松呢?正如顾拜旦(Couberti n)曾经说过: 奥林匹运动中最重要的并非是取胜,而是参与”。人们通过跑步保持健康,而

21、参加马 拉松赛跑会体现他们的力量与意志。在生活中,他们将会保持并发扬马拉松精神: 坚持下去,永不放弃。Unit10TheSpiritofMaratho ; 1.thecityofAthens 雅典城;2.themarathonrace 马拉松赛跑;3.theOlympicGames 奥林匹克运动会;4.2008BeijingOlympicGame 5.Olympicflame 奥林匹克火焰;6.inAthens 在雅典;7.theSpiritofMarathon马拉松;8Unit10 The Spirit of Marathon1. the city of Athens 雅典城2.the ma

22、rathon race 马拉松赛跑3.the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会4.2008 Beijing Olympic Games 2008 北京奥林匹克运动会5.Olympic flame 奥林匹克火焰 Athens 在雅典7.the Spirit of Marathon 马拉松精神 ancient Greece 在古代希腊9.the Persians 波斯人10.the Greeks 希腊人11.have it as theirs 将它据为己有 September of 490 BC 公元前 490 年的九月13.a fierce battle 一场

23、激烈的战斗14.between and 在 之间 a place called Marathen 在一个叫马拉松的地方16.north of Athens 希腊的北部17.after days of hard fighting18.很多天的激烈战斗之后win the battle 赢得了这场战斗19.with great joy 带着具大的喜悦20.sent back to Athens 派 回雅典 good at 在 擅长22.the news of victory 胜利的消息23.26 miles 26 英里 eager to 急于、渴望 、急着要

24、e distanee from to 从 到 的距离26.get to 到达 soon as possible 尽可能快地28.without doing sth 没有做任何事情29.give up 放弃30.keep on running 继续、持续跑31.not any more 不再32.Good news 好消息33.fall down 倒下、摔倒34.for more than two thousand years35. the first modern Olympic Games第一届现代奥运会持续两千多年36. be held 被举办37. at the end of

25、the 19th century在十九世纪末38. look for 寻找39. a big event 一个大体育项目40. recall the ancient glory of Greece唤起古希腊的辉煌41. come up 产生、出现42. a long distance running event一个长距离的跑步项目43. every four years 每四年44. one of the important events重要的项目之一45. the distance of 42.195km 42.195公里的距离46. such +名词或名词词组+that如此 以至于47.

26、so+ 形容词或副词 +that 如此以至于48.not all(each,every,both)=al l(each,every,both) not 表示部分否定,并不是所有的,并非都.49.makes the runners exhausted 使跑步者筋疲力尽50.thi nk of 考虑51.running a maratho n 跑马拉松52.take part 参与53.take part in 参加,参与54.notbut不是 而是55.保持某种状态展示力量与意志keep sb/sth+ 形容词或名词使 running 通过跑步 their stre ng

27、th and one s life 在某人的生活中59.keep and develop 保持和发扬60.keep on doing 坚持61.give up 放弃4Step IV Read a loud and find o ut th e ans wers to th e question s(Ss rais e their h ands if t hey kno w the answers)Step5 Language P ointsSs -ask q uesti onswhich they cant unders tand ab out the t ext.Step

28、6Sum maryandHomk1. In thi s period ,we ha ve learned muc h about the Oly mpic games an d from t he textThe spi rit of M arathon,we have kn ow mor e aboutthe hist ory of t he Oly mpic games. N ow plea se mak e a brief summ ary abo ut the history o fthe Oly mpics u sing the inform ati on inthe text.Homew orkRecite t he Newwords i n unit 1 0.2Tran slat e the pa ssage.3. Com prehe ns ive exercises fr om text book an d the workboo k

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